Moondrop Blessing 2


1000+ Head-Fier
Receive The Blessing...2
Pros: Gorgeous faceplates
Good build quality
Good price/performance ratio
Great accessories
Good fit/comfort
Surprisingly good bass with a new cable
Cons: Cable - also the cable, oh, and the cable
Highs are quite sibilant/sharp
Mids can be a tad metallic and distant
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Bless you. That was quite the sneeze. Oh, bless you two. Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last 3 years, you’ve probably heard of the Moondrop Blessing 2 (B2.) This is the IEM that broke the IEM market by offering kilobuck IEM performance for only $320. The B2 has 1DD for bass & 4 BAs for mids and highs on each side so it’s a hybrid IEM. But, time marches on and a lot of really talented new IEMs have come out since the Blessing 2 broke the IEM market. So, can the Blessing 2 still hack it?

Accessories/Earpads/Eartips (10/10):

Since my B2 was used it didn’t come with the typical Moondrop Waifu sleeve. I’m cool with that since the box it came in is much classier in nature. The leather-ish case inside is really nice and holds the B2 and ear tips and cable and is really good quality. The B2 comes with a headphone splitter (which I’ve never understood the point of) and two sets of ear tips. Overall, these are all of the accessories an IEM should come with as a baseline. Good job Moondrop – no complaints. That said, I’ll still be using my Spinfit W1 because used ear tips gross me out and the W1 has an excellent fit with good bass response, etc. (available Here).

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Cable (1/10):

Oh, there are the complaints. Good, I was worried for a second. This is hands-down the shittiest cable I’ve ever seen with an IEM (and I try not to cuss on reviews.) I’m trying to think of a worse one, and I cannot. It’s like Moondrop took two pieces of copper and coated them in something plastic, then attached connectors to it. It’s extremely tangly and it has nothing but memory retention. It’s thin and doesn’t sound good either. For the sound portion of the review, I’m going to use my Kinera Leyding (Here) modular cable because the stock cable doesn’t do these IEMs justice - a literal disservice to the Blessing 2. If you get a B2 and you hate the cable also, you don’t have to spend $70 on the Leyding, you can grab a much better cable for only $18 from Linsoul (Here)

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Build Quality/Comfort (10/10):

Cable aside, the build quality on the B2 is really phenomenal, especially with the green faceplates on mine. The blue and red also look good and the stainless steel options are also really nice, though easier to scratch than the resin on the wood versions. I have nothing to complain about on the build quality of the B2, they’re solid and don’t feel cheap – the Moondrop Chu they are not.

I also have no issues with the comfort. They fit pretty well in my ears, they’re not gigantic like the Thieaudio Monarch Mk2 and they’re not tiny like the Final A5000 or Chu. These are a comfortable IEM and they should fit just about everyone’s ears easily.

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I’ve already compared these to the Final A5000 in my review for that, so feel free to check out that review if you want to know how these faired against those brand-new IEMs. I still have a set of SA6 on my desk, so I’ll be comparing the B2 to them. Looking at the, the SA6 with the bass switch on (the only way they should make these) has quite a bit more bass and sub-bass than the B2. Their mids are pretty similar and the B2 has far more neutral highs than the SA6 with a peak at 8k followed by a pretty massive dip after (which is fine, most music is under 8k anyway.) I am powering both of these through my Shanling M6 Ultra on balanced 4.4mm output through Tidal HiFi. The B2 are the hardest IEMs to drive that I’ve ever seen, I have them at 43/100, which is even higher than the Monarch, so battery life will suffer a bit.

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Lows (15/20):

Starting off with the Mid-bass/Sub-bass test I’m using David Guetta’s “I’m Good (Blue).” Wow, the B2 must respond well to a balanced, high-quality cable because they sound much bassier today than a couple of days ago when I tested them against the A5000. It’s still not UM MEST Mk2 level or Symphonium Meteor level, but the bass drums are surprisingly impactful and the sub-bass can be heard quite clearly. Is the stock cable really the biggest B2 weakness? The sub-bass, while having a nice rumble, won’t take your breath away, but it is present and it sounds good without any bass bloat or extra reverb – really nice. These are definitely not basshead IEMs, but they are still good.

Up next is Demon Hunter’s “I Am A Stone,” which I use to test whether the bass is too strong and overwhelms the mids. It’s a good thing I’m not testing mids here because they sound pretty flat and distant. The bass instruments come in quite strongly and don’t quite overwhelm the mids, but since the mids sound so far away, likely in the name of soundstage, the bass can be heard at about the same volume as the mids.

Mids (13/20):

Weaving The Fate’s “The Fall” is a test song for guitars and vocals. As with “I Am A Stone,” the mids sound pretty distant, and they are a bit crashy and unclean. The clean guitars sound good though and the vocals can be heard clearly if a tad overwhelmed at times. Overall, you’re unlikely to be mad at the B2 on songs like this – though it is a tad tinny.

Staind’s “Something to Remind You” has clean electric guitars and wonderful vocals. The B2 does a decent job with this song – the bass doesn’t overwhelm the mids, and the vocals and guitars sound accurate if a little metallic. There’s a bit of extra reverb in the lower registers of the vocals. Overall, for the price, these still do a really good job here.

To test classical mids, I’m using The Piano Guys' “Code Name Vivaldi.” Classical instruments sound really good on the B2 (at least with this cable) – they have a warm, wonderful presentation and I’m really impressed here. The piano sounds full-bodied and forward, the strings come in clearly and with good separation. The B2 excels with classical in the mids – very surprised (much better than the HD 600 I reviewed earlier.) Definitely one of its best songs so far.

Highs (8/20):

To test sibilance on headphones I use Panic! At The Disco’s “High Hopes. AHHHHH, that’s rough. There’s so much sibilance! Painful - can’t finish the song painful. That bump in the 3-4k region is brutal on this song. Hard pass – if you hate sibilance, PASS.

The first highs test song I’ll be using is Dream Theater’s “The Alien,” which I use to test and see if the cymbals/high-hats/snare can be clearly heard and distinguished from the rest of the music. Somewhat surprisingly, I can clearly hear the cymbals in the intro. This is the elevated highs in the 4-6k range allowing decent highs presentation – on par with the SA6, but not quite as clean. The B2 is $200 less than the SA6, so that’s saying something.

Michelle McLaughlin’s “Across The Burren” is another of my favorite highs/sharpness test songs as it can easily sound painful on some headphones. Sharpness. Definitely some sharpness, this is one of the reasons I preferred the A5000 over this. It’s not the worst I’ve ever heard, but it’s somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Soundstage/ Instrument Separation (4/10):

The soundstage on these is pretty decent, somewhere around a small, intimate room’s worth of soundstage, but not massive like you can find on some headphones (if that’s something you’re looking for.) They do come across a little flat on songs like NF’s “The Search,” which should be large and boomy, but feels like Mario 3 on the B2. Instrument separation is about middle ground, the A5000 is better somehow, despite only having one driver.


The bass between these two is pretty similar quality-wise, but the SA6 has slightly more sub-bass, just not a lot. The B2 has a slightly bigger soundstage than the SA6, but the instrument separation is better on the SA6. The SA6 has slightly less sibilance than the B2 - the SA6 also has slightly better quality highs with more distinct cymbals, but it’s pretty close. Overall, these two are pretty close, though the SA6 has the advantage in quite a few areas. Unfortunately, that means that the TRUTHEAR HEXA and Final A5000 are probably going to be better than either for less $$$. Giants rise and then fall to the new giant. I hear the Aful Performer 5 is also better, but there are mixed thoughts on that.

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The King is Dead, Long Live the King! The B2 has a massive reputation to live up to, and it just can’t quite hack it anymore. Some young whippersnappers have come along and taken its throne. The young have replaced the old – the circle of life continues. Insert whatever idiom you want here, but the fact is that while still quite good for the price, the Blessing 2 has been defeated by newer, cheaper IEMs. And yet, it’s still better looking than the HEXA and the A5000, so it still deserves a place in your rotation, just get a new cable.

Headphone Scoring (v3):
Accessories / Earpads / Eartips (10/10):
Cable (8/10):
Build Quality/ Design / Comfort (8/10):
Lows (19/20):
Mids (17/20):
Highs (15/20):
Soundstage / Instrument Separation (9/10):

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
MoonDrop Blessing2
Pros: Typical MoonDrop Build, sound and style. Super comfortable, nice accessories
Cons: Cable is a little thin, would have liked more of a tip selection
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Impedance: 22Ω @ 1KHZ (± 15%)
Unit configuration: 1DD + 4BA
Frequency response range: 9-37khz
Treble unit: Knowles SWFK
Midrange unit: Softears D-MID-A
Woofer: 10mm paper cone diaphragm
Effective frequency response: 20-20KHZ
Quality control range: ± 1dB @ 1KHZ
Sensitivity: 117dB / Vrms @ 1KHZ
connector: 0.78-2Pin
THD: < 1% @ 1KHZ

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Nice packaging with typical MoonDrop artwork, inside one finds the Blessig2, some tips for the unusually wide nozzle and a decent carrying case and cable. The accessories are decent but minimal for something in this price range $300+

The earphones themselves are made well from medical grade resin with only the faceplate being metal. I found them very comfortable and above average in isolation. The cable looks great but a little thin for my taste still it's not prone to tangling. Case is big enough for a small Bluetooth DAC or dongle.

Sound impressions

Bass: The Bass presents with a decent lower end rumble it has a good deep Sub-Bass but is well controlled and sits in the background never overcoming the other frequencies. Mid- Bass has a nice speedy punch and lends the B2 a nice but slight warmth overall.

Mids: While not Mid centered entirely Mids do have a nice focus here. They are forward-Centered and in front of instruments giving them a natural positioning and excellent clarity. Vocals both male and female are well represented here and sound rich and detailed. The Mids are detailed with decent weight, a natural warmish tone and good timbre.

Treble: Presents open and airy with excellent details and clarity, while there is good extension with sparkle it never got harsh and has a lot of control here. In my opinion one of the best treble tunings, I've heard in some time.

Soundstage: Imaging and staging are excellent and at this price range they are super accurate open, and layering is above average too. .

Conclusion: The Blessing2 is about one of the most pleasant IEM in the under $400 class I've used. It offers a safe and well-tuned Hybrid driver system with excellent technicalities that can be used as an all-arounder.

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100+ Head-Fier
eye-catching titles to grab your attention
Pros: +easy to listen
+didnt require to sell both kidney to afford
+usable for monitoring and mixing
+sounds good even just with smartphone
+Leaner Sounding HD600 IEM Version
Cons: -CNC Faceplate milling quality
-QC including accessories
-leaner weight notes
Hi Friend ! this is my take on the Moondrop Blessing 2 IEM, first of all sorry for my broken english,
this review is non-sponsored, i paid full price for the IEM also this review is 100% my personal opinion.

i previously have tried the blessing 2, i got a loaner unit from my friend, and now i decided to purchase one for myself
*i have OCD and this might affect my rating on the build quality of the Blessing 2.

Packaging and Unboxing

first of all lets begin with the Packaging and Unboxing, as usuall Moondrop with their waifu artworks.

Unboxing experience is just OK, nothing luxurious feeling is presented or trying to be represented here.

inside the box you're greeted with some kind of Vinyl? material Pouch, my pouch also have strange marks that looks like "Dead by Daylight"game logo,
inside this dbd limited edition pouch, you can find the Blessing 2 resting safely between thick foam
Packaging seems to be decent also the iem is well protected between the foam, but sadly the faceplate quality come with scuff marks from factory.
more about this "marks" on the build quality.

inside the rectangular box, you can find :
4 Core Moondrop "Lace" Cable
6 pieces of silicone eartips
S,M,L size small bore 2pairs for each size
and an airplane adaptor ,weird my unit didn't come with any spare mesh filter.

and there's some card writen on Mandarin that i cant read without Google Translate.

Build Quality
first of all lets enjoy the beauty of the Blessing 2


The Blessing 2 is built mainly from 3D printed resin from HeyGears and Stainless Steel faceplate with the so called "Precision CNC" that are not so precise and brushing process so you can "sharpen your nail on it" <---this is what they claim on the marketing material.

the stainless steel have some imperfection / scuff marks from the factory, as someone who suffers from OCD and perfectionism, the CNC process on Blessing 2 faceplate is killing me
i guess its only my unit that have imperfections... but actually NO, my friend unit also have imperfection on his faceplate

okay enough ramble with my obsession with perfection, i know nothing is perfect on this world (like my broken english) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, but hey if the build can be improved, everyone would be happier right?

with the imperfection on the faceplate out of the way, lets get into the "HeyGears" 3D Printing part, the shell is 100% transparent with almost 0 air bubble on the resin ! now this is what im talking about, the resin quality is absolutely great, almost as good as the Moondrop S8 build quality ! but hey i guess if i expect the Blessing 2 to be built like the S8, the price tag probably would jump to something around 400$ or more. :sweat_smile:

on the Stainless Steel version, you can order custom engraving so you can wear your Blessing 2 with your waifu picture on it,
also for 30$ extra, you can have the Blessing 2 with wooden faceplate. Why didnt i order the wood version? because one of my viewers on YouTube said he bought the wood version of Blessing 2 and he said the faceplate of the wood version is more easier to scratch that he cant even stand it he sold his wood version and purchase the regular stainless steel version.

actually i really like the cable, the provided Lace cable is really soft with almost 0 microphonics and it just works,
*probably gonna add the cable picture later since im currently using the Blessing 2 as i write this broken english review.

my pouch come with some weird marks and creases also the zipper is a bit misaligned and when i open the pouch the left side is crooked a bit (my ocd bias hit again)
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the stock silicone eartips is comfortable for my ears and super easy to fit to the iem since it has the proper nozzle size (duh!)

the Blessing 2 size is a bit on the larger side, if you have small ears you probably will feel some discomfort while placing or removing the IEM from your ears. Also the Blessing 2 kinda sticks out from your ears 100% cannot be used for side sleeping.

Sound Quality
the Moondrop Blessing 2 is a 5-Driver Hybrid IEM, single PAPER Dynamic Driver, dual "SoftEars" balanced armature for mids, and dual knowles armature for the treble.

i use Hiby R5 Saber, Redmi Note 9 Pro, AK PEE51, FiiO K5 Pro, stock cable and stock eartips for the setup.
my playlist is J-Pop, J-Rock, Jazz and Anisong, also some RAP (Eminem, Dr. DRE, Snoop Dogg) also some metal (Trivium)

Tonality : diffuse field neutral with a touch of boosted bass from "real diffuse field"

BASS : Bass is handled by "PAPER DYNAMIC DRIVER" <--- they write this on the Blessing 2 product Page.
i really like the bass of the Blessing 2. To my ears, the Blessing 2 reach deep with controlled quantity, snappy punchy bass without covering the mids at all. This set is clearly not made for basshead, probably even casual listener will also crave for more bass quantity.

the dynamic driver is speedy enough to handle double pedal on Trivium songs also reach deep with nice controlled rumble for "Cafe Ghibli" Jazzy music.
what about RAP or RnB song on this set? since im not a basshead i can see myself enjoying REOL, snoop dogg, Eminem songs with the Blessing 2.

i heard that there is some inconsistency between Blessing 2 for the Bass, but from my memory my friends Blessing 2 bass also sounds exactly like mine.

MIDS : Mids is handled by proprietary dual balanced armature from "SoftEars"
the mids sounds a bit on the leaner side like reaaaally just a bit (compared to the HD600) vocal is not shouty at all, also free from sibilance,
for music like "Cafe Ghibli" and Violet Evergarden, Nier Automata sound track, this set is killing it, i like it A LOT.
but vocal on some singers like songs titled "Yoru Ga Akeruyo" from supercell, also "Sayuri" songs, the vocal somehow felt like 2D to my ears, im guessing because my ears is used to have more weighty presentation from the HD600 vs leaner mids on the Blessing 2.

TREBLE : Treble is handled by dual knowles armature, the treble is smooth without sounding dull with a lot of micro details and proper treble layering.
The Blessing 2 really blow my mind, how can a set cost around 300$ present this level of detail retrieval, the treble decay is just a bit short from what i personally like, but i prefer the treble on Blessing 2 compared to the Moondrop S8.
I previously have tried the S8 and the treble is sounding super "wet" the decay is somehow too long for rock and metal songs, the cymball and hi-hat notes on the S8 is somehow mixed while the Blessing 2 i can easily count how many times the sticks hit the cymbal and hi-hat. Granted, while the S8 have superior detail retrieval compared to the Blessing 2, i just dont really like how S8 handled rock and metal music.

songs i used for the test : i-mage - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer, narrative - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:LiSA, Roselia, Polaris - Fujifabric, Trivium


Soundstage :
Wide and large, if i have to describe it, the Blessing 2 soundstage sounds like orchestra room to my ears.

Imaging and Separation : as a multi driver IEM, this set can provide you sharp sound separation not the sharpest set in the world, but you can easily identify what instruments are playing in the background, also the imaging is "holographic" enough for my ears except the vocal on some singers as i mentioned earlier above.

Detail Retrieval : LOTS of micro details especially for the under 500$ marks, one IEM that i can name having better detail retrieval on this price bracket is the Campfire IO, but the IO have some weirdness on the tonality and sounds super dry compared to the Blessing 2.

anything that have warmer tonality DAC / DAP work best ! why warmer? to compensate the leaner note weight presentation of the Blessing 2.
i mainly prefer the Tonality of AK PEE51 + Blessing 2 vs the Hiby R5 Saber and the FiiO K5 Pro.

also for anyone asking, YES if your smartphone still have 3.5mm jacks you can absolutely use the Blessing 2 with it.

Just ask if you need some comparison, i can help you if i have tried the IEM / Headphones you mentioned.

do i recommend the Moondrop Blessing 2 ? ABSOLUTELY this set is super easy to listen, minimal wearing fatigue (atleast for my ears), reasonable price, you dont need to sell your kidney to have great listening experience, great technicalities also great tonality, you can also use this for mixing / editing audio related works.
but please note that if you have OCD and obsessed with perfection, this set might not be for you.

thanks for reading and sorry if i sounds like whining a lot on the build quality since i cant help my OCD from getting triggered.

you can also find the video review (Indonesian) of the Blessing 2 on my YT Channel, just search for littlenezt .

have a great day and stay healthy !



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thanks !
No need to sell the kidneys"..... LOL😂👍
If you are able to compare these, I would love to know how they stack up against salnotes zero... I know, 20$ vs 300$ but hear me out, my only experience with iems tends to be on the cheap side, while my headphone experience is on the more expensive side. the zero these have been shockingly good, to the point that if it wasn't for a youtube video with someone just talking sounding 'cheap' (the best way I can put it, it may be recessed mids, it may be an artifact of it being 20$ and the way the audio goes from iem to my ear just causes the 'cheap' sound) in music, it not really noticeable. so I am really wondering are these that much better?

also, for headphones I own or have access too, sennheiser hd598, hifiman edition XX, AKG K340, fidelio x2, dt 1770 pro, fostex thx00, sony mdrz7, sony mdr100x, akg k720, hifiman he500, beyerdynamic DT 880 600ohm

If its possible to compare it to any of those, it would help allot.


Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Moondrop Blessing2: This is a good one. Period
Pros: Wonderful Moondrop tuning
Good bass reach
Vibrant mids
Vocals are very good
Fit my average sized-ears just fine
Nice case
Cons: Not mine
Maybe a bit more and deeper reach of bass?
More accessories?
Moondrop Blessing2 ($319): This is a good one. Period



Intro: As part of the S8/Blessing2 tour, this came from Moondrop via @Wiljen. Other than the Kanas Pro, I had not heard any Moondrop models. I really enjoyed the Kanas Pro and enjoyed the S8. But I will admit that the Blessing2 stole me away upon first listen. Many reviews have espoused its virtues before my listen. Many fawned over it as the flavor of the month and promoted it as “punching above its weight.” While I really do not like using the former, for once something performs well it should stand the test of time, the later does have some merits. But as stated in my S8 review (and others), it may be that those other units in comparison underperform. I like to think of it that way.

I thank both Moondrop and @Wiljjen for the tour samples, and thoroughly enjoyed my time. Read on for some very good comparisons at the same price, as this is a hopping full price range.


MOONDROP Blessing2

Impedance: 22Ω@1kHz (±15%)
Frequency Response: 9-37KHz (Free Field. 1/4"MIC,-3dB)
Effective FR: 20-20KHZ (IEC60318-4)
Sensitivity: 117dB/Vrms @1kHz THD:<1%@1KHz
Driver Config: 1DD 4BA Per Side, Triple Crossover
High Driver: Knowles SWFK
Mid Driver: Softears D-MID-A
Low Driver: 10mm Paper Diaphragm Dynamic Driver
Channel Mismatch: ±1dB @1kHz
Socket: 0.78-2 pin
Pinhousing:3D Printed Medical Grade Resin Housing

In the box:

Tips (s, m, l)
Instruction manual


Gear Used/Compared:

Dunu SA6 ($549)
UM 3DT ($399)
Thieaudio Legacy 4 ($195)
Phonic BWD9.2 ($385-435)
ddHiFi Janus ($199)

Cayin N6ii mk2
Shanling M6 Pro
XDuoo XA-10
EarMen Eagle


Alex Fox
Pink Floyd
Buena Vista Social Club
Elton John
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Shane Hennessy
Jeff Beck
Dave Matthews


As part of a tour, the unboxing of the unit is not what the consumer may receive. Coming in a gray box, you lift the lid and are presented with a nice light gray zippered case and a tips holder. The gray case is large enough to hold a small DAP along with the Blessing2’s, which is a welcome addition to cases. More of late are making slightly roomier cases, as opposed to that unnamed brand who doesn’t even include a case with their products...charge a bit more and include a case for goodness sake.

Fit, Finish, Build:

Anymore once you pass a certain price, build and fit/finish are expected to be good. Kind of like a foregone conclusion such as needing coffee in the morning, or the commute to work, school, is a fact of life. And all of the iterations of Moondrop I have had in hand do follow suit. Well built, solid of feel, and with good fit. Add in that the looks are subdued but elegant and you have the makings of something that does not draw attention to itself but focuses on the sound.

Made from 3D printing and a metal faceplate, the form of the Blessing is teardrop, but not overly large. Translucent allows one to view the insides, which is becoming more de rigor, and stylish. Gone are the days of cheap looking insides. Now it is like a mid-engine supercar showing off that V12 under the bonnet. A larger nozzle has no lip, but some have mentioned running steel wool to scuff it up. Thus, the tips would hold better. I found no problem, but this does seem logical. The larger size of the nozzle does not bother me with fit, either. The tips included do go further onto the nozzle, hence a deeper insertion point. This gives a good seal, and I also noted that only one of the three sound tubes have an inserted tube with a metal “sleeve,” thus; well I’m not sure. That tube is for the highs, while much thinner tubes are used for the mids and the dynamic driver. In fact, the thin tube on the DD is the longest I have seen (which doesn’t really mean anything either).

As far as fit goes, I had no problem, and seal is above average, but not completely isolated. The unit does stick out a bit from my ear, but the over-ear guides hold the IEM in place well. Plus, I really like the look of the cable. Copper is my cable of choice and seeing the somewhat loosely wrapped wires does not exude a sense of cheapness. An acrylic circular y-splitter adorns the cable, with no cinch. The look is elegant and purposeful. Subtly well-dressed.

The cable ends in a right-angled plastic jack, which to me is the downside. Compared to the rest, it looks cheap and out of place. I have come to appreciate quality craftmanship and fit with the Moondrop label, and the jack falls short of that. But that is all that does.



A single 10mm dynamic driver (Softears D-mid-B-mid) is flanked by dual mid and high balanced armatures (Knowles SWFK) and fit together neatly in the vented resin shell. No space is lost. To me, the shell is pretty solid surrounding the driver units, unlike what Fir and some others have done with the tuning of the shell itself to replicate home listening acoustics. I do find that fascinating, but I am also sure this adds significantly to R&D and hence price. KISS comes into play here.

Put all of this together, and the B2 is easy to drive. Made for phones with dongles to DAP’s the B2 could be enjoyed across my spectrum of sources.



Summary: A thoroughly satisfying listen with enough bass to keep you interested, and enough clarity to make for good listening highlight the B2 to me. Soundstage to me is a bit higher than deep and width is good. Solid speed and depth are promoted from the bass, but not at the expense of the mids such as guitar solos and accompanying instruments. With good weight, male vocals sound vibrant and female vocals as well. With enough detail up top to replicate open and airy sound, the treble is neither biting nor boring. This is a wonderfully sounding unit, but a bit thin when compared to more expensive units. That thinness is not a detractor though for the overall character provided is a very competent package, which is fast becoming one of my favorites at this price.

Bass is taut and fairly deep without bleed into the mids; a welcome listening experience as a result. Not overly punchy like the Hero or something of such, but rightly taking its place as the foundation. I find this set up to be on the warmer side, but without being tedious or slow. A certain richness is promoted giving an almost false sense of depth. A nice trick up its sleeve. I find the level of bass quality to override the quantity, which makes for a very pleasant sound, without that bleed of others. The live version of To The Gypsies is a perfect example of the bass working in concert with the mids.

I also appreciate excellent quality mids, and one of my favorites is the Dunu SA6. To me it is just about the best quality mid out in that range right now. But it is a bit forward. On the B2, there is no “look at me” to those mids, and the Knowles play ever so nicely together. It could be the pairing of dual BA’s together, which aides in the presentation but whatever it is, I do appreciate it. Vocals such as Roger Daltry or Dave Matthews sound sublime as does Mark Knopfler. Deeper in tone, all three presented through the B2 sound natural with a slight warmth to them, but not an unnatural warmth. There is nothing artificial here. Detail retrieval through the mids comes across as clean and somewhat airy. I consider the mids from the EE Hero to pretty much be my standard (even if it is V-shaped), and of course the B2 cannot match that but this is certainly no slouch, with good clarity present.

Treble is good, but not excellent. No matter, for that good is really quite good. No sibilance or overly sparkly sound here. No, the sound emanating from the B2 is of good energy and believable. Sometimes there is a false or artificiality to the treble region, accommodating some other aspect of the sound. Not here, as what I hear is good and honest. I thankfully appreciate the lack of overly sparkle, as even on my Hero it can become tedious on some songs. Not here as the sound is a pleasant ride on a slow Sunday afternoon. Call it presence. And in the right amount.

Soundstage as mentioned is good and I hear it to be a bit wider than deep, but with good height. But all is close enough for me to call it “mostly cubic.” This does allow for a good graphing of instrumentation and layering. Think of the 3-D graphs you had to do in high school Geometry and that would be the 3-dimensional nature of the B2. Placement of those instruments can be had quite easily giving a good sense of air between notes and instruments.


Moondrop Blessing2 ($319) v UM 3DT ($399):

Cutting this back to the only one in the same price, I did test the B2 against those above, but feel it would not be a fair comparison as many other have done so already. Hence the 3DT. A spur purchase from Andrew in return for a review, I found the UM to be indeed representative of the UM “house sound.” Excellent details, with enough bass to keep you hopping, but not enough to call them bassy by any means, the 3DT is a wonderful representation of what can be done when UM provides their sound to an “affordable” unit.

The mids of pretty much any UM unit are simply put, sublime. Among the best out there and a defining point to each market point. The 3DT does not disappoint and better than the Moondrop, but different. Slightly more vibrancy and with a bit more energy to me, here the mids definitely let you know they are the star of the show. Not so on the B2. Working in concert with the others, the B2 to me presents a more rounded signature. If it is a sound, which presents a more even set of tone, then the B2 may be to your liking. But if you value mids and do not mind them being the hit, then the 3DT just shines. From that, the 3DT provides more clarity, but without losing that warmth I have come to truly appreciate from Unique Melody.

This comes down to whether you want a sound that is extremely competent and pleasant versus one that says, “here is the star, enjoy it.” I really do like both but find the B2 to work across more types of music.

Moondrop Blessing2 ($319) v Dunu SA6 ($549):

A wonder of looks and the sound to back it up, the SA6 has made the rounds with a couple of peers. We all agree that is and was at the time a fantastic IEM, especially with the tuning and interchangeable jacks. There was not much wrong with the Dunu save a “custom-like” fit, which was not for all. With deeper reaching bass, and a slightly higher upper-mid push than the B2, the SA6 is still one of my favorites. For clarity, I would give the nod to the B2, but in overall character, the SA6 wins it for me.

Moondrop Blessing2 ($319) v Thieaudio Legacy 4 ($195):

Not really a fair comparison, but the L4 has much going for it anyway. Solid build, gorgeous looks and a thoroughly satisfying sound makes for an immediate interruption in the $200 IEM price-bracket. While I find the sound a bit “delicate,” it does present an open, airy note with much going for it. Vocals are quite good, making up for that lack of bass reach (to me). Where the B2 bests the L4, even without considering it comes before it in the alphabet; is in a richness of sound, which cannot be matched. The B2 is still one of the richest, most full sounding IEM’s at the price to me. But with enough air between notes to make that sound vibrant as well. Nothing delicate here, but not overwhelming either. Just a thoroughly good sound.

Moondrop Blessing2 ($319) v Phonic BWD9.2 ($385-435):

Coming to me during the pandemic, the BWD9.2 quickly became one of my favorites, and I willingly helped a small builder, who knows his stuff. Vibrant as the B2 is, the BWD bests it, and almost too much. If something can be too airy (but not hollow or thin), the BWD might be it. That is until you realize you are immersed in something so expansive that you look in wonder at all of the detail going on around you. One of the most detailed IEM’s I have reviewed at any price, the only thing lacking to me was the fit. And with a call to Kenneth, he could easily modify this. Gorgeous reclaimed wood, hand craftsmanship to die for, and the sound to back it up. The two of these complement each other nicely.

Moondrop Blessing2 ($319) v DDHiFi Janus ($199):

When offered a choice, I waited for the final production model, for I determined that my ears were not good enough to help with the tuning. I left that to better reviewers than I. And that finished product is quite good to me, with the interchangeability of cables to boot. The only thing the Janus lacks to me is isolation. Even with foams. If you can tolerate a larger size, then do it. You will be rewarded with excellent tight, fast bass response from the single DD, and a vibrant sound, which makes you think this has to have a BA inside as well. Thankfully DDHiFi did not overcompensate with the notes up top to even the signature. Slightly rolled treble may not be for everyone, but in conjunction with very good mids, the Janus presents a thoroughly satisfying sound to me and can hold its place at the $200 price.


Coming into this review, I already appreciated the tuning, fit and feel of the Moondrop units. To me, they deserve much more acclaim (and longevity, I’ll get there) than they receive. We as a society find ourselves looking for the new model even as the current model has just come out. Witness car models and how the next model year, in this case 2022, with come across showrooms in late July. Seriously, that is warped. We purchased a 2021 Subaru Forester in November of 2020, and that is more like it. I appreciate manufacturers letting their wares speak for a decent amount of time.

Unfortunately, in the audio industry to stay the same is to stagnate and fall behind the others. Look at the profligacy of a certain Chinese company, which has two letters...the model is out and the “next greatest” is already being promoted. This is huge reason why I still have the UM Mason V2. It is going on 5 years old (ancient in portable audio terms), but feel it STILL holds its own to many flagships and earned that respect from flickernick when he graded it as #4 out of the 12 or so he tested. I purchased it, and still use it to cleanse my listening palette. And to me, this is what Moondrop has done. Make something timely, appreciated and respected for the longer run. They will still innovate, and produce models, but their IEM’s, which are respected and purchased the world over will still be there in a couple of years’ time.

We are often asked, “what’s the best at price-X?” Or “should I get the newest model from XYZ?” I say no to both. What is best is defined by too many factors, and even flickernick’s WELL respected undertaking drew criticisms (unwarranted in my book, but within their right). But his testing was rock solid, and he could make that educated answer to the question, “what is best.” He justified it, and many IEM’s were sold as a result. I purchased one as mentioned and his commentary was spot on to me. And here is where Moondrop has earned my respect. They produce IEM’s, which are fabulous of build quality and sound. Many others do as well, and as @wiljjen stated in his review, had he heard the B2 before the S8 or SA6, he may have called the B2 one of the best. To me, it is still one of the best at this point and should be given a serious listen. Ultimately that decision is up to you, and you alone. But I ask that you do so looking at the long game. Look, listen and purchase something, which will stay with you like it is the only IEM you will own for 5-10 years. And the B2 and S8 are two of those I would consider for that purchase.

I thank Moondrop for the loan of the units, they were both fabulous and I hate to see them go. I also thank @Wiljen for his patience with my proclivity to procrastinate. Summer is here and I shall finally have more time.

Go listen and be happy. We deserve it after 2020. Cheers and good health.



Headphoneus Supremus
Moondrop Blessing 2 - Better than it deserves to be
Pros: good build quality, near neutral tuning, excellent imaging
Cons: some mid range timbre issues, stage size not as large as some

Moondrop Blessing 2​

disclaimer: The Moondrop Blessing 2 and S8 were sent as part of a Moondrop review tour. I have no financial interest in Moondrop, nor did I receive any remuneration for this review. If you have an interest in Moondrop products, see their website, Facebook page, or to purchase Moondrop products, see HiFiGo.

Unboxing / Packaging:
The Blessing 2 came as part of a tour so my unboxing experience may not parallel the retail experience. I received the Blessing 2 in a lift-top box with the Moondrop logo on front in silver. Lifting the top reveals a case with the earpieces in it and a cardboard box with cable, tips, and manual. I honestly believe this is a far cry from the retail presentation based on other photos I’ve seen so think this discussion is best left at N/A (not applicable).

The Blessing 2 uses a 3d resin printed inner shell and a metal faceplate in the now-standard semi-custom shape that I refer to as inverted teardrop. The faceplate has a single vent immediately behind the nozzle with no other venting on the inner shell. The inner shell is transparent resin making it easy to see all the internal components and helping explain the mid-large size of the shell as the 10mm dynamic takes up the better portion of the upper shell while the armatures sit behind the nozzles in the lower section. Nozzles have three sound bores and a mild forward rake. Much like its larger siblings, the Blessing 2 does not have a lip for tip retention and may need to be slightly roughed with steel wool or something similar to get aftermarket tips to stay in place. I had no trouble with the provided tips or spin-fits,but as always it may vary by brand and size. Comfort was good, but with the Blessing2 being a mid-sized in-ear those with small ears may wish to audition before purchase to confirm fit.

The Blessing 2 uses a single 10mm dynamic driver for the lows and 4 balanced armature drivers arranged as a pair of each for mids and treble per ear. In many respects the Blessing 2 is the little brother to the s8 as it uses the same Softears custom D-Mid-B mid-range drivers and the same Knowles SWFK dual armature for the highs. The S8 differs in that it uses a pair of armatures for lows instead of the dynamic driver use here and the S8 uses twice the number of mid-range drivers. Nominal impedance is listed as 22Ω with a sensitivity of 117dB/mW. This puts the Blessing 2 in the category of easy to drive in-ears with phones and tablets being the anticipated source gear. I found the blessing did well with phone dongle dacs and any benefit gained from higher powered sources is probably more a matter of improved detail and texture rather than a need for the additional power.

The provided cable is 6N oxygen free copper in clear casing that exits the 90º jack as a 4 wire twist. The jack itself is a 3.5mm TRS type in a translucent plastic housing with a good strain relief on cable exit and a velcro cable tie for storage. The splitter is the now familiar Moondrop black coin style with the Moondrop logo on front an a plain reverse. There is no chin slider which I would prefer and the wires exit the splitter as two wire twists up to pre-formed earhooks and .78mm bi-pin connectors. The connectors have housings that match the jack and while labeled R/L on the housing it would be a nice touch to see a drop of red paint on the right side as clear labels on a clear background make for difficulty in finding them. Overall the cable is a solid offering and fitting for an iem at this price point.


Sub-bass has good depth and rumble as we’d expect from a dynamic but retains enough speed to keep from being loose or dirty. Rumble is quite good when called upon, but does not jump out at the user. There is a mild elevation to the sub-bass but with the total distance from top to bottom being only a few decibels it is hard to think of anything being particularly forward or recessed in the signature. Mid-bass has good attack and slightly slower decay that does give the Blessing 2 a nice tonality with just a touch of warmth to the delivery. Here again, slam is quite good when it is called upon, but the mid-bass does a good job of disappearing into the background and not taking over the signature when it isn’t in a starring role. There is very slight mid-bass bleed but not enough to be obstructive or blurring of the lower mids.

I’m a lover of good mids, and the Blessing 2 has great elements here. From the lower mids where male vocals have good note weight and energy, all the way through the upper-mids with its slight lift, they deliver good energy levels without getting too far out in front. Guitar growl is good with nice crisp edges at the low end and violin has enough energy to really sound natural without becoming strident. Unfortunately, cello has some of that hollowness so classically found in mid-tier armature models and the Blessing 2 cannot completely escape from the timbral issues often seen with balanced armature models. Both male and female vocals are on a near even footing with both cutting through the instrumentation but neither feeling disjointed from it. Mids have good detail as well with more micro-detail than expected.

Lower treble shares the mild lift of the upper-mids with a gradual climb and then fall again as it moves into the true treble. This gives the signature good energy without getting harsh or sibilant. Snare rattle is believable with good attack and detail and cymbals are nearly as good, if highhat is not quite realistic. The fallback of the treble keeps it from getting strident, but still provides enough detail to keep it from feeling recessed or missing. There is a resurgence around the 10kHz mark before final roll-off above about 13kHz that makes sure the Blessing 2 has some air at the top and even a little sparkle. The treble is maybe the most predictable part of the Blessing 2 as it is good, but very much a BA treble and not a lot different from those found on other models in this price class.

Soundstage / Imaging:
Soundstage is slightly wider than deep but has good dimensions in both so does not feel oddly shaped or congested. The stage also has good height giving it a three dimensional feel better than most offerings at this price and similar to things in higher brackets like the S8 and Sa6. Seating the orchestra is straight forward as instrument separation and layering are both quite good and there are no major overlaps, gaps or anomalies. Imaging is very good with positions being tightly defined in space and movements easily tracked even around center stage where we often find generalization of positions compared to those farther from center. I found little tendency to compress in the lows unless passages got extremely busy and even then the thickening was slight so while there is room for improvement, it is still better than anticipated at this price point.

Thoughts / Conclusion:<NM>

Man is this tough. The Blessing 2 does have a few issues with timbre in the mids and lower treble that are not atypical of multi balanced armature models in general, but is entirely better than it should be at the price. Had I not recently reviewed the Dunu Sa6 and Moondrop S8 from the price bracket above the Blessing 2, I might be tempted to say these could compete with models at a much higher price point. Fact is, the new normal is that we can expect excellent in-ears at the $500 mark and there is increasingly less reason to venture above that price point as we have more and more really solid options below. The Blessing 2 certainly fits that description, it may not “punch above its weight class” but at the same time it may well dominate its class for quite some time. If offers the consumer fully 90% of what those two previously mentioned models do and quite frankly has better slam and rumble than either for half the money. Honestly, this and the LZ a7 are probably the best offerings at the price point followed fairly closely by the Spring2. If you are in market for an in-ear with a near neutral tonality and above average dynamics in this price range, you owe it to yourself to audition these.


100+ Head-Fier
Moondrop Blessing 2 Review
Pros: Great technicalities especially layering and soundstage, detail retrieval, build and fit. Price to performance ratio
Cons: Upper-mid range glare, slightly large for smaller ears
For more reviews, check us out at:

Driver Setup: 10mm Dynamic Driver + 4 Balanced Armatures (Knowles SWFK + Softears Custom)

Price: US$319.99


Disclaimer: This review set is a demo set graciously lent to me by Daniel at Oardio and the review is written of my own accord and all thoughts are my own. The Tanchjim Oxygen is available for purchase from Oardio through their website should you find yourself interested in a pair.

The Blessing 2 is Moondrop's hybrid lineup and it took the audiophile community by storm with the release of its predecessor, the Moondrop Blessing. Although highly praised by the community, The Blessing 2 is also criticised for several issues such as its notorious over-emphasized upper-midrange. In this review, we will take a closer at this matter and how The Blessing 2 fares in my opinion.

Accessories and Build Quality (Score: 7.5/10)

The Blessing 2 comes in a typical Moondrop Audio marketing philosophy, its Moondrop trademark and a cover of an anime character. In the box, it contains a set of ear tips, a pretty nice looking copper cable, a leather zip case and the Blessing 2 itself. It is pretty much the basics but I kind of expected more at this price point but I would like to point out that the zip case and the cable seems and feels to be really well built in my hands.


The Blessing 2 itself is well built as well, made out of a 3D resin shell that does not have any rough edges or neither easily scratched. I do want to point out that there reports that people experienced the printing on the metal back on the IEM tends to fade away after some time. In summary, well-supplemented package but nothing too out-of-this-world.

Fit (Score: 9/10)

The Blessing 2 fits my ear really well! I do have slightly larger ears as compared to my peers and I figured that the Blessing 2 might be "too much" for smaller ears. My experience with the Blessing 2 is just awesome! No rough edges, it fills up my ear and isolates really well from the outside world. Kudos to Moondrop and their 3D printing design!

Sound (Score: 8.8/10)
I would describe the Blessing 2 to be slightly brighter than neutral with a slightly emphasized bass to keep things balanced.


Frequency Response of the Blessing 2

Sources Used

  • iBasso DX120
  • JDS Atom Stack
Albums and Tracks tested with

  • Halo Saga OST
  • Bleach OST
  • André Rieu & The Johann Strauss Orchestra – The Blue Danube
  • Aladdin OST – Friend Like Me
  • Cigarettes After Sex – K
  • Keane – Hopes and Dreams
  • BØRNS – Sweet Dreams
  • ARTY – Rain
  • Penny Tai – 你要的愛
  • Rebecca Pigeon – Spanish Harlem
Bass (Score: 8.7/10)

Really nice sub-bass, pretty good rumble with an adequate punch in the mid-bass. Definitely not lacking presence but I would not call it strong either. There isn’t any mid-bass bleed detected. Really good separation and detail in this region. Slightly emphasised but only at its sub-bass region. Sounds really good, rounded and full (Aladdin's OST "Friend in Me", bass drum kicks and low ends aren’t overpowering other parts but it gives that solid presence that makes the track sound full and complete).

There isn’t much to say about it anymore, It is just very well-tuned topping it off with good technical capability.

Mids (Score: 9/10)

Male voices feel relatively weaker as compared to female voices, I do find that some other parts of the tracks I listen to compete for the centre stage of the male lead. It has a significant boost in its upper mid-range but it is still acceptable in my books but could appreciate it if it cuts that back by like 3-4 dB, good detail! Tonality and timbre of instruments still maintain that realism and not boosted to the ends of the world. Female vocals definitely shine through Rebecca's "Spanish Harlem" crystal clear playback although its pretty much a 2 line track but that boost to upper midrange just made it more addictive and energetic.

Do not be mistaken, it is definitely not neutral on the blessing, it has that pinna gain but it presents tracks with more energy and energy that appeals to me sometimes depending on my mood. I do agree that this "glare" affected me negatively sometimes as well so it boils down to preference and the type of IEM you are looking for.

The Blessing 2 does excel in certain things that I really do appreciate and love, its layering, separation, detail retrieval and soundstage. Especially in this context, The Blessing 2 is able to provide superb details and vocal/instrumental layering to the extent that it sets itself apart from the rest of its competition in this price range.

Treble (Score: 8.5/10)

Great thing is that there isn’t any sibilance to my ears I really liked listening to Keane's hopes and fears on this as the ornaments (percussive instruments) just shines through and the detail is just impeccable to my ears. Of course, it doesn’t have the best treble of all the other offerings but I do appreciate it retaining a lot of detail despite being rolled-off at higher frequencies. I would appreciate more treble extension but with that upper mid-range boost, it might just be too much. In short, The Blessing 2 provides an airy treble with no sibilance, it doesn’t sound splashy or unrefined, and also, its attention to detail.


I do notice that the Blessing 2 received quite a lot of hype but I am giving credit where credit is due. The Blessing 2 does sound pretty stacked in terms of technicalities as well as pretty decent frequency response, although, I do have some gripes regarding that overly-enhanced upper mid-range which many picked up as well, it is still a very very solid pick in this price range. With great soundstage, good sense of space and width, great layering and separation, good tonality and timbre, it is a technical giant in this price bracket that will hold its ground against other promising offerings even above its league.


Given the Blessing 2's value proposition, it is tough to deny its accomplishments in this price bracket. It allows people to have a glimpse of what TOTL offerings can be like at a mid-fi price bracket and between them, a humongous price gap up to thousands. I do accept the flaws of the Blessing 2 but at the end of the day, it beats many in terms of absolute performance and for experienced listeners, its fatal flaw can be fixed with EQ on your DAP or software. I stay true to my findings and experience, The Blessing 2 is a competent performer with superb sonic capabilities.


100+ Head-Fier
MOONDROP Blessing 2 vs FIIO FH7
Pros: Moondrop Blessing 2:
1. Better soundstage - better wider soundstage with great depth
2. Better sound separation: each instrument easily identifiable
3. Better imaging: overall imaging & clarity is better

Fiio FH7:
1. Lighter & better fit
2. Comes with better ear tips option
3. Better cable
4. Better & smoother mids & treble
Cons: Moondrop Blessing 2:
1. Bigger & heavier - thus fit can be an issue
2. Default cable could be better
3. Tips that come with it are no good
4. Somewhat louder treble

Fiio FH7:
1. Soundstage not as wide and depth is average
2. Seoaration: average sound separation
Moondrop Blessing 2 vs. Fiio FH7


Both IEMS come with 4BA + 1DD hybrid setup

I have bought both IEMS with my own hard earned money and no one has paid me anything or supplied me with any review units. So, everything mentioned in this review are purely my own based on my experiences with both IEMS

My Thoughts:
Moondrop Blessing 2.... Probably the IEM on which I have gone through most number of reviews before actually deciding... Specially because I already own a similar configuration in FIIO FH7.
But then... Here I am with the opened box... Here to do a comparison with the FH7. So far the differences I have come across is that blessing 2 is a much bigger sized IEM with higher impedence than FH7 which means it requires slightly more power to utilize it's potential. Having said that, so far it seems to have better soundstage than the FH7... Both in terms of width & depth and also better sound separation... I cannot say it's better because the FH7is also good in so many ways.
I still prefer the fit of FH7 and hence tend to use it more frequently than the BLESSING 2. On the other hand, sound-wise I prefer BLESSING 2 and therefore prefer to use that for my favorite tracks.

Guys, this is my first ever review in this forum and hence would request constructive feedback only. Thanks for your support in advance.
@asifur okay, now i have both Blessing 2 and FH7. And yes, FH7 much more comfortable to use. For sound, i like FH7 more than Blessing 2. Blessing 2 sometime it vocal sound weird to my ear. I think i will sell my blessing 2 and keep FH7. Thank You for your review.
  • Like
Reactions: asifur
@asifur @zeguym Thanks for your comparisons! I'm in the same boat as you BUT can only afford 1 of the 2, so I wondered if you have anything to add after half a year more listening. I mostly value 1) musicality and 2) neutrality, so no bass or treble boost for me...

@drftr now I like neither. At $300 range my pick is Sennheiser IE300 and at $500-$600 I'd go towards Campfire Audio Holocene


Headphoneus Supremus
the "Bless" that sets the benchmark
Pros: Outstanding upper mids and highs resolution
Above average soundstage
Excellent imaging
DD timbre for bass
Scale-up according to source
Performance to price ratio
Cons: Lower mids is a tad lean
Vocals weight appears a little random for certain tracks
Coherency can be improved
blesssing 2-1.jpg

Disclaimer: The Moondrop Blessing 2 is a demo unit provided by Stars Picker Audio Library, an audio cafe located at Kota Damansara, Malaysia. They did send this out for an exchange of a review. The review has no bias and I try to be as critical as possible.

Looks: Medium sized IEM with a bigger than average nozzle. I don't have a single problem fitting the IEM but yours might vary. It comes with a carrying case and a set of eartips. The presentation is excellent in my opinion. The build quality of the IEM (2 pin) is solid and the cable (3.5mm) is great as well.

Signature: Neutral/DF Bright (VSDF according to Moondrop)

Bass: A
Not the fastest but you will be rewarded with a DD timbre. If you have been in the audio long enough, timbre accuracy is what you are finding for and Blessing 2 provides it. The dynamic driver in Blessing 2 is a bit of shocking where it sounds more that what it graphed. Especially the midbass punch. It is quite enjoyable that can give pleasure for certain tracks that focusing on midbass punch rather than 60hz subbass rumble. It falls a bit early lower down the 60Hz unfortunately which doesn't really shine in Hip Hop genre. Nevertheless, the subbass is not muted and can be EQed to a certain degree if you are that eager to get a little more rumble. I did this with iFi xCan and I find it quite exciting but don't expect a top tier subbass rumble.

Mids: A+
Mid is excellent but with a quirk but let me explain that in the vocal section as it's more about vocals than a casual mids. Aside from that, B2's mids resolution is impressive. It carries a hefty of information effortless in this regard. To add cherry on top, the mids has an excellent separation from the bass department that can ensure a free bloat enjoyment. Note that, the set is more toward on the uppermids than the lower mids which gives a vibe of neutral sounding. So, is this a straight champ for middle heads? wait...

Vocals: A-
Mids is the hardest part when it comes to a hybrid setup due to the DD and the BA crossover. I find B2 vocals randomly missing a body/actual weight in certain tracks (occasionally) even the track carries midbass punch as well. Yes, the vocal does sound very well in most of tracks but certain tracks can be a little "eh" moment for folks that do CARE about vocals and its weight. It is an excellent vocal performance nevertheless but if you are expecting a lifelike weight, that could be a downside. Why? The lower mids is not B2's strength which is an important aspect to deliver vocal which carries lifelike weight and body (emotion). With that said, B2 vocals note weight can be a little thin-ish but it is NOT too obvious at least. Other than that, I also suspect the BA timbre that could result this as well. You instead will have astonishingly clean vocals and well transparent. Take an example of ER2SE even with less lows than this but does carry a lifelike weight to the vocals. So, is it a deal breaker? Probably.. especially to vocal sluts out there that is particular to lifelike vocal reproduction. Though, I see an OPPORTUNITY for people that look for details and resolution at this price range.

Highs: A+
Straight up, upper mids to highs are the center of this set. It is brilliant! This is one of the B2's strengths and Moondrop pushes everything they can do. Highs are excellent. It is extended well and it is a bit on the "sss" side but it is not that bright that can kill your eardrum. However, I feel like B2's lower treble is a little 1-2dB beyond my liking (YMMV) that can lead to shouty/strident in that range. Aside from that, it is detailed and layered. Impressive price to performance ratio ever heard from me. Other than that is the air, something about 10khz+. Usually this range doesn't really carry much information but this range can give a different feeling to the overall sound. Last octave is not a deal breaker at this price range as any other sets in this price range can't even do this as well. (at least from my experience). The last octave critique is a bit of nitpick but it's a good thing for you to know.

Staging: A
Another B2's strength. Imaging and soundstaging are straight up excellent at this price range. It is sharp, layered and pinpointing. It places each instrument in a right place. It is not that deep due to the tuning but wide and well spread. The image of the vocal appears in front of the staging which is the main focus of the overall harmony.

Pairing (source):
1. USB C Apple dongle:
This is my benchmark for any IEM reviews. The reasoning is simple, I want to keep the source as neutral as possible to compare the sonic difference between them.

2. Matrix X Sabre > Airist Heron 5:
This is my own favorite desktop setup that I drive my HD800 and this has VERY deep, thick, lush, and grand presentation which will effect the sound of the of headphones or IEMs. I use this to see if anything can be scaled up or not but all the reviews are solely from USB C Apple dongle.

To answer the question about scaling up the Blessing 2. Short answer is yes. In what manners? Mostly about the midrange thickness. The lower mids are more prominent as well as the treble sounds more rounded. Other than that, the obvious thing is the imaging cleanliness and sharpness. The layering is outstanding and I can say that it is a night and day improvement. With that said, I recommend you to have a great grand sounding DAP to make Blessing 2 shines the BEST for portable use but the dongle is still good nevertheless.
Note that, there is a slight hiss with this setup but didn't bother me when I start playing some tracks on.


Etymotic ER2SE;
Timbre and coherency wise, ER2SE does edge. ER2SE falls short for the imaging and soundstage by a good margin. Blessing 2 boasts its uppermids to highs resolution effortless while still having a DD timbre at the lows. Vocals do sound more natural on ER2SE even with almost the same note weight at this section. DD on both can be EQed but the edge for Blessing 2. The midbass is more prominent on Blessing 2 and sound more airy. Both carries forward signature but none of them are too forward.

Campfire Audio Comet:
Timbre does edge on Blessing 2 but the coherency I would probably choose Comet. Both carries great imaging and soundstage but Blessing 2 is sharper meanwhile Comet does more in a 3D-holographic manner. Resolution straight up goes for Blessing 2 no question. Highs definition is marginally better on Blessing 2 which Comet does struggle at. Vocals sounded lusher on Comet with a heavier note weight. Overall, Blessing 2 does edge over Comet in every single aspect unless you want a warm and lush set.

Did I enjoy listening to Blessing 2? Absolutely YES! Did I soaked into the music and "high" with this set? Hmmm... I need to think twice (pun intended). Nevertheless, Blessing 2 is still a $300 benchmark and has the ability to disrupt kilobuck iem market. This $300 set has an impeccable technicalities at this price range while also having an great tonality. Crazy good deal! What Blessing 2 best at? I simply can conclude, this is the most resolving uppermids and also highs at this price range while having above average staging, and dare to say it's the best I've heard under $500!

blesssing 2-1-2.jpg

blesssing 2-2.jpg

blesssing 2-3.jpg

blesssing 2-4.jpg

blesssing 2-5.jpg
blesssing 2-7.jpg
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@szore thank you! It's a quick snap with my 5dmiii and 50 1.4 sigma art lens!
What are those $500 that blessings 2 bested?
@Closurence i cant name everything but you could see from my previous iems etc. YB04, iSine20 etc. To be honest even the sheer technicalities is good, im not a fan of blessing 2. Coherency and timbre that stopping me from liking it. However, a lot of people love it and i can admit that this is an excellent but happen that it is not for me.


Headphoneus Supremus
Moondrop Blessing 2 - a response to the Harmon target curve
Pros: Lots of options value for money even sound signature case attention to detail
Cons: no chin strap
Just how curvy is good? My first venture with Moondrop. During the course of this review I’ll discuss the new way forward in tuning hybrid in ear monitors. Stay tuned for further thrills and excitement.


With thanks to my suppliers Shenzhen Audio, (link to their website),the latest Moondrop offering, the Blessing 2, is now available to all and sundry. Shenzhen has sent me the Blessing 2 in return for an honest and unbiased written article to be submitted here within a fairly reasonable time frame. To their credit they have not expected to change even so much as one word and trust that I will do my best to give an objective and entertaining article as it is within my power to do.
Although by the time of getting this far you will already know that I am a fan there are far more things that I want to tell you about the blessing 2 than can be ascertained by a few ratings scores.

I'll try and make my review as exhaustive as possible and cover as many areas as I can but as always I'm more than happy for your comments and we can explore this earphone in as much detail as you need.
Below you will find a list of technical details presented in as untechnical a manner as I can write. You will find my opinion on accessories, build quality, cosmetic appeal and practical benefits. The sound signature is a big factor in this IEM, I will give you a brief on that. The relative sound quality is a must of course and this earphone will be compared to several others all of which are in a higher price bracket. I state this now because in my experience in this field I have not come across a hybrid that retails at this price that is comparable.
About the Moondrop Blessing 2

I have to give you an idea as to whether this will work with the equipment you've got or whether you have to invest in bigger and better to run them at their best. The rated resistance of the blessing to his 22 ohms, which means there is very little resistance. The rated sensitivity of the earphones are 122 dB, which happens to be very high. The good news about this combination is that you should get good results even through a smartphone or, if you have invested in a digital audio player, if it has a high gain function or if you are used to having it turned up quite high, please make sure that you have it set to a much lower volume and the lowest gain setting if you want to get the best results from these.
The number of drivers per side are five. The bass is dealt with by a dynamic driver which is considered to be the most effective for low end performance. Four other drivers, two mids, which are a custom make and two highs, made by Knowles are all balanced armature drivers. The official explanation for the custom driver that runs the mid frequency response is that this has been needed to ensure the VDSF Target curve, more of which later.

The Moondrop Blessing 2 as usual these days has a detachable cable. It is the two pin variety as opposed to the newer QDC or the older MMCX. There are advantages and disadvantages to all three types of cables the two pin appears to have become the standard for most of earphones. This means a ready availability of custom cable if that is your passion or even Bluetooth cable is available from several different manufacturers. To thin pins fit into the drivers and a great deal of care needs to be taken to not bend the pins when you were doing this and also that a solid fit is attained. This is just my opinion but once I have put the cable in, I don't tend to dress and undress it each time I wish to use it therefore I keep the number of changes to the cable at a minimum which lessens the chances of me causing damage to the cable, not that this cable supplied is in any way weaker than any other two pin cable on the market. I just want to lessen the odds of making a mistake.

The jack is a right angle jack, which keeps the cable nicely tucked out of the way when in the pocket.
Other materials used; for the faceplate, Moondrop has used a brushed stainless steel which they claim that you can sharpen your nails with and medical grade acrylic has been used as the housing for the drivers.

To make this even better value for money, at least on the Shenzhen site, one can get the faceplate the left side driver laser etched with a series of options of drawings available. You could even submit your own offering, and see if they can produce it for you, to make a really unique version. Taking a look through the various options and colours available, seems yet another good selling point, especially at this price.

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A large presentation box with an anime styled Moondrop girl on the dust cover. The inner box slides out to reveal a chinese logo. Within said box there is a large leather zip carry case, not too large to fit into a pocket, but large enough that you don’t have to ram the cable and drivers into it.


There is only 1 style of tips supplied, in a white plastic pouch. They are silicons and are in the small, medium and large sizes.
A pair of tweezers, an accessory I’ve not come across before, and several sets of dust covers for the nozzles of the drivers come in another bag. The tweezers enable a very small piece of film to be put over what is clearly going to be a very small surface and stops there being any chance of contact with your thumb or finger.
A Velcro strap to tie the cable and drivers together has been left in the box for you to put where you wish and has lots of length.
A warranty card and booklet is also enclosed, as is the airport adapter, for when we can finally get on board and start going on foreign holidays again.
Build quality/appeal/fit
It's difficult to find compromises anywhere in the design of these. The cable looks flawless. The double braided copper coated affair is well terminated with clear connectors, and has a very strong round black y split strengthener. My only criticism would be the lack of chinstrap to get that even more precise fit especially when out walking, or dare I say it, running or exercising.
There are no discernible microphonics displayed by the cable. The around the ear design, weight of the cables compared to the drivers and quality of the shielding means you should not be able to hear any vibration being fed from the cable into the drivers should the cable slap against the clothes you are wearing. The lack of chin strap mean that there is more cable movement than there could be.

The design that I received is the see-through type at the bottom and I really like being able to look into the workings and see how neat everything is; from the drivers, right through to the three nozzles that connect the driver shell to the faceplate. The fit into my ears is pretty much as good as you can get without buying a custom. The shells stay in place without there being any need to micro adjust their position to keep your music in the sweet spot. Isolation is above average, music doe not need to be turned up to deafening levels, the shells very slightly protrude away from my ears, so a little wind noise can be heard in gusty weather, but listening to classical music on the move is still achievable.
Sound signature/sound quality, with comparisons

Moondrop has developed their own form of the Harman Target Response Curve. The Moondrop name for this is the VDSF. For those techies out there, and those of us who hate abbreviations, this is short for virtual diffuse sound field. Any clearer? VDSF is a curved line that Moondrop has forced the Blessing 2 to conform to. It is what their engineers believe that most listeners will find to be the most pleasant sound signature. There is a lift in the bass and a slight dip in some areas of the mids and highs, so in that respect it is a somewhat more complex tuning discipline than Harman Labs have developed. I think that Moondrop has got something here. I found the signature to have a good bass impact without there being visceral slam, and a smooth mid to high frequency sound which didn’t pull the vocals into a blurred background and didn’t sound obviously rolled off in the percussion and echoey parts of the mix.
Vs. Obravo Erib 2
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This has been around for a number of years. It is still on sale and retails at £539 for the aluminium version, shown here. That is over double the retail of the Blessing 2. It has lower sensitivity at 102 dB but higher resistance, at 16 ohms. In practice this meant the Erib’s needed higher volume. The Erib is a hybrid model, courtesy of a 2 driver per side dynamic bass driver and planar magnetic tweeter.

Using the AK380 Meteoric Titan DAP, no slouch as I’m sure all who’ve heard of this will agree, the Erib 2a couldn’t compete with the Blessing 2. The Erib sounded dull and over emphasised in the bass and lower mids. It was like comparing a runaway horse with a donkey that refused to move…
Vs. AKG K3003i

Another older model, but still available around the World, the K3003 was 1 of the first hybrids. It has 3 drivers per side, 1 dynamic (guess where for?) and 2 balanced armatures. It has a lower resistance of 8 ohms and a higher sensitivity of 125 dB. It needed the same volume as the Blessing 2, probably due to the fact the fit was a down the ear fit and the shells fill a quarter of the space that the Moondrop take up.
The K3003i was a more interesting battle. The AKG still sounds good, even up against the newer crowd. The bass was a little tighter sounding in the K3003. It sounded more realistic than the Moondrop. The mids and highs were slightly clearer, yet slightly thinner than the Blessing 2. 99% of the time this did not go out of control on the AKG. But just sometimes, there was a little too much high frequency energy. This was not evident on the same tracks using the Moondrop. Overall, I felt the K3003i had the better sound quality but not by a huge margin. These are on the AKG website for $1299, $1000 more expensive than the Moondrop Blessing 2.
Vs. Meze Rai Penta
rai penta.jpg

The Rai Penta is the flagship IEM in the Meze range. It is a 5 driver hybrid, 1 dynamic and 4 balanced armature. It has a lower resistance of 20 Ohms and a lower sensitivity of 100 dB. It needs less volume than the Blessing 2, which surprised me, as the fit of both feels identical. The cables are different, of course. The Rai Penta has a retail of $1099. It therefore shouldn’t be in the same league as the Blessing 2. The Blessing 2 does not have the clarity, or punch of the Penta. The Penta’s forward nature, or more accentuated mid response, can clearly be seen against the Blessing 2’s smoothing qualities. In the same way as the K3003i, the Penta can, very rarely, overdo it when the Blessing 2 doesn’t wish to take it that close to the edge. Meze, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You have not been embarrassed by a much cheaper rival.

There has been a new standard set in the mid price IEM market with the Moondrop Blessing 2. I have yet to hear anything that can best it for the money. Pretty much all of the boxes are ticked; detachable cable, around the ear, near custom fit, customisable faceplate, case, good looks, sensible tuning with the drivers to deliver it. The lack of chin strap and the wind noise feel too minor and picky to take even half a star away, and I don’t do that very often. This is the epitome of value for money and should appeal to the ears of most of you out there.
Really appreciate your review! Nice one.
B2 is much better than Rai Penta. Don't write bull...:deadhorse:


500+ Head-Fier
Moondrop Blessing2 : A Musical Bliss
Pros: 1. Good separation and imaging with wide soundstage
2. Musical with controlled on highs and lows
3. Full bodied bass response
4. Premium looks and feel
5. Nice stock wire
Cons: 1. Very Thin and unnatural Vocals
2. Full spectrum response sometimes becomes bit congested
Moondrop Blessing2 has been provided to me by HiFiGo as part of their review tour. I am in no way related to them or working for them. All impressions of sound are subjective to my own listening and my sources. One can purchase Blessing2 from HiFiGo using the following link.

Also, The following review is based on my experience with IEMs of similar hardware configuration and price range.

The first thing you will notice when you see a Blessing2 IEM is the intriguing sight of a driver unit wrapped inside highly transparent 3D printed medical grade UV resin. As you see the intricate design and delicate engineering of these drivers working together, you can't help but admire dexterity that went behind this technological marvel.

Blessing2 is the latest addition in Moondrop's product range. Its futuristic look is quite a head turner.

The Cover of Blessing2 is made of medical grade stainless steel, which is sliced by precision CNC, engraved with brushing process, and 3D printed transparent shells. One side of Blessing 2 is laser engraved with the "Blessing2" logo, while the other retains the unpainted stainless-steel brushed texture. Along with default design of plain stainless steel, one can customize as per choice based on multiple available Anime engravings or wooden color patterns

It comes with a 6N OFC litz cable with quite good quality of jack and connectors which also adds to the premium form factor.


Product Specification:
Impedance: 22 Ω @ 1kHz (± 15%)
Unit configuration: 1DD & 4 BA each side
Frequency response range: 9-37KHz
(1 / 4-inch free-field microphone, -3dB)
Treble unit: Knowles SWFK
Midrange unit: Softears D-MID-A
Bass: 10mm paper cone diaphragm coil
Effective frequency response: 20-20KHZ
Quality control range: ± 1dB @ 1kHz
Sensitivity: 117dB / Vrms @ 1kHz
Change connector: 0.78-2Pin
THD: <1% @ 1KHz

For this review the unit has been paired to Chord Mojo, Hiby-R3, Xduoo XD-05(Burson V5i) and LG V30+ without any additional amplification. Stock Cable and eartips have been used during listening experience.

Fit: The Fit of Blessing2 is quite wonderful although it feels bit heavy and takes some time to get used to the form factor. The nozzle provides adequate passive noise isolation. The stock cable and eartips are of quite good quality and do add a classy feel to it.
The product feels very premium as of its see-through design and engravings. The build quality is sturdy and of top notch.


Highs: Moondrop Blessing2 has a very rich upper mid-range. The treble response is quite good, there are no harsh peaks and neither sharp roll offs. Instruments sounds quite lively, airy and energetic giving an open space kind of presentation. The nozzle also responds very well to tip changes, during my critical listening I did not observe, even for once, any kind of sibilance or intrusive peaks. Overall presentation is exceptional in terms of presence and details.

“The Cymbal Song” by Gavin Harrison was exceptionally enjoyable on these.

Mids: The tuning of mids for Blessing2 is kind of a controversial topic to discuss. The upper and lower mids are tuned very well. There is a sense of bit forwardness and as a result instruments have nice details and presence. It was great enjoyment listening to classical orchestra over it, the orchestral instruments like string and horns make a very nice presentation of tonality and has a nice timber to it. The guitars have lush of forwardness and decay is very good.

I would say this IEM shines best if one is into orchestral music; be it Beethoven or Mozart, all concerts are very well presentable. Also, I enjoyed listening to “Duel of the Fates” by John Williams and whole presentation had a feel-good factor to it.

But as some say even the sun sets in paradise, the downside here I felt was very lean and unnatural vocals. The positioning felt very artificial and abnormal. Imagine one is sitting in a movie hall and vocals are coming out from the upper wall speakers, that’s how I experienced vocals with blessing2. For me this this was absolute deal breaker.

When I played “The hymn for the weekend” it started with a decent imaging, the soundstage was wide, and depth could be observed in the track but whole presentation was bit thin and lost the wow factor majorly due to the vocals. Similar result happened while playing “Love Story” by Taylor Swift, whole presentation was just ok, nothing out of world that would make the teenager inside of you to jump with emotions.

Lows: The Bass response of Moondrop Blessing2 is very subtle thanks to hybrid combination of BA and Dynamic drivers. The 10mm dynamic driver does a perfect job for the lower range. The sub-bass attack is remarkably clean and only comes in play when called for. There is no mid bass bleeding and overall presentation is very musical. The texture and rumble feel is quite energetic and engaging.

While listening to “Poem of Chinese drums” by Hok-man Yim the decay and energy were good, and full of details. The representation has quite nice texture and was fun listening to.

Detailing/Soundstage: Moondrop Blessing2 shines very well in this bracket. The soundstage is wide enough as compared to any other product of this price range along with a gist of verticality. The soundstage has ample width, it is neither extraordinarily wide nor narrow in any sense.

Imaging is also very well defined, and Blessing2 is certainly a winner in this department. The depth is not as much as compared to width but with the presence of verticality it easily generates a holographic representation with some tracks. One can easily pinpoint the space within every instrument.

The width height and channel separation felt very good while playing “Bassnectar Mind Tricks” and was very enjoyable and holographic to some extent.


Final Verdict: Moondrop Blessing2 is a wonderful IEM based on hybrid implementation of dynamic and balanced drivers. The bass response is very well, it’s nothing too heavy nor lean. It beats most of the IEMs in this price range in terms of soundstage, detailing, presence and extension factor. It makes the presentation of all instruments very interesting and enjoyable without any compromise to details, although when comes to vocals it does fail to impress.

In nutshell Blessing2 is very neutral IEM and stands ground to reference segment. The overall tuning is very engaging and enjoyable. It is indeed a very interesting IEM in terms of aesthetics and sound quality; moreover, in this price range it is by far a perfect IEM for people who are into orchestral music.
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Ace Bee

Headphoneus Supremus
Moondrop Blessing 2: Big Sharpness
Pros: Controlled full bodied bass
Very Good Separation
Wide soundstage
Clear and defined instruments
Cons: Thin and unnatural vocals
Piercing highs
Large housing and nozzle can be uncomfortable.

Moondrop Blessing 2 has been provided to me by HiFiGo as part of their review tour. I am in no way related to them or working for them. All impressions of sound are subjective to my own listening and my sources.

The following review is based on my experience with IEMs of similar price range.

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Technical Specifications.
  • Unit configuration: 1DD + 4 BA
  • Drivers - 10mm paper cone diaphragm coil (Bass), Softears D-MID-A (Midrange) & Knowles SWFK (Treble)
  • Impedance - 22Ω @ 1kHz (± 15%)
  • Sensitivity - 117dB / Vrms @ 1kHz
  • Frequency response range: 9-37KHz
  • THD: <1% @ 1KHz
  • Channel Matching - ± 1dB @ 1kHz
  • Connectors – 2-pin (0.78mm)
  • 3D printed shells made of imported medical resin
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Sound Impression:


Bass is strong. Midbass is stronger than subbass. Bass have a very controlled feeling to it. Notes have very good body and the meaty feeling to it. Subbass rumble are there with fast decay. Bass never overshadows other spectrum. It has good attack, nice texture and plenty of details. The extension also is very good which brings out the lowest notes beautifully.

Massive Attack - Teardrop is my go-to track to check subbass rumbles. Blessing2 brings it out with a distinct full bodied presence.

In the track Muse - Showbiz the bass guitar and drums gets your immediate attention. The bass guitar sets up a meaty bassline with very good body, while the drums give full beats.

In the Why So Serious track from The Dark Knight OST, from 03:26 timing, there are some very deep subbass notes that are almost impossible to detect on iems which does not have a deep subbass. Fortunately, Blessing 2 pulled it off flawlessly!

Mids here is a mixed bag. It's kinda crisp, thin, transparent, with lots of details. While it benefits the instruments, endowing them with a brilliant clarity, the male vocals sound somewhat thin and rasping. But nevertheless, the separation is outstanding and plenty of air exists between different sounds.

Marko Saaresto’s voice in the track Temple of Thought - Kamikaze Love sounds thin and harsh. Separation is good so that the different vocals can be distinguished almost immediately as they are introduced.

In the track Steven Wilson - To The Bone - Pariah Steven's voice sounds crisp and clean, Ninet Tayeb's voice also has sparkles and forward presence.

In the track Battlestar Galactica Season 2 OST - 17. Prelude to war, the snare rolls are so beautifully crisp and forwardly presented that I was quite surprised! I have never heard them so cleanly represented. Also, when the big drums came, it was an absolute pleasing experience with strong slam and rumble.

Sharp, bright, transparent, and very good clarity. But at which cost? Sometimes the highs became too much sharp and piercing for me. Although they have exceptional presence and details, it wasn't suitable for me to listen to for long terms.

The Witcher game OSTs were playing like a bunch of bright knives. I winced whenever the cymbal crash occurred.

In the track Steven Wilson - To The Bone - Pariah, the later part where the soundstage suddenly expands with all the background instruments, the experience was unnatural! Because of the brightness the whole experience becomes so exhilarating, and yet the strong bassline keeps the experience balanced and immersive. Except, the cymbal crashes. Yup, I winced at every one of them.

Soundstage, Separation, Imaging:
A wide soundstage with good depth. Width is more than depth. Got moderate amount of height.

Separation and Imaging is very good too. Distinct layering can be detected.




Vs. TFZ Secret Garden 3:
SG3 is another very good iem of mine. Compared to SG3, Blessing 2 has better bass, bigger soundstage, similar separation, thinner and crispier mids, thinner male vocals, sharper highs. SG3 has more of a balanced sound signature, whereas Blessing2 is kind of V. Both are great in their own strength.

Special Mention-Fit:
I rarely mention this in other iem reviews, but I just had to mention it here. The iem housing and the nozzle both are so obscenely big, and heavy, that it was quite a torture for me to wear it. I guess my ear is not big enough for it. On top of that, no lip on the nozzle, so quite often the eartips slid off the nozzle and remained stuck inside my ear! Bummer!


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Ace Bee
Ace Bee
That sharp. And beware of the fit too!
That's bad. I had high hopes after reading crin's review on it.
Ace Bee
Ace Bee
You should get the Penon Orb if you're sensitive to treble.


New Head-Fier
the technical expert
Pros: technically outstanding
fantastic stage and imaging
neutral tuning without acting sterile
Price / performance ratio if you are looking for inexpensive neutrality
Cons: sometimes a little thin and emotionless
light sibilants and roll-off treble
somewhat shouty mids
Rating: 8.9
Sound: 8.8


The MOONDROP BLESSING 2 is more or less a benchmark if you are looking for neutral sound under 300€, as well as a compromise between analytical and natural sound.

Technically, the B2 is really not to be blamed for anything, as it doesn't allow itself any real weaknesses and can outdo far more expensive models.
Soundwise you definitely have to be aware of what you are getting into, otherwise this could lead to disappointment.
The BLESSING 2 does have studio monitor qualities, but for the street it might not always be the first choice.


The scope of delivery is surprisingly spartan in the price range.
There is a selection of silicone tips, a 4-core copper cable and an aircraft adapter.
The cable is valuable, but also a bit fragile. But the transport case is a nice accessory and quite roomy. In addition it is haptically attractive because of its leather imitation and structure. But that was it.

The design of the case is very appealing, both visually and in the choice of materials. It may look a bit clumsy, but it is extremely ergonomic and fits perfectly. However, I can well imagine that owners of smaller ears could get problems, or that the IEMs protrude a bit too much out of the ear. It is also a bit heavier than IEMs that are not molded or made of heavy metal, but this does not change the very good wearing comfort.
The metal faceplate provides a noble finish and the workmanship is not open to criticism.

The BLESSING 2 seems to be made of one piece. The drivers are completely enclosed by the resin and you can follow the "path of the sound" to the end of the sound tube very well, in it you can also see the used filter (BA-driver).

In contrast to the S8, the B2 is somewhat larger due to the dynamic driver, but has an air vent due to the necessary pressure compensation of the DD, which avoids negative pressure in the ear. Therefore the isolation is not quite as good as with the S8, but still external noise is passively minimized very well.


For its almost 280 € the MOONDROP BLESSING 2 is praised above all for its neutrality and represents something like a reference in the price segment. This is certainly not for everyone, but nevertheless this tuning is sparse in the confusing IEM jungle and especially the technical characteristics of the B2 are admirable.

With its unconditionally linear tuning the bass is a rare phenomenon in IEM circles when it comes to a DD bass. It certainly doesn't have the usual impact you might be used to from a dynamic driver, on the other hand it offers more pressure in the low range and more presence if you are more used to BA basses. Compared to the S8 the B2 suits me more in the bass, because it sounds fuller and rounder, with the same quality standards.
But if you love your bass in quantity, the B2 will certainly not satisfy you. This is more about precision, detail reproduction and balance, especially when it comes to the transition to the mids.

The mids of the B2 are not only very neutrally tuned, they are also damned accurate.They have a very slight tendency to "shout", but in a quite bearable range. I also feel them sometimes a bit thin and would like more body. Nevertheless the mids are one thing above all, tonally correct. Together with the first-class separation on different layers, they can inspire and definitely serve as a reference. A drop of bitterness here is the somewhat lost musicality.
Voices have just the right presence without jumping in your face or getting lost in the mix. Both genders are convincing, which is rarely the case, since one gender usually stands out. There is nothing to be ashamed of in the mids, except slight exaggerations in the upper range. If you are keen on exploring the mids as neutrally (with a little brightness) as possible, you will be happy here. The clarity and accuracy is already remarkable.

The amount of detail in the high frequencies is enormous, but I'm a bit disturbed by the light metallic BA timbre and the sometimes more, sometimes less subtle sibilant emphasis. I know it's damn hard to strive for a reference tuning and still achieve a safe tuning in the high frequencies. To make sure that you don't miss any subtleties there must be enough level in the high frequency range to be able to represent them. Since we are quite sensitive between 6 - 8 kHz, especially with regard to sibilants, or some instruments can have a somewhat unpleasant presence here, this frequency range is usually tried to be attenuated, which we see in many frequency measurements in the form of a valley in this range. I am aware of the fact that my measurements do not faithfully represent exactly this range and that no exact representation is given here. Nevertheless, I can usually already deduce from the weighting of the measurement whether I will receive the IEM as sibilant or unpleasant in the high frequency range or not. Sometimes I am disabused, but not in the case of the B2. Nevertheless I can handle it and accept it, because of the superb resolution and the richness of detail. Apart from that the high frequency is absolutely tolerable, if you are not over-sensitive and Foamtips can also help here. However, I still lack a bit of presence/transparency in the very upper range to really speak of a TOTL (Top of the League) IEM. The MOONDROP S8 has that a bit better!

The stage and the imaging are really fantastic. At no time do you feel constricted or need to focus on anything in particular. Everything is presented very coherent and differentiated and it's fun to dive into the music without being overwhelmed. The technical features can easily keep up with much more expensive IEMs and the 5 drivers harmonize perfectly.


One word describes BLESSING 2 quite well and that is neutrality. In fact it reminds me of reference oriented IEMs like the ULTIMATE EARS RR. But the question is when this sound will be an added value for the inclined audiophile. I would like to go out on a limb and say that the average audiophile is not necessarily interested in neutrality and studio reference, but rather in a well-balanced, musical tuning with slight warmth, natural timbre, details on mass and a safe tuning to enjoy music as long as possible without signs of fatigue. Such an IEM is not so easy to find, but even here I like to mention the 64 AUDIO TIA TRIO when it comes to my preference.
The BLESSING 2 actually does absolutely nothing wrong, especially when it comes to correct and precise sound reproduction, even with analytical demands. It also retains a certain musicality, but doesn't know how to build up emotions very well.
Sometimes it even sounds a bit boring and you have to get used to the B2 to enjoy it to the fullest, even though sets retain a slightly brisk aftertaste.

Many thanks to OARDIO for the demo-in-ear!

More reviews: CHI-FIEAR


Reviewer at Twister6
Moondrop Blessing 2 - Value for money
Pros: Very well-tuned for the price - value for money
- Reference quality, tuned to Moondrop's target curve (VDSF)
- Tight bass, bass dynamics, natural lower mids tonality, forward natural sounding upper mids, good instrument definition, rich treble.
- Good open and airy soundstage
- Depth layering imaging and instrument separation
- Build quality
- Deeper fit
- Nice case
Cons: Not much for the price because it has very good tonality and technicalities.
- Nitpicking - Even though I find Blessing2 hitting my preferences well mostly, some might miss a bit of sub-bass rumble. The forward upper mids tuning sounds very reference like good flat response studio monitors, but people new to DF/HTC tuning or who are generally sensitive to this range might need an adaptation period to appreciate it.
- Moondrop could've used better quality 2-pin connectors and jack.
I would like to thank Moondrop for sending me the Blessing2 to test and review. I am not affiliated with the company or any of its sellers and write this review with an unbiased opinion regardless of how the review turns out.

Genre preferences.
I majorly listen to rock, acoustic, pop, metal, and sometimes popular EDM songs doing the rounds on the charts.

About Moondrop.
Moondrop is one of the most popular brands to emerge out of China in the recent years. They’re based out of Chengdu, Sichuan and quickly became fan favourites with products like Kanas, Kanas Pro, KXXS, Blessing1, A8/S8, and good value for money products like Crescent, Spaceship, etc. Most of their entry level products are made out of metals like brass but their upper range are majorly resin based IEMs with semi-custom shells like Blessing2, S8 and Solis, which are also offered as CIEMs. They even make earbuds named ShiroYuki, Namesless, VX, Liebesleid and Chaconne. They like to dabble with popular target curves and have received critical acclaim and appreciation for the same. I previously reviewed Moondrop's S8 and KXXS here and still enjoy them in my daily rotation of IEMs to this day.

Links - Moondrop Blessing2 (Shenzhen Audio) | Moondrop Official Store

Quick Preamble.
Moondrop were kind enough to send Blessing2 before launch but sadly I'm late to the party because the package was stuck at the DHL delivery office for months because of the Coronavirus lockdown and then I got thrown into general work chaos. If you still don't know about it or would like to know my take on it, I hope this review will shed some good light for you. Happy reading!

Blessing2 Featured Image.jpg

Technical Specifications.
  • Unit configuration: 1DD + 4 BA
  • Drivers - 10mm paper cone diaphragm coil (Bass), Softears D-MID-A (Midrange) & Knowles SWFK (Treble)
  • Impedance - 22Ω @ 1kHz (± 15%)
  • Sensitivity - 117dB / Vrms @ 1kHz
  • Frequency response range: 9-37KHz
  • THD: <1% @ 1KHz
  • Channel Matching - ± 1dB @ 1kHz
  • Connectors – 2-pin (0.78mm)
  • 3D printed shells made of imported medical resin

Included in the box.

Moondrop Blessing2 comes in nice Anime style packaging. It comes with the necessary accessories which are simple and all you really need. Though I think they should've offered more variety in ear tips and a better cable to perfect the premium-ness quotient of the overall package.

Here is a list of what is included in the package:
  • Moondrop Blessing2
  • 6N OFC Litz cable
  • Silicone Eartips - 6 Pairs of different sizes
  • Carry Case
  • Airline adapter
  • Manual
Blessing2 Box.jpegBlessing2 Case.png

Build Quality.

Blessing2 has clear shells, brushed metal faceplates and Blessing2 printed on the right faceplate. The shells and some internals like sound tubes are 3D printed in partnership with Heygears, which is a company specialising in OEM 3D printing. As a result, there are no imperfections and the build quality looks pretty good. Even though looks are subjective, I do like the all resin design of A8 and S8 more. If you’re in the same boat, Moondrop recently released wooden faceplate versions of Blessing2 and they do look nice. Check ‘em out!

Blessing2 Solo 2.jpeg

Cable – The cable is the same cable that comes with Moondrop S8. It is made of good quality wire which is 6N OFC Litz, but the jack and connectors are plastic like the Campfire Audio stock cables. If they would’ve added a chin slider and better jack and connectors, this cable would’ve actually looked much more expensive. For Blessing2’s price of $320, this is a very nice cable and I like it since Blessing2 sounds good with it and it is light with the right thickness and never interferes or obstructs movement even if you’re wearing it on your runs.


Fit and Comfort.

Though Blessing2’s nozzle width is substantial, it has a nice comfortable fit for me owing to a very ergonomic semi-custom shell design and long bore stock ear tips. Shell depth is more than S8 and as a result the faceplates protrude outside my ear slightly but the fit is very snug and comfortable. The nozzles are a bit longer than shells that BGVP and Fearless make and so provide a slightly deeper insertion which makes them feel almost like how CIEM shells do. The faceplate has vents for the dynamic driver and so the isolation without music playing isn’t as great but I don’t hear any outside noise with music playing because of the snug fit. So, I guess it'll work perfectly for commutes and public places.

Sound Analysis.

Summary - If you’ve been following my reviews, you know by now that I quite like Moondrop as I like their tuning ideology based on theoretical target curves and general ability in nailing certain aspects of sound and build quality. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, Moondrop likes to tune their IEMs to their own target FR curve called VDSF (Virtual Diffuse Sound Field) which takes inspiration from Etymotic Diffuse Field and Harman Target curve. Blessing2 is no different in this regard as it too is tuned to Moondrop’s VDSF target though with a lesser bass boost and slightly more treble extension compared to its older sibling, S8. It has a 3-4dB bass low shelf compared to its neutral lower mids and the characteristic Harman Target 3KHz peak with a well extended treble response that makes for a very interesting, detailed and enjoyable listen.

Let’s dig in deeper…

Bass – Blessing2 has a 10mm dynamic driver for bass duties. Now you probably would imagine big, fun dynamic driver bass, at least more than what S8 has (because that has BAs handling bass), but that’s not the case here. The DD is actually quite tastefully tuned above ‘flat response’ with a linear bass shelf of 3-4dBs starting around 250Hz. The bass notes have good definition with the right amount of quantity to balance out the upper mids and treble tuning while staying true to its more reference style tuning. It has very good extension down low and can play the deepest notes with good accuracy and rumble staying true to the mix and not adding more from its own side. It has good attack, texture and details, which is evident in songs like Muse’s ‘Panic Station’ and Dua Lipa’s ‘Don’t Start Now’, though I do miss some slam and sub-bass rumble coming from the S8. But well, if you like your bass to sound more reference-ish while still having a nice boost to be fun and enjoyable, Blessing2 is not going to disappoint.

Mids – Lower mids are tuned very accurately, neutrally and linearly. Upper mids have the classic Harman Target style 3kHz pinna boost which brings the presentation more forward and as a result most instruments have very good definition and presence. Snares have good slam and crack. Acoustic guitars, distorted guitars and orchestral instruments like strings and horns are very well presented with good clarity, details, tonality and timbre. Vocals sound very natural, very accurate and close to how they sound on good flat studio monitors. Dave Matthews in ‘Samurai Cop’, Hayley Williams in ‘Fast in My Car’, Chris Martin in ‘Yes’ and John Mayer in ‘Why Georgia’ all sound very realistic and the vocals are placed very well along with the instruments, each having their own space without any of the two overpowering the other. This Harman/DF style of upper mids tuning doesn’t sound shouty to me but I can imagine someone feeling so who is particular sensitive to this range or is coming from something like an Andromeda, UERR/UERM and similar IEMs which don’t have proper pinna gain boost. But if you’ve heard an IEM like S8, Fibae7, BGVP EST12 or the U12t, this is going to feel like home. Of course, these are much more expensive products but I’m mentioning them as reference because people get to audition these at audiophile exhibitions like CanJam, and so know them better as references. With that said, Blessing2 does hit strong in this area and can compete if not parallel some of those mentioned IEMs.

Treble - Blessing2 has very good, rich and balanced treble presence and extension, and hits my preferences really well, probably better than S8 in this area. It is great for people who like good treble clarity and airiness while generally staying smooth and inoffensive. It doesn’t have any sibilance or any intrusive erratic peaks which add artificial shimmer or sizzle. It also makes sure excellent hi-hat and cymbal work in songs like Dave Matthews’ ‘Samurai Cop’ and rock and metal bands like Karnivool, Periphery and Alter Bridge comes through well and doesn’t go unnoticed. Yet it keeps cymbals sounding very natural and never too splashy or sizzly. The treble character of Blessing2 helps present an open sense of space which helps pick micro details in the mix very well. Yet, people who like warmer treble, Blessing2 might come off on the brighter side but to be honest, I personally think this is the right amount. In fact, I wouldn't mind a bit more of upper treble here.

Blessing2 Main Left.jpeg

Soundstage, Imaging and Separation.

Blessing2’s soundstage is impressive and very enjoyable. Width is wider than average in its segment and depth layering is very well done. The forward and accurate upper mids presentation allows for good imaging precision and pinpointing the space of every instrument in the mix is quite easy. Detail retrieval is very good! I don’t want to say this loosely but it hits much above its price point. Of course, it’s not TOTL levels but man does it perform well, price, driver count and all things considered.

  • Tansio Mirai TSMR-4 Pro / 3 Pro – Since 4Pro and 3Pro have a similar sound signature in the larger scheme of things, this comparison holds true for both. 4Pro has slightly more sub-bass and mid-bass quantity and fuller lower mids with quicker transients whereas Blessing2 has more dynamic bass which is more reference and natural in tonality. Both have forward upper midrange presentation but 4Pro has a peak at around 5kHz which increases the attack of instruments and that’s where Blessing2 sounds more natural. Both have good lower treble tuning but Blessing2 has better upper treble extension. Both have very good detail retrieval but 4Pro has a slightly taller and narrower soundstage whereas Blessing has a wider and more open soundstage.

  • DUNU DK-2001 – This is another very well-tuned 1 DD+ 3BA hybrid for the price. DK-2001 has a 13mm Beryllium coated dynamic driver and has more quantity, slam and weight than Blessing2, though Blessing2’s bass has better attack, tonality and is more neutral and reference style accurate there. DK-2001 has a slightly fuller lower midrange and a slightly more forward upper midrange compared to Blessing2 whereas Blessing2 is more accurate with its lower mids and upper mids tuning and sounds a bit more natural in my opinion. DK-2001 lower treble is very well tuned for its signature but Blessing2 is more naturally accurate with its tuning and tonality here. Blessing2 has better upper treble extension and as a result sounds more open and airier than DK-2001, whereas DK-2001 kind of rolls-off post 10kHz. Both have good soundstages where Blessing2 sounds more open and airier and DK-2001 sounds warmer and fuller. Blessing2 has better detail retrieval owing to better extended treble.

  • Fearless S6Rui – S6Rui too has 6 balanced armatures. It has much more sub-bass and mid-bass presence and punch but Blessing2 has better bass dynamics, attack and precision. S6Rui is slightly fuller than Blessing2 in lower mids but then is more v-shaped around 1kHz. S6Rui too has forward upper midrange presentation but has its primary peak around 4kHz whereas Blessing2 has it around 3kHz. Blessing2 has much better and airier treble presentation with better extension too. Blessing2’s soundstage too sounds more open and spacious in comparison. Detail retrieval is better in Blessing2.

  • BGVP DM7 – DM7 has 6 balanced armatures. DM7 has more mid bass and fuller lower mids whereas Blessing2 has a more linear and neutral presentation in comparison. DM7 too has a slightly forwards upper mids presentation but Blessing2 sounds slightly more accurate in timbre and tonality. DM7 has slightly more sparkle in lower treble and Blessing2 has better upper treble extension. Blessing2’s soundstage is more open and airier whereas DM7’s is warmer with a narrower soundstage.

  • BGVP VG4 - VG4 in 100 has a bit more bass and lower mids sound slightly fuller and forward. Blessing2 is more V-shaped relatively owing to Harman Target style tuning but has more neutral bass and mids character. Blessing2's primary upper mids peak is typical Harman around 3kHz, whereas VG4 has a minor peak around 3kHz but has the primary upper mids peak at 4.5kHz. As a result, instruments sound forward and more natural in Blessing2. They are forward-ish in VG4 too but have more attack because of the 4.5kHz peak and that can be slightly reduced by switching off switch 1 or flipping switch 2 up (switch 2 fills up the lower mids and makes the signature warmer). Both have similar lower treble but Blessing2 has better upper treble extension. Both have very good soundstages where Blessing2 sounds deeper and VG4 is probably a tad wider. Both have good details and resolution but I think Blessing2 does it more naturally and slightly better.
Blessing 2 Solo 1.jpeg


Well, it might not come as a surprise to our readers but as I stated earlier, I really like how Moondrop tunes their IEMs with strong audio engineering theoretical knowledge. They know what they are doing and the critical acclaim and popularity of their products are a statement of that. Blessing2 does most things well and not much wrong. It might not have the big bass slam we casually expect from a dynamic driver, but this is one exceptionally well-tuned IEM for its price and the bass quantity is generally more than sufficient for me in most songs. Actually, with Blessing2 performing so well for its asking price, it has me questioning the pricing of other much more expensive IEMs that don’t perform as nicely. If you were to hold a gun to my head and ask me for one of the most accurate IEMs in this segment, Blessing2 is probably the first that will pop in my head. With that said, this is not a boring IEM at all! It is very interesting, enjoyable with gobs of resolution and detail and upper range tuning that makes most instruments very interesting and a lot of fun to listen to. So, if you have $320 to spend, I highly recommend checking Blessing2 out! You will not be disappointed!

Gear used for testing and review.
  • DAPs – iBasso DX160 and Hiby R6 Pro
  • Laptop – Apple Macbook Pro 15″
  • Phone – OnePlus 7 Pro
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Great review! Just received mine today, super excited 😄
@mjoleksy Lemme see if I can do that and add it to my review one of these days when I get some free time to do some nice listening and back to back testing.
@Hddad70 Congrats! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did mine. :)


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Great Sound Quality
Very Good Build Quality
Price to Performance Ratio is Huge
Cons: Shell Size on Larger Side
Uncomfortable for Long Sessions
Uninspiring Design

Moondrop Blessing 2 has been provided to me by HiFiGo as part of their review tour. I am in no way related to them or working for them. All impressions of sound are subjective to my own listening and my sources. You can buy Blessing 2 from HiFiGo through the following link.


As quoted from the manufacturer – “The Moondrop Blessing 2 is equipped with a five driver hybrid setup on each side having One 10mm paper cone diaphragm unit for handling the bass section, Dual Softears D-Mid-A driver units for handling the Mid-range frequencies, and Dual Knowles SWFK units for handling the Treble sections. The drivers work together flawlessly with no distortion between them at all. The resulting sound output is very smooth, the drivers are tuned in a way to match the Harman Target Curve, it offers a quick and deep bass response, natural, lush vocals, and smooth and sweet treble response.”

Moondrop, a Chinese brand, needs no introduction, having made their own mark with their first hit, Kanas Pro before embarking on to make some great IEMs that perform way more than what their price range suggests. The IEM which is being reviewed here is their Blessing 2, which is priced at 320$.

B2_edited 2.jpg

I have used my DAP, Cayin N6ii, and will be using its modules A01 and E02 for testing Blessing 2. I preferred E02 module as it is more neutral and more detailed. My main review is based on E02 module.

Design, Build & Comfort

B2_edited 4.jpg

Blessing 2’s design doesn’t bring anything new or refreshing to the table, it just looks bland and plain simple. Moondrop started to provide more faceplate customization options now, even with wood too. But what I have right now is an ordinary design. But the build quality is excellent. Faceplate and inner shell are seamlessly put together with no visible gaps. Materials look and feel solid and premium. Shell shape is on the bigger side and will be a concern for people with small and medium size ears. The provided cable is of decent quality. Cable is made of copper and looks just like the one my Kanas Pro had back then it was released. Wish they had provided slightly better cable than this.

B2_edited 3.jpg

Rating: 3.5/5

Sound Analysis


Bass is tight, deep, sharp, and very well defined. Sub-bass quantity is quite less and will not satisfy anyone looking for that thump and rumble. Attack and decay speeds are fast. Bass isn’t Blessing 2’s strengths and you can find just the right amount required to make song enjoyable. A little more sub-bass rumble would have been better.

Rating: 3.5/5


This is easily the best part of Blessing 2. Mids are very natural, smooth, and crystal clear. It has very natural and clean tonality and timbre and incredibly detailed. Both male and female vocals sound very natural. Cymbals and instruments all sound natural, clear, and well-spaced out. Blessing 2’s smooth mids is a very pleasure to listen to.

Rating: 4.5/5

Dynamics & Detail Retrieval

Speed and dynamics are excellent. Details retrieval capabilities of Blessing 2 is top notch. Everything from macro to micro detailing have excellent presentation. Instrument separation is excellent too with each instrument has good space between them and well defined.

Rating: 4.5/5


Soundstage is decent in Blessing 2. Width is lesser, though not necessarily narrower. It has got decent depth and height. Even then, it does not exhibit any congestion in sound. Imaging is precise and pinpoint. Layering is excellent.

Rating: 3/5(Soundstage) & 4.5/5(Layering & Imaging)


Treble has got excellent extension. It is not fatiguing at all. Treble is crisp and has got just enough sparkle to make Blessing 2 livelier and energetic. Treble has slightly lesser details and feels airy.

Rating: 4/5

Source Comparisons

Cayin N6ii w/A01 Module

A01 module has slightly warmer tone to it and most probably will be the best match for Blessing 2 for many. Blessing 2 with E02 has more mids clarity, more details and more treble sparkle, which some may find bright. Mids sound very natural in E02. And overall better pair for me. But what A01 has to it is that Blessing 2 looses some of the treble sparkle from E02 and is relaxed listen. E02 has more lively and energetic presentation and A01 is warmer and relaxed pairing, with slightly less sparkle and energy in the treble section.


Moondrop has come a long way since I first had their Kanas Pro. They have been churning out great IEMs consistently since then. Blessing 2 is no exception. Blessing 2 is a stellar IEM. It ticks all the right boxes and excels in almost all of those. And yet it costs a mere 320$! It is a must have in everyone’s collection or if you only must buy one for 300$, and that one should be Blessing 2. It punches way above its price point. All the niggles I found with this are minor ones and the kind of sound quality it has, makes it a highly recommended one.
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Great reviewed except "uninspiring design" haha! I love how you can see right into the tubes and the drivers


New Head-Fier
Pros: 1. Tight and fast bass
2. Great mid-range
3. Detailed highs
4. Good details and texture
5. Good soundstage and imaging, transparent and airy, great layering and separation
6. Good speed
Cons: 1. Low bass quantity and missing sub bass rumble
2. Slightly bright presentation
3. Slightly bulky and heavy shell.
4. Might be uncomfortable for small/medium ears.

The unit has been sent to me from Hifigo as a part of a review circle. I am not working or affiliated to Hifigo and I am not being paid or influenced otherwise to say anything positive or negative about this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Here's the buying link:

Note: Please note that my opinions and ratings are based on price, category, market competition and personal expectations and are subjective in nature.

Build Quality and comfort:
Moondrop’s Blessing 2 (from here on will be termed as B2) has a very good and sturdy build, the shell is made of resin and the faceplate is made of resin with Blessing2 etched on it. It has fairly long nozzle and has a secured fit with stock tips. They are slightly heavy but didn’t bother me even on my long listening sessions that lasted for 4-5 hours straight. The shells to protrude quite a bit out of ears and you can’t sleep on it. The cable is decent and not of topmost quality but does the job well. I didn’t feel any microphonics nor I had to sweat trying to untangle the cables.

Inside the retail box, comes a greyish fabric case in which B2 and all the accessories are placed. The case looks beautiful and complements well with the B2.

Score: 4/5

B2’s bass is fast, detailed and has a very good implementation that doesn’t bleed into mids. The impact and bass presence are well controlled and helps in maintaining a very balanced tonality. This makes it a winner for almost all genres of music unless you are looking for some head hitting bass in electronic, pop, hip hop genres.

However, there is a lack of sub-bass rumble which takes away the fun from drum rolls and lacks the musicality. I believe its more on the technical side.

In my opinion, bass isn’t a strong point of the B2.

Score: 3.7/5

Midrange is something which I really liked on B2. Its very detailed and has a decently forward presentation. Vocals shines in the songs that I have listened to and I don’t think there’s anything lacking in it. At times, the mid and highs tend to tilt towards a brighter presentation but it’s not sibilant and in no way fatiguing.

Score: 4.2/5

Highs in the B2 is equally good in B2 as the mids. There’s a lot of details and was surprised how well B2 did in presenting the mids and highs. The extensions are good in this region and tracks are always very clear, we could even find out faults and errors in recording at times. The highs are well extended but at the same time are not sibilant.

Score: 4.2/5

Soundstage, Imaging, Separation:
Soundstage of B2 has good width and depth, and helps keep enough space for instrument heavy tracks to not sound congested. The imaging was quite good for an iem to be able to pinpoint each instrument. There’s a lot of air and supports the separation. I believe B2 performs in this area way better than most other IEMs in this range. B2 has excellent layering which is really commendable for an IEM at this price range.

Score: 4/5

Source and drivability:
I believe neutral to warm sources will pair well with B2. I have Ibasso’s DX160 and modded Fiio Q5 with am3d module, and Q5 is warmer of the two. Both these sources paired well with B2, keeping the slightly bright nature of B2 in check.

B2 are slightly harder to drive than most other IEMs. From my DX160, out of the 3.5mm SE output, it sounded fairly loud at about 50% volume whereas same volume level can be attained at around 30-35% for most other IEMs. However, I don’t think they will need any external amp to power them. I tried using Schiit Magni 3 with dx160 lineout and didn’t find any change in technicalities.

Obravo Cupid (Prime Version) is my personal pair which I bought some 7-8 months ago and has been my daily use go-to IEM ever since. So I thought it with be nice to compare. Cupid are priced at 310 USD and hence falls on the same price range. Cupid has DD+Planar Tweeter configuration whereas B2 has 1DD+4BA crossover design.

The tonality of B2 is slightly brighter than Cupid.

Both B2 and Cupid has DD driver taking care of the lows. However, B2 has crossover design whereas Cupid has all drivers simultaneously working in phase. The bass feels faster on the B2 but lacks quantity and sub bass and hence details and texture in the bass region is not much noticeable on the B2. Obravo Cupid does excellent on the bass, its fast, the quantity is good with great sub bass rumble and good details and texture. In my personal opinion, I enjoy lows on the Obravo Cupid more.

Coming to mids, B2 has very good midrange and is hard to beat. Its detailed, appropriately forward and has got a very nice tonality. Mids on the Cupid are not that detailed but it sounds what I call as smooth and sweet with decent details and extensions. Mids are slightly laid back compared to B2. For the mids, I preferred the B2, they are absolutely brilliant for the price range.

Highs are more detailed and extended in B2 even though Cupid has planar tweeters. Even with fairly present highs, the control is really good and doesn’t feel sibilant. Cupid has decent highs and complement its overall fun sound signature but doesn’t have the extension and details of the B2.

B2 has better soundstage width whereas Cupid has better height. B2 has better separation, layering and transparency and doesn’t feel congested in busy tracks, I feel Cupid at times suffer with the layering with heavily instrumented and busy tracks.

Overall, both iems are I feel good in their own category. B2 is for someone looking for good midrange and highs with great technical performance whereas Cupid is for someone craving for good quality bass and a fun experience.

Reviewing B2 was a great experience mostly because of its technical prowess. I’m not a person who talks numbers and mostly rely on what I can hear with my ears. I’m fairly amazed with the kind of details and layering at this range an IEM can pull off. I mostly listen to music on headphones, while trying B2 I realized that the layering and performance in mids and highs are on par with the best headphones in that price range. But as an IEM I definitely expect slightly more bass in quantity even though B2 has great bass quality. However, it’s a personal preference. To conclude, B2 is recommended for someone who is looking for good mids and highs and fast good quality lows.

Overall rating: 4/5

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New Head-Fier
Pros: Very good speed.
Admirable soundstage height and textural variances.
Handles complex and busy tracks easily.
A close to natural tonality throughout, goes well with all genres.
Cons: Bulky shell and nozzle.
Uncomfortable for small/medium ears.
Upper Midrange is a little hot.
Disclaimer: The unit has been sent to me from Hifigo as a part of a review circle. I am not working or affiliated to Hifigo and I am not being paid or influenced otherwise to say anything positive or negative about this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Build and Fit:
The shell is made of 3D printed medical grade resin and the faceplate is made up of stainless steel. The units are hefty and feel solidly built. The cable has the perfect length for portable use, the material of which is reasonably flexible and well built. A bit on the thinner side which is a plus given the unit itself is heavy. No complaints regarding the build quality.
Comfort is a big issue for me because I have small ears. And I suspect that the Blessing 2 will be a pain to wear for people with small to medium sized ears. The size of the nozzle is quite thick and so is the entire chassis size. The chassis has to rest outside the ear canal entirely by design. Pushing it in the canal for a better seal is really quite torturous. Comfort is quite disappointing for the price.


With an impedance of 22 Ω @ 1kHz (± 15%) and sensitivity of 117dB / Vrms @ 1kHz the Blessing 2 will work off of any portable device. No dedicated amplifier needed, as it does not scale with better amps.


Sound Quality:
Overall, it’s a complete and full sounding IEM with resolution and speed that is awe inspiring. It handles complex tracks with ease. It is eager and aggressive in its sound presentation.

The bass extension is deep. From my testing the subbass goes down to 11Hz with ease. The subbass attack is remarkably clean and only comes in play when called for. The bass in general is omnipresent in all tracks but with subtlety, no sign of bloom into the mids. The quantity of subbass shouldn’t offend anyone save the raging bassheads who want some serious pounding all the time. Midbass response is perfectly linear so there is no hint of bloated boxiness in the sound.

The lower midrange has a realistic and natural tonality without sounding too thin and weightless. Male vocals sound good. Not something extraordinary, but good.
However the upper midrange is a bit hot for my personal taste and it may sound a bit thin in some tracks. Vocal performance is really good: the intimacy and detail retrieval are really good; I found the Blessing 2 to capture all the details and shove it in the ear. However, the tonality of female vocals is slightly harsh.


The highs are tip dependent. I found the highs to be unrefined and grainy when using narrow bore tips. On changing to the wide bore tips, the treble opened up and it sounded right with no more graininess. The highs do lack a bit of airiness to them and it feels a bit muted with respect to the other parts of the frequency range. However, the Blessing 2 displays incredible detail retrieval and textural variances in this region which kind of balances the scale in my opinion. The timbre for the most part is as natural as it can get, only that I wished it had just a little more shine and sparkle in the treble region to make it absolutely perfect.


Soundstage and Imaging:
The soundstage is fair. The width isn’t too wide to behold but calling it narrow would be insulting. So, the soundstage width is fair. The same goes for the soundstage depth. The layering is depicted well but not to the degree I would call mesmerizing. However, the soundstage height is quite good, which is rare to find in iems. It presents a tall wall of sound in front you which is a joy to behold.
Coming to imaging, the Blessing 2 takes the cake. The imaging is strong and there is no hint of fuzziness at any point between the L-R channels.


The Blessing 2 is a solid offering from Moondrop that seems to set a high bar when it comes to sonic performance. However, the design and fit definitely needs some improvement.
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Pros: Overall Agreeable Tone
Redefines the price bracket.
Cons: Lacks deepest subbass registers
Slightly Shrill Midrange

Tips used: Azla Sedna for a deep fit.

This Blessing 2 unit was loaned to me by crinacle.

I'll cut to the chase. On a tonal level the B2 does come close to my preferences. I find B2 a tad warm and the uppermidrange a tinge too forward relative to my ideal tonality/target.

The Blessing 2's greatest strength, IMO is the level of coherence whilst still managing a competent technical front. The overall timbre is smooth without treble peaks and the music has a flowing quality to it (which I associate with coherence).

The B2's bass doesn't have enough subbass for me and tilts towards a satisfying but never overwhelming midbass presence. The upperbass/lower mids also showcase a small boost around the 200hz which adds a tinge of warmth. In an ideal world I'd remove this warmth but it does work in balancing out the forward (and emphasised) uppermidrange here. The bass still does have good impact and I wouldn't say its lacking in any way dynamically.

I simply think too many people have unrealistic expectations of some super hard slamming DD bass when in reality, DD bass is mostly just bloated bass overpopularised and overhyped in IEM audiophile circles. I've heard these "dynamics" and "slam" critiques but I do not hear any form of compression. However as mentioned, B2 doesn't have adequate subbass rumble to me which I would associate both with the lack of a strong isolation due to its vented dynamic driver design and in its chosen tuning.

Midrange of the B2 leans towards the uppermidrange (1-3khz). There's some shoutiness and shrillness going down here but it's not unbearable due to the warmth balancing things out a little. If I removed the warmth bump with EQ, the uppermidrange instantly sounds too thin and forward. I'd have to reduce the entire 1-10khz region by 1dB or 2 if I were to reduce the 200-400hz. If you're coming from monitors with lesser pinna gain, you may initially find the B2 to be too shouty. However if you're used to more harman-like gains in the upppermidrange, this one would sit nice and comfortable with you. If not, tonality of the midrange is generally accurate.

Treble of the B2 is nice, smooth and even. However, I'd still say the last octave (10-20khz) could use a little more presence and a more zing quality to it. Cymbals of the B2 sound a little too smoothed out at times when my speakers clearly render them gritty and zingy with plenty texture. The evenness of the treble in the B2 is pretty astounding. Just that I could use a little more energy and zing.

Imaging, Separation, Intangibles
On a technical standpoint, B2 images well better than your average, run-off-the-mill iems. Perhaps the imaging could be sharper with more treble zing, but the spaciousness in depth was pretty surprising for me. It has no issues with layering or separation whatsoever.

Comparison against Blessing 1
I was also loaned the Blessing 1 from crinacle to compare. I actually preferred the tonal balance in the B1 where the bass had more subbass presence (with also more midbass punch) and its lower treble being a little more forward sounding. However, the B1's transients do not sound as clean and crisp. The bass of the B1 has a hollow quality to it and staging sounds restricted compared to the B2 for some reason.

Well done, Moondrop. This is a safe, well tuned, coherent IEM. It comes pretty close to my ideal tonal balance with in-ears. I legitimately think this one redefines the price bracket. When asked to pick an IEM under $1000 that I preferred over the B2, I had trouble giving an answer.

Music Used:

toe - For Long Tomorrow Album
Elephant Gym - Elephant Gym on Audiotree Live
Gestalt Girl - Shiryokukensa Album
Via Luna - Wilt EP
Covet - effloresce Album
Unleash the Archers - Apex Albumu
Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights Album
Totorro - Home Alone Album
Great review. I hear all these faults the same way. Still good as you say but I think I’ll keep searching.
Great review!


New Head-Fier
Pros: i) Tonally correct
ii) Best vocals within its price range
iii) Suitable for almost every music genre
Cons: i) Bass is ever so slightly inadequate
ii) Packaging is very average for the price
Moondrop Blessing 2 Review: Truly a Blessing to this wonderful world.

Packaging: 7/10

When you first unbox the Blessing 2 you will be greeted with Moondrop’s mascot printed on a cardboard,


the cardboard sleeve itself feels a little flimsy, take it off with care if you value the anime girl printed on it else it might be dented fairly easily.


The inner gray box feels way much more solid, inside you will find a carrying case that holds your Blessing 2, another small cardboard box that includes an airplane adapter, 0.78mm cable and six pairs of eartips, as well as your usual documents.






When I saw the photos for the cable, I thought I would outright hate the cable, but upon seeing it now in real life, I guess I don’t hate it absolutely, but there is plenty to dislike here. Why so you might ask, well to put it simply, it looks cheap, extraordinarily cheap.

Just take a look at these plastic connectors,



there is nothing inherently wrong with plastic connectors to be completely fair but showing the wiring and soldering from the outside is just plain stupid in my book, for $320, one would expect much better quality connectors at the very least. Another minor complain would be the L and R indicator being practically invisible doesn’t help too.

However, credit where credit’s due, the cable itself is fairly comfortable, the braids are also done very nicely, I’m just personally not the biggest fan of the color.

Eartips: 8.5/10


The stock eartips they provide are great, they’re comfortable, easiest to fit onto the nozzle of the Blessing 2 (which I will elaborate later on for why this is important), and they sound good as well. Nothing much else to say, let’s move on.


Carrying Case: 7.5/10

The carrying case is built like a tank, covered with a layer of what I’d assume to be pleather. These will definitely protect whatever you decide to put inside it, but I don’t like that it is way too big to be portable or pocket-able. I’d suggest getting a smaller case if you are planning to put this into your pocket and not into your bag.



Now to the Blessing 2 Itself:




The Blessing 2’s entire body feels very solid, the faceplate is made of stainless steel and the rest of the shell is resin. In my case, I also opted for an engraving which I drew my own waifu (Nino best girl) and I’ve gotta say, the engraving looks fantastic, even small details of the artwork was able to be properly showed in adequate lighting. If you’re planning to get the Blessing 2, consider paying the extra $30 for chad Blessing 2, worth every single penny (totally not biased).


Fit and Comfort: 9.5/10 (Very subjective)

You might have seen multiple reviews at this point that has mentioned how big the Blessing 2 is, and it is, especially so for the huge nozzle at 6.5mm. Though for my personal usage, the Blessing 2 is as the name suggest, blessed for my ears as it fits absolutely perfect inside my ear canal, despite protruding like crazy on the outside.


The overall comfort of the Blessing 2 is really good, if you have wide enough ear canals that is, personally I don’t think the outer housing really affects the comfort for most cases, but they do also have wider body than most IEMs out there.

On another note, a problem regarding the fittings of different eartips is that it is an absolute nightmare trying to swap tips because of the nozzle size. If you are trying to fit any tips other than the stock tips (assuming they’re smaller), make sure you have the patience to swap the tips because it will take your sweet time. For instance, when I was trying to fit the Acoustune AET08 (L) on the Blessing 2, I kid you not, it took me more than 20 minutes to fit it onto just ONE side. Bigger bore tips tend to be less of a problem but just a heads up for anyone who is reading this.

*In addition to what I just said about fitting eartips on the Blessing 2, be mindful that these new Blessing 2s have filter on them, and I’ve already yanked both of them out when swapping tips, the filters have just a very thin layer of glue on them.

Isolation: 8.5/10

Above average passive noise isolation, when you turn on any music even at low volume it will basically drowns out all the sounds surrounding you.

And to what is the most important, Sound Review.

Before we get right into it, here is how I tested the Blessing 2:

Source: I switch between my Sony A45 and AudioGD R2R11, but for reviews sake, all testing is done with the R2R11.

Eartips that I used : Acoustune AET08 L

Exact Playlist that I tested with:

(Which is mostly Aimer, Jpop, EDM and some oddballs/ excluded orchestral)

Bass: 7/10

Let me start with what I think is the weakest of the Blessing 2, which is the bass. When I first heard the Blessing 2, I thought the bass was extremely underwhelming, though overtime it became more ‘acceptable’ for me. The bass here is of quality, but lacking in quantity. In most of the songs I’ve used to test, the bass here goes deep, but sounds rather empty, as if you’re only hearing the bass, but not feeling it rumble in your ear. This could be elevated with a bass shelf which I do use throughout my testing which solves most of my complaints, but the dynamics here still feel lacking as compared to other DD IEMs like the Acoustune HS1650CU (though keeping in mind the price difference is literally more than double here). However, the tonality here is great as you’d expect from a DD, and it also sounds surprisingly fast contrary to most other DDs in the market, which to me is a great plus.

Mids: 9.5/10

Here is where the Blessing 2 takes the show, the entire midrange of the Blessing 2 is simply put, phenomenal. First off, the tonality of the midrange is spot on, vocals and instruments sound exceptionally ‘natural’, it is one of the best mids I have ever heard on an IEM and I am not exaggerating. There seems to be a slight emphasis to female vocals which is probably due to the pinna gain, but male vocals are also very capable of taking the center of the stage with the Blessing 2.

Treble: 8/10

The treble for the Blessing 2 is done quite tastefully, no harsh peaks, also no severe roll offs. The treble has a lot of air to it, which really makes some of the instruments sounds more ‘livelier’. I think some might find the 6-7k region a bit sibilant, but for the most part I think majority of the people will find the Blessing 2 to be quite neutral. As a matter of fact, I personally think that there is still a bit more to be desired at the higher frequencies around 10k just to further add ‘air’ to the sound.

Imaging, Separation and Soundstage: 8/10

Definitely an above average imaging and separation, you can easily determine where the instruments are coming from. Soundstage here is not suffocated as most IEMs tend to be, but it’s nothing fancy either, there is decent height and width and that’s about it.

Closing Thoughts:


The Moondrop Blessing 2 is honestly one of my favourite sounding IEM, the sound of it just keeps me wanting to listen to it hour over another hour, it is mind blowing to say the least. The last time I’ve had this feeling on the first song I’ve heard was on the QDC Anole VX, and to me that says a lot, I’m comparing a $2K IEM to one merely $300, albeit different sound signature but damn the tonality really hits the spot. I’m truly glad I decided to drop $320 for the Blessing 2, as well as the additionally bucks for an engraving, this IEM will always have a special place in my heart.
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I had the same impression with the bass, when I first got them bass sounded very bad, but after 50 hours of listening it changed or I got used to it... I dont know.... it still lacks a little and not very well controlled.


Reviewer at
Pros: - overall pleasing tonality
- excellent imaging capability
- good detail retrieval and resolution for the price
- cultured waifu art bonus points
Cons: - clearly designed for elephant ears
- hints of BA timbre
- definitely not for bassheads

Moondrop as a company doesn’t really need an introduction at this point: They’re the progenitor of the perplexing dynamic that is weeb and high-fidelity audio. And I can’t say that their unique marketing doesn’t work - back when I first got into the hobby, I bought the Moondrop KXXS on the tasteful box art alone. Please don’t judge me; thankfully, this turned out to be one of my better purchases.

If we’re talking about less fortunate purchases, though...I actually ordered the Blessing 2 a few months back, but due to a supply shortage I settled for the original Blessing instead. Suffice it to say don’t make my mistake and just go straight for the Blessing 2.

Disclaimer: I am an amateur audio enthusiast, and I don’t have half the audio knowledge/lingo that a lot of reviewers here have. To this effect, I’m generally going to be a bit more blunt, and I apologize beforehand for any ambiguity. These are my purely subjective thoughts, and I paid for this IEM with my own money.

The Tangibles

Let’s get down to business. The Blessing 2 comes in a box that is surprisingly large; it looked a lot smaller to me in pictures. Inside you’ll find accessories that include an airplane adapter, ear tips, and a synthetic carry case. Weeb art never goes out of style, and in tandem with the clean organization of accessories, Moondrop nailed it with the presentation.



Build quality of the IEMs themselves is good. There are no surface inconsistencies to either the acrylic shell or the stainless steel faceplate. The faceplate is a glued-in, press-fit and it sits perfectly flush with the acrylic shell. A small indication of quality I like to look for with this stuff is actually the engravings. Sure, it doesn’t go strictly hand-in-hand with the overall quality of the build, but it’s a good indicator. Moondrop appears to be using a laser engraving process, and the amount of detail and clarity to the inscriptions is impressive.



Let's face it...if you didn't get it with a waifu, you got scammed.

The cable is a typical Moondrop cable...which is to say it's merely acceptable. There’s no chin slider and the plastic Y-split is a bit tacky. The synthetic case itself is interesting; it’s of decent quality with good room for the IEMs and even a small DAP, but clearly not intended to be pocket carried.


Fit, Isolation, and Comfort

Ah yes, the elephant in the room. There’s no getting around it (and for some with smaller ears this will be quite literal), the Blessing 2 are big bois. They’re larger than any other IEM I’ve owned to date, and fit issues are only exacerbated by an enormous 6.5mm nozzle. Suffice it to say that fit is what’ll probably make or break these IEMs for most people. It’s vexing too because there’s clearly a lot of open space in the shell that’s just been filled in with acrylic material.

Now YMMV, fit is 100% subjective, and all that as usual. But for me they work; I have smaller ears and was pleasantly surprised to find that I get a tight fit. Maybe a little too secure - there’s an unpleasant suction cup effect and the isolation is nearly on par with my Airpods Pro with noise-cancelling on! So far, the longest I’ve worn them is for three hours (Is it weird I actually timed it? I feel like most people just throw out a general statement, so I thought it would be interesting to see an actual time) with minimal discomfort.


Sound Analysis

Testing Methodology:
  • FLAC files off of a Shanling M0 with the stock cable and stock tips.
  • My genres of preference include country, film scores/instrumentals, EDM, and pop.
  • Burn-in - Don’t really believe in it, unless we’re talking about your brain and ears acclimating to the sound.
  • The Blessing 2 requires minimal power to drive, probably about the same as the KXXS. There’s no hissing with any of my sources. I also don’t listen any louder than 75dB, so all you head-bangers take that for what you will.

Bass: The Blessing 2 goes for quality over quantity in this respect; it's near-neutral with a slight, tasteful boost. Not quite as fast as BA bass, a bit less controlled, but plenty more natural. Maybe just a slight, slight tinge of BA bass. Overall I think the Blessing 2 strikes a nice balance here. That said, I did feel myself wanting more sub-bass extension (in terms of quantity) on some EDM songs like Sabai’s Million Days, particularly on that first drop. Most people will be fine with the Blessing 2’s bass, but stay away if you’re a basshead.

Mids: This is clearly an aspect of which the Blessing 2 excels. The Blessing 2 absolutely kills it with vocals, they are smoothed, slightly pushed forward, and with very good resolution. I wouldn’t say they’re quite in your face, but this makes them always feel present. Some people have said the upper mid-range is shouty; I’ve gotten used to it at this point with my other Moondrop IEMs. If you’re wet for female vocals in particular, Moondrop (and the Blessing 2) delivers.

Highs: The treble is airy, detailed, and extends nicely. Maybe I’m nitpicking but if there’s one area where I think the Blessing 2 suffers, it's in the timbre here. I don’t have a way of eloquently explaining what I hear, but it more or less reminds me of the Fearless Audio S8 Pro (although not quite as bad). Just slightly “off” and a little “plasticky” at times.

Overall, this is a neutral, slightly-bright tuning to my ears. It’s quite agreeable, and I think most people would struggle to find a glaring fault with it.

In terms of technicalities, the standout for me is the imaging; I find it easy to precisely pinpoint where instrument sounds are coming from. Listening to tracks from Yosi Horikawa (Bubbles, Letter, etc.) makes this strength very apparent but even on other tracks that don’t intentionally play with imaging, it’s very clear where every little sound is coming from. I even found myself grinning stupidly a couple times when I noticed it. Imaging’s definitely on another level compared to my other IEMs, and perhaps near some flagship stuff. Likewise, it follows that separation is quite good on these IEMs. I won't comment on soundstage size too much, but it's at least slightly better than average. Resolution and detail retrieval are quite good, but not what I would call excellent.

Select Comparisons

vs. Moondrop KXXS [$190]: The Blessing 2 feels sort of like a KXXS on steroids to me. There’s much better separation, air, and detail to the Blessing 2 in general. Mids feel more refined, and slightly less shouty. Incidentally, when I listened to the KXXS vs. the original Moondrop Blessing, I actually preferred the KXXS more. It has a more exciting tonality that I’ll trade over technicalities any day. Luckily that’s not the case with the Blessing 2: It’s a clear upgrade to the KXXS sans the BA timbre.

vs. Massdrop Noble X [$250]: This is kind of a joke for me at this point to remind me how far my tastes have come. It’s a wash as you might expect - the Blessing 2 has leagues more resolution than the muddled, veiled mess that defines the Noble X. More than anything though, I think this is a testament to how far sound has come in just the last few years. I imagine the Blessing 2 will eventually be around the same price on secondary as the Noble X was on release. If it were 2017, there wouldn’t be a question - and there still isn’t - which one to buy.

vs. Moondrop Blessing [$400]: Using the phrase night and day is an exaggeration, but make no mistake it’s a very, very different listening experience using these two IEMs for me. The original Blessing suffered from limp bass and an analytical tonality that didn’t play well with my preferences. The Blessing 2 has more thump and depth to the bass, and the tonality is much preferable. Mids on the Blessing 2, while they still might be perceived as somewhat thin, are neither as anemic nor as shouty on the Blessing. I sold my Blessing so I can’t recall technicalities as clearly from memory, but I would say that the Blessing 2 has a wider soundstage and for certain better imaging.

vs. Fearless S8 Pro [$500]: The bass response on the S8 Pro has more boost which sometimes comes off as unnatural, and there’s more detail to the treble - perhaps a bit too much for some people. The mids on the S8 Pro are thicker, more textured, and pushed forward even more than on the Blessing 2. So the S8 Pro will appeal to those who want a more engaging, aggressive IEM. The Blessing 2 is a better all-arounder to this effect. They have similar levels of resolution and technicalities with Blessing 2 having an edge in imaging.

vs. 64audio U12t [$2000]: The U12t has a more pleasing tonality and doesn’t seem to suffer as much from BA timbre. It’s a much darker listen whereas I would say the Blessing 2 comes off as bright at times. Both have a smoothed midrange with vocals on the Blessing 2 slightly more forward. I think I prefer the bass response on the Blessing 2 more. The U12t has more depth and quantity to the bass which I prefer. Resolution and detail retrieval goes to the U12t by a good margin, but the Blessing 2 does seem to keep up in terms of imaging.

The Verdict

Here’s where I’ll switch it up: I’ll be comparing the Blessing 2 with my only top-of-the-line IEM, the 64audio U12t which clocks in at a cool $2000. Is that fair? You bet it isn’t, but it should be a testament to where I think the Blessing 2 stands.

Now if you can’t already tell, I’m pretty inexperienced in the audio world. Yet despite the phenomenon that is diminishing returns, even to me there’s an obvious divide between something like the kilo-buck U12t and my other, mid-fi IEMs. In my humble opinion, the Blessing 2 closes this gap significantly: It makes less mistakes, has better tonality, and equal if not better technicalities to all the other mid-fi stuff I’ve heard.

So does this make it a giant killer? Not even close. The U12t is the clear winner on all fronts sans perhaps the slightly less natural bass response. Plus when you want the highest-fidelity sound, price tends to take a backseat anyways. But, and this is a big caveat, the Blessing 2 comes darn close for the price. If the Blessing 2 isn’t quite up to flagship IEM standards, it’s still at the apex of mid-fi for an extremely compelling price. In a vacuum they’re already damn good; on the market, I firmly believe they shift the mid-fi paradigm and what one should expect for $300.

In closing and to go back to the original Moondrop Blessing - it disappointed me frankly. Its tone was overtly analytical and not exactly...likeable for most people, I’d imagine. And without a solid foundation for understanding the sound, it took me weeks to appreciate the technical chops of the original Blessing. Conversely, the Blessing 2 is something that I could ascertain as simply sounding “good” straight out of the box; my appreciation has only grown as I’ve put more hours on them. So while subsequent iterations of a product too often turn out to be a low-effort re-hash or quick money grab, I’m glad to see this is not the case with Moondrop. And maybe it’s just that waifu placebo effect, but this is one of the few IEMs I’ve owned that I can already say with confidence is a winner.

Score: 7/10
Understanding my scoring: This is a personal, subjective assessment of an IEM’s sound quality. I don’t take into account any other factors, and it's relative to the absolute best sound I've heard. Take it with a grain of salt! I’m not going to lie; I have high standards. But I’m not telling anybody how they should hear something – it’s a reflection of what of me, myself, and I hear.



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Can anyone compare B2 to Legacy 3..? :)
@CT007 Someone was kind enough to lend me a Legacy 3. Only listened a wee bit so far, but L3 fares poorly relative to the B2. Lots of timbral coloration and midrange lacks clarity. Only thing I like so far is more bass quantity than the B2. I'll post a review within the next week hopefully, and do a deeper comparison.
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After comparison, the Blessing 2 is much better in terms of bass. The tonality is somewhat similar!


Previously known as presata
Pros: close to neutral with minimal coloration, holographic and precise imaging, wide and tall soundstage, detailed from top to bottom, fast and tight lows, addictive mids
Cons: mid bass texture not as clean as the low bass, unforgiving with bad recordings, large size limiting the comfort

source - Sabaj DA3 (from the balanced out)

Songs used for the review

Jim Keltner - Improvisation
Eric Clapton - My father's Eyes
Nah Youn Sun - My Favorite Things
Inception - Dream Collapsing
Steve Strauss - Youngstown
Stimulus Timbre - Expression
Diana Krall – Let's Fall in Love
Trevor Jones - Clear The Tracks!
The DALI CD - Zhao Cong , Moonlight on Spring River
Baba-Yaga, for orchestra, Op. 56
Rebecca Pidgeon - Grandmother
Sara K - Maritime
Trevor Jones - Promentory
Patricia Barber - Regular Pleasures
Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick
Dave Brubeck - Take Five
Marcin Przybylowicz - Go Back Whence You Came
James Horner - Going After Newt
Hans Zimmer - Dream Is Collapsing
Hans Zimmer - Molossus
Harry Gregson - Emergency Launch
Shpongle - Shpongle Spores
Dizzy Gillespie - Could it Be You
Dominik Eulberg - Bjorn Borkenkafer
Trentemoller - The Forest
Kryptic Minds And Leon Switch - Ocean Blue
Nirvana - MTV Unplugged In New York (Album)
Xiomara Laugart - Tears and Rumba (2015) [192-24](Album)
Xiomara Laugart (2006) Xiomara (24-96)(Album)
Xiomara Laugart (2010) La Voz (24-88)(Album)
Jed Palmer - Upgrade (2018)(Album)
Jon Hopkins - Insides (2009)(Album)
Eric Serra - Lucy (2014) [flac](Album)

Impedance: 22Ω @ 1KHZ (± 15%)
Unit configuration: 1DD + 4BA
Frequency response range: 9-37khz
Treble unit: Knowles SWFK
Midrange unit: Softears D-MID-A
Woofer: 10mm paper cone diaphragm
Effective frequency response: 20-20KHZ
Quality control range: ± 1dB @ 1KHZ
Sensitivity: 117dB / Vrms @ 1KHZ
connector: 0.78-2Pin
THD: < 1% @ 1KHZ

My favorite earphone for critical listening is Etymotic ER4S, i like the tonality and especially the treble is my favorite part, it is clean and upper treble dominant signature. One BA has limitations, mainly the dynamic range is the biggest weak point for me, the contrast there is small so at the end no matter the detail retrieval and tonal balance, they can be boring and compressed sounding.
It was time for upgrade, something that will eliminate the weak points of ER4S.
After i saw the graph of Blessing 2 i made a purchase in mid January from the official Moondrop store on ali, that was the time when the outbreak was gaining momentum in China. After one month waiting to be shipped they told me that it is better to cancel my order, they had no idea when they gonna have stock or be able to send the earphones.
I decided to search for other solutions until i saw Crin first impressions and measurements. This time i made a purchase from Shenzhenaudio Store and they came after 5 days.


Build, fit and comfort

The build is good, they have clean look, not to flashy, filled resin with metal face plate, i think they will look better without that plate, S8 type of design.
Fit is good but not great, they are big but the shape is ergonomic, comfort is great the first 3-4 hours, after that i have to take a break, i have average sized ears. I use them with balanced aftermarket cable and Blon BL03 tips (the longer spin fit looking tips)

Very good, probably around 25db

Overall tonality.
They are fairly neutral with some coloration, small boost in the sub bass (around 5db at 20hz) upper mids and treble are a bit forward.

On most music the bass sound flat, like there is no boost, with jazz, rock, classical. With music that has deep sub bass it sound like it is a bit boosted.
Only sub bass emphasis so there is no bleeding into the midrange, is not warm sounding bass and there is no thickness. The biggest boost of 5db is at 20hz, it starts to fall after that and at 100hz is only 2.5db, that makes the bass clean at all times without roll of at all. The dd woofer is speedy so there is no bloat or smearing on complex tracks, there is not a lot of impact, i can see some people used to bassy earphones to find the bass not enough. Coming from ER4S for me the bass is plenty and of high quality. Bass texture is great in the sub bass, when they go very low it is easy to hear the layers there, combined with the speed it is very impressive. Mid bass is not so well textured compared to the sub bass, it still has texture but the dynamic driver performs better in terms of bass detail in the low bass. Overall almost perfect bass response.

The tonality is neutral in the low mids with a rise in the upper part, the rise is not large so they manage to sound smooth and forward at the same time.
Pinna compensation is even with the right shape of the response so there is no hot spots in the upper mids, just stronger female vocals as a result.
I find the mids to be addictive, they are not only smooth and musical but very detailed, you can hear the smallest nuances from high quality recording in a effortless way without trying to cheat with overemphasized spots. As a result the vocals are very realistic and life like and the instruments in that area are present a bit forward with clean and precise tone. Overall amazing sounding mids that are their strongest point.

Highs are very clean but a bit colored, the tone of the treble is a bit cold and "analytical".
Lower treble 6-8k sound a bit forward, also in the upper treble it rises after 14-15k.
On one hand they have a lot of air and details but on other hand the tone is a bit thin, like there is not a lot of fullness to the notes in that area.
If you look at crin graph of B2 you can see that there is a depression in the treble after 8khz to about 15 and then it starts to rise, probably that is the reason. However the treble is still close to natural tone just not ideal, overall very good but like the bass response is one step behind from being great.

Soundstage and imaging.
The stage size is very good, wide and tall, the dept is good with electronic music without vocals, dept collapses a bit once the midrange is fully present in the recording.
The imaging is excellent, precise and specific with easy to hear positions.

Detail retrieval
Very detailed overall, only the mid bass layering is one step behind compared to the sub bass. They are very reviling so listening to bad mastered recordings is not recommended from me, you will hear the flaws from the recording and can be rough sounding as a result.

Compared to Etymotic ER4S

Blessing 2 have more and better textured bass, higher dynamic range, tone of the mids is similar but the B2 sound a bit more effortless and sweet, B2 has more lower treble, ER4S sound like the upper treble (11-14k) is more but B2 has more air (probably because of the rise after 15k).
Soundstage is a lot larger on B2 and imaging is improved as well.
ER4S sound smoother and calmer, smaller also with weaker dynamics.
Detail retrieval is close between the two, i will give the edge to B2 because of the larger stage and better dynamics, that makes the smallest nuances more distinct.


High value for the money, only the comfort for longer than 4 hours is the problem, other than that they are almost perfect for me.

If you like clean sound with minimal coloration that is pleasant, they are for you.
If you like music with real instruments and vocals, they are for you.
If you like highly detailed sound that digs deep into the recording, they are for you.

If you have small ears they are probably not for you.
If you like EDM with massive bass response, they are not for you.
If you listen to compressed modern music with bad mastering, they are not for you.
If you are very sensitive to treble, they are not for you.
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no sorry, never heard them
John Massaria
John Massaria
FastAndClean- love the review. I too find the Etymotic ER4P/S one of my go to IEMs - especially when reviewing amps and DACs- I use them all the time with music for hours, but they help imediately in finding flaws in wire or ground/hiss noise so I can eleimiate anything into the black background as it should be. I use the HD600 a lot as well for music with hybrid lamb skin/velor square top pads- I listen to similar music as you and wanted to thank you for providing a playlist - I just discovered Jacinthia b/c of that- so thank you! I just got Penon Orbs and breaking them in for a day or to. So far I'm liking what I hear from ORBS. I appreciate your review - thanks. I should mention I will be getting the Kennerton Magni closed back and the Gjallarhorn coming in from Russia Saint Petersburg. My question to you - did you keep the Blessing 2?
Hi John, yes i am keeping the Blessing 2, i still use the ER4S from time to time and you are right, they are very reviling and you can get a good idea about the mastering of different recordings from them, they are like a tool but still enjoyable for me especially with female vocals. The Blessing 2 is resolving like ER4S just a bit more musical and spacious, all in all they both have a place in my humble collection.