Reviews by tjl5709


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Sound quality, clarity, and detail.
Cons: It's expensive, but it's been worth it for me.
I have been a fan of speakers over headphones for many years. I only got into higher end headphones and equipment as my new house is not condusive to setting up the large stereo system and I have not had the time to build the audio room yet. I ripped all my CD's to flac using EAC some years ago and slowly moved up the chain on headphone equipment to try and get closer to the sound I was looking for. That said, I recently moved from a Bifrost uber/Lyr2 to the Gungnir MB/Mjolnir2 to run my HD650's. The quality of the music I now hear has me completly floored. My music collection sounds amazing. The one key thing that sets this off for me is that cymbals sound like a cymbal. I can pick out various instruments and just listen to different aspects of a recording. My music is musical, and I can listen to this set for hours.
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I would say that the Gungnir produces a session room sound.  A little explanation: many years ago, when I was a student, I was also a part-time photographer for an up and coming Manchester band (who eventually got nowhere and split up).  I used to visit them when they were rehearsing in the session room.  Bass and drums sounded explosive in the confines of the session room and I never thought I'd hear that sort of dynamic range reproduced in audio equipment, until I got hold of the Gungnir and paired it with a Lyre 2.
Through Beyerdynamic DT770 headhones (which are studio monitoring headphones) and sourced from a QLS DAP, via coaxial, music has HUGH dynamics (16bit CD quality has a potential signal to noise ratio of 96db) reminding me very much of that session room sound.