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  1. M

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I guess SR-1 and Ca-1a are quite different in this aspect. There's a possibility that SR-1 might get overanalytical and strict with more detailed silver cable, at least with certain amps. What I hope is, that Silver 8 makes Ca-1a's bass a bit tighter and more articulate and mid- and high...
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    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I can compare ribbons and e-stats only between Ca-1a and Jade ii and Stax Sr-L500mk2. There's a slogan of e-stats as a "clear window to music" and I think that's true with my e-stats also. They are quite distortion free and their bass response is qualitatively good imo, but less prominent in...
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    At zero gain dip settings luckily the disturbances vanish. So by adjusting the good synergy of The Composer and Violectric remains. With higher gain sound is very much liking a vinyl record that's not in good shape. It's funny, that although I also had read of these impedance mismatches many...
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    Thanks! So it must propably be, have to change those Dip-switch positions if needed.
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    Hei again, I've encountered an odd noise problem with The Composer and Violectric v340 amp. The disturbing voices occur when I switch the gain dips of Violectric for +6, +12 or +18. This happens with 6.3mm se- and also XLR-connectors. I wonder if someone else has this kind of noise problems...
  6. M

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I bought a new TI-1b from Headphone Auditions Amsterdam about a month ago. Their storage is in Germany and the price is 840€ if I remember right. I tried to buy a used TI-1b from U.S, but for some reason Ebay's rules didn't allow this shipment?!
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    Aune S17 pro

    If you watch carefully, you see that a very small 6-facet key is needed for opening the remote. Can be bought in tool departments in most shops I suppose. Can't remember if the key came with Aune.
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    Aune S17 pro

    Nice idea! AI is a champ in data analysis😉
  9. M

    Aune S17 pro

    With Gustard mainly Qobuz hi res, no upsampling. I had earlier Music fidelity V-series very basic dac and liked it a lot. Then I mainly listened with loudspeakers anyhow and it's of course a bit different. Teac is a bit sad story because it's network card broke down after about three years of...
  10. M

    Aune S17 pro

    About Dacs a small comparing. I'm listening acoustic Bela Fleck with Aune s17pro Gustard R26 Dac and Teac Nt-505 dac part with Akm 4491? chip and imo the differences in soundstage are minimal. Maybe the dac change isn't a revolution in soundstage anyhow. Otherwise Gustard sounds a bit more...
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    Aune S17 pro

    I've always admired conductors' ability to hear small things happening in a big symphony orchestra. I guess many of them are exceptional individuals, but they have also practiced their hearing ability vastly compared to many other people. I want to believe this ability, in some respect at least...
  12. M

    Aune S17 pro

    If your neighbours read this, I can see small sweat drops on their foreheads. But seriously, it's definitely wise to invest in things with which you spare more time. If you prefer two-channels with loudspeakers, a good pre-amp is essential. I had to consider music listening ways when we moved...
  13. M

    Aune S17 pro

    You seem to have Senn 800 S among your headphones. I haven't ever heard 800S, but it's famous for it bery wide and big soundstage. On the other hand I don't know many dacs so well that I'd dare to evaluate the dac's role in soundstage issue. Anyhow I'm tending to think so, that headphones role...
  14. M

    Aune S17 pro

    I think Ichos is a very sympathetic reviewer, who merely points out the good and better properties of the gear he's reviewing. In this thread you can read perhaps his merely personal views (maybe not so meant for wider audiences). If I understood right, he esteems Mentor at least technically...
  15. M

    Aune S17 pro

    I would say, with diplomacy, that I believe both Aune and Mentor are both exceptionally good headphone amplifiers within and over their price tags. In an ideal world Aune and Flux had dealers in every country. In Finland we unfortunately don't have neither of them. So I bought Aune S 17Pro from...
  16. M

    Aune S17 pro

    For evaluation we have objevtive measurements, other people's opinions and reviews, our tastes, ears and brain. If you read my last comment earlier today, you met my personal tastes and thoughts based also on other people's views, not so much objective measurements unless they have influenced...
  17. M

    Aune S17 pro

    Very important points of Ukraine and Mentor vs Aune. Term "upgrade path" might be quite problematic especially if you, in this case, sell Aune, which you like and buy Mentor because of fancy reviews. If I understand right, Aune and Mentor are soundwise really different solid state head amps. I...
  18. M

    Aune S17 pro

    Some reviewers want to point the role of amp power's role in bass quality too. I'm just now listening Raal Ca-1a ribbon headphones with Aune S17pro. 55+ vol levels are in use, but at least I feel there is plenty of headroom left and also bass goes deep. I'm anyhow quite sure that especially the...
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    Aune S17 pro

    If I've understood right Flux Mentor is a special amp concept where you can combine two mentors for huge power and soundstage especially. I guess the 2600$ price is for two mentors stack. One unit price should be about 1250-1300$. The two units stack propably is the most powerfull headphone amp...
  20. M

    Accurate Sound convolution filters

    Accurate Sound has a 14 day free trial period. I think it's a good idea to try so you can compare with/without filters by one click of the mouse. With HLC the neutral filter set for Raal Ca1a is wonderfull. If your headphones are very neutral anyhow, the effect of filters might be lesser. I...
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    Aune S17 pro

    I have to admit that I've bought Nordost Supreme Odin cables XLR and QED cables XLR from Aliexpress China. They are reasonably priced, great sounding and impressive looking cables. Anyhow they definitely should not be named as they are. I don't know have the chinese replica producers met the...
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    Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread

    Thanks! I try to mediate this info to the audio service.
  23. M

    Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread

    Yes. I got Ti-b1 transformer with which Raals work normally.
  24. M

    Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread

    Thanks! I'm afraid the audio service guys are now in point where they are trying to exclude possible reasons, one after another. I was hoping there's a small chance that someone in this thread recognizes the problem and could point out some possible, even propable reasons for this kind of...
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    Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread

    I don't know, but I'd prefer thinking it was ok. I just wonder, if someone recognizes this power on-no sound situation. Could it be the time relay, contact to headphone cable adaptor and so on. What could prohibit the sound signal to headphones? I can send the amp back, but all the expenses are...