Reviews by tingsam501


New Head-Fier
Pros: Incisive imaging and micro details there...
Cons: Treble may be a little overwhelming for some and the bass not as hard hitting for others.
I ripped this from my Amazon review... where they are still available as of today.

I got this headphone because it was cheap...and I saw one review on YouTube that was glowing. Little did I know it was better than I expected!!! A LOT better than expected...

Soundstage is tight, and with video it sounded a little veiled compared to some of my other headphones, HOWEVER with music this thing shines.

Imaging feels incisive in this it's a knife cutting through very precise places across the stage.

There's definitely some sparkle in the treble as well. Crispy and clear sounding up top. I haven't played any "bad" files with these headphones, just FLAC. That being said I would imagine anything less than perfect recordings would reveal any imperfections.

Mids don't feel recessed to me either. It's a full experience as I listen. Good meat on the bones.

Bass is not exactly for bass heads so far as I can tell, but it is present and polite from what I hear.

For some musical reference... Whole Lotta Love - when JPJ comes in he's right in the center. Robert Plant is a little to the right side of your face...until the middle rift of the song when he's right in your ears left and right and across your face...

DM - Violator (Remastered) - Definitely more bass. It's fast... and the decay is not unnatural feeling. Waiting for the Night especially sounds good with the little kind of "zip" at the top of some of the notes and you'll hear every word all to the end.

The Cure - High - from the Wish album you'll hear that "snap" of his fingers in the left ear... Usually it's so soft you don't really get it, but it's there and definitely audible as a soft snap of the fingers.

Frank Sinatra - Strangers in the Night - My Way The Best of... Almost perfect for this headphone... All the little details that make Sinatra's voice come out along with the orchestra details from the band. Also, "Fly Me to the Moon" on the same album instrument separation is clear with Frank standing in the middle. Lots of good detail in the music.

Basically if you like Pop/Rock for the vast majority of your music you'll love this headphone. From Nina Simone, Frank Sinatra, to Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, John Denver, Edith Piaf... or even Cake. If you like 80's New Wave this'll be a good headphone.

Classical music you will need to turn it up a little.

Hip Hop or R&B - it depends on the quality of your recordings. Beastie Boys, Tupac, and stuff like that shouldn't be a problem unless you want real "slam". For the most part R&B people will be alright because of the clarity you get with this headphone.

All the music I listened to with these was lossless run off Foobar2000

In terms of comfort: Probably the most comfortable headphones I've had right out of the gate. I usually use headphones with a suspension strap or something because I'm literally a "blockhead"... as in if I shaved my head I'd look like the Lego man. BUT, these were not only comfortable for my round mound of a dome, but they'd EASILY fit around any other large head COMFORTABLY... Headband is thick and soft, pads were good, and clicks to spare on the adjustment. Clamp is soft-ish. Don't recommend heavy activity with these on... I could probably wear these for hours without fatigue.

One last thing before I conclude... Don't be fooled, this will leak sound... If you pump them up loud enough your neighbor on a plane WILL hear what you're hearing. Be warned. Great for an office or at home though. Heck, maybe even good for a walk when it's not too hot. I will likely do some ear pad rolling to see if anything changes though...

Overall... for the money... Are you kidding me?!?!?! Immense value buy... The only thing is that they ship from China which takes a while and it came bare bones in a box full of bubble wrap with a quality cable... but the entire box was wrapped in packing tape... and I mean the ENTIRE BOX... Just be sure to look for the seams when cutting and it'll save some time and frustration.

As an update here are some notes...

1. Earpad rolling: I got some Brainwavz... both angled protein leather and velour. Since the treble is so close to being a little too much for me I preferred the sound of the velour pads where it's rounded off a little.

2. I've had other people try on the headphone... and it's big. I mean, I didn't realize my head was so wide until I saw my friends struggle with it. Comfortable for me though as I'm only on the 3rd notch or so...