FiiO FH9

General Information















Model: FH9
Driver: 13.6mm dynamic + 6 Knowles balanced armature
Frequency response: 10Hz-40kHz
Impedance: 18Ω@1kHz
Sensitivity: 108dB(1kHz@1mW)
Max input power: 100mW
Cable: high-quality pure silver cable
Cable length: 1.2m
Single unit weight: 12.8g

HB5 carrying case*1
Bass ear tips*3 pairs (SML)
Balanced ear tips*3 pairs (SML)
Vocals ear tips*3 pairs (SML)
Foam ear tips*2 pairs (M)
Double -flange ear tips *2 (M)
SpinFit ear tips*3 pairs (SML)
Cleaning brush*1
MMCX removal tool*1
Magnetic clamp*1
Green/Black/Red audio filters*1 set
2.5/3.5/4.4mm interchangeable audio plug*1 set
8 strands of 224 wires each high-purity monocrystalline pure silver cable*1
*1 pair of SpinFit ear tips and 1 set of black filters are pre -installed at the factory

Latest reviews


100+ Head-Fier
Scalpel Assassin
Pros: Amazing details - literally analyzing your music
Airy highs just at the edge of being harsh
Wide soundstage (semi-open design, might be the biggest stage in iem)
Very energetic sound
Fantastic bass, deep and impactful
Sub-bass is incredible (but need a bit of EQ)
Easy to drive
Outstanding with electronic music
Accessories and build are superb
Pretty good timbre
Cons: Don't like stock cable (copper fits them better)
Sub-bass need some EQ (just a touch)
Isolation is not great because of semi-open design
No chance to relax with these
Timbre could be better
Might be harsh for some in treble region (fixable with filters, tips I believe)
No need to repeat what has been written in these reviews on this page. For me this is an amazing set worth every penny. Out of box they were just ok but after some burning time, swapped filters to green and changed cable to OCC + Alloy = OMG sound. These are full of life and energy, they have fantastic details and a very wide soundstage for iem. They are semi-open designs and I believe there are not many of these kinds of types around. Thanks to the semi-open design you can hear the sound coming from a distance at you and it really feels like being in a large room or hall. The benefit is also that when you are listening to them and something is happening around you like somebody is calling you or so you can still hear it while with other iems you wont be able to.

I had to use some EQ to get the best out of them but when I do it is really an OMG result. They are like an animal waiting for the signal to be pushed into your ear canals and they do that really well. I love them with electronic music especially something energetic like techno, DNB, electro but they wont disappoint you with any other styles too. Their overall tuning might be slightly cold and dry but also very analytical and detailed... This is mostly in the mids and highs. The bass on the other side, it is a chapter by itself. Their bass is more mid-bass focused but with slight EQ in sub-bass region this brings you the very best in terms of bass impact and rumble. Its pretty tight but detailed at the same time. Do not forget these have beryllium dynamic drivers I believe 13.6mm big just for bass !!! Might be the biggest in any iem. It is not noticeable until you give it just a bit more power and perhaps a bit of EQ push in the region from 80hz below.

I call them scalpel because it really feels like you dissecting the music to look at what is inside of each track. With these you will hear sounds in tracks you have not heard before (well in case you are not coming from 2k sets and so). I believe heavy metal users would love these too. I have not tried that but also did some classical music and I did enjoy it very much too.

Yes, there are new models out there, yes there are other hybrids, tribrids but why do you need them? They all cost way more than FH9 and I bet most of them wont sound this good. If you are not a collector then you need perhaps just 2 iems... FH9 and something like Penon Serial which is a total opposite of what FH9 provides.

If you have these you can be ensured that you are in the top iems league and I am serious. I have heard some expensive iems too and was not that impressed comparing them to FH9. Do not get fooled by their pretty affordable price here. They really compete in way higher levels.

Small advice if you get them or listen to them and are not impressed first do experiment with them a bit (cable, filters, tips or even EQ) once you adjust them to your liking you will love them.

Happy Listening :)

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And indeed the Penon Serial are super good, it's true. Less technically proficient than the Fh9's (no contest here), but pure magic (timbres, tones) 🥰👍
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100+ Head-Fier
Solid product but...
Pros: Very very versatile. Ideal as an all-rounder.
Textured bass, with good subbass...exquisite
Exceptional cable
Lots of accessories.
Cons: Questionable technical performance in 2024 at that price
It lacks a little body in vocals to be top
Its semi-open design does not quite translate to an open sonic experience
Filters don't change your sound much

We are going to analyze the Fiio Fh9. An iem type headset from the Fiio brand. This headset for me has been the Flagship of the brand until the launch of the Fx15, a product that we will also see soon. But what is so special about this Fiio Fh9?
Captura de pantalla (84).png


Closed box (What do we have?), cable length and quality, connection.
When it comes to unpacking we have a huge amount of accessories. When I say huge, I mean huge. I tend to be one of those who prefer brands to focus on providing good sound and leave accessories aside. Let's be honest, most of us have a spare cable, tips of various types... but in the case of the Fiio Fh9 you won't need it. You have everything and of excellent quality. Perhaps it is one of the strong points of this product...although considering the cost of the headset, this number of accessories should be a norm.
The cover, one of the most important elements, is elegant and strong. The earpiece fits in without too much pressure, although it could have been a little wider. The design of this one seems sober and elegant to me, it doesn't have the most beautiful colors, but it does the job very well.
Special mention to the cable. 1.2 meters, high purity, 8 strands, 19 cores and modular. But the best thing is that it feels premium. It's not rigid, but not too docile either. Possibly the best cable I have seen stock in headphones of this type.
Captura de pantalla (83).png

As if that were not enough, we have the possibility of modifying the sound with the tips and filters. Personally I don't notice obvious differences with the latter. I consider the stock filter to be the most complete, although I have read users who liked the green treble filter. I encourage you to play and try. As for tips, we have all types and sizes. SpinFit, silicone, double phalanx, memory addition, each of them allows the signature to be slightly modified. In my opinion, the vocal and balanced tips are the ones I like the most.

-DESIGN, insulation, weight and comfort

This titanium earpiece has a semi-open design. The latter is, theoretically, to give more spatiality and dimension to the sound scene...but we'll see if this is really the case or if it's more marketing. Its isolation, however, is not the best in its price range. In fact, I would say that items less than €200 can insulate more.
As for the design, we have one with a structure similar to that of the Fh5s. Personally, it has a very futuristic design, it is not one of my favorites, but I would say that I quite like it.
The headset has a higher weight than average, I suppose this is due to the titanium casing and its 7 drivers in each capsule. Even so, the comfort is quite good and it doesn't bother me during long listening sessions.


The purpose of headphones is to listen to music. This Fiio Fh9 is tuned for a musical and domestic experience. Thanks to its tonal response it fits many different genres. Its semi-open design does not make it ideal for use in transportation or in crowded places.
The signature
Overall, the sound signature is balanced for me, especially if using the balanced tips and standard filters.
Fiio, with this headset, wanted to bring together the best of the Fd and fh series. Sonically, I would define the Fh9 as a very balanced iem in all aspects, versatile and without weak points. The bass is impressive and very punchy, the mids are clear and lively. They don't feel hidden or muted. The treble is tuned just right so that it is not sibilant, but has good extension giving enough air and liveliness to percussion, for example.

Will a powerful amplifier be needed?
In terms of amplification, only 18 ohms and 108 decibels of sensitivity make this set ideal to combine with a good DAC dongle. With 120mw at 32 ohms it is enough to move it practically at 100%.
I have not noticed a great sonic loss if connected to a mobile phone as I have seen with other headphones. So if you want to use it from time to time with a laptop or cell phone, it can be done without a problem.

The texture of the bass is excellent, making it an ideal set for those who want good punch, definition and texture. It sounds gratifying and you won't want more in any song. The presence of the subwoofer is also evident. It doesn't seem to be difficult to go down to those frequencies, as I can see that it is difficult for other products.
It is not a dry and fast bass like the Oh5 but instead opts for a more viscous, pleasant and, ultimately, more musical sensation.

After the punchy bass, you'd expect the midrange to drop off noticeably, but that's not what happens on the FH9. Ha
and good clarity and cleanliness in the mids without having that noticeable body in the bass. If it had that body we would already be talking about a higher-end headphone at a tonal level. I perceive the voices only slightly further back, but with enough detail and presence to not appreciate a V shape.
Thus, we have a tone that keeps the sound signature fairly uniform throughout the midrange frequency response, although there is some emphasis on the bottom and top ends. At best, the midrange can highlight some details, but presents a natural overall response, with good dynamism and sufficient detail.

The highs of the Fh9 are controlled and not sibilant. You can perceive a slight brightness that, to my taste, gives added liveliness to the sound. With the green filter this is enhanced even more, but it makes it not as versatile in genres.
It is not a referential acute, but it is musical. Let's say they occupy a dominant place in the sound signature without culminating in a distracting tone of penetrating harshness. This done so as not to bother anyone. The texture is quite good and, the body, yes the body of the treble... (I know that sometimes we associate this with the midrange)... well it is a little step below the oh5 but the FH9 gives more extension and clarity which benefits the listen for classical music for example.

From experience it seems that semi-open designs allow iems to give more depth than extension in the X axis of the soundstage. Did I expect more? Yeah. Above all, because we are looking at a €600 product. I honestly consider that its technical performance is not of this value considering that there are hybrid headphones for a lower price such as the DuNu Sa6 mk2, Mangird Top, Hype 4, which give more in this section...whether in resolution, separation or another area .
In fact, I consider that a good planar magnetic headphone can give equivalent technical performance. Now, I'm not saying it's not technical. No. It has good capacity, but I expected more.
Taking into account the Fh5s, this Fh9 provides a more three-dimensional and spherical scenario. This is not an IEM that deals with a linear stereo field, where the left and right positions extend beyond the earphone housing. The FH9 maintains a space that represents the spatial image, while providing air and good soundstage separation. The layers overlap well and it is able to place the sound elements in a realistic way although not as well or precisely as other sets.
The soundstage is very natural and focused on making sonic reproduction addictive rather than oriented towards listening to details, positioning and expansion of the soundstage.
Captura de pantalla (85).png

The Fh9 is one of those headphones that can serve as a flagship for most of us. Even so, I consider that the Quintet, a €250 headset, has a technical performance that is only slightly inferior to this Fh9, a product that is worth more than twice as much. Still, I think what this fiio does really well is playing with that balance between fun and technical ability.
Its pros? Without a doubt, its package full of accessories, the cable, and the construction give an experience that is appreciated and let's say that the economic investment hurts less. On a sonic level, I highlight its dynamism, bass section and natural listening without much color, but tremendously addictive.
Its cons? As I said, its technical capacity for this price does not make much sense today. I was expecting a more massive scenario...(also considering that it is semi-open), better image and a little more resolution... perhaps that is why Fiio has released the Fiio Fx15, a headset that curiously improves these aspects.
Even so, I consider that the Fh9 is tremendously complete.
I say goodbye, see you in the next video or review...

All the best.

I´m also on YouTube!
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About the density of timbres and vocal, they need a small mod : a little filter (250 value) in the vents (shell) : problem fully solved 😎. And about the technicallies, just leave the small rubber colored ring off the nozzles filters : tada 🥳✊. Best filter : green. Not agreeing about the filters: they change a lot of things (openness, definition, air...) Then, leave... etc, see above 😉. About the cable : EA Eros S : terrific update. Enjoy 🔥👍


New Head-Fier
A balance champion
Pros: - Lifelike timbre
- 2,5, 3,5 and 4,4 plugs + very nice cable
- Really well balanced sound
- Easy to drive
- Separation is up there with the very best at this price point
- Build quality is stellar
- Comfortable to wear for hours
Cons: - Only slightly U shaped
I bought these iems after owning the Fh5 and Fh7 from Fiio. The Fh7 were a worth upgrade over the FH5, which in turn were and still are eccellent iems. What sets the Fh9 ahead of its 2 siblings is timbre, separation and high frequencies. You have a feeling instruments are more true to life with the FH9. All three separate sounds beautifully, but the FH9 really takes separation to the next level thanks to its 7 drivers per side. Another element that places the Fh9 ahead of its siblings is how high frequencies are handled. They have the quality of never being fatiguing while remaining expressive. It's like listening to music through a good tube amp. They never sound harsh or shrill.

Comfort is eccellent. I could wear them for hours without having the need to remove them. I usually begin feeling a bit of discomfort after wearing iems or headphones for an hour or so. This just does not happen with the Fh9.

Accessories are abundant. You get a sturdy cable with three terminations and lots of tips. You also get filters that are supposed to change the sound signature of the iems in question I kept the balanced filter as I am neither a basshead nor am I a treblehead.

In a nutshell, I would wholeheartedly recommend these iems to anyone looking for a balanced and universal iem around this price point.
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This is still a fantastic set if the sound sig agrees with you. Not enough folks have heard them unfortunately.



New Head-Fier
Does anyone know if narrow nozzles exist for the fh9 (similar to the FD5/FD7)? They're not cross-compatible but I prefer the narrow nozzles.