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  1. qoouep

    Pairing: HD600 or HD650 with the HiFiman HE-560

    I have an HE-560 and an HD600 with a broken driver. I want to keep my HD600 as a companion to the HE-560, but I can choose to get either a single new HD600 driver ($70.90 each) or two new HD650 drivers ($50.23 each). It would cost about $30 more to get HD650 drivers over the single HD600 driver...
  2. qoouep

    HD600 owner looking to buy some orthos

    Ironically enough, it seems like I won't be buying anything. Now we play the waiting game and enjoy the HD600 and Schiit stack for the time being.
  3. qoouep

    HD600 owner looking to buy some orthos

    Thanks!   After doing a bit of research, it seems that I might want to just plan on getting LCD's at some point instead of going the hifiman route. If I were to upgrade my amp/dac, I'd probably get Gungnir/Mjolnir, which is said to work much better with LCD's (where that is a pretty endgame...
  4. qoouep

    HD600 owner looking to buy some orthos

    That's actually some pretty good info, Garraty. It might be good for me to hold off on a purchase for a while then and see what impressions people have of those.
  5. qoouep

    HD600 owner looking to buy some orthos

    Hello HeadFiers,   It's been a while since I've posted. My last major audio purchase was a Bifrost/Asgard/HD600 (first version for the Schiit) about two years ago. I'm thinking about upgrades/sidegrades and am wondering what direction I should move in. I really like my HD600 and think I will...
  6. qoouep

    No grounding on DAC and amp?

    Uggghhhh, uDAC and my new ER4P it is then...
  7. qoouep

    No grounding on DAC and amp?

    Oh yeah, and they have a different voltage too, don't they? Arrgh. Maybe I'll just be stuck with my uDAC all year...
  8. qoouep

    No grounding on DAC and amp?

    Maybe I'll just go without for the Summer. I'll only be here till September. Hopefully my place next year will have the ground. I'm studying abroad in Japan next year.
  9. qoouep

    No grounding on DAC and amp?

    I wasn't sure the best place to post this, but I thought it would be okay here.   Over the Summer I will have no ground on my outlets. Should I not plug in my Schiit DAC and amp? I'd really like to be able to use them...   What are the risks?
  10. qoouep

    Best IEMs for "naked" iTouch/iPhone

    Quote:   That worries me. It looks like the Etymotic Research ER-4PT (with the new cable) is my best option. Anyone else have other suggestions?
  11. qoouep

    Best IEMs for "naked" iTouch/iPhone

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I'm most interested in the Etymotic Research ER-4PT and the Aurisonics ASG-1.2. Does anyone have experience with both of these who can comment on the quality of the two of them? There's a price differential of about $80.    Also, can someone comment on how...
  12. qoouep

    Best IEMs for "naked" iTouch/iPhone

    Edit: moved information to original post
  13. qoouep

    Best IEMs for "naked" iTouch/iPhone

    So I'm looking to get a good set of IEMs for going directly out of my iTouch (possibly soon to be iPhone). Right now I have the ADDIEMs, but I'm looking for something with a little better sound. My home system is Bifrost -> Asgard -> HD600 and I'd like something that sounded similar (but lower...
  14. qoouep

    Upgrade uDAC to Schiit Bifrost?

    Quote: Well, for these purposes I think the 10% is a lot. If I decided I didn't like the Bifrost wasn't what I wanted, I would probably end up trying different DACs anyway, potentially spending even more on shipping and restocking. Basically, what I decided when I ordered the Bifrost...
  15. qoouep

    Headphone advice for Anedio/Burson setup

    Hmm... interesting choice. I just upgraded my setup, but I have been thinking I'll upgrade to the HE-500 and HA160 a couple years down the road. (Or, of course, new versions.)   Give an update when you get your HE-500s: I'd like to know what you think!
  16. qoouep

    Upgrade uDAC to Schiit Bifrost?

    Ah, you guys brought my post back from the dead!   Since making the original post, I ordered a Bifrost from Amazon via Audio Advisor. The difference was immediately noticeable, but came at first with a bit of a bittersweet taste. At first it sounded TOO detailed to me. It was odd at first to...
  17. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    I bought my Asgard on the official web site, but I did pick my Bifrost on Amazon (via Audio Advisor) for the list price ($450 w/USB), but saved about $50 in tax and shipping. The Bifrost was also available on Amazon when it wasn't on   Overall I had a good experience from Audio...
  18. qoouep

    Upgrade uDAC to Schiit Bifrost?

    Thanks everyone for the opinions! I think I'll try to test out my friend's V-DAC and make a call after that.   Quote: As for the 15 day trial, it's still a bit of a costly endeavor. You have to pay shipping both ways (about $10 x 2 = $40) where I live and a 5% transaction fee ($450 x...
  19. qoouep

    Upgrade uDAC to Schiit Bifrost?

    Quote:   Good to know. I keep feeling like I'm missing out on a secret club of nicer DACs -- like there are sounds I'm missing since I'm using just a uDAC. I'm setting up a meet with a guy who has a Musical Fidelity V-DAC so I can see what better DACs would sound like on my system...
  20. qoouep

    Upgrade uDAC to Schiit Bifrost?

    I purchased a Schiit Asgard and a Sennheiser hd600 last week. I'm wondering how much of a difference it would make to upgrade my uDAC to a Schiit Bifrost. I'm assuming that it would have good synergy with the other two components since the Schiit products are built around the hd600s.   Now...
  21. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    That's what I thought. Just checking -- last thing I want is the wrong voltage!   I'm ordering it now... does anyone know any coupon codes by any chance?
  22. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    Just ordered the hd600 on Amazon. For the Asgard, I should get the 115V, right?
  23. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    It seems like you're implying that the Schiit Asgard is not a solid state amp. It is solid state, so we're on the same page here.   Edit: Missed a couple posts. I was responding to seslwr above commenting about his preference for solid state amps.   As for ebay, I'd rather not purchase...
  24. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    I was looking at getting (only) an amp (at the time it was the MKV), but after doing research, I've changed my plans a bit. Instead of making a new thread, I bumped this one with new info, which I'll admit may have been a little confusing.   Ever since I first tried my hd595, I figured I'd...
  25. qoouep

    hd600 + Schiit Asgard?

    I'm doing the "upstream" upgrade path as much as I can, but I don't expect that it would be fair to pick up the hd600s and judge them without an amp better than the one built into the uDAC (correct me if you think I'm wrong here).   I also quite like my hd595s, so in that sense I am also...