Reviews by Bigshow33


Pros: Sound, fit, comfort, build quality, design with carrying case.
Cons: Removable cable yes, but...
[size=13.0pt]I have to start once again with saying that I love the sound signature of Sennheiser so I might have a biased opinion with these headphones. I think these are a definite step up from the 280’s. The sound from both sides of the spectrum and everything in between is just smooth and sounds great. I do not listen to any EDM or anything with a lot of electronic beats, etc… I mostly listen to adult contemporary, country, rock, alternative, and jazz. I also like the portability, because the fold down flat and the included case is nice too. They do have a detachable cable, which is a plus but you can only use Sennheiser replacement cables with the similar fitting plug. It is an 1/8 inch but it has a unique connecting piece on the headphone cup. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting a good closed can!     [/size]
Are these as good as closed-back headphones get? (at any price)
these **** on the ath-m50s
@dibbasoat, I don't think I could definitively answer that question. I have heard many different closed cans and I can say that I always find myself coming back to Sennheiser. Specs can tell you a lot about a headphone, but in the end it all comes down to personal taste. All the cans that I have listened to though, I have not had an adequate amount of time to make an actual fair assessment. I would compare them to the similarly priced Shure SRH840. I really like those headphones as well and that will probably be my next purchase.
@XxDobermanxX, so am I to understand that you like these cans over the M50’s? I have not had the chance to listen to the M50’s and would like to someday soon. With all that’s written about them on this forum I can’t help but think I would like them.


Pros: Good build quality, solid sound.
Cons: The headband...
[size=13.0pt]The first of these that I have are going on 5 years old, I am also listening to them while I type this review. I am basing my opinion on this pair. I received a NIB pair about a month ago but have not listened to them yet. I really like everything about this headphone. I am a big fan of the Sennheiser sound signature though; they always seem to suite my musical tastes. I have a preference for closed cans, and this is a solid one for an entry level of better sound. My one complaint is that I have a large head and have to extend the headband all the way out on both sides. This is where my complaint comes into play, with them in full extension and on my head, the band sticks out weirdly from my head. It is an almost comical the way it looks. Other than that I cannot fault these cans.   [/size]
Find a box a little wider than your head and put them on there overnight, repeat until they feel a little better. I've had a pair for about 5 years too, I forget what model sennheisers they replaced (500's I think), curiously the box for each said "made in Ireland". I like the 280's better actually as providing good isolation, good sound (mostly pleasant tonality w/ample bass), good build quality. I feel about the same as you.... all in all a nice 99 dollar can.
Thanks for the advice. The comfort is great, I love the isolation they provide. I just the think with the band fully extended and then placed on my head it looks funny! It literally sticks out like 4 or 5 inches on both sides of my head.


Pros: Sound, comfort, and build quality!
[size=13.0pt]While they have a slight v-shape to their sound, I would not say mids are overly recessed, to where the sound suffers. I love the sound for the music I listen to! Build quality is really good and they have no visible signs of damage. Comfort is a big deal with these particular cans, the large velour ear pads are amazing.  [/size]