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  1. gabru678

    How to move on and up from ATH-M50's?

    Ohh so the OEM nvx or someone else? and how are those for the sound I am looking for?
  2. gabru678

    How to move on and up from ATH-M50's?

    So I see that the NVX XPT100 seem to be a copy of several headphones.  Are these similar in the drivers?  Or is it the casing that is the same thorough the range?
  3. gabru678

    How to move on and up from ATH-M50's?

    I have a pair of ATH-M50’s that I have had for about 1.75 years now and would now like to pick a new pair.  I have been out of the Head-Fi loop for a little while now and am now interested in getting in and getting something new again.   I would like to keep the budget under $250 and like to...
  4. gabru678

    Differences between Leather, Pleather, and Velour?

    Hey sorry for the noob-ish question but the Audio Technica ATH-M50's come with Pleather right?
  5. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    Quote: Hey sorry guys, but I think I may have lucked out because I did not believe them at first either so I went to a Guitar Center and checked with the ones they have and mine felt, and sounded as solid as they did.  Maybe it was luck of the draw? Optimus I also just checked that the...
  6. gabru678

    Output program

    Wow foobar is great! Even though i liked winap's ease of use, this might grow on me.  Might take some time to get it perfect.  Anybody know where i can get the basic levels of customizations? I watched some youtube videos that showed how custom you can get it but does anybody know of a...
  7. gabru678

    Output program

    Thats great!  As a budding audiophile (I didnt have the budget before) I'm sort of noobish to all this, but thanks for all your help.
  8. gabru678

    Output program

    does it play both .flac and .mp3?  
  9. gabru678

    Output program

    Hey guys i was just wondering what program you use to listen to your music on your computer. right now i dont have a AMP/DAC setup yet but i still would like to know what with a full set up using my computer as a reciever for my audio equipment should i use? I dont really like iTunes (It...
  10. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    Hey guys,    As for the store, I  got my ATH-M50's in the mail today!    So it seems safe to buy from this place.   For those who still dont want to buy from that place I found another great deal for...
  11. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    Right Here: there you can choose from either coiled or straight cable. But they do ship from Hong Kong so it will take a while to ship. P.S. they are legit...
  12. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    Hmmm so it seems from your view that my set up shouldn't matter? as long as I dont turn them up too loud? <--- Obvious :P I dont think i am going to run it through the amp until i think i have had enough burn in time
  13. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    another thing I do play them through an EQ on my computer. should i De-activate that first? and if i borrow my friends AMP should i not plug them in first, and wait for a decent burn in period before i turn on the EQ and plug in the AMP?
  14. gabru678

    ATH M50 burn in procedure.

    Hey guys just off the bat I just want to say i have always been a bit of a audiophile (ALL my music is 320 KBps or higher) but have never really had the money to spend on true Hi-Fi gear, so i figured that one day when i get enough money i would be prepared. but just last week I was accepted...