NocturnaL Atlantis


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: •highly detailed and precise midrange and treble with very precise separation, •tight, fast, precise and controlled bass, •precise, authentic and three-dimensional soundstage, •four-digit performance despite three-digit price, •tonal balance, •customisation options
Cons: •lows appear a little less resolving compared to the very detailed midrange and treble, •storage case's clasp not as premium, •the IEMs are handmade, so even if you order them as customised UIEMs and not as CIEMs, expect to wait a few weeks for them to be built

„Atlantis“, benannt nach dem Mythen-umwobenen, versunkenen griechischen Inselreich, ist ein Vierfach-BA In-Ear des aus Singapur stammenden Audio-Herstellers NocturnaL Audio – ein Name, der den meisten Kopfhörer-Interessierten in Europa wohl neu sein dürfte, was vornehmlich daran liegt, dass die Firma außerhalb Asiens bislang noch keinen Distributor besitzt, aber auch, da die Firma mit dem Gründungsjahr 2013 noch recht neu ist.
NocturnaL Audio bietet aktuell neben den beiden In-Ears namens Gorham (Dual-BA, zwei akustische Wege) und Atlantis (Quad-BA, drei akustische Wege), die man sowohl in maßgefertigter Form (siehe mein Review des UERM zu maßgefertigten In-Ears) als auch mit universellem Gehäuse mit dennoch möglichen Personalisierungs-Optionen bekommen kann, einen Reshell-Service an und stellt auch nach Kundenwunsch konfektionierte Kabel her.
Positiv ist mir neben der humorvoll gestalteten Web-Präsenz, in deren Kontaktbereich Ausschnitte aus einem Maroon 5-Musikvideo ablaufen, aufgefallen, dass NocturnaL Audio für seine beiden In-Ears einen unkompensierte Frequenzgraphen bereitstellt, was sehr begrüßenswert ist (und leider nur von wenigen Herstellern angeboten wird), da der Kunde, sofern er imstande ist, Frequenzgraphen richtig zu lesen und zu interpretieren, somit weiß, welche klangliche Richtung der In-Ear einschlägt (wenngleich auch nicht erwähnt wird, mit welchem Equipment der Graph aufgezeichnet wurde).

Der Quad-Driver Atlantis, auf den sich diese deutschsprachige Rezension bezieht, ist wie auch der andere In-Ear von NocturnaL Audio sowohl mit individuell ans eigene Ohr angepasstem Gehäuse („CIEM“, „Custom In-Ear Monitor“) als auch ganz klassisch in universeller Form, auf welche reguläre Silikon- und Schaumstoff-Aufsätze passen, verfügbar. Da beide Varianten von Hand gefertigt werden, muss man auch beim universellen In-Ear von einer Herstellungszeit von mindestens vier Wochen ausgehen, jedoch sind im Gegensatz zu in Massenproduktion hergestellten universellen In-Ears die gleichen, teils gegen Aufpreis erhältlichen, individuellen Design-Anpassungen nach Kundenwunsch wie bei einem individuell ans Ohr angepassten In-Ear bei NocturnaL Audio möglich, was nur die wenigsten Hersteller anbieten.

Preislich liegt der Atlantis, der drei akustische Wege mit einem Treiber für den Tiefton, zwei für die Mittenreproduktion und einen für die Höhen-Wiedergabe in einer Triple-Bore Konstruktion (= drei einzelne Schallröhrchen) einsetzt, im Online-Konfigurator von NocturnaL Audio ( bei 569,99US$ für die Variante mit universellem Gehäuse, was etwa 501€ entspricht. Die maßgefertigte Version (CIEM) kostet nur überraschend günstige 70 US-Dollar Aufpreis, natürlich zuzüglich der Kosten für die Ohr-Abdrucknahme bei einem Audiologen/Hörgeräteakustiker und dem Versand dieser Abdrücke an NocturnaL Audios CIEM-Labor in Singapur.
Spezielle und individuelle Farben, Designs, Artworks, Logos und Materialien können, wie bei fast jedem Hersteller von maßgefertigten In-Ears, teils gegen einen Aufpreis ebenfalls hinzugebucht werden, weshalb sich der Preis, wie bei jedem individualisierbaren In-Ear, natürlich auch merklich erhöhen kann, wenn man exotische Wünsche bezüglich des verwendeten Materials, der Farben oder eigene Logos und Artworks einbringt.

Wie der NocturnaL Audio Atlantis klingt und wie er sich gegen andere etablierte Quad- und Triple-BA In-Ears schlägt, zeigt meine deutschsprachige Rezension.

Mein Dank gilt NocturnaL Audio, die mir einen universellen Atlantis In-Ear für diese unbefangene Rezension ohne irgendwelche Auflagen oder Bedingungen zukommen lassen haben.

Technische Daten:

Preis: ab 569,99US$ (universelles Gehäuse)
Treiber: Balanced Armature
Treiber-Anzahl je Seite: 4
Akustische Wege/Frequenzweiche: 3-Wege-Design (1x Bass, 2x Mittelton, 1x Hochton) mit Triple-Bore Schallaustritt
Kabelanschluss: 0,78 mm 2-Pin oder MMCX
Impedanz: 20 Ohm
Empfindlichkeit: 120 dB SPL @ 1 mW


Der NocturnaL Atlantis wird in einer mehr oder minder kleinen Aluminium-Truhe mit NocturnaL Audio Aufdruck geliefert, die den Mix Cases von Thomann nicht gänzlich unähnlich ist.

Im Inneren dieser befinden sich neben den In-Ears noch ein hochwertiges Microfaser-Reinigungstuch, ebenfalls mit NocturnaL-Branding, sowie ein Reinigungstool für die In-Ears, ein Klettverschluss-Kabelbinder zum Zusammenwickeln des Kabels sowie drei Paare an Silikonaufsätzen.

Optik, Haptik, Verarbeitung:

Das Alu-Case ist zwar sehr stabil, geräumig und innen sehr weich mit Moosgummi-artigem Material ausgepolstert, könnte jedoch etwas hochwertiger von außen ausfallen (so ist das Metall am Verschluss recht minimalistisch dünn und auch etwas scharfkantig).

Die weißen Silikonaufsätze sind sehr angenehm weich und bequem und erinnern stark an die, welche auch Pai Audio nutzt, doch wäre etwas mehr Auswahl an Aufsätzen oder etwas dickere Silikon-Wände nicht unbedingt verkehrt gewesen.

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Das Design der In-Ears wird sich von Kunde zu Kunde natürlich unterscheiden – beim erhaltenen Rezensionsmuster habe ich NocturnaL freie Wahl bei der Designwahl gelassen und ließ mich überraschen.

Erhalten habe ich den Atlantis mit dunkelblauen Gehäusen mit Metallic-Effekt sowie Faceplates, deren Design an einen Sternennebel oder einen Strudel erinnert (die Option nennt sich „Abstract Swirl“). Zentral auf den Faceplates befindet sich noch ein silberfarbenes NocturnaL-Logo, das zusammen mit dem Strudel einen sehr schönen und räumlich tiefen Eindruck generiert.
Mir persönlich gefällt das gewählte Design übrigens sehr gut.

Auf der Innenseite des linken Gehäuses hat man in silberfarbener Schrift „Atlantis“ und das NocturnaL-Logo eingraviert, während das rechte Gehäuse die Schriftzüge „Atlantis“ sowie die Seriennummer in roter Schrift aufgedruckt bekommen hat.

Die Verarbeitungsqualität der handgefertigten Gehäuse, bei denen man in etwa mit einer Fertigungszeit von ca. 6 Wochen rechnen muss, ist dabei übrigens hervorragend – ich kann keine Einschlüsse/Luftblasen erkennen, die Anschlüsse sind sauber eingelassen, die Oberfläche gleichmäßig poliert und der Übergang von den Faceplates zu den Gehäusen perfekt nahtlos.

Am Ende des Schallröhrchens kann man schön die drei individuellen Sound-Kanäle („Triple-Bore“ Design) mit zugehörigem akustischem Filter erkennen, während man bei starkem Gegenlicht die Treiber und Frequenzweichen-Elemente schemenhaft sieht.
Das Schallröhrchen der universellen Variante und dessen Rille/Kragen zur Aufnahme der universellen Silikonaufsätze aus dem Lieferumfang fällt im Durchmesser etwas breiter als gewöhnlich aus, was aber für eine Perfekte Abdichtung der Aufsätze und einen sehr festen und sicheren Halt dieser sorgt.

Oberhalb der 2-Pin Anschlüsse befindet sich übrigens je Seite ein roter respektive blauer Punkt, welcher auf die korrekte Polarität des Kabels hinweist.

Das versilberte Kupferkabel, das dem Atlantis serienmäßig beiliegt, bietet die gewohnte Profi-Qualität mit vier verdrillten Einzel-Adern unterhalb des Y-Splitters, in welchem folglich die Lötstelle entfällt. Ein Kinnschieber fehlt natürlich auch nicht und insgesamt erinnert mich das Kabel somit an das meiner Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors, das ebenfalls vier einzelne, verdrillte Kabelstränge besitzt und flexibel ist.

Tragekomfort, Isolation:

Die Form der universellen Gehäuse, die einem Durchschnitt einer Vielzahl an individuellen Ohrabdrücke entsprungen ist, ist dementsprechend ergonomisch geformt und bequem (und somit kein Vergleich zu universellen Demo-Modellen von maßgefertigten In-Ears von vor etwa einem Jahrzehnt – in dieser Zeit hat die Passform der ergonomisch geformten universellen In-Ears sich definitiv deutlich weiterentwickelt, was unter anderem auch die In-Ears des deutschen Herstellers InEar mit Bravur demonstrieren).
Als jemand mit großen Ohrmuscheln passen mir jedoch sowieso die meisten In-Ears sehr gut.
Personen mit durchschnittlich großen Ohren dürfte der universelle Atlantis ebenso bequem passen wie mir – knapp könnte es einzig bei In-Ear Aficionados mit besonders kleinen und/oder besonders flachen Ohrmuscheln werden. In diesem Fall wäre die maßgefertigte Variante des Atlantis vorzuziehen.

Das Kabel bleibt übrigens angenehm frei von Mikrofonie und ist wie andere Modelle seines Typs schön flexibel.

Wenig überraschend aufgrund der geschlossenen Gehäuse fällt die Geräuschisolation (sehr) hoch aus.


Meine hauptsächlich genutzten Quellen zum Hören waren der iBasso DX200 (AMP1 Modul) sowie mein Stack bestehend aus dem Chord Electronics Mojo und Leckerton UHA-6S.MkII.

Den Atlantis verwendete ich während des Hörens stets mit den großen Silikonaufsätzen aus dem Lieferumfang.


Tonal schlägt der Atlantis eine Signatur ein, die an eine Mischung aus dem Westone W4R (Midbass), Brainwavz B200 (Tiefbass bis zentraler Mittelton) und Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors (zentraler Mittelton bis kurz vor oberer Hochton) erinnert. Stellt man sich den In-Ear als einen heller abgestimmten Brainwavz B200 mit subjektiv etwas weniger Fülle, einhergehend mit dem Hochton der Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors, jedoch ohne deren schmalbandigen Peak in den oberen Höhen vor, hat man so ziemlich die Abstimmung des Quad-Drivers von NocturnaL Audio treffend visualisiert.

Im Vergleich zu einem im Tiefton Diffusfeld-neutral abgestimmten In-Ear wie dem Etymotic ER-4S/SR beträgt die Bassanhebung des Atlantis ca. 7-8 dB und verglichen mit den ebenfalls noch ziemlich neutralen Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors ca. 4-5 dB.
An eine Abstimmung hin auf den „Fall der fehlenden 6 dB“ hin mit einer Prise an Extra-Quantität im Bass kann hierbei auch gedacht werden.

Bei 700 Hz beginnt der Tiefton langsam anzusteigen und erreich bei um die 100 Hz seinen Zenith, während zwischen 100 und 200 Hz bereits schon eine gewisse Fülle vorhanden ist.
Die Bassbetonung bleibt bei unverändertem Pegel bis 40 Hz bestehen und fällt darunter, im echten Tiefbass, nur sanft statt schnell ab, wodurch der In-Ear weniger Midbass-fokussiert (/“-dominant“) als der Westone W4R erscheint und eine gleichmäßigere Bassbetonung, wenngleich ebenfalls mit einer Präferenz des Midbasses, besitzt.
Der Bass kann somit also Druck und Volumen aufbauen, übertreibt es dabei in Sachen Quantität jedoch nicht, was subjektiv auch durch seine Geschwindigkeit, Kontrolle und Trockenheit zustande kommt.

Der Bassbereich, der bereits in die etwas wärmere Richtung tendiert, gibt diese Gene auch an den Mittelton weiter, der im Bereich des Grundtons/der unteren Mitten ebenfalls in die wärmere Richtung tendiert und etwas angedickt wird, ohne vom Bass überstrahlt zu werden.
Den Übergang kann man definitiv als gelungen bezeichnen und der untere Grundton ist auch minimal weniger angedickt als beim Westone W4R.
Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen asiatischen In-Ears hat NocturnaL Audio beim Atlantis (glücklicherweise) auf die beliebte „Klarheits-Anhebung“ der oberen Mitten um 3 kHz verzichtet und dem In-Ear einen neutralen oberen Mittelton spendiert, der tonal realistisch und authentisch, mit einem moderat warmen Einschlag der unteren Mitten, klingt.

Von den oberen Mitten bis kurz vor dem oberen Hochton gleicht der Atlantis in seiner Abstimmung den UERM fast aufs Haar und liefert hier eine ziemlich neutrale Präsentation ab. Im mittleren Hochton ist der In-Ear, wie auch die UERM, also etwas vordergründiger als einige andere Modelle, die hier eine „Entspannungs-Senke“ besitzen, wenngleich die Modelle von Etymotic hier im Vergleich beim Hören von Sinus-Sweeps noch etwas akkurater sind (eine moderate, breitbandige Senke der mittleren Höhen lässt sich beim Atlantis und den UERM mittels Sinus-Sweeps und Erfahrung doch noch heraushören).
Um etwa 7 kHz kann ich eine moderate Akzentuierung des Hochtons ausmachen, die eher breitbandig ausfällt und somit nie spitz oder unnatürlich wirkt. Diese Anhebung ist von Sibilanz und Schärfe ein gutes Stück entfernt und fällt milder, breitbandiger und realistischer als etwa bei den UERM aus, die im oberen Hochton eine schmale Betonung besitzen, die, sobald eine Note sie genau trifft, etwas zu scharf ist, was wohl der einzige Makel der Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors ist.
Oberhalb von 13 kHz rollt der Superhochton des Atlantis hörbar ab – subtiles Glitzern findet man mit dem Atlantis also etwas weniger, wenngleich der Hochtonumfang ausreicht und den des teureren Shure SE846 auch etwas übertrifft.

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Tonal ist die Abstimmung des NocturnaL Atlantis somit gut gelungen und gefällig – er bietet eine angenehme, nicht überdosierte Bassmenge, die in etwas Wärme im unteren Mittelton mündet, einhergehend mit einem natürlichen Stimmbereich und neutralen oberen Mitten. Der Hochton ist auch gleichmäßig und die kleine Anhebung der oberen mittleren/unteren oberen Höhen wirkt wohldosiert und erscheint nicht spitz oder sibilant.
Instrumente klingen realistisch und auch das Timbre von Blasinstrumenten sowie Schlagwerk, insbesondere Becken, ist authentisch. Genau so würde und sollte man es von einem gut abgestimmten High-End In-Ear auch erwarten.


Der Quad-BA In-Ear von NocturnaL Audio besitzt ein allgemeines Auflösungsvermögen, das mich beim Hören eigentlich einen In-Ear im vierstelligen Eurobereich vermuten ließe – intensiveres und längeres Hören bestätigte letztlich diesen Eindruck und ein Preis sogar etwas oberhalb dem der Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors wäre, was die technische Leistung angeht, gerechtfertigt, denn der Atlantis überzeugt durch eine sehr hohe Sprachverständlichkeit und Durchhörbarkeit, ohne durch irgendwelche Betonungen des Mitteltons zu tricksen, einhergehend mit einem mühelosen, leichtgängig erscheinenden Hochton, bei dem einzelne Noten ohne Schärfe sauber und präzise getrennt werden.

Der Bass des In-Ears überzeugt durch eine BA-typische Trockenheit, Auflösung und hohe Geschwindigkeit, gepaart mit einer Nuance an Textur und Körper, weshalb mich der Tiefton des In-Ears stark an den meiner Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors erinnert, was die Qualität betrifft (quantitativ besitzt der Atlantis jedoch den stärker ausgeprägten Tiefton).

Betrachtet man die Detailauflösung im tieferen Frequenzbereich, wirkt diese nicht ganz so hoch wie die des Mittel- und Hochtons.
Dies liegt aber hauptsächlich daran, dass die Auflösung im Mittel- und Hochton einfach bereits schon sehr hoch ist und der Atlantis Details und Transienten/Geschwindigkeit in den Mitten und Höhen mit einer subtilen Leichtigkeit als auch brachialen Genauigkeit präsentiert und dabei noch einzelne Noten sehr fein und präzise separiert, ohne dabei auffällig zu werden, wodurch der für sich allein betrachtete Bassbereich, der qualitativ mit dem der UERM absolut vergleichbar ist, sich im Vergleich zu den mittleren und hohen Frequenzen des Atlantis als ein stückweit weniger hochauflösend bemerkbar macht.


Was NocturnaL Audio mit dem Atlantis geschaffen hat, ist definitiv beachtlich – und im Preisbereich zwischen 500 und 1000€ besetzt er damit tatsächlich eine Marktlücke und könnte, was die technische Leistung betrifft, sogar etwas höher eingestuft werden.

Räumliche Darstellung:

Den Atlantis zeichnen insbesondere seine sehr guten und sowie präzisen Staffelungseigenschaften aus, was die räumliche Wiedergabe betrifft. Einzelne Ebenen in der Tiefe lassen sich präzise erkennen und bleiben auch bei schnellerem und komplexerem Musikmaterial bestehen und gut voneinander getrennt.

Während seine Bühne in Sachen Breite mehr oder weniger einen guten oberen Durchschnitt repräsentiert (die Basis verlässt meine Ohren um ca. die Breite von zwei Fingern), bietet der Quad-BA In-Ear aus Singapur mindestens ebenso viel räumliche Tiefe, wodurch er sehr dreidimensional und räumlich authentisch klingt.
Somit grenzt er sich von vielen technisch ebenfalls sehr starken Multi-BA In-Ears im Preisbereich unterhalb von 500€ ab, die räumlich in der Regel weniger dreidimensional und/oder präzise aufspielen.

Sehr positiv erwähnenswert sind auch die Eigenschaften der Darstellung von Leere und die gute Positionierung sowie Separation von Instrumenten, wenngleich sich diese nicht ganz auf dem Level des in seiner räumlichen Präsentation wirklich sehr überzeugenden und nicht mehr produzierten Ultimate Ears UE 18 Pro befinden, dem es jedoch etwas an Balance im Mittelton fehlte, um für mich interessant zu werden.


Im Vergleich mit anderen In-Ears:

Noble Audio SAVANNA:
Der SAVANNA ist der neutralere In-Ear der beiden und besitzt, wie auch die Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors, weniger Bassquantität. Im Mittelton ist das Timbre der beiden In-Ears ähnlich, mit etwas mehr Volumen bei tiefen Stimmen beim Atlantis.
Der Hochton des SAVANNA ist moderat entspannter in den mittleren Höhen und im oberen Hochton neutral (im Gegensatz zum NocturnaL In-Ear, der hier eine kleine Betonung besitzt. Somit würde ich die Höhen des Noble Audio In-Ear als noch geringfügig smoother/authentischer als beim Atlantis bezeichnen, wenngleich bei ihm Becken etwas zu schnell ausklingen.

Im Bass wirkt der SAVANNA geringfügig weicher, während die Kontrolle annähernd gleich, mit einem minimalen Vorteil zugunsten des Atlantis, ausfällt, der auch minimal schneller im Tiefton klingt.
Im Mittel- und Hochton besitzt der NocturnaL Audio In-Ear ebenfalls die höhere Detailfülle und Separations-Präzision – hier jedoch mit einem etwas größeren Abstand als im Bassbereich.

Die Bühne des Atlantis ist in meinen Ohren um die Breite von exakt 2,5 Fingern breiter und auch etwas tiefer. Zudem bietet sie die etwas höhere Präzision, was die Instrumentenplatzierung sowie Separation betrifft und staffelt auch genauer.

Westone W4R:
Beide In-Ears besitzen so ziemlich eine gleich stark ausgeprägte Bassbetonung, deren Verlauf ebenfalls sehr ähnlich ist – mit dem Unterschied, dass der Atlantis im Tiefbass mehr Pegel besitzt, weswegen er im Gegensatz zum W4R im Tiefton nicht so Midbass-fokussiert erscheint.
Tiefreichende elektronische und klassische Musik klingt mit dem Atlantis dementsprechend druckvoller, während sehr viele Stücke aus dem Bereich Pop, teilweise Jazz, Instrumental und Rock bei beiden In-Ears zumindest im Tiefton ziemlich gleich wiedergegeben werden (der W4R besitzt ganz geringfügig mehr Fülle in den unteren Mitten).
Das Timbre im Mittelton ist bei beiden In-Ears ähnlich, doch ist der W4R aufgrund seiner Senke um 5 kHz in den mittleren Höhen entspannter und zurückhaltender klingend – zu dem Ausmaß, dass er manchmal zu entspannt und kaschierend erscheinen kann.
Im oberen Hochton ist der NocturnaL In-Ear etwas heller abgestimmt.
Insgesamt ist der Atlantis der im Hochton authentischere und gleichmäßiger klingende In-Ear – nicht, dass der Westone hier scharfe Peaks besäße, denn das tut er nicht, doch seine 5 kHz Senke ist doch recht merklich präsent.

Was den Bassbereich betrifft, sind beide In-Ears in Sachen Auflösung, Geschwindigkeit, Kontrolle und Textur sehr gut vergleichbar und auf Augenhöhe, mit einem ganz geringen Trockenheits-Vorteil für den Atlantis.
Im Mittel- und Hochton hingegen besitzt der NocturnaL Audio In-Ear einen höheren Grad an Detailauflösung als der Westone, den ich als einen der am besten auflösenden universellen Multi-BA In-Ears bis 1000€ ansehe.

Die Bühne des W4R ist noch etwas breiter als die des Atlantis, welcher im Gegensatz zum Westone, der räumlich jedoch flach klingt, jedoch auch ordentlich Tiefgang auf der Z-Achse bietet. Die Instrumententrennung des Atlantis ist nochmal ein wenig genauer als die des in dieser Kategorie bereits sehr guten Westone.

Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors:
Die UERM besitzen den flacheren, neutraleren Bassbereich. Im Stimmbereich ist das Timbre der beiden In-Ears sehr ähnlich – der Atlantis besitzt einzig den etwas wärmeren unteren Mittelton.
Im Hochton sind sich beide In-Ears abgesehen von den oberen Höhen, in denen die Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors durch ihren Peak schärfer und spitzer klingen, sehr ähnlich. Der (insbesondere obere) Hochton des Atlantis ist dementsprechend etwas realistischer/authentischer, während die UERM mehr Glitzern mitbringen.

Was den Bassbereich/Tiefton betrifft, sind beide In-Ears in Sachen Auflösung, Trockenheit, Geschwindigkeit, Kontrolle und Textur sehr gut vergleichbar und absolut auf Augenhöhe.
Anders sieht es hingegen im Mittel- und Hochton aus, denn hier gelingt es dem Quad-Driver von NocturnaL Audio doch tatsächlich, noch etwas mehr Detailauflösung zu bieten und er übertrifft somit in diesen beiden Bereichen meine UERM, was ihn zum ersten In-Ear in meinem Inventar macht, dem es gelingt, die allgemeine Auflösung der UERM bei einem geringeren Preis noch etwas zu überbieten (dem FLC8s gelang dies zwar als erstem In-Ear in meinem Inventar, jedoch ausschließlich im Mittelton, während die UERM in den Höhen und Tiefen noch immer einen hörbaren Vorsprung zum FLC Technology In-Ear besitzen). Chapeau.

Die Bühne der UERM ist, je nach Aufnahme, nochmal etwas größer in meinen Ohren, jedoch nicht deutlich. Die Ortung von Instrumenten erfolgt bei beiden In-Ears ähnlich präzise, mit einem geringen Vorsprung für den NocturnaL, während dieser in Sachen Instrumententrennung den UERM nochmal etwas überlegen ist und den präziser abgegrenzten „leeren“ Raum zwischen einzelnen tonalen Elementen und Instrumenten abbildet.


Zu einem mehr als fairen Preis bietet NocturnaL Audio den Quad-BA In-Ear Atlantis mit maßgefertigtem und individualisierbarem universellem Gehäuse an.
Die technische Performance ist für das Geld, das NocturnaL für den In-Ear verlangt, mehr als erhaben und übertrifft größtenteils sogar das Detail-Level meiner Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors.
Von Flaggschiff-Performance ohne ein Flaggschiff-Preisschild darf hier also zu Recht gesprochen werden.
Vor dem technischen Niveau des Atlantis, insbesondere in dieser Nischen-Preisklasse zwischen 500 und 1000€/$, ziehe ich meinen imaginären Hut. Chapeau.

Der Bassbereich könnte zwar ein wenig detaillierter sein, was aber einzig daran liegt, dass der Mittel- und Hochton des Atlantis noch höher auflösen – separiert betrachtet ist der Tiefton nämlich in Sachen Qualität auf UERM-Niveau.

Tonal präsentiert sich der In-Ear auch gefällig und ausgewogen, mit einer angenehm dosierten Menge an druckvollem Bass und Wärme bei tieferen Stimmen, einhergehend mit einer dreidimensionalen und präzisen Bühnendarstellung.

Der einzige wirkliche Makel des In-Ears ist das Alu-Case (beziehungsweise dessen Verschluss), das (/der) hochwertiger sein könnte. Ansonsten gibt es bei diesem Quad-Driver des Herstellers aus Singapur kaum Anlass zu Kritik.

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First things first, this is not a full review – well, it actually sort of is, but does not include all of the elements of my typical reviews. Therefore one could say it is a somewhat shortened review.

I originally wrote the review of the NocturnaL Audio Atlantis quad-BA in-ears in German and also compared it in detail with my Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors, Westone W4R and the Noble Audio SAVANNA (this is the link to my full German review of the Atlantis).
The reason why I ended up translating the audio-related parts (and some of the other paragraph) to English and summarising some of the others is solely because I don’t only think that the Atlantis (that I received as a review sample at no cost but (as always) at the same time with no restrictions/requirements either, so this review is just as true as any review of the plethora of gear I bought and reviewed myself (primarily in German language)) is an excellent offer on the objective side, but I also highly like it personally on the subjective side. So here we go now.

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NocturnaL Audio is a Singaporean company that was founded in 2013. While they initially only manufactured headphone and interconnection cables, they eventually started making in-ear monitors as well.
Currently they have the dual-BA model Gorham and the quad-BA IEM Atlantis available, although they are planning to expand their range in the future.


What is rather unique about NocturnaL Audio is that their IEMs are available as custom-moulded models (CIEMs) as well as with universal fit shells (UIEMs). Okay, this isn’t as unique anymore these days (but still great to see since there are people, including myself, who prefer UIEMs over CIEMs even though owning perfectly fitting CIEMs), what’s special is that NocturnaL’s universal fit in-ears don’t have any simple generic shells but are available with the same customisation options as their CIEMs!
Examples of what options are available can be found in NocturnaL’s online configurator:

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The Atlantis (that starts from USD569.99 for the UIEM and an upcharge of USD70 for the CIEM) is a quad-BA in-ear with three acoustic ways (the drivers are divided into 1x lows, 2x mids, 1x highs) and a triple-bore configuration.

Technical Specifications:

Price: from US$569.99 (handmade universal fit shells)
Drivers: Balanced Armature
Drivers per Side: 4
Acoustic Ways/Crossover: 3-Way Design (1x lows, 2x mids, 1x highs) with Triple-Bore Tube Design
Cable: 0.78 mm 2-Pin or MMCX
Impedance: 20 Ohms
Sensitivity: 120 dB SPL @ 1 mW

Delivery Content:

Aluminium storage chest with NocturnaL Audio branding, IEMs, microfiber cleaning cloth, cleaning tool, Velcro cable tie, three pairs of silicone tips.


Looks, Feels, Build Quality:

The build and finishing is absolutely flawless and even. Depending on what design you choose, you might be able to see the drivers and crossover elements. Either way, what you will also be able to spot are separate acoustic filters in each of the three sound tubes.

The standard silver-plated copper cable is of high quality as well and consists of four separate conductors wherefore no solder point is required in the y-splitter. Overall, except for a slightly different design, the cable that was used for the Atlantis reminds me of the one I ordered my UERM with.


As the universal fit model is handmade as well, customers should expect a build time of around six weeks.


Used gear: iBasso DX200 (AMP1 module, standalone) and Chord Mojo + Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII stack.


Used tips: largest included silicone tips.


Tonally, the Atlantis’ sound signature somewhat reminds me of a mixture of the Westone W4R (midbass), Brainwavz B200 (sub-bass up to the central midrange) and Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors (central midrange up to short before the upper highs). If you imagine the Atlantis as a brighter tuned B200 with a little less fullness, along with the UERMs’ treble without their narrow peak in the upper highs – then this is pretty much the description of the tonal tuning of NocturnaL Audio’s quad-driver in-ear.

Compared to an in-ear that is tuned absolutely diffuse-field flat in the lows, such as the Etymotic ER-4S/SR, the Atlantis’ bass elevation is about 7-8 dB, and about 4-5 dB compared to the Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors that are fairly neutral as well.
A tuning based on the “case of the missing 6 dB” with just a little extra quantity also comes into my mind.

Around 700 Hz, the lows’ emphasis starts to climb gradually and reaches its zenith around 100 Hz while the area between 200 and 100 Hz already carries certain fullness.
The bass remains with unchanged levels down to 40 Hz and, in the real sub-bass, rolls gently off below (instead of quickly) wherefore the Atlantis appears less midbass-focussed (/”dominant”) than the Westone W4R, although with a preference of the midbass, too, although its (the Atlantis’) bass elevation is more even.
So the bass can build up some punch, pressure and body but never appears overdone in terms of quantity, which is subjectively also mainly due to its speed, control and tightness.


The lows that are already heading a bit into the somewhat warmer and smoother direction consign these genes to the midrange to some degree. The area of the fundamental range/lower midrange tends into a somewhat warmer and fuller direction too despite not being overshadowed by the lows by any means.
The transition from the lows to the mids can be definitely described as very well made and the Atlantis’ lower midrange is also slightly less full than the W4R’s.
Compared to many other Asian in-ears, NocturnaL Audio (fortunately) chose to go without the popular “clarity lift” of the upper midrange around 3 kHz and tuned the Atlantis for a neutral upper midrange that sounds tonally realistic and authentic with hint of moderate warmth from the lower mids.

In the area between the upper mids and shortly before the upper highs, the Atlantis shows great tonal similarities to the UERM and delivers a pretty neutral presentation in this area. Just like the UERM, the Atlantis also features a very mild recession of the middle highs when carefully listening to sine sweeps and comparing it to Etymotic’s ER-4 models, although it is considerably more direct and less relaxed in this area than the majority of in-ears.
Around 7 kHz, I can spot a moderate accentuation of the highs that is rather broad than narrow and therefore never harsh, sharp or unnatural. Sibilance or sharpness are not present and this elevation is a good bit milder, broader and more realistic compared to the UERMs’ upper treble spike (which is its only flaw) that can be a bit too sharp when a note hits it exactly.
Above 13 kHz, the Atlantis’ super treble rolls off – which means that there is not that much subtle glare in the super highs although the extension is definitely sufficient and also clearly exceeds the more expensive Shure SE846’s upper treble extension.

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The Atlantis’ tonal tuning is well made and appealing – the in-ear offers a pleasant, not overdone dose of bass and warmth with a little fullness in the lower midrange, along with a natural vocal area and neutral upper mids. The treble is even as well and the mild elevation in the upper middle/lower upper highs appears well-dosed and never sharp or sibilant.
Instruments sound realistic and also wind instruments’ and the percussion’s timbre, especially cymbals, is spot-on and realistic. This is exactly what you would expect from a well-tuned in-ear.


NocturnaL Audio’s quad-BA in-ear Atlantis offers a level of details that actually lead me to thinking I had an in-ear in the four-digit Euro range in my ears – more intense and longer listening finally confirmed this impression and a price slightly above the Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors (€1149), based on the Atlantis’ technical performance, would be definitely and easily justifiable since NocturnaL’s four-driver model is very convincing when it comes to speech intelligibility, true transparency without using tricks (such as purposefully placed elevations in the mids and highs), along with an easy-going and light-footed appearing treble that separates single notes precisely and without any harshness.

The in-ear’s bass carries the typical tightness, resolution and high speed, paired with a hint of texture and body, which you would expect from a good and precise BA woofer implementation. In their character, the Atlantis’ lows remind me of my Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors when it comes to quality (the Atlantis however carries somewhat more quantity).

Looking at the detail retrieval in the lower frequency range, it appears as this area wasn’t as resolving and detailed as the midrange and treble.
This is mainly because the mids’ and highs’ resolution is already very high and that the Atlantis’ details and speed plus transients in the mids and highs carry a subtle effortlessness and brutal accuracy with single notes being separated very precisely wherefore the bass, that evaluated on its own is absolutely comparable to the UERMs’ when it comes to quality, appears a little less resolving than the mids and treble that definitely exceed what you would expect for the price.



What NocturnaL Audio has developed with the Atlantis is definitely quite remarkable and applause-worthy.


The Atlantis especially convinces with its very good and precise layering capabilities when it comes to the spatial reproduction. Single layers on the z axis can be spotted precisely and also remain this precise and well-separated from each other when fast and complex music is being played.

While the soundstage is more or less good upper mediocrity when it comes to width (the basis leaves my ears with about the width of two fingers), the Singaporean quad-BA in-ear offers at least just as much spatial depth wherefore it sounds very three-dimensional and spatially authentic.
Therefore it sets itself apart from many multi-BA in-ears in the sub €500 range that are strong on the technical side as well but usually don’t manage to portray the same level of spatial precision and three-dimensionality.

Other positive aspects that are worth to be mentioned are the capability of displaying emptiness and the good separation and positioning of instruments that leave little left to be desired although the now discontinued Ultimate Ears UE 18 Pro (that however lacked a bit of balance in the midrange to become really interesting for me) is on an even slightly higher level when it comes to these aspects.


In Comparison with my Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors (the two other comparisons are available in German):

The UERM have got the flatter, more neutral bass. The midrange timbre of both in-ears is quite similar and very comparable – the Atlantis only has the somewhat warmer lower midrange compared to the UE.
Except for the upper highs where the UERM appear sharper and harsher due to their peak, both in-ears have a very similar treble response. As a result of the more even upper treble, the Atlantis sounds somewhat more realistic/authentic in the highs while the UERM extends somewhat higher and has got more sparkle.

Concerning the bass/lows, both in-ears are absolutely on the same level to my ears when it comes to detail retrieval, tightness, control, speed and texture.
Things are different in the midrange and treble though, as NocturnaL’s quad-driver in-ear manages to offer the even higher resolution than my UERM, which makes it the first in-ear in my inventory that, despite costing less, excels the overall resolution of the UERM (the FLC8s also managed to do that, however solely in the midrange while the UERM were still audibly ahead in the highs, lows and in terms of spatiality). Chapeau.

Depending on the recording, the UERMs’ soundstage is even slightly larger in my ears, however just by a small margin. The localisation of instruments is comparably precise on both in-ears, with a very small advantage for the NocturnaL, while the Atlantis is somewhat superior when it comes to instrument separation and also manages to portray the somewhat more precise and better defined “empty” space between and around single instruments and tonal elements.


NocturnaL Audio offers the quad-BA in-ear Atlantis with custom-fit and customisable universal fit shells for a more than just fair price.
The technical performance is, for the price that NocturnaL Audio is charging, definitely exalted and even overall exceeds my Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors’ level of details.
Speaking of flagship performance without a flagship price tag is therefore indeed possible without exaggerating.
And especially with its price, the Atlantis fills a niche in the price range between $/€500 and 1000.



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The lows could appear a little more detailed, but this is solely because the midrange and treble are even more resolving – regarded separately, the Atlantis’ lows are absolutely on the same level as the UERMs’ when it comes to quality.

Tonally, the in-ear presents a balanced, pleasant sound signature with a harmonious dose of bass impact and low vocals’ warmth, along with an even midrange and treble as well as a three-dimensional and precise soundstage.

The only “flaw” is that the aluminium case’s appears a bit cheap. Other than that, I barely find anything that could be criticised.

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Chapeau. Chapeau, chapeau, chapeau.
Sorry for the question, but where did you find that price (US$569.99)?
I only see them for around ~$800 (universal version).

Thank you
CK Moustache
CK Moustache

That was the price back then directly from Nocturnal Audio. It seems like it was increased, as it is "US$ 679.99" right now before any options (filled shells, included cable - seems like those are now only available at extra cost). Still easily worth the price in my opinion - I prefer them over my Campfire Audio Andromeda (that may be slightly better in specific areas, but only by a small margin (will re-do a side-by-side-comparison as I'm currently re-reviewing the Atlantis (that are by the way still clearly at the top of my personal all-time favourite non-flat/sterile/flat-neutral tuned IEMs, along with the Etymotic ER2XR))).
Prices at dealers/distributors are most likely higher due to dealer margins as well as several options already included.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Transparent, detailed sound, amazingly clear trebles, separation, price performance ratio, workmanship
Cons: Wait time, not for bass-head, package content.
Before start to review, I would like to share technical aspect and package details.

Package Contents:

- Atlantis earphone

- 2-pin Stock Cable,

- Cleaning Cloth,

- Cleaning Tool,

- Velcro Cable Wrap,

- Large Alloy Carrying Case


Driver Type: Quad Balanced Armature

Configuration: 1 x Low, 2 x Mid, 1 x High

Crossover: 2-way

Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz

Impedance: 30 ohms

Design & Isolation;

Atlantis has incredibly good material qualities and workmanship. Durability is noticeable on the first touch. You can choose your design and make it CIEM or Universal. I am using a universal earphone which has a mould like CIEMs and fits perfectly. I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort even on long listening. To have the best fitting experience, I used Spiral Dot tips. I would like to remark that, both sound and isolation are quite good with the Spiral Dot tips.


Sound Type:

Atlantis has an incredible success on treble and mid. Sound characteristic is very close to the neutral.

One of the best earphones I have listened to in terms of realism and transparency. I can define the general sound character as flat and slightly on the warm side. Trebles and Mids are able to compete with the more expensive headphones in terms of resolution. Although Atlantis has a very good sound technicality, it keeps its musicality.


In one-word, trebles are spectacular. With the S-EM9, Atlantis is the best earphone for the trebles in the earphones that I’ve used. Resolution, speed and separation are immaculate. Nocturnal Audio has done a very good job here. The trebles in the overall presentation have a slightly shiny, but this certainly won’t cause any distortion. There is no harshness or sharp edges on the presentation. The range of treble is pretty good and there is no roll-off. You feel what you hear until the end of every stroke in the song. Le Trio Joubran - Masar album is my reference album for every earphone I ever had. Whenever I receive an earphone, I listen to whole album. I have must admit that I really loved the tones. All I can say that I couldn’t find anything in the trebles that I can call a minus.

At first, I tried headphones with the stock cable, but then I upgraded with the PW Audio No5 copper cable. The treble become more hearable and the shiny presentation was slightly softened.

Although I tried to listen with a very wide source of types of music in my hand, I never heard any sibilance. But I got the best fit with the Opus #1 balanced and AK120. It's a pleasure to listen to music with a slightly warmer DAP. Compatibility with the Opus # 1 was successful, but it is not as sleek as the AK120, but it works with a much flat presentation. I personally liked the little body, but many users will love to compete with Opus # 1 that’s for sure.

In general, trebles were incredible. NocAudio stood on a very thin line and got a good spot with a fine adjustment.



Mid is my second favorite area in the Atlantis. Presentation is neither too far behind nor face to face because the overall presentation is nearly flat. Upper mids are highly controlled. In these regions, Atlantis always holds the control. It has very good resolution and cleanliness. Mid’s liveliness, texture and resolution are good. It is difficult to say that the notes are thick and fleshy. However, with the advantage of the spaciousness of the soundstage in the horizontal, I can say that it keeps the instrument separation very good. The upper mids are a little open, but they are not tiring or aggressive. Texture of the stringed instruments were pretty noticeable and even the last extensions of the frequency caused by stings were hearable. Oud, drums, vocals were all so beautiful, sounds nice. You can hear the smallest movement in the music. like the strangeness of oud's detuning. In detail, Atlantis is really well positioned.



While it was with the stock cable, the bass was a little behind, and in some parts, it seemed to be a bit more. But after upgrading with No: 5, I can say that it came to the amount and depth I wanted. They are tough, tight and strong. It's hit by the mid bass more. Sub-bass is not very flashy. It's a tight squeeze. Instead of hitting from a large area, it will hit the bottom, which will not dominate the overall presentation. But with the untouched cable change, I obtained grain shades instead of crystal clear sound. In this case I have tried to eliminate the cables and the best was the SPC as well as the stock cable and I am using BTG Starlight balanced cable which made me very satisfied.

It doesn’t exaggerate or offer more. It can keep up with EDM-like music which has very high bpm.



Although it has a wide soundstage, it does not have a very deep stage. I still didn’t hear a better heading than the S-EM9 on the depth. I liked the position of the instruments very much. It gives each instrument the right angle, animates the stage setup on a clean slice, and no instrument crushes each other.



I have been looking for a reference-like earphone before buying Atlantis. UERR was one of them. After accidentally meeting with Nocturnal Audio, Atlantis grasped my attention and decided to order it later. Before giving the order, I had some question marks in my head because I had not heard anything about the brand, but after I laid my hands-on Atlantis and listened with it, all my suspicions flew away. It has a better performance than many earphones I've bought, even better than more expensive ones. Certainly, NocAudio is a company I would follow from now on.
I was in the exact situation as you whereby I was almost getting the UERR and I, too, accidentally chanced upon the Atlantis. It had the thing that I felt the UERR was missing!

CK Moustache

100+ Head-Fier
Link to my review and measurement index thread where one can also find a full review overview, more information about myself as well as my general-ish audio and review manifesto:

I only give full stars. My ranking/scoring system does not necessarily follow the norm and is about as follows:

5 stars: The product is very good and received the "highly recommended" award from me.

4 stars: The product is very good and received the "recommended" award from me.

3 stars: The product is good/very good, but not outstanding/special enough to get any of my two awards. ["Thumbs Up"]

2 stars: The product is only about average or even somewhat below that and somewhat flawed/flawed in some areas. [neither "Thumbs Up" nor "Thumbs Down"]

1 star: The product is bad/severely flawed to outright bad. ["Thumbs Down"]

NocturnaL Audio Atlantis


Review sample.


Rather plain unboxing experience but still okay – IEMs, three pairs of ear tips, cleaning tool, cable tie, aluminium storage case, cleaning cloth, some business cards.

What I really like about the storage case is that it offers plenty of interior space, is nicely padded on the inside and looks generally nice. It doesn’t offer ultimate quality, though, and elements such as the lock and outer corner protectors appear less premium. Still ultimately much better, more protective and practical for actual use than the more boutique-like cases of IEMs such as my Campfire Audio Andromeda, Sennheiser IE 800 or the DUNU DK 3001 Pro.

Available in custom fit and universal fit shells. Even the latter are hand-built and just as customisable, which is quite awesome.
While I didn’t request any special design or colours but wanted to be surprised, I really like the blue colour with silver glitter and swirl faceplates.
Build quality and finish are excellent.

Very comfortable fit.

2-pin connectors (the type of connectors is configurable, though).
Premium, soft cable with four twisted conductors and chin-slider. Despite its slightly different design, it highly reminds me of the cable I configured my Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors with; it’s actually very similar to my Campfire Audio Andromedas’ cable (except for minor differences in colour, a different twisting direction and different twisting density above the y-splitter) but with the, to me, more attractive cable divider.

Four BA drivers per side, three acoustic ways, triple-bore configuration.

NocturnaL Audio Atlantis.png


Largest included silicone ear tips.


Warm balanced.

Basically similar to my Campfire Audio Andromeda (as well as the Brainwavz B200 (the original ones with black shells, not the much inferiorly tuned v2 with removable cables) or Eternal Melody EM-2) in the entire lows, but with fairly natural-neutral central and upper midrange that is highly comparable to my UERMs’ tuning (although ultimately a little more relaxed), and moderately, softly lifted upper highs that are never sharp and more realistic than that of my Andromeda (as a result, I definitely see and hear the Atlantis as the better (as in more realistically) tuned alternative to my Campfire Audio Andromeda, although true fans of them might miss the Andromedas’ clarity-lifted, sometimes nearly-overly sharp (and sometimes too gimmicky) bright treble accentuation).

Around 700 Hz, the lows’ emphasis starts to climb gradually and reaches its zenith around 100 Hz with an elevation of around 8 dB north of diffuse-field neutrality while the area between 200 and 100 Hz already carries certain fullness. The bass remains with unchanged levels down to 40 Hz and gently loses quantity below that wherefore the focus is somewhat more on the midbass than the sub-bass.

The fundamental range and lower midrange is undeniably on the warmer side, but neither exaggerated nor unnatural; just enough to give the lows a warm tilt and lower voices a fuller character.
The central midrange and upper midrange are highly comparable to that of my UERM and therefore on the “natural neutral” side, which also means that they are ultimately somewhat more on the relaxed side and inoffensive, contrary to in-ears such as my Etymotic ER-4S or the ER4SR/ER3SE/ER2SE whose midrange tuning is more “uncompromised flat” but can appear as not relaxed enough for recreational listening.
As a result, the midrange appears natural yet not intimate, and has got a warmer tilt.

Between 6 and 10 kHz, I can spot a soft, mild and broad, even elevation that adds just a bit of brightness to the sound in the upper highs and can be seen as a nicely implemented loudness correction applied to the tuning since due to its even implementation, it doesn’t appear gimmicky and isn’t really adding any colouration either but instead just accentuates the higher frequencies more (contrary to my Campfire Audio Andromeda that are tuned noticeably brighter in the highs, which can be fun, but ultimately leads to a more coloured, less realistic presentation).
Extension past 10 kHz is good, with a roll-off above 15 kHz.

Overall, I consider this a really well-done tuning for recreational listening, and it is no real surprise that the Atlantis, also due to their technical qualities, are still very clearly among my all-time favourite in-ears for this purpose.

Frequency Response:


ProPhile 8-Compensation


When it comes to technicalities, the Atlantis don’t fall short either – more precisely, they are definitely in the UERM, Andromeda, InEar ProPhile 8 tier.

The star of the show is definitely the Atlantis’ highly detailed, transparent midrange with extremely high speech intelligibility and headroom (doubled up backup vocals are very precisely and transparently uncovered as such and not as echo/reverb as it would be often the case on somewhat less resolving in-ears, which also applies to singers’ very small, purposefully placed tonal variations).
As such, it outperforms my UERM and Andromeda in this area, but is ultimately slightly behind my ProPhile 8 in terms of transparency and micro details in the mids, while interestingly offering the better speech intelligibility.
What’s really nice is that all of this is achieved without implementing any “tuning tricks”.

The lows carry the typical BA tightness, resolution and speed, paired with a hint and body, which is what one would expect from a good implementation of the BA woofers. As for bass quality, they are practically identical to my UERM (and therefore somewhat superior to the Ultimate Ears Reference Remastered to-go they were replaced with), although undeniably with a fuller, warmer tuning.
While the lows are very detailed, highly controlled and clean (similar to my UERM), the Atlantis’ sheer midrange transparency is ultimately just somewhat higher, wherefore the lows are in the end a bit behind these in-ears’ midrange when it comes to details.

When it comes to treble resolution, the Atlantis are impeccable as well and feature precise single note separation with high speed, and are, just as in the midrange, even superior when compared to my UERM. Their even and rather soft tuning of the treble elevation also contributes to a fairly subtle effortlessness added to the high, almost brutally accurate resolution in the higher ranges.

Needless to say, complex and very fast music material doesn’t stress the Atlantis at all – if anything, their bass starts to appear just a bit less focussed/controlled, whereas the mids and highs remain pretty much unaffected by it.


Open, fairly large and precise to my ears, with good layering – ultimately not fully Andromeda-tier yet, though.
Pretty much even balance between width and depth wherefore the soundstage appears three-dimensional and very authentic.

Very clean and precise imaging with very good portrayal of “empty space” around and between tonal elements/instruments; UERM tier and ultimately even a little above them.

Handles complex, fast and busy arrangements very well without collapsing, although ultimately just a bit less clean than my ProPhile 8.

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Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors:

The UERM are obviously tuned audibly flatter and more neutral, whereas both in-ears’ midrange timbre is quite similar apart from the Atlantis’ warmer tilt in the lower midrange and fundamental range.
Except for around/just a bit past 10 kHz where the UERM have a fairly strong peak when performing sine sweeps, they are quite comparable here as well, although I would ultimately say that the Atlantis are somewhat more realistic/authentic in the highs due to being elevated more evenly, whereas the UERM ultimately offer more subtle sparkle because of their higher super treble extension.

Both are absolutely on the same high level in the lows when it comes to details, tightness, control, speed and texture.
In the midrange and treble, though, the Atlantis are a step above and resolve even higher, with more transparency, headroom, the higher speech intelligibility and even somewhat cleaner note separation and better control.

Depending on the recording, the UERMs’ soundstage may appear even slightly larger to my ears, although just by a small margin.
Imaging precision is comparably precise on both sets of IEMs, with ultimately a small advantage for the Atlantis that are just a bit ahead when it comes to instrument separation and cleanly portraying “emptiness” between and around single instruments and tonal elements.

Campfire Audio Andromeda:

Similar tuning in the lows with the Andromeda being more relaxed and distant in the midrange, upper mids/presence range and lower treble.
The Andromeda are a good bit brighter in the treble, which can be fun but also contributes to a coloured, sizzly high note timbre, whereas the Atlantis are only gently lifted in the high and appear much softer and especially more realistic due to their even and broader elevation (as for tuning, I definitely think that the Atlantis are the better (more realistically sounding) alternative while sharing some similarities).

Both have a different approach to the bass – while the Andromeda have traded some of the control and tightness for more visceral, rumbling fun, the Atlantis are cleaner and tighter, and remain better controlled in the lows when the track becomes more demanding.
When it comes to the midrange, the Atlantis are definitely more transparent and detailed sounding, whereas the Andromeda are slightly more detailed in the treble.
Generally, the Atlantis are definitely better controlled with busy and fast music material, with a stronger focus on technical qualities than rumbling tactility.

The Andromedas’ soundstage is somewhat larger (both in terms of width and depth) and as a result more open, effortless sounding, whereas the actual imaging (instrument placement and separation) is a bit more precise on the Atlantis that also remain cleaner with busy, fast and densely arranged music material.

InEar ProPhile 8:

The ProPhile 8 are generally tuned flatter (“natural neutral”), even when both switches are activated (which I usually never do) – then, compared to the ProPhile 8, the Atlantis are still warmer in the lower mids and a bit bassier, and somewhat brighter in the upper highs.
Both are comparably authentic and realistic sounding in the treble with an accurate timbre, with the Atlantis having just a bit more of “loudness compensation” tuning applied.
The Atlantis are slightly more relaxed in the presence range.

In terms of transparency and resolution, the ProPhile 8 are ultimately slightly ahead of the Atlantis (even with both switches activated, although then to a slightly lesser degree), while the Atlantis interestingly feature a level of speech intelligibility that appears even a little higher, just as if they had more “headroom” here.
While the Atlantis are already very good in terms of bass quality (definitely UERM tier), the ProPhile 8 manage to sound seven somewhat tighter and cleaner in the lows, with the higher resolution in the bass and lower mids.
Generally, the ProPhile 8 are a slight step above when it comes to control when they are pushed to the limits (by which I mean speed and busy, dense recordings with multiple layers and many fine variations).

The Atlantis have got the larger, more open, more three-dimensional soundstage (more perceived spatial depth and width to my ears) whereas the ProPhile 8 offer the more precise instrument placement (imaging) and cleaner note/instrument separation in comparison.

NocturnaL Audio Atlantis Photo 2.png



Very easily so, actually, and (really) close to the “Highly Recommended” award.
Flagship-level technical performance with very, near extremely high midrange transparency, speech intelligibility and general control, combined with a three-dimensional, authentic soundstage and well-executed soundstage. Their only shortfall, if one could even say so, is that their bass, while on its own technically excellent, is ultimately just a step behind the Atlantis’ excellent midrange and treble resolution.

On a personal note, along with the Etymotic ER2XR, the NocturnaL Audio Atlantis are easily among my all-time favourite in-ears for non-neutral recreational music enjoyment.


NocturnaL Audio Atlantis Nozzle.png

NocturnaL Audio Atlantis Side View.png
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Member of the Trade: In-Ear Fidelity
Pros: Clarity, midrange energy, vocal presentation
Cons: Treble extension, bass authority, note weight

I approached Treoo to loan me a demo unit after auditioning the Atlantis in-store. I don't usually get sent review units; instead I approach the companies that I think deserve acclaim.

NocturnaL Audio is best known for their cables but have recently branched out to custom in-ear monitors with little to no fanfare. I have both the Gorham and Atlantis with me, and the latter has certainly impressed me especially at its asking price of 650USD for a fully custom unit.



Measurements performed on an IEC60318-4-compliant rig.


Quick with the barest hint of presence in the lowest registers. Note weight is rather light and thinned out compared to IEMs performing in the top echelon of bass performance. Bass hits aren’t the most textured nor the most rounded and overall performs below the average in its price range.

The bass is definitely the Atlantis’ achilles’ heel but retains the overall signature of being extremely quick and detailed just like the rest of the Atlantis’ frequency range. If anything, I’d consider them “reference”-styled bass that’s more in line with neutral monitors like the UERM or the ER4.


Clean, clear and detailed. Possesses a significant amount of energy due to a peak in the upper midrange. Vocals are open, airy and have a quality of sharpness to them, which gives them a nice resolving edge to their tone.

I was most impressed with the Atlantis’ presentation of vocals and acoustics. Transients are fast and note speed is blisteringly fast, resulting a very bell-like clarity and cleanness that you’d usually only find in higher end IEMs (Empire Ears Spartan and Jomo Samba comes to mind). An absolute joy to listen to on instrument-centric genres like rock or even vocal jazz.


Flat and well-controlled. Follows the speed of the rest of the frequency range as well the feather-like note weight. Cymbals and hi-hats avoid ringing and sibilance remains at a minimum despite the high energies being put forth.

Looking past the peak in the upper midrange, the Atlantis’ treble continues on to be relatively well controlled, if ever so slightly lacking in extension. It’s thankfully not as boosted as the upper midrange peak and is slightly subdued in comparison, which creates a good balance in the frequencies and prevents the Atlantis from sounding overly fatiguing or sharp.


Above-average width that translates to a spacious and airy presentation, with slight sacrifices in depth but nothing too major. Positional ability is decent, definitely a step above its competitive range.

Comparison with UERM

The UERM has been my reference (replacing the ER4, with itself being replaced by the UE18+ soon). It has also become my benchmark for midrange timbre, with tone accuracy surpassing even my TOTL IEMs.

The bass presentation on both are eerily similar, with the Atlantis being ever-so-slightly north of neutral when compared next to the UERM, though can easily be recognized as neutral on its own. Decay is typical of BA woofers, being fast, detailed and snappy. Nothing really out of the ordinary.

The midrange has wholly definitely signatures and I’d daresay the UERM still edges out in tonal accuracy, note weight and detail. The UERM does sound more “natural” to my ears but the Atlantis has its strengths in sheer clarity, energy and a slightly thinner and faster signature. While I may prefer the UERM for most intents and purposes, I’ll acknowledge that the two’s presentations differ enough to have one’s own sonic preferences tilt the scales to a large degree.

The treble on both is more similar than different, though they still have one or two distinguishing features. For one, the Atlantis has slightly better control while the UERM is peakier but also sparklier. At the same time, the Atlantis tends to side with light, thin hits while the UERM presents a better sense of power, the UERM being more forward with its upper frequencies as as result.


The sub-$1000 market for custom in-ears is rather sparse, with the older players like Ultimate Ears and JH Audio still dominating that part of the scene. In fact, before NocturnaL emerged I wouldn't have any recommendations for the $500~1000 range (apart from the AAW W500, which just barely scrapes by with its $900 MSRP).

With the introduction of the Atlantis, there's finally one addition to my recommendations that doesn't break the bank to the extent of the other great CIEMs. It's no giant-killer for sure, but where its strength lies it can certainly punch well above its price. Stunning clarity and energy that I would daresay rivals even the great Jomo Samba (but of course, can't hold a candle in other aspects).

A breathtaking entry by NocturnaL. A no-brainer for a reference-class monitor at an entry level pricing.
Sorry, but where can I find the Atlantis at that price? (custom version ~$650)
I can only find the universal version at +$800 and the custom costs even more. I have to ask this because he difference is too big.
From the NocturnaL website -

Atlantis: Quad Driver

[Universal fit IEM: US$ 679.99]
[Custom fit CIEM: US$ 759.99]