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      sapporo444 replied to the thread MOONDROP Earbuds Returns!.
      I thought they would be as expensive (or close) to the Chaconne.
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      sapporo444 reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Yeah! Surprised. Apparently around 27 USD???
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      sapporo444 reacted to hifisquirrel's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Here are prices that I was quoted, before PayPal and shipping fees: Aurora wired - 8000 php Aurora mmcx head only - 6500 php Protheus...
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      sapporo444 reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Hmm that's frustrating. Here's what I paid more or less before shipping and PayPal fees: Model"Price (PHP) Note: MMCX heads only unless...
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      sapporo444 reacted to Brillig's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Yes, I have a lot going on right now, but more reason to plug in some great buds!
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      sapporo444 reacted to Brillig's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Maybe someone else has the Yinman 600s and can compare, but if not, my Aurora and W03 Pro are being shipped today to the US, and I will...
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      sapporo444 replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Oh, well, now I'm also interested in the LREY Aurora's. How do they compare to the Yinman's, what's the price and where can I buy them?
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      sapporo444 replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Is there that much of a difference in sound between the same driver, but with higher impedance? I know thinner cables and a bigger coil...
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      sapporo444 reacted to sofastreamer's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      finally my Yincrow rw3000 arrieved. they are really good after first hour of listening, tho something makes me want to stop testing and...
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      sapporo444 reacted to Kyonnie's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Congrats! It's nice to see more and more people joining the DIY scene. It's one of the best ways to continue earbuds as a hobby. It...
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      sapporo444 reacted to sofastreamer's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      i am not as experienced as the others, but owning alle the earbuds you named besides the rw3000 which will arive tomorrow, regarding...
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      sapporo444 reacted to sofastreamer's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      i am someone who says this about the ff3s. its still good, but the original is a little bit tighter and less wooly when it comes to...
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      sapporo444 replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Thank you. So many people recommend the Yinman's, so I'll go with that one and LBBS or FF3 (I haven't decided yet). Apparently, the FF3...
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      sapporo444 replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Thanks, I'll take a look at them later. I've decided on the Yinman 2.0 600 ohm and was thinking on getting a cheaper one to go along...
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      sapporo444 reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      You are very welcome! A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that because some refer to the Yinman as bassy and dark, that they...
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