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  1. silverlight

    Help with selecting a High-End portable IEM / amp / dac setup

    So I'm in audio nirvana with my desktop setup and am really happy with it (electrostatic, HE90's playing out of a Woo WES maxxed w/ nos tubes, source is a Amarra 4 DAC / heavily tweaked headless mac mini with linear psu and lots of power cleaning).  Itching to get some nice quality audio while...
  2. silverlight

    Stax Omega II Mk2 setup question - headband

    So just breaking in a pair now.  Really like the sound.  Can hear some of the treble emphasis (although can tweak this a little with the ear pad position) that folks have talked about on the forums.  Overall really like the sound out of the box with the WES.  The amp is also new and breaking in...
  3. silverlight

    Stax setup recommendation?

    Hi - would appreciate a recommendation from those here who have experience with Stax setups.  Would really like to give them a go.  the SR404LE seems like a reasonably entry point on the phones (don't really want to reach $$ wise for the SR007II or 4070 unless you tell me it's night at day)...
  4. silverlight

    Head pain from new headphones

    So any advice for getting a headache wearing a new pair of headphones for more than an hour. not the kind of listening fatigue I was expecting getting into headphones. Had the HD800's only for a couple of days, burning them in, but get a migrane like pain after an hour (top of head, starts to...
  5. silverlight

    Amp recommendations between Berkeley Alpha and HD 800 ?

    My first post here, great site! Have learned alot already (and recognize this is probably a somewhat annoying JV question...) I've been spending most of my time building and tuning my stereo setup and now want to turn to powering headphones. Have read lots of comments here on SS and tube amps...