Reviews by pradiptacr7


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Unique Musical Tonality, Lifelike Instrumental Timbre, TOTL Bass, Top Tier Mids, 3 Different Tuning Filters
Cons: Fit is an issue for some, Not all filters are equally good (Nitpicking)

SPIRIT TORINO TWIN PULSE BERYLLIUM IEM- A Concentration of Technology at the Service of Music

Introduction: -

Spirit Torino is an Italy-based audio company founded by Andrea Ricci. It all started with collaborations with hi-fidelity stores in 1993 in Turin, Italy which is known for its numerous art galleries, restaurants, churches, palaces, opera houses, piazzas, parks, gardens, theatres, libraries, and museums. After starting with a series of electronic cabinets and pedestals crafted from mahogany and walnut in 1995 to becoming a record label for recording concerts in 2002, in 2007 they first began with modifying closed and open-back commercial headphones. Fast forward to 2014 Spirit Prototyping Laboratory was born to rework a significant quantity of headphones to meet the needs of audiophiles. Moving on to 2017 after lots of research and development the founder assembled the prototype of Twin Pulse, which became the first isobaric motor unit for headphones in the world. Spirit Torino presented “Radiante” in 2019 at the Tokyo Headphone Festival: the first headphone in the world with an external passive radiator, winning second and third place in the competition in April with the Super Legerra and the Twin Pulse and first place in November with the Radiante.

Today we will be reviewing SPIRIT TORINO TWIN PULSE BERYLLIUM IEMs at Aural Cafe which is SPIRIT TORINO’s first attempt at making a high-fidelity in-ear monitor.

Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM launched in 2023 is Spirit Torino’s first offering in the world of hi-fi IEMs after coming up with many flagship headphones. Twin pulse beryllium is powered by 2 x 10mm dynamic micro drives Beryllium dynamic drivers in Spirit Torino’s patented twin pulse isobaric system (Cone to magnet setup) which is currently the hottest setup in today’s Audiophile world. Isobaric setup was prominently used in speakers but now many respected audio companies are implementing the same in their headphones and IEMs. One can read more about the isobaric setup through this link:

According to Spirit Torino, this setup helps in overcoming the transient speed issues of dynamic driver-based IEMs. Moreover, twin Pulse offers playback linearity calibrated on isophonic Fletcher-Munson curves (of equal sensitivity to the human ear) and can therefore be used as a reference tool to verify the timbre reliability of a recording. Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEM is priced at US$ 850.00.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Technology: Twin Isobaric System
  • Driver Configuration: 2 Dynamic Driver (10mm Beryllium micro drives)
  • Impedance: 16Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 14Hz-33Khz
  • Sensitivity: 114dB/mW @1kHz
  • Cable: 1.2m Litz 392 Cores OCC Silver-plated + 8 Cores Silver
  • Max Power Rating: 2mW
Disclaimer: -

We have received a small discount, and we are thankful to the amazing team at SPIRIT TORINO for it. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it. However, the review reflects our honest opinions as always.

Packaging & Accessories: -
  • Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs
  • 7 pairs of Ear-Tips (Silicone, Memory Foams and Dual Flange)
  • IEM Cable with 3.5mm Termination
  • IEM Cable with 4.4mm Termination
  • 3 Different Nozzle Filters
  • 6.35mm Adopter Jack
  • Leather Carry Box and Cleaning Tool
  • Documentation
Check out the full unboxing video here,


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IEM Build, Design & Fit: -

Coming from Turin, Italy, famous for its art galleries and museums, the team at Spirit Torino didn’t disappoint us from the very moment we unboxed. Everything inside the box from the IEMs to the cables, the carrying case, to the ear tips screams art and craftsmanship from the very go. We at Aural Cafe are pleasantly surprised by the quality of accessories rare to find in the sub-1000 US$ range. Even the packaging they’ve used very high-quality materials.

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The IEM shell boasts of lightweight aluminium structure machined by high-precision CNC machinery, to rebuild the complex Twin Pulse isobaric system in miniature form. The proprietary complex Ventilated Pad system earlier implemented in Spirit Torino headphones evolved into the Micro Ventilation Pad System as it was necessary to rethink the micro-frame from scratch to calibrate the complex interplay of pressures generated in the acoustic chambers of the Twin Pulse system to ensure the dissipation of the extra pressures when inserting the In-ear monitor into the ear. The Micro VPS also allows the audiophile to select different sound signatures according to their needs by changing the provided three pairs of front filters. The IEM is designed in bullet form which is unique and will surely have a love-hate relationship with the different audiophiles. In our case, we did find it a bit difficult to use initially but after bending the IEM hooks slightly inward we were good to go and had no difficulties. The IEM is light in weight and provides above-average isolation. The artistic faceplate clones the Spirit Torino legendary Valkyria headphones and is actually a functional part of the driver setup.


Inside the Twin Pulse, employs two identical 10mm micro drivers with powerful neodymium magnets and Beryllium-treated membranes to act synchronously over the entire audio range, zeroing out typical micro-acoustic problems and dangerous phase interference without any crossover to minimize any kind of distortion. It comes with two sets of custom-made Litz SPC cables in 3.5 and 4.4 terminations along with a custom-made high-quality 6.3mm jack adapter. We are very surprised by the thoughts, research and development that has gone into designing each section of the IEMs and accessories in this beautiful piece of art which is “Made of Sound”.


Sound Analysis: -

Credits: Spirit Torino Officials
  • Tonality: - From the very moment we put on Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium we are amazed by its unique yet musical and immersive hi-fi experience. The stock high-quality SPC cable also adds to the musical tonality of the IEM. According to the team at Spirit Torino, it is tuned for both audiophiles and professionals in the field of music who can use it for mastering and post-production. The tonality is borderline neutral with a musical tinge to the whole experience. The timbre of the instruments is lifelike real, and the IEM successfully takes us inside the live concert. We like the neutral grey filter in this regard, with the memory foam tips. There is a sense of control and yet at the same time lows, mids and highs flow like a river. The tonality is natural organic and fun.
  • Lows: - With the implementation of the patented twin pulse isobaric system, the lows are surprisingly natural, organic, and dynamic in every respect. The bass is subtly tuned without any hint of muddiness in Mids. The bass not only has the right quantity and quality but exceptional control and speed all thanks to the unique isobaric system. While the red tuning nozzles add up to 3 dB of bass the black nozzles can reduce the same by 3 dB and can be helpful while listening to jazz. The mid-bass with red tuning filter sounds very fun and immersive while listening to EDM whereas the same is beautifully balanced on the grey reference filter (our favourite tuning filter). It comes a bit forward on the red filter. The sub-bass with just the right layering shows up beautifully while listening to the EDM genre, especially on the red filter. While listening to Starboy by the Weekend and Nakshatram by Jean du Voyage on Dethonray SG1 Gold with the black tuning filter the mid-bass is hard-hitting and deep with effortless sub-bass and solid male vocals. The bass on the black tuning filter is a bit light and becomes handier for audiophiles who strictly love reference-tuned IEMs.
  • Mids: - The Mids on the IEMs are top tier with the right energy, resolution, and soul. The vocals are natural and organic without losing any control even in complex tracks. The Mids are more referenced in grey tuning filter and black while a tinge forward with the red filter. The IEMs show their power with solid lower Mids and male vocals in complex rock, metal, and Hip-Hop tracks. We loved listening to Godzilla by Eminem (grey tuning filter) with stock cable and silicone tips in Dethonray DTR1+ while with a tinge more resolution, the female vocals shine with black tuning filter, wide bore silicone tips in Aune M1p pairing with the Linum SuperBax cable setup. Michael Jackson’s Thriller would give you the thrill you might have missed before in this.
  • Highs: - The Highs on the Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium are tuned in a very reference and balanced way (In Grey filter). The mid treble has decent sparkle and air keeping in mind the reference tonality of the unit. We at Aural Cafe love the treble on twin pulse beryllium with the grey filter, whereas it becomes a touch more transparent with the black filter and a bit warmer with the red filter. The treble remains organic and smooth across the high frequency without any sharpness where solid micro details are showcased more naturally and effortlessly. The treble is sweet along the transient response is super immersive and unique which hits the right point the same is showcased while listening to Yosi Horikawa’s Swashers, with PW Audio Monile Two Wire + Aune M1p + Spinfit CP145 tips.
  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The Soundstage on Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium is top tier in both width and depth all thanks again to the patented twin pulse isobaric system. While listening to ‘Koi Faryaad’ a Hindustani Classical Ghazal by the great Jagjit Singh the highs as well as the lows hit just the right point without any lack ness especially in depth. the soundstage depth is where most sub-1000 US$ items really don’t shine but we loved the way it handles in Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs and becomes handy, especially with the different genres of music. The Imaging on Spirit Torino is again top notch which is beautifully showcased while listening to ‘Shakti’ from Five Peace Band. Layering is showcased with solid control whenever needed in the track. We believe that the high-quality beryllium dynamic driver also helps a lot with sound staging and imaging. The soundstage becomes a tinge more open with Spinfit W1 tips.
  • Synergy: - The Spirit Torino Twin pulse beryllium IEMs come with a decent 114db of sensitivity which makes it fairly easier to drive. It can become useful while walking and listening to music on the move with a decent dongle such as Aune Yuki or Hidizs S9 Pro Plus. But if you want to see the true colours we would suggest listening to Spirit Torino IEMs with a transparent DAP. It scales a lot with different sources, cables, and tips due to its true reference nature. We loved it a lot with the Dethonray DTR1+ and stock cable which to our surprise really complemented the reference tuning of the Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs. When it comes to ear tips, we love the way it sounded with Spinfit CP145 although the stock tips also efficiently do their work. We also suggest using a high-quality cable such as PW Audio Monile two-wire version if you want to extract more from the unit.


Conclusion: -

Being in this hobby for the last 8 years we audiophiles at Aural Cafe are lucky and blessed to own and audition numerous high-quality items from different brands across the world. Well, each audiophile has their taste for IEMs and headphones, we believe that the actual quest for every audiophile in this hobby is to be able to listen to different flavours that sound top tier and yet have their uniqueness and identity which is very very rare to find. We can happily say that Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs is one such gem that sounds truly reference yet unique with its own soul. From the unboxing to the built quality and accessories the team at Spirit Torino has worked hard to present their first attempt at building a top-tier IEM and that also at a reasonable price of 850 US$. Although the bullet housing design of the IEMs is subjective, if you are in search of an IEM that sounds unique yet reference this as an easy recommendation from us at Aural Cafe. If they could have made it in a more conventional design IEM, it would be absolutely flawless.

Non-Affiliated Link: -
Very well put up review.
Thank you :beerchug:


500+ Head-Fier
Hiby Yvain Review
Pros: Very Good Tonality for All-BA IEMs, Nice build and ergonomic design, No hint of Typical BA timbre, Well Balanced Mids
Cons: Transient response is not good in Complex tracks, Treble needs to be airy, Source peaky, Not the best technicality for the price


Introduction: -

Established in 2011, Hiby Music specializes in research, development, and sales of high-quality portable audio products. They have developed dozens of digital audio players (DAPs), IEMs, USB DACs, etc. Their first landmark product in this audiophile world was Hiby R6 which we are proud to be the first owner in the international market when they launched. Today we are reviewing their latest offering in IEMs categories, Yvain. It consists of Four Balanced armature drivers per side. Knowles Non-damper BA for Bass, Sonion Customized Full-Ranged BA and Knowles Hi-res Tweeter with three-way electronic crossover. Yvain comes with a 2-pin PCOCC cable and can be terminated as per your needs as it’s modular to 3.5mm and 4.4mm. Yvain’s shell is constructed from medical grade 3D Printed material providing a suitable, comfortable, and skin-friendly experience. Moving to its price it retails at US$ 239.00.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 4 Balanced Armature (1 x Knowles Non-Damper BA for Bass, 2 x Sonion Customized BA full range, 1 x Knowles Hi-Res BA)
  • Crossovers: 3-way Electronic Crossover
  • Impedance: 23Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-40Khz
  • Sensitivity: 116dB/mW
  • Max Input Power: 100mW
  • Cable: PCOCC Cable
  • Plug: Modular with 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Disclaimer: -

The review tour for Hiby R3 II was arranged by Joe Bloggs and Gadgetgod (Head-fi) in India. We are thankful to them for the opportunity. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Hiby Yvain didn’t come in an official package on this tour, but with all the official accessories, which include a set of Hiby Yvain in-ear monitor, thick 98 shares PCOCC Modular Cable with 3.5mm and 4.4mm termination. Protective Case, All Size Ear-Tips a pair each in a small plastic box.



IEM Build & Design: -

The Yvain comes in a medical-grade resin shell with a beautiful faceplate with brown, and silver accents. The design is ergonomic, and we found no problem using it for longer sessions. The IEMs are itself very lightweight. The balanced armature drivers are placed directly on the nozzle, and it is connected to the nozzle with three acoustic tubes.



Sound Analysis: -

Credits: @ianfann
  • Tonality: - This is our first encounter with Hiby-made IEMs, and we are surprised here. The sound of Yvain has a very good tonal balance across the frequencies. There are no hints of BA timbre observed. We can say the highs need to be much airier. Overall tonality is very musical to our experiences with it.

  • Lows: - Hiby Yvain has a Knowles Balanced Armature driver for handling bass. The bass takes a lead in quality rather than in quantity. The sub-bass is lacking here. For testing bass, we made use of Nakshatram by Jean du Voyage’s offline FLAC file and the Weekend’s Wasted Times. The unit results in faster takeoff. The bass doesn’t hit hard. Where the mid-bass presentation is better and fully detailed here. The transient response is not that good in complex bass tracks for example “The Plan” from TENET Official Soundtrack.

  • Mids: - The mids are well-balanced with good tonality. We can easily say that the mids are the highlights of this IEM. Mids are a bit forwarded here, which makes it a fun-sounding set. The Yvain makes use of twin Customized Sonion BAs for the mids. We are happy to see that the BA is not showing its typical timbre. For testing mids, we’ve listened to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson and Skyfall by Adele through Apple Music. We can say the male vocals sound very good, full-bodied, and with a hint of warmth, it feels very lush. We really like how the vocals (both male and female) are well-rendered here. Instrumental tracks felt alive and rich-sounding.

  • Highs: - Highs on this IEM are above average, but the treble doesn’t extend so well and is not that airy. It does have a beautiful natural timbre and tonality which makes it a great IEM for everyday use. The detailing is decent at this price point. The highs do improve a bit with a neutral source but weren’t that great with mobile phones or cheap dongles. The cymbals have the right sparkle, and bright and glistening sound with it.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage is decently wide and has a good depth. The layering is decent as well. Instruments have less air and clean space between them. Yvain’s detail retrieval capacity is good while micro-dynamics are solid. The imaging is average at best.

  • Synergy: - After trying it with different sources (Astell and Kern SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 Gold, Aune M1p, Aune Yuki and Hiby R3 II) we can say it pairs well with anything. With neutral sources like Aune M1p and Hiby R3 II, it shows emotions in vocals and maintains the tonal balance. While pairing with analytical sources like Dethonray DTR1+ the brilliance is very much heard and airy-ness also observed. At Aural Café we strongly believe in source matching and here we overall recommend using neutral sources to extract the most from Yvain.


Conclusion: -

This IEM is a very capable set but given a price point of $239.00 we feel that the pricing should be a bit better because of the current competition in the same bracket. For everyday use, it does not create any kind of fatigue sonically as well as fittings because of its ergonomic design and weight. The accessories given are top-notch. It admirably delivers well-balanced tuning. Overall, we liked the set for its warm and fun tonality and timbre though we would not mind if there were more sub-bass emphasis. For users who like very much technical performance, we would not recommend this IEM. It needs good neutral sources to shine.

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500+ Head-Fier
iFi Hip DAC 3 Review
Pros: Organic and analogue tonality, IEMATCH!!!, Premium build, Powerful enough even for Headphones, Great pricing
Cons: Imaging could have been better, Form Factor (Even if it's unique but dongles are catching up)

Introduction: -

Today at Aural Cafe we are reviewing the iFi Hip-DAC 3 portable DAC and Headphone Amplifier. But before that let us tell you a bit about iFi Audio. iFi Audio is a subsidiary of Abbingdon Music Research (AMR) which is one of the UK's largest manufacturers of high-end audio products such as AmpliFiers, Active Buffer/PreampliFiers, DACs, and USB filters. Founded in 2000, AMR is based in London, United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of the Abbingdon Global Group.

iFi Audio is one of the most respected brands in the audiophile world with hi-fi products across different prices and product categories with one aim- to improve music enjoyment. Founded in 2012 iFi oversee the design, development, and manufacture of more than 50 products from their headquarters in Southport, UK. iFi products and their packaging are made from recyclable materials, including Aluminium, Paper and Recycled plastics. There are no hazardous toxins in their components, and they ensure that every product released meets environmental standards. iFi prides itself on being an eco-friendly company.

iFi Hip-DAC 3 is competitively priced at US$ 199 only.


Specifications: -
  • Input: USB-C
  • Formats Supported: DSD256 / PCM384kHz / Full MQA Decoder
  • DAC Used: Burr Brown Multibit
  • Headphone Outputs: 4.4mm Balanced, 3.5mm SE.
  • Power Output: BAL 400mW @ 32Ω; 6.3V @600Ω / UnBAL 280mW @ 32Ω; 3.2V @600Ω
  • SNR: BAL <109dB(A) @ 0dBFS / UnBAL <103dB(A) @ 0dBFS
  • DNR: BAL <109dB(A) / UnBAL <103dB(A)
  • THD + N: BAL <0.006X% (360mW/2.0V @600Ω) / UnBAL <0.01% (100mW/1.27V @16Ω)
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 45kHz (±3dB)
  • Power Consumption: <2W idle, 4W max
  • Battery: Lithium-polymer 2,200mAh up to 12 hours
  • Power System: Charging via USB-C, BC V1.2 compliant up to 1000mA charging current.
  • Dimensions: 102x70x14 mm, 135g
Disclaimer: -

The iFi audio Hip-DAC 3 is a loaner unit that was sent to us directly by iFi Audio. This review reflects our unbiased opinion as always.

Packaging & Accessories: -
  • iFi Hip-DAC 3
  • 4 x Silicone feet
  • USB-C to USB-A cable
  • USB-C to USB-C cable
  • USB-C to Lightning cable
  • iFi sticker
  • Documentation
Check out the full unboxing video here,



Build & Design: -

iFi audio Hip-DAC 3 is the third generation of the Hip-DAC series and features a Burr Brown DAC chipset, iFi’s familiar iEMatch, Power Match and XBass. iFi Hip-DAC 3 follows the same timeless flask size design language as its predecessors Hip-DAC 1, and 2. While the flask design remains the same, Hip-DAC 3 has been revamped inside out. The Hip-DAC 3 now comes in a robust and sleek aluminium case with a titanium shadow hue manifesting a piece of timeless art with a touch of modern sophistication. The top panel hosts a top-notch analogue volume knob along with the 3.5mm and 4.4mm Headphone jacks plus the Power Match and XBass buttons. iFi Hip DAC 3 uses the same Power Match switchable gain button to ensure the optimal power for the power-demanding headphones. On either side of the elegant volume knob are a pair of LEDs that change colour depending on the sample rate of the file currently being played. We at Aural Cafe especially just loved this simple and sleek idea.

Although Hip DAC 3 has been marketed to listen to hi-fi music on the go we believe that it's not worth taking this piece of art outside as there are lots of chances of damage and scratches. To listen to hi-fi music on the go iFi Audio fans can try iFi Go bar.

The back of the Hip-DAC 3 now comes with iFi audio legendary iEMatch features which reduce background noise while using sensitive IEMs like Campfire Andromeda and many others. The iFi Hip-DAC 3 now utilizes an advanced 16-core XMOS microcontroller which helps the Hip-DAC 3 for efficient audio data processing and supports up to PCM 384kHz, DSD128, DSD256 and full MQA decoding. The circuit has been upgraded with the addition of new metal film capacitors for better power supply and frequency response. The iFi Hip DAC 3 was also upgraded with GMT circuitry along with a new crystal oscillator to reduce the noise and thus provide a purer sound experience. The upgrades now include two USB-C ports one for data input and the other for charging thus keeping the signal part clean and noise-free and for simultaneous use and charging. The Hip-DAC 3’s comes with the same 2200mAh battery which typically provides 7 to 12 hours of playtime on a single charge, varying based on the volume level and the power demands of the connected headphones.

So, when it comes to design and packaging one thing is sure Hip DAC 3 is a fully loaded flask with lots of useful added features and thoughtful accessories at just US$ 199 which is just US$ 10 more in comparison to the price of which Hip DAC 2 was launched.



Sound Analysis: -
  • Tonality: - When it comes to the sound quality, we at Aural Cafe give a lot of importance to the tonality of the source. After listening to Hip DAC 3 for numerous hours with different IEMs and Headphones we can confidently say that Hip DAC 3 follows an organic and analogue tonality which sounds natural and balanced across the frequencies. The Hip DAC 3 excels in showcasing the sinuous nuances of instruments and vocal timbres. While listening to “Save Your Tears” by the Weekend the vocals sound very natural without any noise. Listening to “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin the Hip DAC 3 again showcases its excellent timbre.

  • Lows: - The bass reproduction on Hip DAC 3 is clean and leaner without any muddiness. The bass quality will depend mostly on the IEMs or Headphones with whom the Hip DAC 3 is being paired. With the XBass button on there is a slight increase in the mid-bass body which becomes useful while listening to Hip hop and EDM music. While listening to “Da Da Dasse” from Udta Punjab the bass sounds more vibrant and fun with the XBass button on.

  • Mids: - The Hip DAC 3 showcases above-average mids when it comes to DAC-Amps at a similar price range. The Hip-DAC 3 adeptly navigates the midrange, offering in a buttery smooth way without any sharpness. Surprisingly with the Power Match button on both the male and female vocals sound a tad bit more forward and natural with lots of soul while the rendering of the instruments such as flute and sitar is intensely felt while listening to “Indian Summer” by Anoushka Shankar.

  • Highs: - The Hip DAC 3 showcases a solid treble expression and extension while maintaining a natural and analogue presentation. The treble on Hip DAC 3 is clean with any shouty-ness and sharpness. While listening to “Paayaliya” by Amit Trivedi the Hip DAC 3 showcases just the right treble energy.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage and imaging are just average on Hip DAC 3. The stage width is better in comparison to depth, but it's still average in comparison to the competitions. The Hip DAC 3 just adds a bit of soundstage which primarily depends on the IEMs or Headphones you are using the Hip DAC 3 with. The instrument separation and imaging are just average at best which is clearly visible while listening to complex rock and metal genres of music.

  • Synergy: - Since the Hip DAC 3 showcases a natural and soulful tonality it synergises really well with neutral IEMs and Headphones. The Hip DAC 3 excels when it comes to background noise, control, and clarity. With the legendary iEMatch feature on board, it can synergise with ultra-sensitive and multi-BA IEMs. It has no lack of power for the most demanding IEMs and many Headphones available in the market. It runs Audeze’s LCD-2 a well demanding full-size Planer Magnetic Headphone without losing its characteristics.

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Conclusion: -

This is our first experience with iFi products at Aural Cafe and we are impressed with the well-thought-out design idea of Hip DAC 3. We believe that iFi audio Hip DAC 3 is a special product that will hold its ground strongly in its super competitive product category. It is not just a portable DAC-Amp but a high-quality piece of audio art that must be in every audiophile collection. The design is damn cool yet elegant with top-notch quality at such a price. If you listen to your music while at home and office through your laptops and want to elevate your experience then Hip DAC 3 would be the right choice as it excels in achieving pitch black background, control, and clarity across the frequency without breaking your bank balance. It also brings on board a decent amount of clean power to drive headphones. With iEMatch on board, it’s a must-have product if you have sensitive IEMs. While the Hip DAC 3 excels in achieving analogue timbre and clarity across the frequency, instrument separation and imaging are average to say at the very best.

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500+ Head-Fier
Aune Yuki Review
Pros: Transparent and Clean Sound, Balanced and natural timbre, Powerful 4.4mm output, Solid build quality
Cons: Average layering, Expensive compared to the competition


Introduction: -

Dongles seem to be the flavour of the season and more and more brands are coming up with their take on dongles. While Audioquest and Fiio were the first to enter this product segment, big brands such as Questyle, Tanchjim, Luxury and Precision, and Shanling etc. have launched versatile dongles in different price segments to cater to the never-ending needs of audiophiles.

Before we review Aune Audio's new dongle Yuki let's talk a bit about Aune. Aune as Wuhan Ao Lai Er Technology Co. Ltd.'s Hi-Fi brand was founded in 2004 in Wuhan China by six die-hard audio fans who are experts in various audio-related fields such as hardware design, electro-acoustic design and tuning. The concept of Yin-Yang inspired the logo of aune - the Chinese philosophy of balance. The rounded design of the letters conveys a message of peace and gentleness. The openings on four sides indicate inclusiveness.

Now coming to Aune Yuki it is Aune Audio's fifth product offering in their portable hi-fi items lineup. The first four successful products in this long span of 20 years are Aune B1s, BU1, BU2, and the very recent M1p which we have the honour to review at Aural Cafe. Aune Yuki is Aune Audio's take on portable dongles and retails for US$ 169.00.


Specifications: -

  • DAC Used: Dual Cirrus Logic CS43198auto
  • Output Power: 4Vrms (BAL) – 160mW @32Ω
  • 2Vrms (UNBAL) – 90mW @32Ω
  • Impedance: 1Ω (Low impedance sources help with sensitive IEMs)
  • Crosstalk: 71 dB @32Ω(UNBAL)
  • 106 dB @3 Ω(BAL)
  • THD+N: 0.00033% (BAL), 0.00036 % (UNBAL)
  • Noise floor :2.9uV (BAL), 2.6uV (UNBAL)
  • Headphone Out: 3.5mm SE / 4.4mm BAL
  • Size: 5.3x2.4x1.3cm Weight: 25.9g
Disclaimer: -

The Aune Yuki was sent to us free of charge by Aune. We are thankful to Aune Audio for the same. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

Aune Yuki comes in a simple white round shape box with a USB Type-C to C cable and a USB-C to USB-A adapter to use with various sources like personal computers. You can check out our unboxing video in the below link to have a better idea of the packaging accessories and design of Aune Yuki.



Build & Design: -

Aune Yuki comes in a sturdy aluminium alloy rectangular structure with a fine baked snowy white painting finish and a small clear glass window on top to show off its solid discrete amp structure. On the back of the glass panel, there are separate volume buttons in round shapes one “all white”, which represents the volume down, and another with a “golden dot” in the centre, which represents the volume up, to increase and decrease the volume and vice versa and acts a mode to move from low gain to high gain when both volume buttons are pressed simultaneously. Aune Yuki surprisingly has compatibility mode in UAC 2.0 and UAC 1.0. The UAC is the type of protocol used by USB ports to run high-resolution files, UAC 1.0 can run PCM files up to 24bits/96kHz and UAC 2.0 can run larger files, like PCM 32bits/384kHz or DSD256 files. For example, by default, the Yuki already comes in UAC 2.0 mode, so if you need to change to UAC 1.0, just hold the volume + button for a few seconds (the device needs to be connected, ex: Nintendo Switch). The bottom of Aune Yuki consists of solidly built 3.5mm and 4.4mm ports. The built quality is top-notch which can last for a longer period.

Aune Audio makes use of high-quality and expensive hybrid ceramic PCB in Yuki which leads to high strength and clean-sounding unit. Aune Audio with its Yuki has adopted a special dual-layer Structure in which DAC and Amp are Completely Separated, One layer for the digital DAC circuit, and one for the analogue headphone amp circuit. While the DAC section uses a double CS43198 chip for better separation and dynamics, the amp section is where the real magic happens with the discrete headphone amp board which has a +5V power supply along with 16 transistors to form the 4-way headphone amp. The unique power supply with a discrete amp helps in a clean, ultra-low noise floor which in turn helps in more resolving sound. The Yuki is a unique sound-focussing “dongle” that’s great for Smartphones, Tabs, computers, laptops and handheld gaming stations like Nintendo Switch. One can enjoy high resolution up to 32 bit/768k and DSD 256 with the help of Aune Yuki any place at any time.


Sound Analysis: -

Now coming to the most important part of the review, and there is no point in guessing, the sound analysis of Aune Yuki. After spending numerous days and hours listening to various IEMs with Aune Yuki we at Aural Cafe can confidently state that Aune Yuki is a very transparent and clean sounding source. The tonality of the Yuki is borderline neutral and clean. The timbre is very balanced and natural, thanks to the dual Cirrus Logic CS43198 DACs which are also used in hi-fi DAPs such as Ibasso DX-300 and Ibasso DX-160 and have recently been used in Xduoo Poke II portable DAC/Amp. The use of CS43198 DAC also results in low power consumption. The timbre is one of the highlights of this dongle. While listening to Indian classical songs such as Indian Summer by Anoushka Shankar the timbre is very natural and balanced. The transient response is above average when we compare it to the other dongles in the same price range thanks to its discrete and powerful amp being supported with its unique power supply where we believe the real magic happens. The same can also be experienced while listening to “False Alarm” by the Weekend. We also loved the lower impedance of the Aune Yuki, which helps listen to sensitive IEMs such as Campfire Andromeda and such as Lark Studio LSX in our case. When it comes to the resolving capability of the Yuki it is again at the level of mid-fi daps thanks to the discrete amp section of the Yuki, the sound is natural and clean across the frequency. The details retrieval capability is a tad bit better on the 4.4mm port in comparison to the 3.5mm port. The vocals sound natural and solid. The soundstage is intimate and real with better width than depth. The layering on Yuki is average and could have been better. The imaging is above average when in comparison to other dongles in this price range. The imaging is also a bit better on the 4.4mm port in comparison which can be felt when critically listening to songs on Rhapsodio Little Eden in our case. There is also a unique airy feel all across the frequency which is helpful while listening to rock numbers. With a solid powerful amp section, the Aune Yuki is capable of driving most of the IEMs in the market and less demanding headphones like Aune’s new AR5000.


Conclusion: -

Well, when we came to know that Aune was coming with a dongle, we thought Aune had been a little late to the game, but after using and listening to it we can say that this dongle is unique. The Aune Audio with its Yuki wants to offer a solid lasting dongle that is actually built like a tank both inside and out primarily because of the PCB without compromising on sound quality. What we loved most about the Aune Yuki is the clean natural sound across the frequency with good transient response and natural timbre which can be strongly felt when listening to Indian and Western classical music. While the layering is just average. We at Aural Cafe also believe that the pricing is a bit expensive but that can be due to the use of high-quality PCB and dual-layer structure which is rarely been seen on a portable dongle. It would have been better if Aune Audio could have priced it a bit lower comparing the cutthroat competition. The aim of Aune Audio with Yuki we presume was to make a product that can easily replace mid-fi DAPs and make our life easier by listening to music directly through our mobile phones. So if you are in the market in search of a simple no bull transparent neutral source that is built like a tank, then Aune Yuki is an easy recommendation.

Non-Affiliated Links: -
- (Leather Case for Yuki)
Last edited:
cons: no mic support on the 3.5 jack


500+ Head-Fier
Kinera Freya 2.0 Review
Pros: Fit is very good for longer sessions, Generous accessories, Awesome build quality, Good Female Vocals
Cons: Bad layering, Congested sound, Flat and unexciting tonality, Lack of air in highs, Technicalities not good, Source dependant


Introduction: -

Freya 2.0 is a hybrid In-ear monitor from the popular IEM brand from China, Kinera. The same brand produces some of the class-leading and popular IEMs such as Imperial Loki, Baldr, Nanna and so on. They have their sister brands operating in the same market Celest Audio and QOA (Queen of Audio). Freya 2.0 consists of three Balanced armature drivers and one dynamic driver. Three Knowles BA for highs and Mids frequency and One 7mm dynamic driver for handling low frequencies. Kinera Freya 2.0 comes with a 2-pin Copper Alloy cable and can be terminated as per your needs as it’s modular to 3.5mm and 4.4mm. The item consists of three variants of silicone ear tips, two sets from Kinera, and another set from Final Audio and its fan favourite Type-E. For our review, we would be using the Final Audio Type-E tips as we believe it sounds best with them. Kinera Freya 2.0 retails for 269 US$.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 1 Dynamic Driver + 3 Balanced Armature (Knowles)
  • Impedance: 20Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-50Khz
  • Sensitivity: 105dB/mW
  • Cable: Copper Alloy Cable
  • Plug: Modular with 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Disclaimer: -

The review tour for Kinera Freya 2.0 was arranged by Kinera and @SherryLion in India. We are thankful to them for the opportunity. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Freya 2.0 comes in a beautiful large box, inside of it we have the IEM carry case consisting of the cable, the IEMs, the Sets of Tips in a metal frame, a 4.4mm Plug and a cleaning brush. It comes with a Copper Alloy modular cable. Lastly, it comes with the Final Audio Type-E silicone ear tips which can be found inside the carry case also.




IEM Build & Design: -

The Freya 2.0 comes in a transparent resin shell with a beautiful faceplate with blue, cyan, and silver accents. It employs varying shades of colour overlay, creating a play of light and shadow that gives it a unique artistic ambience and an exquisite appearance. The inside of the IEMs is fully visible. The design is ergonomic, and we found no problem using it for longer sessions. The balanced armature drivers are placed directly on the nozzle and the dynamic driver is placed behind and it is connected to the nozzle with a longer tube.



Sound Analysis: -

Credits: @Soundcheck39
  • Tonality: - This is our first encounter with the brand Kinera. The sound of Freya 2.0 is Flat and unexciting from lows to highs. The bass doesn’t split to the mids. Highs are not that airy, and lack of brilliance is very much observed. The overall tonality is improved with warm sources.

  • Lows: - Kinera Freya 2.0 has a 7mm dynamic driver for handling bass. The bass takes a lead in quantity rather than quality. The mid-bass is lacking texture here. For testing bass, we made use of Nakshatram by Jean du Voyage’s offline FLAC file and the Weekend’s Wasted Times. The single 7mm dd is used as it results in faster takeoff along but the balance is not there. The bass doesn’t hit hard. Where the sub-bass is better comparatively and fun. The transient response is seen in the dynamic driver.

  • Mids: - Mids are one of the shining aspects of Freya 2.0. The Kinera Freya 2.0 makes use of Knowles BA for the mids. The Knowles are a popular brand for BA manufacturing. We are happy to see that the BA is not showing its typical timbre. For testing mids, we’ve listened to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson and Skyfall by Adele through Apple Music. For the first try, we really thought of a recessed mids but things got clear with different sources. We can say the female vocals sound very good, full-bodied, and definitely better than male vocals. The gentle brightness in the upper mids resulting this.

  • Highs: - The highs are not airy, rather dry in Kinera Freya 2.0. The treble is not clean. While listening to “In Your Eyes” from the Weekend the saxophone doesn’t really shine which should be due to the lack of upper treble. It lacks brilliance and is sometimes dull. However, things were improved when the IEMs paired with sources like Dethonray DTR1+. The cymbals have the right sparkle, and bright and glistening sound with it.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage of the Kinera Freya 2.0 is intimate. The soundstage is decently wide but not so deep. Micro details are not so nicely pronounced. The layering is not at all good. Instruments have no air and clean space between them. Freya 2’s detail retrieval capacity is average and not the best in its price category. The imaging is just average at best. When listening to Yosi Horikawa’s “Swashers” the congestion is too much.

  • Synergy: - After trying it with different sources (Astell and Kern SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 Gold, Aune M1p, Aune Yuki and iFi Hip DAC 3) sometimes it works well with warm Musical sources, sometimes with Analytical. With neutral sources like Aune M1p, it doesn’t show emotions in vocals which is a fairly strong area of this IEM. At Aural Café we strongly believe in source matching and here we overall recommend using warm sources with Freya 2.0.

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Conclusion: -

The thing we liked about Selective Sources+ Freya 2.0 is its vocal performance. It is a strong point for this IEM. With good powerful sources like Dethonray Pegasus SG1 Gold, the dynamic driver powers up hence the overall presentation looks a lot better and smoother. The build quality of the IEMs is also splendid. The thing which we didn’t like is its lack of dynamics, limited technicality, and subpar layering. So, we would end this review by saying that if you love genre-specific (In this case, vocal-heavy) music it could be a choice. But in the ever-evolving market and too much competition in the specific price range it is hard to survive for this IEM.

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Reactions: ruffandruff


500+ Head-Fier
AFUL MagicOne Review
Pros: Tonal Balance is Good, Vocals performance is Nice, Good isolation, Top Build Quality
Cons: Soundstage & imaging are average, Lack air, Feels congested, Needs power (Maybe not a con)

AFUL MagicOne: Finding the magic

Introduction: -

AFUL’s journey began in 2018 with a dedicated acoustic team that focused on developing cutting-edge acoustic technology. In 2019, a breakthrough was achieved with the first engineering prototypes that featured a novel circuit topology and acoustic structure. This enabled a single BA driver to deliver stunning HiFi performance. Cut to 2023, AFUL has brought us the all-new MagicOne. They have designed a customized balanced armature driver for the MagicOne. AFUL has also implemented its newly developed technologies including SE-Math Electro-Acoustic Intermodulation, and Nautilus Acoustic Maze. These help the pair achieve true high-resolution sound performance. This is not the first time we’ve seen a Single BA IEM. Let’s see how they have tuned their customised BA. The AFUL MagicOne comes with a price tag of US$ 139.99.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 1 Customized Balanced Armature
  • Impedance: 38Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 5Hz-35Khz
  • Sensitivity: 103dB/mW
  • Noise Isolation: -26dB
  • Connectors: 2-pin 0.78mm
  • Termination: 3.5mm/4.4mm
Disclaimer: -

AFUL and @gadgetgod arranged the review tour for AFUL MagicOne in India. We are thankful to them for the opportunity. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The AFUL MagicOne comes in a smaller-sized box with the IEMs and all the accessories. Removing the box reveals the IEMs and a beautiful black Metal Case. Inside the case, there were stock Cable and supplied ear-tips of two types. The cable is high-purity oxygen-free copper and oxygen-free copper silver-plated cable with a 32+37 core wire configuration.


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IEM Fit & Design: -

The MagicOne comes in a transparent resin shell with a faceplate decorated with a silver accent. The design looks like falling snowflakes as AFUL also mentioned the same. The inside of the IEMs is fully visible. The design is ergonomic, and we found no problem using it for longer sessions. The balanced armature driver is placed directly on the nozzle. AFUL has equipped the MagicOne with a uniquely designed rear-cavity structure. This structure includes a specially designed long and ultra-thin acoustic tube named 'Nautilus Acoustic Maze Technology'. They’ve claimed that enhances the Bass performance.


Sound Analysis: -

Credit: @aftersound
  • Tonality: - The tonality of AFUL MagicOne leans towards the warm neutral and musical. AFUL surprisingly achieved very good tonal balance across the frequency. It’s a musical and foot-tapping sound signature. It seems that it can be used for longer listening sessions not only because of its design but for tonality as well. Vocals and acoustic instruments sound natural but with a cost of technicalities.

  • Lows: - The MagicOne offers a well-textured bass. It’s quite surprising for a Single-BA set. It is nowhere near the dynamic driver level of Bass, but it gets the job done. Mid-bass is a bit forward with decent thump while the subbass has less extension making the mids remain clear and detailed. The decay is faster hence the speed of the bass is easily handled by the set. In our cases, pairing with sources like Dethonray DTR1+ or iFi Hip DAC 3 improves the thump and mid-bass extension.

  • Mids: - The AFUL MagicOne offers a dynamic and smooth mids across the frequency which is not so forward. Vocals especially female vocals are very nice and have a soul. The male vocals are also not far behind. We feel that the mid-bass played the role where it gave the vocals a bit more weight. However, it’s not the airiest or resolving to be called special. In fact, the micro detail retrievals are not that great hence it made the mids congested with the busy instrumental tracks.

  • Highs: - The overall tonal balance made the highs of the MagicOne smooth and not ear-piercing. Cymbals have a nice, natural, decay to them. There is a lack of air felt in every way, but it doesn’t disappoint. This also shows while listening to saxophone-based tracks such as In Your Eyes by the Weekend where the timbre of saxophone is organic and less airy. The single BAs just often can’t manage separation so well, which is particularly evident in the upper ranges.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The MagicOne manages to deliver an okayish soundstage for the category. It is a compact stage, but it has come with a good layering being formed in this spectrum. Making the stage height increase. But in no way is the most open, and extended imaging. The transient response is surprisingly above average when we consider similar-priced items. We would have loved it if the imaging had been a bit better and there would have been more openness across the frequency.

  • Synergy: - After trying it with different sources (Astell and Kern SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1, DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 Gold, iFi Hip DAC 3, Aune M1p and Tanchjim Space and Space lite dongles) we can confidently say that it synergises well with analytical daps like Dethonray DTR1+. Also, we would like to add that Dethonray SG1 Gold and iFi Hip DAC 3 help in making the bass more thumpy and hard-hitting. Surprisingly the IEM needs much more power for a Balanced Armature Driver system. It may sound dull with comparatively weaker sources. For dongles, Tanchjim Space paired well with this.



Conclusion: -

The AFUL MagicOne is a unique offering from AFUL. This is our first interaction with AFUL audio. They surprised us with the tonality they have achieved with a single BA driver. Although it has its flaws, but the best thing about MagicOne lies in its versatile tonality which allows you to enjoy all kinds of music. It is good for longer listening as there is no harshness and can be enjoyed at low volume thus showing the calibre of the IEM. The thing we didn’t like about the is its average staging and less air between the instruments. Although female vocal lovers can easily enjoy the unit very much as it’s the highlight of this IEMs.

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500+ Head-Fier
Oriveti OD200 Review
Pros: Premium Build quality and Accessories, Brilliant Tonal Balance with Silver Nozzle, Surprisingly fast Bass for the price, Well Rounded Treble, 2 Different Sound Profile with supplied 2 pairs of Nozzles, Good Stock Cable
Cons: Black Nozzle has Shouty Mids and borderline piercing, Very Source dependent, Silver Nozzle has less Separation


Introduction: -

Oriveti is a China-based brand providing Hi-Fi quality audio products for daily use by the most discerning listeners. Founded in 2015, Oriveti started from a position of strength with years of engineering and design experience within the earphone/headphone industry.

Well, Oriveti as a brand is close to us as we started our Audiophile journey around 2016 when Oriveti launched their first product. Oriveti has revamped its product offering keeping in mind the intense competition with three new models ORIVETI OD100, OD200, and ORIVETI OH700VB priced very competitively. Today we are reviewing Oriveti OD200 earphones which are equipped with an exclusive Beryllium-Coated 9.8mm Dynamic Driver. We were excited about the OD200 patent-pending dedicated airflow distribution (DAD) design being implemented on these IEMs. Priced at US$ 199.00 only let’s see what it’s giving us.

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Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: Beryllium Coated single 9.8mm Dynamic Driver
  • Impedance: 16Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 108dB/mW ± 3dB at 1000Hz
  • Distortion: 0.08%
  • Plug: Gold-plated 3.5mm Stereo / 2.5mm balanced / 4.4mm balanced Plug
Disclaimer: -

ORIVETI sent us the ORIVETI OD100 IEM for this review, free of cost. All thoughts and experiences with the product are naturally our own and reflect our honest opinions. We’re thankful to them for their support.

Packaging & Accessories: -

Oriveti OD200 comes with a classic unboxing experience which is rare to find in a US$ 199 IEM. It comes in a big square box with tray designs. While unboxing the first level has the IEMs along with the tuning nozzles within a foam inlet. Below is a slide-out drawer consisting of a high-quality leather case, modular cable, and generous accessories. The OD200 comes with high-quality modular handmade 8-core OFC silver-plated copper braided wires. The modular cable permits its use with 3.5 mm, 2.5 mm and 4.4mm sources. There are 3 types of ear tips (memory foam, large-bore, and small-bore silicone) in 3 different sizes along with a cleaning tool for maintenance probably because it comes with tuning nozzles and thus needs a bit of cleaning on regular usage.

To experience our hands-on unboxing check our YouTube video here-


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IEM Fit & Design: -

Each product coming from the house of Oriveti Audio has its own unique character design and tuning philosophy. With OD200, Oriveti is the first time implementing the DAD design (Dedicated Airflow Distribution). The aim of implementing DAD according to Oriveti Audio was to optimize the airflow within the housing by providing a dedicated path for airflow between the front and rear acoustic chambers of the IEMs improving the dynamic performance of the IEMs. OD200 Shells have been brought to life using a high-quality CNC Machined process for precise and accurate shaping of the earphone body. Oriveti Audio makes use of Aluminium alloy in CNC machining resulting in not only sturdy and durable but very lightweight and premium-looking IEMs. The OD200 features an ergonomic design that is very comfortable for longer usage and provides decent isolation for outdoor usage. The British racing green-coloured shells add a touch of elegance and style to the OD200.



Sound Analysis: -

Credits: @ToneDeafMonk
  • Tonality: - The Oriveti OD200 comes with two tuning nozzles (Black and Silver) with each affecting the overall tonality of the IEM in a very distinctive and unique way. With the black nozzles installed, the OD200 showcases an unimpressive sterile neutral bright signature along with shouty mids which completely transforms once the black nozzle is swapped with the silver one. The silver nozzles showcase a beautifully balanced tonality across the frequency. The shouty mids disappear along with a smooth buttery tonality across the frequency thus offering excellent long-term listenability. We also like to add here that we feel the use of the DAD system has resulted in above-average air-ness and clarity across the frequency irrespective of the tuning nozzles the IEMs used. The silver nozzles along with large bore silicone tips will be our preferred setup for smoother and natural tonality.

  • Lows: - The bass on OD200 is surprisingly fast on both the tuning nozzles. The DAD System does indeed offer some benefits when it comes to the presentation. The standard black nozzles offer a lighter bass both in quantity and quality without any presence of sub-bass whereas, with the silver nozzle, the bass improves both in quantity and quality without losing any speed. While using the OD200 with DTR1+ with the silver module the mid-bass is more pronounced with just the right amount of punchiness and control. The warm mid-bass hump on the silver module makes the IEM fun to listen to popular pop numbers. The quick decay and peppy attack characteristics mean that despite average sub-bass, bass still sounds snappy and satisfying the subbass extension is just average to say at very best.

  • Mids: - The Mids on OD200 have decent balance and clarity irrespective of the tuning filters. Although the mids are slightly forward on OD200 and with the black module the vocal timbre is not as pleasing due to the shouty upper mids and thus no right to use it for a longer duration as per our understanding. The female vocals sound a bit better on the black module. Whereas with the silver nozzle, the OD200 showcases a very technically right and balanced mids. The mids on OD200 with the silver module are smoother and relaxed with soulful vocals. Vocals have more body and are musically rich and filled with the right balance on the silver module. Here we would like to add that with the OD200 + silver module, Oriveti Audio has done a wonderful job at creating a smooth and coherent presentation that still sounds unique and balanced across the frequencies.

  • Highs: - The treble on OD200 is well-rounded with enough sparkle to balance the overall tonality of the unit. The OD200 with black nozzle transforms into a more bright and energetic-sounding IEM. Percussion instruments have a nice crisp note attack along with more emphasis on female vocals. Although instruments such as cymbals have the right sparkle, and bright and glistening sound the treble on OD200 with black nozzles sounds borderline piercing and is thus not recommended for longer listening and treble-sensitive audiophiles. While the treble on OD200 with silver nozzle is smoother and more balanced. the OD200 with the silver nozzle has just the right shimmer and sparkle at a higher frequency without sounding unnatural and piercing. Here we would also like to add that the extension has been notably improved over its younger sibling OD100. The OD200 with silver nozzle doesn’t offer the most top-end presentation but a more focused detail presentation along with smooth well-textured and matured higher notes.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The OD200 has an above-average soundstage with a width that is more than the depth in comparison. With the black nozzle, the OD200 gives an impression of increased soundstage due to its bright-ish signature but we don’t feel that the black nozzle adds anything to the soundstage on the OD200 whereas the separation on the instruments does improve on black nozzles in comparison with the silver nozzle, but it also affects the overall musicality and dynamics of the IEM. The transient response of the instrument is better on the black nozzle in comparison to the silver nozzle, but the timbre and the dynamics of the vocals and instruments are very musical and natural on the silver nozzle. Here we would also like to add that the timbre of the instrument especially the guitars is one of the best we have heard from any IEMs in recent times when the OD200 is used with the silver nozzle.

  • Source Matching & Pairing: - We at Aural Cafe give prime importance to source matching and pairing as every item comes with its distinct tonality. When it comes to OD200 after testing it with numerous sources we can confidently say that it is very source-dependent. It sounds different in a very distinctive way with different sources. We love how OD200 Sounds with the silver nozzle and thus will recommend the same to our readers and fellow audiophiles. Here we would also like to add that the OD200 Scales well with the quality of the sources as with the Dethonray DTR1+ and SG1 gold the bass has the right punch and layering. It doesn’t sound good with the comparatively weaker and neutral-sounding DAPs and DAC/Amps than warm musical sources. We would also suggest using wide-bore tips for better soundstage and high-quality copper cables for better musical tonality. But that doesn’t mean the standard cables with which OD200 is of inferior quality. The standard cable with which the OD200 comes in is perfect for the overall tonality of the IEMs.

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Conclusion: -

We at Aural Café, would like to say that reviewing OD200 has been one of the toughest tasks for us as we have to continuously keep changing the nozzles along with source, cables and tips. While the black nozzle would suit the younger newbies in this hobby who want a more energetic sound, but we believe that it’s the silver nozzle where the soul of OD200 resides. If you enjoy fast and quality bass along with balanced yet musical tonality added to a superbly ergonomic design and excellent high-quality modular cable, then the Oriveti OD200 can be a nice choice.

Non-Affiliated Link: -


500+ Head-Fier
Hiby R3 II Review
Pros: Ultimate portable form factor, 4.4mm output is Powerful, Snappy OS, Lot of Accessories, Neutral Sounding
Cons: Lacking dynamics, Thin notes, Neutral sound sometimes brings boredom

HIBY R3 II: Pocket Rocket

Introduction: -

Established in 2011, Hiby Music specialises in research, development, and sales of high-quality portable audio products. They have developed dozens of digital audio players (DAPs), IEMs, USB DACs, etc. Hiby R3 II is HiBy's latest entry-level DAP. This device is a successor model of both the R3 Pro Saber 2022 and R3 Pro Saber regular, but this item has some improvements and substantially upgraded features. R3 II is a super-compact DAP with good features just like the previous R3 iterations. The DAC chips are retained as dual ESS SABRE ES9219C, which supports 32-bit PCM and native DSD256 audio signals. The amplifying section had some overhaul as well. Now both the 3.5mm and newly introduced 4.4mm have more power. To be exact, both outputs have approximately 20% more power, which is a nice improvement and all this for a pocket-friendly price of US$ 179.00.


Specifications: -
  • DAC Used: Dual ES9219C
  • THD+N: 0.0005%@1kHz.
  • Headphone outputs: SE 3.5mm (Supports LO), BAL 4.4mm
  • Power: 70mW@32Ω(SE), 280mW@32Ω(Bal)
  • DNR: ≥115dB
  • Noise: 2.2uV(SE), 3uV(BAL)
  • Max Level: 3.0 Vrms@Bal, 1.5Vrms@SE output
  • Memory card: microSD (supports sizes up to 2TB)
  • Supported formats: PCM 384KHz/32Bit, MQA16X, DSD-256
  • Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.1 (Two Way), LDAC, AptX, AAC, SBC Codecs
  • Dimensions: 86.9 x 60.6 x 14.5mm
  • Battery Capacity: 2000mAH
Disclaimer: -

The review tour for Hiby R3 II was arranged by Joe Bloggs and @gadgetgod in India. We are thankful to them for the opportunity. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Hiby R3 II comes in a medium-sized box with the device and all the accessories. Removing the box reveals the DAP. The supplied Type-C cable is also well-packed along with a warranty card and user manuals. The presentation overall is classy. Additionally, a silicon case and an extra set of screen protectors are found where they have already applied screen and back protection to the unit. Check our full unboxing video here,




Build & Design: -

The DAP is made of aluminium alloy and comes in three different colors, red, silver, and black. Where our unit is Black. It weighs about 118 grams. The design is very portable and easy to use in daily life. The lower and upper edges have been rounded, which makes the design ergonomic. It feels very comfortable in the hand. It comes with a 3.2” LCD touch Display. On the right side, there are three buttons and a volume wheel on the upper half. The three buttons claim the play/pause, fast forward/next track and backward/previous track while the volume wheel also consists of a push button which operates as a Power and Wake up button. On the left side in the lower half, there is the microSD memory card slot. The device has a single MicroSD slot without any internal storage. You can use MicroSD cards up to 2TB.




Software: -

The player uses Linux-based Hiby OS with a very simple UI. I personally didn’t face any problems with the OS as it is on point and easy to use. The boot-up and shut-down speed is fast, also the memory reading process is not too time-consuming. It also supports Tidal and Qubuz streaming services via WiFi. It also supports firmware updates over the air.


Operations & Settings: -

The R3 II is quite fast in terms of operation, with a very responsive touchscreen and buttons and a fast UI. The UI is quite simple indeed, but the functionality is perfect without any flaws. The DAP can only be woken up with power button (Which eventually is the Volume Wheel). The settings allow you to play around with screen time, brightness, Filters, Auto Shutdown, WiFi, Bluetooth and even USB Modes and more. It has an Android-inspired drop-down quick control centre. The small display may limit some of the UI experiences but with proper album art, the display looks very nice. Overall if you like to have a fancy but simple UI with several EQ settings etc., this is the player for you.

Battery & Charging: -

The real-life experience with the battery would be around 10h to 12h in our opinion in Balanced output usage, and although I haven’t done any specific battery tests, I can honestly say that this is one good DAP in terms of battery life. The charging time is over 2 hours with a 2A charger.

Testing Equipment: -

We feel it’s important to list down the IEMs we are using to test the DAP, so here is the list.

IEMs: Penon Fan 2, Penon 10th anniversary, Oriveti OD100, Tanchjim Oxygen, Hiby Yvain, Hisenior Okavango, Hisenior Mega5p Ultra and many other IEMs.


Sound Analysis: -

The overall tonality of R3 II is what we feel is very neutral. It does not add any additional glare or warmth to the outputs and is actually good for testing various IEMs and accessories. The note weight on the lower frequencies is on the lighter side compared to other DAPs. Making the DAP lacking in dynamics although it has its impact in the bass region. The mid-range is quite neutral with a bit more emphasized. Makes the vocals smooth and somewhat weighty. The noise floor is on the higher side on the SE output, but it’s improved on the 4.4mm BAL and the clarity of the sound is also improved on the balanced output. It may sound not exciting to those who are looking to get more dynamic and energetic output. But if you have the IEMs or Headphones that tick your favourite boxes there is no point in avoiding the Hiby R3 II. In our cases, it really went well with warm and musical IEMs synergy-wise.

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Technical Performance: -

The device is very competent across frequencies. The detail retrieval is good enough on the mid-range, in the bass and the treble. The soundstage is decent with more depth when we compare it to the other dongles. It never feels so congested even though the width of the soundstage is not big.

Conclusion: -

We didn’t have much expectation about R3II. However, the device quickly won us over with its portability and the value it offers. No, you cannot expect the class-leading sound quality and technical performance from this tiny device, but it gets the job done quite well. The software is snappy, and we loved it as well. In Aural Café we can recommend this item for your companion while running, working out or hassle-free commute as it’s footprints and the output for the price you’re paying.

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500+ Head-Fier
Penon 10th AE Review
Pros: Well balanced Sound Signature, Punchy Bass, Sublime Mids, Best EST implementation, Brilliant Soundstage yet coherent, Mind-blowing Value, Top-notch accessories
Cons: Imaging could have been better, Shell Size is bigger for small ears (Negligible)

PENON 10th Anniversary REVIEW

Introduction: -

Penon Audio started in the year 2013 with the goal of selling the best-selected audio products at the most affordable prices for Audiophiles. In these 10 years, Penon Audio has also evolved from not just selling but also manufacturing high-quality IEMs, dongles, and cables under their house name at very competitive prices. Now after 10 years Penon, to celebrate their 10th anniversary launched a new tri-brid IEM especially for their fans by the name of “Penon 10th anniversary” at a price of 499 US$. It consists of three different types of drivers. The IEM comes in a 3D printed resin shell using a very efficient 6mm crystalline plated biofilm dynamic driver for low frequency in 2 numbers, 2 balanced armatures: one from Sonion for mids and one Knowles for highs and 2 Sonion electrostatics for ultra highs.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 2 Electrostatic Driver + 2 Dynamic Driver + 2 Balanced Armature
  • Crossovers: 4-way crossover, 3 tube channel
  • Impedance: 9Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 110dB/mW
  • Frequency Response: 15Hz-70kHz
  • Cable: CS819 -2 shares, single share is 133 cores, a total of 266 cores
Disclaimer: -

We have purchased the item with the full amount. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

Penon's 10th anniversary comes in a mid-size Penon box. The box contains a beautiful round leather carry case consisting of IEMs and cable. It comes with a Solid Penon OS133 OFC silver-plated cable. Lastly, accessories consisting of three different types of ear tips in S, M, and L sizes and other add-ons come in a beautiful rectangular leather box.


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IEM Build & Design: -

The IEMs in sea blue shells are 3D printed using high-quality medical-grade resin material. The construction of the shells feels both sturdy and smooth. The size of the shells is a bit big making way for two DDs, two BAs and two ESTs. Although we didn’t find any issues while using it, people with small ears can have some issues. The design of the IEMs provides above-average isolation.


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Sound Analysis: -

Credits: MMagTech
  • Tonality: - Penon 10th AE comes in a unique lush Penon house sound with the same modest inoffensive tint of warmth, musical and yet balanced and smooth across the spectrum. The sound is balanced across the spectrum where the bass doesn’t split to mids and highs are airy and have beautiful high-quality sparkle due to the use of Sonion EST and the design of the shell. The Penon 10th AE is beautifully tuned and can be used for longer listening.

  • Lows: - Penon 10th AE make use of two 6mm crystal-plated biological diaphragm Dynamic Drivers for handling bass which results in a well-rounded textured bass. The bass surprisingly this time has an impactful punch unlike its younger sibling Penon Fan 2. We feel it is due to the design of the IEM shell due to which the bass in Penon 10th AE have the rumble and layering which makes listening to the EDM music a lot more fun. The layering is beautifully defined and clean. While the mid-bass is a bit forwarded, the high-quality sub-bass merges well with the tonality of the IEM without bleeding into the mids. Here we would also add that using a high-quality source such as Dethonray SG1 gold in our case adds more thump to the mid-bass.

  • Mids: - The Mids on Penon 10th AE is lush and sublime. The Penon 10th anniversary makes use of a single Sonion BA for the mids which are famous for their full-bodied mids without a hint of BA timbre. Since the Penon 10th follows a W-shaped frequency range the mids here are spacious. The vocals as well as instruments have rich natural timbre. For testing mids, we again listened to “In Your Eyes” by the Weekend and Skyfall by Adele through Apple Music Hi-Res streaming. We felt that the male vocals sounded marginally better than the female vocals on the Penon 10th Anniversary. While the male vocals have a full-bodied thick texture, the female vocals fall a bit short in this area. The instruments, especially the violin and saxophone sound full along with the right timbre, space, and energy. The extension is effortless and right at the point without trying too much.

  • Highs: - One word that is synonymous with great treble in today's world is Sonion EST. In this Audiophile world, our journey with EST-based IEMs started with Shozy Pola, one of the earliest EST-based hybrid IEMs. In recent years owning and auditioning numerous EST-based IEMs we can confidently say that Penon Audio has used the Sonion EST in a very effective way for ultra-high frequency in the Penon 10th AE. The treble is not only airy but very natural in it. There is a beautiful shimmer and sweetness across the instruments, especially cymbals and guitar strings. The treble is not overpowering and metallic in tonality but turned right at the point supporting the lush tonality while surprising in between with the sweetness of the instruments. While listening to the cult song “Hotel California” by the Eagles through the Dethonray DTR1 we could hear the smallest shimmer from the instruments being played in the song, thus making the whole experience more fun and sublime.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - While reviewing the Penon 10th Anniversary just after it’s younger sibling Penon Fan 2 we can confidently say that the soundstage in Penon 10th AE is on another level. From the very moment, we put the 10th AE IEM where we can feel the lush spacious and airy tonality of 10th AE. We strongly feel that the above-average shell size of the item helps the Penon 10th AE with spacious and airy tonality across the frequency range. The soundstage in Penon 10TH AE is wide but still coherent, while the stage depth is better when we compare it with the IEMs in the same price range. The separation across instruments is above average and helps while listening to complex rock tracks. Penon Audio has tuned the 10th AE really well as the micro details along with the macro details keep us on our toes and surprises us all along while listening to Western and Indian classical songs. The imaging whereas on Penon 10th AE is just average.

  • Source Matching & Pairing: - After trying it with different sources (Astell & Kern SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1, DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 gold, Aune M1p and Tanchjim Space, and Space Lite dongles) we can confidently say that it synergies really well with analytical sources Dethonray DTR1+ and Aune M1p in our case). Also, we would like to add that Dethonray DTR1+ and Pegasus SG1 Gold help in making the bass more thumping. In the case of cables while high-quality copper cables help in making vocals more musical (Rhapsodio Copper Wizard mk2 in our case), pure silver cable helps in making the IEM more neutral rather than musical. Since the Penon 10th AE is two DD, two BA and two Sonion EST-based IEM, it pairs really well with the high-power source to extract the best micro detail out of the ESTs. We felt the pairing of Aune M1p + Linum DualBaX SPC cable + Spinfit CP145 was the perfect pairing for our taste.


Conclusion: -

After hearing numerous EST-based IEMs in this Audiophile journey of 7 years we are happy with the way Penon Audio has tuned their 10TH AE. We also loved the way the Penon Audio makes use of its above-average size resin shell to present a more spacious and airy tonality. The Penon 10th AE without losing its musical Penon house sound makes the best use of dual Sonion ESTs. The Penon 10th AE is very fun and engaging to listen to. It goes well across various genres of music. Penon Audio has been successful in tuning a TOTL IEM that comes at a non-TOTL price of just 499 US$. We here would also like to add that the Penon 10th AE scales with better powerful sources so if you want to extract the last bit of the music try the 10th AE with the best powerful and analytical sources in your possession. What we love about the Penon 10th is its airy spacious musical tonality which merges smoothly with the micro details of the instruments. We at Aural café give Penon 10th AE a strong recommendation.

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500+ Head-Fier
Oriveti OD100 Review
Pros: Bang for the buck, Compact design for commute, Great Vocal performance, Lush mids
Cons: Average punch in Bass, Very little Sub-bass extension, Clarity could have been better


Introduction: -

Oriveti is a China-based brand providing Hi-Fi quality audio products for daily use by the most discerning listeners. Founded in 2015, Oriveti started from a position of strength with years of engineering and design experience within the earphone/headphone industry.

Well, Oriveti as a brand is close to us as we started our Audiophile journey around 2016 when Oriveti launched their first product Oriveti Primacy which was a hybrid-based IEM featuring a dual-balanced armature and an 8.6 mm dynamic driver design. We still remember the craze for Oriveti Primacy as they were one of the first to enter the hybrid IEM category. Fast forward to 2023, Oriveti has revamped its product offering keeping in mind the intense competition with three new models ORIVETI OD100, OD200, and ORIVETI OH700VB priced very competitively. Today we are reviewing Oriveti OD100 earphones which are equipped with a high-quality 9.2mm DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) diaphragm coil dynamic driver. The global price for the item is US $69.90.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: Exclusive single 9.2mm DLC Dynamic Driver
  • Impedance: 16Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 105dB/mW ± 3dB at 1000Hz
  • Distortion: 0.08%
  • Plug: Gold-plated copper + Carbon fiber plug accessories
Disclaimer: -

ORIVETI sent us the ORIVETI OD100 IEM for this review, free of cost. All thoughts and experiences with the product are naturally our own and reflect our honest opinions. We’re thankful to them for their support.

Packaging & Accessories: -

Well, we are surprised to see an IEM for that price come in such fancy packaging. Although we don’t care about the packaging, when you get a USD 69.90 IEM with such clean packaging it shows the brand’s dedication to each of its IEMs irrespective of the price. Along with the IEM units, the package contains a detachable two-pin SPC cable which is quite supple and decent for the price. The package also contains a solid carrying case, and pairs of silicone and even foam tips.




IEM Fit & Design: -

According to Oriveti Audio, the prime objective while designing the OD100 was to make a lightweight IEM that can be used on a day-to-day basis while commuting without compromising on sound quality. The OD100 earphones feature an ergonomic and tiny body design that is intended to provide a comfortable and secure fit for use with above-average isolation. The small size of the earphones makes them easy to carry and wear, while the ergonomic design ensures that they fit comfortably in the ear without causing discomfort or fatigue. The use of aluminium alloy in CNC machining for OD100 not only results in a sturdy and durable earphone body that can withstand daily use and potential impacts while maintaining its aesthetic appeal, but the IEMs are surprisingly super light in weight and comfortable to wear for longer usage.


Sound Analysis: -

Credit: @aftersound
  • Tonality: - The Oriveti OD100 comes with a borderline balanced and warm tonality across the frequency. It is a mid-bass focused IEM with just a tinge of crisp treble. The focus is purely on the mid-bass thus the IEM sounds very fun and engaging while retaining a clear midrange and decent detail presence in the treble area.

  • Lows: - The bass on Oriveti OD100 is tight and well-controlled to keep up with the subtly warm tonality of the IEMs. The bass, although full-bodied, offers just an average amount of punch. The warm mid-bass hump makes the IEMs fun to listen to, but the punch is just average while listening to “HEARTLESS” by the Weekend. The subbass extension is miniscule to say at very best. Here we would also like to add that the bass does interfere with the lower mids while listening to bass-heavy songs.

  • Mids: - The mids are slightly forward and dynamics in Oriveti OD100 with above average clarity. The highs and the lows are beautifully tuned making the IEMs vibrant and fun. The mids have good bodies and sound very natural without any shouting. The vocals are forward while the instruments take the backstage. The vocals have superb clarity for the item at this price range. The female's vocals especially sound sublime. Details rendering is above average for the price range. The mids on Oriveti OD100 have soul displaying the emotions beautifully.

  • Highs: - The treble on Oriveti OD100 is neutral and balanced in nature. It reproduces the treble range with slight softness and the presentation here is kind of controlled without any kind of fatiguing peaks. The frequency response here is slightly rolled off just like the extension in bass. The good thing here is the relaxed and spacious approach makes it feel natural and consistent. However, the definitions are very good and fundamental harmonics are presented with above-average precision. Percussions have a nice crisp note attack, all thanks to the use of the DLC dynamic driver.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage is wide, but the depth is where the OD100 lacks. Although the soundstage is intimate in nature, there is a sense of air across the frequency. The staging performance is fair for the price with decent air and separation between the instruments. However, the limited bass depth and the treble extension make the sound feel too focused on the mid-range despite this the OD100 still manages to sound spacious with decent clarity and separation. The transient response is surprisingly above average when we consider similar-priced items. The IEMs perform well with complex tracks. We would have loved if the imaging had been a bit better and there would have been more clarity across the frequency.

  • Source Matching & Pairing: - The OD100 is subtly warm and dynamic across the frequency spectrum, as it matches well with a neutral DAP, wide bore tips and high-quality SPC cables. In our test with DAPs such as Dethonray DTR1 & DTR1+, Astell & Kern SP1000m, Aune M1p, Hiby R3 II and dongles such as Aune Yuki, Tanchjim Space and Space Lite. We felt it went well with Aune M1p, Hiby R3 II and DTR1 DAPs, Linum DualBaX SPC, Hisenior White Whale cable and pure silver cables. The clarity and air improved across the frequency thus making the sound more engaging. The wide bore tips help with the soundstage and for dongles, it went really well with the Tanchjim Space Lite. Although the IEM sounds decent across the different genres, we enjoyed it more with electronic and blues genres of music.


Conclusion: -

The Oriveti audio with its OD100 is back in the super competitive price range of sub-US $100. It can be considered if you are in the market looking for a compact lightweight item with mid-focused frequency response. High-quality CNC machined housing and included accessories are overwhelming considering the retail price of the Oriveti OD100 which is just US $69.90. It can especially be considered by a person just entering the audiophile hobby as it can give you a few sweet hints of high-fidelity music. The best part of the Oriveti OD100 lies in its vocals. On the flip side we feel that the OD100 could have done better is the clarity and air across the frequency. Oriveti Audio has tried to give their best with a US $69.90 OD100 and come up with a solid EDC IEM.

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500+ Head-Fier
Linum DualBaX Cable Review
Pros: Lightweight, Durable, Very low impedance, Increases the clarity and staging, Very well paired with sensitive IEMs
Cons: Nothing really, Nothing adds to regular DD IEMs


Introduction: -

Linum cables are manufactured by ESTRON A/S. ESTRON A/S is a market leader in wire and cable solutions for the hearing aid industry. Although well-known in-ear monitor brands like Ultimate Ears, Inearz Audio, INEAR, Cosmic Ears, Westone Audio and Etymotic Research are partnered with them. Somehow, they are quite unknown and fly under the radar, especially in India. All parts are manufactured on their specially designed equipment and assembled at their facilities in Vietnam. Linum is especially famous for its proprietary T2 connectors. We would also like to add here that Linum's concept stems from an extensive background in the medical devices industry and over 28 years of experience as an established company.

The DualBaX is Linum’s latest addition to their cable line-up. Just like Linum’s other cables such as BaX, SuperBaX, and UltraBaX, it is also a Silver-plated Copper litz wire and it sports super low weight. The 3.5mm version weighs only 8g (yes, eight), while the 4.4mm cable comes in at 13 Grams. This incredibly low-weight cable can’t be noticed when wearing as it fully disappears. We have already experienced similar things with Linum SuperBax cables. Here we can easily make out that Linum focuses totally on combining simplicity with functionality.

According to Linum’s product page on their website, DualBaX is the perfect solution for commute and stage use as it is super light and tangle-resistant. It is also very skin-friendly due to the use of high-quality medical-grade materials but when it comes to audiophiles like us what we are only concerned about is how it makes our in-ear-monitors sound so here is our short review of Linum DualBax.


Specifications: -

  • Termination Options: 3.5mm TRS (90° Angled) & 4.4mm TRRS (Straight)
  • Wire Material: Silver Plated Copper Litz Wires
  • Impedance: 0.6 Ω
  • Length: 127cm/50 inch
  • Pull Strength: 180N/40 lbs
  • Weight: ~8g / ~0.28oz (balanced version ~13g / 0.46oz)
  • Microphonics: Low
Disclaimer: -

We have received Linum Cables for both versions from Linum Denmark for free in exchange for a review. We are thankful to Linum Denmark for the same. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The packaging for Linum Cables is very simple yet very effective in protecting the cable from any type of damage or weathering effects.


Build & Design: -

Linum’s DualBaX has a rated impedance of only 0.6 Ohms and consists of a total of four conductors. These four Litz wires come twisted into dual pairs and a total of 224 strands. The coatings of the wires are covered with a material called Aramid Fibers. Aramid fibers have high tenacity and high resistance to stretching, to most chemicals, and to high temperatures. They are well known for their relatively lightweight and resistance to fatigue and damage. Because of these properties, Aramid fibers are widely used and accepted for making body armour. The connectors are strong and well-built. It comes in the standard color option, Zebra with transparent golden & black.




Side-by-side size comparison with PW Audio Monile Shielding Anniversary cable and Linum DualBaX

Testing Equipment: -

We feel it’s important to list down sources and IEMs we are using to test the cables, so here is the list.

Sources: Dethonray DTR1+, Dethonray Pegasus SG1 Gold, Aune M1p, A & K SP1000M, Aune Yuki, Tanchjim Space and Space Lite

IEMs: Rhapsodio Little Eden, Rhapsodio Orla, Lark Studio LSX, P-EAR-S SH3, In-Ear PP8, Penon Fan 2, Penon 10th anniversary, Hisenior Okavango and Hisenior T4 and many other IEMs. We would also like to add here that we tested it more with multi-BA (Balanced Armature) IEMs to see its effect on sensitive BA IEMs and we are happy to say that it goes superbly paired with sensitive BA IEMs.

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Sound Analysis: -

Now we are about to get down to one of this wonderful hobby's most controversial topics: do cables affect the sound quality? Especially when in this case, we are going to spend a solid US$ 229.99. Well, from our experience of being into this hobby for the last seven years, we can “politely” say, it does. Now when it comes to Linum DualBax we can easily say that it is like other high-quality SPC cables, the DualBax makes the sound of the IEMs more fun and foot tapping as there is an increase in clarity and soundstage. But what makes the Linum DualBax separate from others, is its low impedance of 0.6 Ω which helps use it with the sensitive multi-BA IEMs keeping the sound neutral and original without changing the tonality of the IEMs. When we use it with the Lark LSX and In-Ear PP8, we can see a slight bump in the treble keeping the musicality of the frequency range which is refreshing and fun to listen to. Due to the low SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), we can happily say that the background is pitch black with DAPs like Aune M1p and helps in extracting more details from IEMs like Rhapsodio Orla and P-EAR-S SH3. With hybrid IEMs like Hisenior Okavango and Hisenior T4, there is an increase in clarity and transparency across the frequency. Here we would also like to add that with Single DD (Dynamic Driver) IEMs we couldn’t see many audible changes except for the slight bump in mid-bass and clarity. Also, the cable complements the IEMs which are musical in nature.


Conclusion: -

If you are in the market looking for a high-quality SPC cable for your sensitive BA IEMs and want to add that exciting tinge to your musical IEMs, then look no further and just go for Linum DualBax. Along with a super high-quality cable, it is super light, super strong and durable. From us at Aural Café, after Hisenior Okavango, Linum DualBax is the second product to enter our recommendation list.

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500+ Head-Fier
Penon Fan 2 Review
Pros: Very well balanced across the spectrum, Silky smooth tuning, Great Seperation, Versetile performer
Cons: Not so technical, Nozzle shape leads to fit issue


Introduction: -

Penon Fan 2 is a hybrid In-ear monitor from the popular online audio products store Penon Audio. The same store we used to look for purchasing HiFi IEMs and DAPs, and now they are focusing on their own brand of IEMs and offer exciting items across the price range. Fan 2 consists of two Balanced armature drivers and two dynamic drivers. One Sonion BA for Mids, one Knowles BA for high frequency and two 6mm crystal-plated biological diaphragm dynamic drivers for handling low frequencies. One thing that makes this IEM special is the use of biological diaphragm dynamic drivers, which is a high-quality dynamic driver and as per our knowledge, Penon was the first brand to adopt this dynamic driver in their IEMs. Penon fan 2 comes with a 2-Pin Penon OS133 cable, and an OFC Silver plated cable and can be terminated as per your needs while placing order on their website. The item consisting of two variants of silicone ear tips, one wide bore, which helps with treble and soundstage and another one is a narrow bore is primarily for improving the sub-bass. The tips help a lot while listening to different genres of music. For our review, we would be using the wide bore as we believe it sounds best with wide-bore blue tips. Penon Fan 2 retails for 279 US$ with frequent discounts.

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Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 2 Dynamic Driver + 2 Balanced Armature
  • Impedance: 13Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 112dB/mW
  • Cable: OS133 -2 shares, single share is 133 cores, a total of 266 cores
  • Plug: Gold-plated copper + Carbon fiber plug accessories
Disclaimer: -

Penon gave us a small discount on the price of the IEM, we’re thankful to them. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Penon Fan 2 comes in a small Penon box, inside of it we have the IEM carry case. The IEMs and all the accessories are packed inside of the beautiful carry case. It comes with a Penon OS133 cable which is a high-quality OFC Silver plated cable and for our case, we chose 2.5mm balanced termination. The cable alone usually retails on the Penon Audio website for around 50 US$ depending on the offers. Lastly, it comes with two variants of silicone ear tips, both Narrowed and Wide Bores.

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IEM Build & Design: -

It looks like a Semi-Custom design to us. Penon Fan 2’s shells are 3D printed using medical-grade resin and are quite light and comfortable for the ear. The design of the IEMs is kind of semi-custom with long nozzles which provides amazing passive isolation. Nozzles are a bit long which can be a love-hate thing for the users. The faceplate is beautifully crafted with resins with blue and rusty red accents in it.

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Sound Analysis: -

Credits: @Soundcheck39 (Squiglink)
  • Tonality: - Penon Fan 2 comes with Penon’s house sound with a modest inoffensive tint of warmth, musical and yet balanced and smooth across the spectrum. The sound is balanced from lows to highs where the bass doesn’t split to the mids and highs are airy and right at the point thus can be used for longer listening.

  • Lows: - Penon Fan 2 has two 6mm crystal-plated biological diaphragm dynamic drivers for handling bass, which results in a well-rounded textured bass. The bass takes the lead in quality rather than quantity. The mid-bass is slightly forward with a beautiful texture. For testing bass, we made use of the Remix Version of Timmy Turner on the SoundCloud app and Nakshatram by Jean du Voyage’s offline FLAC file. The two 6mm dd is used in a smart way to keep with the tonal balance of the IEM which is quite fun in the EDM genre. As it results in faster takeoff along with the right balance. But we would like to add here that the bass doesn’t hit hard, so if you are looking for a deep and boomy bass with the deepest decay this isn’t the IEM for you. Where the sub-bass is really good with above-average layering. The transient response is seen on those dynamic drivers, where the kick is there with faster decay.

  • Mids: - Mids is one of the shining aspects of Fan 2. The Penon Fan 2 makes use of Sonion BA for the mids. The Sonions are quite famous for their full-bodied mids without a hint of BA timbre, and we are happy to see that the BA is beautifully implemented by the Penon Audio team. For testing mids, we’ve listened to “In Your Eyes” by the Weekend and Skyfall by Adele through Apple Music. The mids have a soul and are very musical. The Fan 2 offers a rich tonal presentation. It offers a very dynamic and smooth mids across the frequency. The male vocals especially have beautiful textures, have controls, and sounds sublime.

  • Highs: - The Penon Fan 2 makes use of one Knowles BA and comes with the buttery treble if we can say that. The treble is clean and airy without a bit of harshness. So, listening for a longer period won’t lead to any kind of fatigue (at least for us). For trebles also, Penon Fan 2 strikes a good balance. They are vivid, open, almost airy, almost sparky, without ever getting into excess leanness, let alone scanting into metallic or artificial sheen, thus keeping with the musical tonality of the IEMs. While listening to “In Your Eyes” from the Weekend the saxophone doesn’t really shine which should be due to the lack of upper treble. Keeping in mind that it costs that low.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage of the Penon Fan 2 is intimate, organic, and very musical. We really enjoyed listening to blues music on Fan 2. The soundstage is decently wide and deep. Macro dynamics is amongst Fan 2 fortes, but micro details are not so nicely pronounced. Instruments are very pleasantly and distinctly positioned on the stage, and there’s air, and clean space between them. Fan 2’s detail retrieval capacity is above average but not the best in its price category. Separation between the instruments across the frequency is really wide and deep whereas the imaging is just average at best.

  • Synergy: - After trying it with different sources (Astell and Kern AK100, SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1, DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 Gold, Aune M1p and Tanchjim Space and Space lite dongles) it mostly shines with analytical sources. With Peno Fan 2, DTR1+ pairs and makes the bass more thumpy and deeper. In the case of cables, high-quality copper cable, say UPOCC Copper cable with Fan 2, mids will be more organic. It makes it almost unbeatable in that region.
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Conclusion: -

The Penon fan2 along with wide bore tips + Analytical DAPs + High-quality copper cable sounds sublime, especially with the blues genre. Penon Fan 2 is a unique offering from Penon Audio. It is made from love and not ego by Penon Audio for its fans across the world. It doesn’t try to show off but believes in keeping things beautifully balanced across the frequency. The best thing about Penon Fan 2 lies in its organic timbre, musical tonality and intimate soundstage which stands strong across the genre of the music. The thing which we didn’t like about the Penon Fan 2 is its average imaging ability and limited technicality. So, we would end this review by saying that if you love the blues genre of music and searching for semi-custom kinds of musical IEMs then this is the best way to boost your audiophile journey.

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500+ Head-Fier
Hisenior Okavango Review
Pros: Very musical and Mid-Centric Tuning, Quality Accessories, Tonal Balance, Can be technical with Tuning Switches, Customization Available
Cons: Average Soundstage
HISENIOR OKAVANGO: A Sonic Adventure Worth Taking

Introduction: -

Hisenior Audio is a Chinese audio company founded in 2015 and they specialize in handcrafted custom in-ear monitors for musicians, studio engineers and audiophiles. They mostly create multi-balanced armature earphones, as well as hybrid IEMs. Hisenior Okavango is a hybrid 7 Drivers In-ear monitor. It consists of one dual magnet 9.5 mm bio cellular diaphragm dynamic driver for a warm profound bass, 4 Sonion BA for mids and 2 Knowles BA for highs. It is the first IEM in the newest and professional Wild-Nature series by the brand. According to Hisenior Audio, the project aimed to deliver clear, profound, dynamic, and relaxed music symbolizing the Okavango delta. The IEM comes with integrated tuning switches to customize the sound based on the music. The Hisenior Okavango comes in a nice sturdy pelican box with plenty of accessories. The universal version comes for US$ 299. We also like to add here that Hisenior also offers a CIEM version of Okavango which comes for US$ 349.

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Specifications: -

• Driver Configuration: 1 Dynamic Driver + 6 Balanced Armature
• Crossover: 4-Way Integrated Crossovers
• Impedance: 20Ω ± 10%
• Freq Response: 10Hz-30Khz
• Sensitivity: 112dB/mW
• Noise Isolation: -20dB

Disclaimer: -

We are thankful to Hisenior for the discounted price for the IEM. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Hisenior Okavango didn’t come in an official package, but with all the official accessories, which include Okavango in-ear monitor, 4Core OCC Upgrade Cable with 4.4mm Termination, Pelican Waterproof Protective Case, Clean Fiber Wiper, All Size Ear-Tips a pair each total 8 pairs and a Switch Adjust Pin.

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IEM Build & Design: -

The Okavango has both options for Universal as well as Custom Faceplate design. We chose the universal one and it looks beautiful. The universal version of IEMs comes in a pale forest green color while the faceplate is a fusion of sparkly green resin and sand color-stabilized wood. The shell is ergonomically designed to suit and provide decent isolation. The IEM comes with a high-quality OCC cable which is soft and comfortable. The fit is okay, and the isolation is very good, but the shell size could have been a bit smaller for a person having smaller ears.

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Sound Analysis: -
Credits: @Soundcheck39

• Tonality: - The tonality of Hisenior Okavango leans towards the warm musical and mid-centric. It is kind of a modern take on the HARMAN IEM target curve providing a smooth coherence from bass to treble yet a very trippy and exciting foot-tapping sound. The Hisenior Okavango has a beautiful musical signature with compromising on technical (which can be somewhat recovered by tuning the switch). The sound is balanced across the spectrum where the bass doesn’t split to mids and highs are airy and right at the point thus can be used for longer listening. Vocals and acoustic instruments sound very natural without even a whiff of BA timbre.

• Lows: - The Hisenior Okavango offers a very profound textured bass. Mid-bass is a bit forward with decent thump and impact while the subbass has decent extension without mudding the mids yet making it a bit musical. With the bass switch turned on, Sub-bass gains more presence and extension. Although surprisingly the mids remain clear and detailed. The upper-mids presence is more prominent than in the balanced mode while the vocals become warmer and especially female vocals sound much better than on the balanced mode. Highs become a bit relaxed and less airy than in the balanced mode while still carrying a good detail retrieval.

• Mids: - The Hisenior Okavango offers a dynamic forward and smooth mids across the frequency. While in balanced mode the male vocals sound much better than the female vocals but with the bass switch turned on the female vocals also improve and become balanced with the male counterparts. The micro details are retrieved easily especially using an analytical source. With the vocal switch turned on the upper-mids become more energetic and fun while the detail retrieval increases across the spectrum.

• Highs: - The best and the unique part of Hisenior Okavango lies in its Treble. The highs are clean and airy without a bit of harshness. There is good extension up towards the end of frequency without being fatigued and spiky. This also shows while listening to saxophone-based tracks such as In Your Eyes by the Weekend where the timbre of saxophone is very organic real and yet airy. With the vocals switch turned on highs become clearer and airier along with adding a little more shimmer to instruments.

• Soundstage & Imaging: - The Hisenior Okavango offers a very intimate soundstage in balanced mode. The width and depth are above average, providing enough space between the instruments yet sounding very cohesive. The imaging is decently above average, but we feel layering could have been a bit better. With both bass and vocals switched on the soundstage improves in both width and depth with more space among the instruments which can be really of help while listening to rock and metal genres. Also, the imaging improves a bit, but we don’t see any improvement in layering.

• Synergy: - After trying it with different sources (Astell and Kern AK100, SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1, DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 Gold, Aune M1p and Tanchjim Space and Space lite dongles) we can confidently say that it synergises well with analytical daps like Dethonray DTR1+ and Tanchjim Space lite in our case. Also, we would like to add that Dethonray SG1 Gold helps in making bass more thumps and hard-hitting. In the case of cables, while high-quality copper cables help in making vocals sweeter and buttery, the silver cable helps in more detail retrieving and increasing the soundstage, but we suggest the use of high-quality UPOCC Copper (Like Rhapsodio Copper, Effect Audio Cadmus) cable to enjoy the Hisenior Okavango at its best, the vocals sound magical.

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Conclusion: -

The Hisenior Okavango is a unique offering from Hisenior Audio. After reviewing Hisenior T2 we were very excited about this brand but that reduced after listening to Hisenior Mega5 EST. But we can happily say that Hisenior Audio has made a very strong comeback with Okavango. The best thing about Okavango lies in its beautiful timbre and musical tonality which stands strong like a pillar and doesn’t get affected by its tuning switches. the tuning switches help in listening to different genres of music with only one IEM and yes, the customized offering by Hisenior Audio makes the deal sound much sweeter and Personalized. It is good for longer listening as there is no harshness and details can be heard at low volume thus showing the calibre of the IEM. The only thing we didn’t like about the Hisenior Okavango is its average layering. If you are in the market in search of an item that can sound very musically fun and airy then it’s an easy recommendation from us at Aural Café.

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Just got these iems, I look forward to comparing them to my other Iems :wink:

Lovely review by the way.
I have had these for a few days now, and comparing them to the Iems, I'd they are good for their cost. But I wouldn't say they go above their price tag.


500+ Head-Fier
Tanchjim Space Lite Review
Pros: Premium Build Quality, Clean and Spacious Sound, Brilliant resolution, Audiophile Grade on Budget
Cons: Lack of Balanced Output (Negligible)


Introduction: -

Tanchjim Space Lite shares the design philosophy with its big brother Tanchjim Space so it has the same rugged-looking full metal body but this time with only a 3.5mm port, single cirrus logic CS43131 chip, a Type-C connector, and a well-insulated non-detachable cable in between. The internals follow an excellent circuit design when we compare them to the other dongles in a similar price range. Despite being only US$45, the feel is very premium and seems to be built to last for a longer time.

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Specifications: -

  • DAC Used: Single Cirrus Logic CS43131
  • Output Power: 2Vrms (UNBAL)
  • THD+N: 0.0003%
  • Dynamic-Range: UNBAL - 126dB (AES17 20Khz, AWT)
  • Background Noise: 1uV
  • Headphone Out: 3.5mm SE
  • Input port: USB Type-C
  • Size: 3.75x1.37x1cm Weight: 10.9g
Disclaimer: -

We have received Tanchjim Space Lite, a DAC/AMP Combo from Tanchjim Audio for a considerate discount in exchange for a review. We are thankful to Tanchjim Audio for the same. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Tanchjim Space Lite comes in a small-sized box with the DAC/Amp and all the accessories. The unboxing experience is premium. Removing the box lead, we have the manuals and quick guides. After that, we found the DAC/Amp in an assembly. The Space Lite comes with a USB Type-A male to Type-C female adaptor. All come under the price tag of US $44.99 only.

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Build & Design: -

Tanchjim Space Lite is a small building with full metal housing. The DAC is lightweight and has a compact design. The housing is made up of high-quality aluminium material with top-notch machining quality. The cable is non-detachable and sturdy enough with good insulation. The only noticeable thing is the Volume Control buttons are missing.

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Sound Analysis: -

Tanchjim Space Lite shares the same sound presentation quality as its big brother Tanchjim Space. It has a very clean and spacious-sounding presentation. It surprises us at such a low price by offering a very audiophile level of resolution and separation. It has an above-average soundstage and imaging in comparison to the similar-priced dongles.

Here we would also like to add that while the Tanchjim Space offers a fuller body balanced sound the Tanchjim Space Lite offers a more energetic sound in comparison. While comparing it to the other similarly priced dongles in the market and with the likes of Apple we can confidently say that the Space lite offers a bump to clarity and resolution of the IEMs it is used with. The Space Lite brings more emphasis to the mid and upper treble sparkle thus sounding fun. Since the emphasis is more on clarity and treble it will synergize well with warm-sounding IEMs. In our case, it really synergizes well with the Tanchjim Kara and Penon Serial.

Tanchjim App is also available for Space Lite for Android and iOS devices, and this dongle can be fully controllable.

Conclusion: -

We at Aural café can confidently say that if you are bored of the generic Apple dongles or other entry-level dongles for connecting IEMs with your smartphone (Now iPhone 15 also supports Type-C) try the Tanchjim Space Lite. The Tanchjim Space Lite is a good all-rounder DAC/Amp primary made for IEMs only. It offers more clarity and headroom and doesn’t consume vastly more power. So, if you guys are buying or already bought an Apple iPhone 15, then just buy Tanchjim Space Lite and discover a new world while using the Apple Music app without breaking the bank. As we strongly feel the synergy will be super rocking and fun.

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500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Premium Build Quality, Both Balanced and Unbalanced Outputs, Clean and Reference Grade Sound, Great Output Power
Cons: Not for Full-Sized Headphones, Filmsy USB Cable


Introduction: -

Tanchjim is highly reputed for its unique design for IEMs and DAC/Amps. They’ve started their journey with IEMs followed by the dongle DACs and now they’re producing desktop grade DAC/Amps as well. Tanchjim Space is a very well-built dongle with a full metal body with volume buttons on the side to control the volume with ease on the go and an attractive semitransparent panel on the top to give you a sneak peek into the world of high-quality circuitry inside. Due to its unique Cirrus Logic tonality, we feel it will synergize well with warm tonality IEMs and headphones. We would also like to inform you that Space is very energy efficient all thanks to the Cirrus Logic chip.

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Specifications: -

  • DAC Used: Dual Cirrus Logic CS43131
  • Output Power: 4Vrms (BAL High), 2Vrms (BAL Low)
  • 2Vrms (UNBAL High), 1Vrms (UNBAL Low) Impedance: 27Ω
  • THD+N: 0.00017% (BAL), 0.00019%(UNBAL)
  • Dynamic-Range: BAL - 132dB, UNBAL - 127dB (AES17 20Khz, AWT)
  • Background Noise: 1.3uV (BAL), 1.1uV (UNBAL)
  • Headphone Out: 3.5mm SE / 4.4mm Bal
  • Input port: USB Type-C
  • Size: 4.1x2.1x1.2cm Weight: 14.8g
Disclaimer: -

We have received Tanchjim Space, a DAC/AMP Combo from Tanchjim Audio for a considerate discount in exchange for a review. We are thankful to Tanchjim Audio for the same. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Tanchjim Space comes in a small-sized box with the DAC/Amp and all the accessories. The unboxing experience is premium. Removing the box lead, we have the manuals and quick guides. After that, we found the DAC/Amp in an assembly. The Space comes with a USB Type-C to Type-C male cable connection and a USB Type-A male to Type-C female adaptor. All come under the price tag of US $89.99 only.

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Build & Design: -

Tanchjim Space features a small and compact building. The DAC features a transparent window design that looks like glass and allows users to see the insides of the dongle. The DAC is lightweight, small, and has a compact design. The housing is made up of high-quality aluminium material with top-notch machining quality. The cable supplied is also sturdy enough.

Sound Analysis: -

Tanchjim Space the name itself depicts the sound quality it is trying to offer. It is one of the cleanest and most reference-sounding dongles we have auditioned or have in our Aural Café’s bank. One of the best things about Space is its neutrality with very good imaging and separation. The soundstage is decent with more depth when we compare it to the other dongles. We believe that the team has achieved it because of the dual path decoding architecture which is supported by two powerful Cirrus Logic CS43131 DAC chips. One more interesting thing about Space is that it doesn’t try to colour the sound and no frequency jumps on you abnormally. The sound presentation is unique with a very slightly warm tonality and pitch-black background. The Tanchjim Space non-linear volume control really helps especially with in-ear monitors and the onboard 4.4mm balanced output with 4 Vrms of output power can drive the most demanding IEMs and also drive the less demanding full-size headphones. This review will not do justice if we don’t write about the high-quality OTG cable the Tanchjim space is bundled with. The OTG cable is made up of two parallel strands of single crystal copper silver-plated material which are properly shielded leading to a more efficient power supply to support its dual path decoding architecture resulting in a pitch black and clean background.

Another footnote we want to add here is that the Tanchjim App is available for both Android and iOS devices and this dongle can be fully controllable with the App.

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Conclusion: -

We at Aural Café can happily assure you that if you are in the market for a well-built portable DAC/Amp at a competitive price then you cannot go wrong with Tanchjim Space because of its unique and user-friendly design topped up with a seriously built dual path decoding architecture leading to a unique, organic, and original sound experience within the gigantic Dongle Universe. Also, we got it’s sibling called Space Lite, so stay tuned for that review as well.

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500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Very comfortable for long time sessions, Superb Mids, Smooth and musical Sound Signature, Strong Sub-Bass presence, Awesome design and build quality
Cons: Needs power (May not be a Con), Less Analytical, Average Soundstage, Average treble extension


Introduction: -

Tanchjim Audio has been active in the industry since 2015 as a premium Hi-Fi In-Ear monitor brand from China. With a professional team of acoustic engineers, Tanchjim has released several award-winning in-ear monitors in the industry including Oxygen, Hana, and more. Here, the Kara makes use of a single 9mm dynamic driver, a pair of Sonion 2389 BA drivers, and a pair of custom Tanchjim BA drivers for frequencies beyond the 10kHz range. Kara’s shell is constructed from resin DLP3D Printed shell with a transparent finish. The Kara fits better in the ear due to its smaller size and lighter build, making it significantly comfortable all around and perfect for all-day listening. Moving to its price, it retails at US$ 179.00.

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Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 1 Dynamic Driver (PEEK+PU Composite Diaphragm DMT3 DD Unit) & 4 Balanced Armature (2 Custom BA + 2 Sonion 2389 BA)
  • Crossover: Three-Way Analog Frequency Crossover
  • Impedance: 27Ω
  • Freq Response: 7Hz-40Khz
  • Sensitivity: 115dB/mW
Disclaimer: -

We are thankful to Tanchjim for the discounted price for the IEM. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The Tanchjim Kara comes in a medium-sized box with the IEMs and all the accessories. The unboxing experience is truly premium, and it’s rarely seen in a product of this price range and even higher. Removing the box lead, we have the manuals and quick guides. After that, we found the IEMs in an assembly. Followed by the white premium carrying case which includes the High-Purity 6N litz Oxygen free Silver-plated Copper cable with 3.5mm termination. The Kara comes with 7 pairs of T-APB pressure balancing ear tips that ensure maximum comfort by balancing the internal and external air pressure. This is perfect for an item of such a price point.

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IEM Build & Design: -

Tanchjim Kara features a small and compact building. The IEM features a transparent shell design that looks like a crystal and allows users to see the insides of the Kara. The shells are lightweight, small, and have a compact design. The shells are made up of high-quality imported medical-grade resin material. The compact design also ensures a comfortable fit for the users. Overall ergonomics are top-notch with no driver flex experienced.

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Sound Analysis: -

Credits: @aftersound

The tonality of Tanchjim kara leans towards the warm and mid-centric. The Kara has a beautiful musical signature with decent technicalities for a sub-US$ 200 product. The coherency between the BA drivers handling the mids and treble and the DD driver handling the bass is top-notch. Vocals and acoustic instruments sound very natural without even a whiff of the BA timbre. The Kara isn’t class-leading in micro detailing or clarity but for a somewhat darkish signature, the resolution is surprisingly not lacking. Credits

  • Lows: - The kara focuses on Sub-Bass a bit more. The sub-bass has a decent impact here. There is texture, and decay, creating an engaging yet controlled sense of impact which improves a lot when Kara is matched with a decent source such as Dethonray DTR1+ and Tanchjim Space lite. The mid-bass is less prominent but still present enough to provide some warmth, body, and punch to the sound. The bass is not very fast or tight, but rather smooth and organic. It does not bleed into the midrange or overpower the other frequencies.

  • Mids: - The mids of the Tanchjim kara is the high point of its sound signature as it showcases its warm centric tuning, and its forte in showcasing its vocals and acoustic instruments, especially guitar. The midrange is smooth and natural with good clarity and resolution. The mids are a bit forwarded, especially the upper mids which gives the female vocals more emotions whereas the lower mids are slightly recessed to keep the sound signature balance.

  • Highs: - The treble of the Kara is relaxed and smooth as the upper treble rolls off somewhat early. It has enough sparkle and air to keep the sound from sounding dull or dark, but it does not have much extension or detail. The treble is laid-back and easy-going keeping up with the signature of the IEMs. It complements the warm midrange and the strong sub-bass, creating a coherent and musical sound. Instruments in the upper treble have an average level of resolution. The treble is not the best for critical listening, but it is suitable for long natural smooth and fatigue-free music sessions.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage of Tanchjim Kara is not very wide and spacious but rather intimate and cozy. The soundstage is decently wide, but the height is just average. The separation and layering are average when considering the price of the IEM. Soundstage depth and height are decently expansive. Tanchjim Kara adopts a three-way analogue frequency division architecture. One for high pass, one for band pass and one for low pass. The aim is to divide the audio signal into three distinct parts so that the sound is balanced across the frequency but the risk with this structure is to achieve coherency and we are happy to inform you that the Kara truly achieves it by providing a good imaging with a clear and accurate placement of instruments and vocals. Both Soundstage and Imaging were heavily improved when the kara is amped and wide bore tips (Even Factory-supplied ones) make the IEM tips sensitive.

  • Synergy: - The Kara pairs well with sources that have a neutral or slightly bright sound signature, as they can balance out its warm mid-centric tuning and bring out more treble presence and detail. Despite its low impedance of 27 ohms the Kara is not as efficient and at least needs a good dongle DAC/Amp to show its true colours. The Tancareim kara’s synergy with neutral and analytical sources is amazing. To our surprise, the Tanchjim kara really paired well with the Tanchjim Space lite dongle instead of the warmer Tanchjim Space (Regular) dongle. When it comes to DAPs and DAC/Amp it really pairs well with Dethonray DTR1+ in comparison to Aune M1p, DTR1, Astell & Kern AK SP1000m and Dethonray Pegasus SG1 Gold edition. It scales really with Dethonray DTR1+ as it gives sufficient power for its dynamic driver which in turn brings out more refinement and detail in its sound.
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Conclusion: -

The Tanchjim Kara is a special warm and mid-centric IEM that offers a smooth and musical sound. It has a strong sub-bass presence, a lush midrange, and a relaxed treble. It is not a perfectly neutral IEM, but rather one that emphasizes vocal emotion and enjoyment over accuracy and detail. It is also important to highlight it is very good at playing string instruments like bass and electric guitars. It is not suitable for audiophiles who prefer a more analytical sound with more treble presence and extension. One of the high points of Kara is its wonderful natural timbre in comparison to other hybrid IEMs and not to forget its accessories, ergonomics and build quality which is quite impeccable in comparison to similar priced IEMs.

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500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Top-tier Sounding DAP, 2.5mm and 4.4mm both Balanced Output options, Great Power Output, Simple and fast Software, Great Value for Money
Cons: Battery life is not up to the mark, Lack of Touchscreen, Gets Warm
Introduction: -
Aune is a highly reputed HiFi audio brand based in China. They excel in the research and development of high-quality audio decoders and amplifiers known as DAC/AMPs. The brand has a wide range of HiFi gear both in desktop and portable categories that fit every buyer’s need and budget. Aune M1p is Aune's latest purely offline Hi-Resolution digital audio player. It has two different versions, the Standard Version retails at US$ 369.00 and Bluetooth Version retails at US$ 399.00. The M1p is the 3rd generation of the Aune M1 portable music player series. With the Freescale™ 600M processor and the hardware decoding frame, it managed to support 32bit/768k and DSD512 decoding. It also uses the FPGA algorithm and the DAC clock synchronization technology. We as the team of audiophiles at Aural Café believe that it’s the power supply and the quality of components that matter more than the number of DAC Chips when it comes to sound quality and Aune has focused a lot on the quality of power supply in Aune M1p although it is just a US$ 399 player. The Aune M1p has a large and complex power supply frame, with the classic positive and negative circuit and the two-stage low-ripple voltage regulation, guaranteeing a large dynamic range, fine details and naturalness. The Aune m1p has high-quality components like the low-ripple voltage regulator chip for DAC, independent volume control, the ultra-low-jitter AS318B oscillator and the C0G capacitor, which results in a bit neutral yet musical-sounding DAP.


Specifications: -
• DAC Used: ES9038Q2M
• Recommended headphone impedance: 8-600Ω
• THD+N: 0.00021%@1kHz.
• Headphone outputs: SE 3.5mm, BAL 2.5mm, BAL 4.4mm
• Power: 130mW@32Ω(SE), 280mW@32Ω(Bal)
• DNR: 120dB
• Noise: 2.5uVrms
• Max Level: 4.57 Vrms@Bal, 2.2Vrms@SE output
• Memory card: microSD (supports sizes up to 1TB, exFAT, FAT32 format)
• Supported formats: WAV- Up to 32Bit/768KHz, FLAC- Up to 24Bit/192KHz, DSD- 512
• Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.0 (Bluetooth variant only), AptX HD, AAC, SBC Codecs

Disclaimer: -
The Aune M1p was arranged directly by Aune for free of cost. We are thankful to them for the opportunity. However, the review reflects our honest opinion.

Packaging & Accessories: -
The Aune M1p comes in a medium-sized box with the device and all the accessories. Removing the box reveals the DAP. But before that a quick guide and brand card. Aune has supplied Ugreen Type-C cable which is also well-packed. Lastly, the thing we love most about is the 128GB Micro SD card supplied in the box. The presentation overall is classy. The matching leather case is an accessory that can be purchased separately.





Operations & Settings: -
The M1p is quite fast in terms of operation, with very responsive direction buttons and a fast database search. The UI is quite simple indeed, but the functionality is perfect without any flaws. The DAP can only be woken up with the power button. The settings allow you to play around with screen time, brightness, Filters, Auto Shutdown, Bluetooth Modes (For Bluetooth Variant only) and more. However, there are no gain settings present in the DAP. The 3.5mm output also works as Line-Out but there is no software option to turn it off. Overall if you like to have a fancy UI with several EQ settings etc., this is not the player for you. If you’re a purist, however, you can perfectly rely on the OS.

Battery & Charging: -
The real-life experience with the battery would be around 6 hours in my opinion in moderate usage, and although I haven’t done any specific battery tests, I can honestly say that this is not the best DAP in terms of battery life. The charging time is over 2 hours with a 2A charger. The software doesn’t show battery percentage, only a battery presented which drains and gains in three or four levels. It’s hard to keep track of the battery.


Sound Analysis: -

The Aune M1p was very impressive when it came around with its sound performance from the get-go. For the price of $399.00 (For the Bluetooth Variant), it’s a no-brainer.

• Lows: - One of the first things we noticed is its punch. The DAP has a very strong sound, and the power is demonstrated in the low end. It is carried from low volume to high volume. It has a powerful bass, and it doesn’t feel coloured. The bass is very fast and agile.

• Mids: - The mid-range is very well put together. There are no notes that give us a harsh presentation. The vocals are very sweet and present. The mids are presented in a very controlled manner, and the transparencies are there.

• Highs: - Once again the highs are very transparent. The detail level is awesome and very extended. It doesn’t overdo anything, just gives the proper presentation. The cleanness and speed of the treble, its precise definition, and the separation of the notes offer a winning level of resolution, within that musical and pleasant sensation that accompanies all the ranges of the M1p.

Technical Performance: -

The Aune M1p is one of the best devices you can have in terms of technicalities for this price. The presentation is quite resolving, thanks to its transparency. It is a very capable DAP and its presentation and overall performance make it a very good all-rounder for practically every genre out there. It handles congestion and complex passages easily when it is paired with an equally good IEM. The sound signature is close to neutral throughout the spectrum.
The M1p has this special hardware decoding frame. ARM - FPGA uses an ultra-low-jitter dual clock to realize asynchronous regeneration, and then clock synchronization for FPGA - DAC. The sound is transparent and natural. The Aune M1p has a decent amount of air between the instruments and the sound stage and imaging is really good for the price. The depth is there though, which is quite nice but don’t expect a huge staging performance. The imaging is quite strong though, with good focus and separation. The definition in the mid-range & treble is nice, and the honest delivery of this player is probably the best part. It’s like a reference DAP for a small amount of money, and it proves the fact with every genre. It’s not a genre-specific DAP at all, you can get it and play everything with confidence. The detailing and tonality are precise. It is very natural, yet truly rich-sounding DAP always searches for the analogue sound.


Conclusion: -

Looking at the DAP market, I doubt anyone can show me a player for this price with a better sound. Of course, it is a limited product and doesn’t have any features at all, but that’s the point. There is no doubt, the DAP is a success in sound. Aune always looking for sound that strives for purity and neutrality. Aune M1p must have, for those who only crave good sound.

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500+ Head-Fier
Hisenior T2 REVIEW
Pros: Well Balanced Tuning, Excellent Mids, Quality Stock Cable and Accessories, Very good for casual listening
Cons: Lack of Sub-bass, Average Soundstage, Highs are not shiny
Introduction: -

Hisenior is a Chinese audio company founded in 2015 and they specialize in handcrafted custom in-ear monitors for musicians, studio engineers and audiophiles. They mostly create multi-balanced armature earphones, as well as hybrid IEMs. Hisenior T2 is Hisenior's 2BA offering in the sub-$150 price range. Usually, it sells at $119.00, but on sale for an undetermined time for as low as $95.00 on the official website. Also, the custom version of T2 is selling for $115.00.

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Specifications: -
  • Driver Configuration: 2 Balanced Armature (Knowles)
  • Crossover: 2-Way Passive Crossovers/Dual-Bores/2 Dampers
  • Impedance: 18Ω
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 105dB/mW
Disclaimer: -

We are thankful to Hisenior for the discounted price for the IEM. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

The T2 didn’t come in an official package, but with all the official accessories, which include T2 Classic in-ear monitor, 8Core Silver-plated OCC Upgrade Cable with 3.5mm Termination (Both MMCX & 2Pins 0.78mm options available, we chose 2Pins 0.78mm), Pelican Waterproof Protective Case, Clean Fiber Wiper, All Size Ear-Tips a pair each. What else do you want for that price?

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IEM Build & Design: -

The T2 Classic has allergy-free resin shells and there is a smooth surface. As we had the option of getting a custom-designed faceplate, we received the IEM as we designed it, and it looks beautiful. It also feels very solid in the hands. The Universal one comes in dark translucent shells. Both versions have a text, “febos” in silver color.

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Sound Analysis: -

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Credits: @aftersound
  • Lows: - Since the tonality of the IEM leans towards a bit of a warm balanced sound, the mid-bass presentation here has decent quantity and quality. On bass-heavy tracks with sources like Aune M1p and Dethonray dtr1 plus, T2 still manages to give quality-sounding lows. The bass texture is rendered smoothly. But the sub-bass depth is just average at best. Drum kicks felt lacking at times, especially on thump and punchiness.

  • Mids: - The mids are well-balanced with good tonality. We can easily say that the mids are the highlights of this IEM. Mids are a bit forwarded here, which makes it a fun-sounding set. Vocal-centric and instrumental tracks felt alive and rich sounding. We would here like to specially mention that songs with piano and violin in the backdrop sounded phenomenally well. We really like how the vocals (both male and female) are well-rendered here. Here we would also like to add that the mids sounded really well with the Aune m1p and Dethonray dtr1 plus daps .as both of these daps are analytical thus the synergy with the IEM was great.

  • Highs: - Highs on this IEM is average with the treble doesn’t extend so well and is not that airy. It does have a beautiful natural timbre and tonality which makes it an excellent IEM for everyday use, but it doesn’t give you that sparkling. The detailing is decent at this price point. The highs do improve a bit with a neutral source but weren’t that great with mobile phones.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - The soundstage is average here with more focus on cohesiveness. Not that wide but still acceptable as we believe that cohesiveness has its own fun. It’s quite natural for BA staging. Imaging is above average for its price tag. It actually surprises us with imaging. Separation is quite average as it sounds okay with electronic and pop music tracks, but it struggles on complex tracks where lots of instruments are involved.

  • Synergy: - At Aural Café, we strongly believe that sources play a great role in extracting maximum juice from the IEMs and we would like to advise the newcomers in this hobby to get a good source if you really want to enjoy the music in its Hi-Fi form, keeping all these things in mind, we recommend a DAP which is neutral and analytical in its presentation to go with Hisenior T2 and we are saying it after testing it with numerous daps in our table. We believe that, since the Hisenior T2 has a warm tonality, it merges really well with a neutral DAP. The mid-bass especially really improves with a good source. As of our experience, this IEM really has good synergy with Aune M1p, Dethonray dtr1 Plus and when it comes in a dongle it sounds really fun with Tanchjim Space.
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Conclusion: -

This IEM is very capable set at the given price point of $119.00 and justifies even greater value at the Sale price. For everyday use, it does not create any kind of fatigue during longer sessions. The accessories given are top-notch. The Pelican protective case itself cannot be found in any IEM at this range. It admirably delivers well-balanced tuning. Isolation is one of the best if not the best at that price. Overall, we liked the set for its warm and fun tonality and timbre. For users who like wide soundstage with neutral tonality, we would not recommend this IEM. If anyone is willing to purchase, it is available for purchase through the official website of Hisenior.

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