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  1. juantendo8

    The Stax Thread III

    PriceJapan is up again. The manager was hospitalized, which accounts for the complete communication cut off. Thanks to paradoxper for the tip-off. This is what was posted on the site:       2016-08-05  We will resume our work from Aig 08      Really sorry for long-day...
  2. juantendo8

    Buying Stax SR-009 From

    Just wanted to say that PriceJapan came to a halt because the manager was hospitalized, which is posted on the website. I've already gotten my headphones through another proxy service, but I could probably recommend PriceJapan now that he is about to get the business up and running again.
  3. juantendo8

    Buying Stax SR-009 From

      It's only been about a month for me, but I am in a similar situation. I have more than $1k on the line on Stax headphones, and PriceJapan refuses to reply to my emails or give me a shipping notice. I have the feeling that I'm not getting my order, or at least in any time that could be...
  4. juantendo8

    The Stax Thread III

    ...and easily. The premium to buy locally is worth skipping this hassle and stress.   I have no vendetta against them, but I would heavily recommend steering clear of them for now. At least until they have proven that they have gotten their sh** together once again. Or that they still exist. 
  5. juantendo8

    The Stax Thread III

      I did a few hours after I ordered. They stated that the order may need a little longer to ship than normal, around 1 week. Unfortunately, that's the last that I ever heard from them.
  6. juantendo8

    The Stax Thread III

      I actually ordered the L700 from PJ at about the exact same time as you did. And I'm in the same exact same boat. They will not respond to emails. This is my first order with them, but I have kind of resigned myself to the fact that they're either having stock and/or communication issues. I...
  7. juantendo8

    NEW Vali Schiit AMP!!!

    I can confirm that the Vali is very, very nice with HD800s. I am using the Odac with these. Compared to the O2 amp these are a big step up in smoothness and expansiveness, while avoiding any loss of clarity (i.e. stereotypical tube muddiness) or obvious emphasis in any region. Some tracks that...
  8. juantendo8

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   Well, I really have no way to test this on a stock HD800 myself, as I don't feel like ripping out the foam inside mine. I can assure you that it is an improvement with the Anax 2.0 if you would ever be inclined to try it. Nothing fancy going on. Just flattening out the mids and...
  9. juantendo8

    Most overrated headphones?

    Quote:   I would have to agree that the K701 is a good headphone, something that I didn't always believe. EQ down that mid peak and you have the most neutral headphone you will get in its price range. Could afford to have a little more bass though. DT880 bass plus K701 everything else...
  10. juantendo8

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Yes, they have a thinner compressed timbre that is not natural in stock form. It is caused by a dip in the mids followed by a wild swing up to 6k. It's not unlistenably bad, but still a fundamental flaw in a headphone that aims for supreme neutrality. It is extremely apparent if you listen to...
  11. juantendo8

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    ...    Gain: -6.1     BW: 1.1 Peak filter III - Freq: 20000     Gain: 3     BW: 3     Gain filter - Freq: any     Gain: -3.3     BW: any   *The gain filter is to prevent clipping. Let your amp make up the difference by cranking up that volume knob.   Try it out if you can. You can...
  12. juantendo8

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    Quote:   Certainly. Considering the fact that a factory refurbished HD800 with original warranty is less, you would really have to love the LCD-2 beyond doubt to buy at that price. Hopefully the site made a mistake and the bamboo price remains unchanged.
  13. juantendo8

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    For those wishing to dabble in cables - I personally don't care for changing cables in the name of SQ, but if you must, make sure that it is on a headphone that you love and want to keep (preferably forever). Changing out cables is not something you should do to fix a headphone. It won't work...
  14. juantendo8

    LOL at all the Beats bashers........

    People hate it (justifiably so) because it is representative of our superficial society. It is a pay $200+ buy into an image club. People convince themselves that they sound the best so that they have no feelings of guilt and remorse to complicate their lives. In that regard, the Solos are...
  15. juantendo8

    Meridian Explorer DAC/Amp Stream of Consciousness Review (WARNING: Not Good)

    Wow, no wonder you totally screwed up the FR. I'm not sure if even 300Ω would be safe from that thing.
  16. juantendo8

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   I don't think it really competes, but it is a pretty nice headphone regardless with a similarly bright tuning. I would call it a good value. You probably have to step up to electrostatics and high-end orthos (HE-6) before you can consider competing from a performance perspective...
  17. juantendo8

    My take on LCD-2 and HD800

    I just got to reading your review, Max. Very nice job. You didn't single-handedly convince me, but you have encouraged me to save up and purchase an HD800. After hanging around Stax, I have found that overblown bass (relatively speaking) completely takes me out of my element and hinders my...
  18. juantendo8

    Fischer Audio FA-003Ti official announce.

    Quote:   I was more talking about the KSC-35 vs the KSC-75. Still a fantastic driver for the price either way, though.
  19. juantendo8

    Fischer Audio FA-003Ti official announce.

    Because that other time that a company titanium-coated an existing driver, it was an improvement. *Cough!* *Koss* *Cough!* Maybe it will work this time around.
  20. juantendo8

    48 Hour burned in HD598 can't beat PX100ii with 500+ hours of usage

    I was talking about the second version. I'm just too lazy to type the end numerals. The HD598 just sounds cleaner, more refined and less congested. I find that it is clearly more resolving with the most demanding music. I hear better extension and a little less recess in the upper registers...