Reviews by pdrm360


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Fully balanced DAC/Amp, Numerous control features and output options
Cons: No audio input
Almost the only DAC/Amp I need to drive all of my headphones and IEMs, as a portable solution or on my desk.


Headphoneus Supremus
I spent a few months to find a good upgrade from the HD598. I had tried HE-500, LCD2.2, and Grado GS1000. I had never wanted to try a HD700 after having read the criticism about the sound and the bad measurements.  Between those I chose the LCD2, but because a friend's suggestion I got a HD700 from amazon. I just wanted to make sure LCD2 is the best choose on $1000 range headphones but from the first minute I tried the HD700 I found that it’s not as bad as some of the reviews. 
After burn-in the headphone for around 40 hours I spent whole a weekend to compare HD700 to LCD2, to me they had a same sound quality with different sound signature, for some genres I preferred HD700 and for some genres, LCD2.  Finally I decided to keep the HD700, since it had a same SQ but much more comfortable than LCD2.  The HD 700 feels like it weighs almost nothing on my head and the earpads don’t make my ears sweat even after hours of use.
Honestly I didn’t find any 5.5 kHz peak, but maybe a bit around 6.5 kHz. Yes, I found some hot trebles and sibilance in the beginning but after a couple months of listening what I can say according to my ears and impression, most of them have been smoothen out. 
The HD700 build quality is not bad at all; it is constructed by high quality plastic with a hint of metal. I don’t have any concern of its long-term durability base on my experience with other plastic made headphones from Sennheiser. 
In compare to my HD650, the HD700 has more trebles energy, deeper and more refined bass, wider sound stage, better instrument separation, more revealing and much faster, though the HD650 is more transparent to my ears.
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Headphoneus Supremus
The AF56's are capable of producing a tight, punchy and defined bass with fairly smooth and crisp highs. The overall performance of these headphones with 13mm dynamic drivers could make you impressed, especially at this price point (~$70). 
Audiofly Aus
Audiofly Aus
Thanks for the review!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Clear and detailed sound, deep bass, lifetime warranty, great accessories
Cons: A bit too much bass, build quality control
The MTPC produces a balanced, detailed, and neutral (a slight warm) with bass-boost sound-signature. One of the best in-ear headphones I've ever heard but for bassheads.  