Dobrescu George

Reviewer: AudiophileHeaven
Pros: + Nice sparkle and detail for the sound
+ Great Comfort
+ Good price / performance ratio
+ Full metallic IEM
Cons: - Not a rich package
- Not for those who are afraid of treble
Tin T3 (70 USD)

Purchase Link (Linsoul):

Purchase Link (Amazon):

Purchase Link (Aliexpress):

Tin T3 has been really raved about, and even I made a Youtube Video Review, where I praised them a lot, and told you to get a pair, because they are awesome.

And indeed they are, the first fully metallic IEM from this review compilation, and man, I love that. The MMCX connectors, cable, and even quality of the sound are what the recent Chi-Fi has been. Indeed, Chi-Fi became something else entirely recently, with much better build quality, sonic quality, and sometimes even beats major brands, but which have been trying to save some on build quality and on sound, Chifi companies showing off, and even competing who can do the best sounding, best build thing, for the lowest price.

Youtube video:

The package of Tin T3 is pretty interesting. You do not get a carrying case with this one, sadly, but you do get a really rich selection of tips. So many tips, that you will find one that is comfortable, and one that will fit your ears. Well, to be more explicit, there are two sets of silicone tips, and one pair of foam tips, but still, for the 70 USD price point, that is amazing.

The cable of the T3 also feels amazing, and although it is a bit tangle-prone, it is the highest quality cable in this entire review. Best overall build and sonic quality, despite the T3 not being the most pricy IEM from this entire list.

There is no microphonic noise with this cable, and with T3 this is actually an important thing, because while most of the other IEMs in this review are made to be worn only over-the-ear, T3 is made to be worn both straight-down and over-the-ear. With high-quality MMCX connectors as well, you have what I could call a really well built IEM. The build and comfort is very similar to Tin T2 PRO, and overall, both are nicely-fitting IEMS.

The driving factor is fair, T3 can take some EQ if you want to, and you should be aware that they are not very good at isolating you from the outside noise, and are rather mediocre, with about 15 dB of passive noise isolation. With a little vent at the back, to take care of driver flex, you will get no driver flex, and no void either, but you will not have the best isolation either.

To describe T3, I would use the words Balanced, V/U-Shaped, Clear, Dynamic and Punchy. This is the interesting part about them, because for 70 USD, they are proper value, they have not only the nice build, but also a pretty darn good sound, with clarity that could easily compete if they were 200 USD. Of course, that is not the point of ChiFi, and I'm always happy when the market takes a turn to make better quality available for cheaper, as in the end it helps the users the most if the companies keep doing this.

The bass tends to be a bit shy, especially if you're coming from bass-heavy IEMs, as most entires in the entry-level price range are. The bass can satisfy an audiophile and a music lover easily, but may not be enough to satisfy a basshead, who may want to take a look at something like BGVP DMG more. But for a quick and healthy bass presentation, T3 is really great.

When it comes to the midrange, you start to understand why so many reviewers have been giving Tin HIFI a thumbs-up. They have such a clear, sparkly dynamic and punchy presentation, that when hearing them, you would think you're listening to a far more expensive IEM. This being said, the midrange, at least to my ears, has been very balanced and natural, maybe a bit bright, and prone to sibilance, and to harshness, but it was never too forward. In fact the treble is even more forward, and this makes the whole sound sparkly, clean and fun.

The treble of T3 is sparkly, clean, crisp and detailed. This is interesting, because as you've probably noticed from this longer review, I have been calling out a few IEMS for not having a great amount of clarity and detail, but Tin T3, this one is to be called out for being awesome, not for having too little detail and clarity. Still recommended and still awesome.
Dobrescu George
Dobrescu George
@hydroid - I think the pairing will be perfect, especially if you prefer neutral - bright signatures!
Thanks a lot George..cheers
Dobrescu George
Dobrescu George


Pros: Spacious soundstage
Instrument separation
Overall clarity
Cons: Overly bright and lean
Vocal sibilance
Tangle prone cable

Tin Audio opted for a proven formula with a full aluminum body feels solid and sturdy. The cable is different this time around with preshaped ear-hooks that fit around your ears. Other than that it’s still braided, quite soft and very prone to tangling. I’d prefer a classical no-hook cable as we had on T2 but that’s really a matter of preference. Detachable cable means you can change the default one with any MMCX connector cable you like.

It’s a very personal thing, but achieving a good and secure fit was quite easy for me. That’s great because the last thing you want with such lean sounding headphones is to lose even more bass because of a bad fit. Luckily, there’s a lot of different eartips, including foam ones, provided in the box.

Tin Audio T3 03.jpg


Overall clarity and precision I liked about T2 is present in this model too. Already great instrument separation became even better. Bass is once again very well behaved, fast and precise, but on a leaner side. That means T3 is definitely not meant for bass-heads. And even if you’re not one of those I couldn’t blame you for wishing just a bit more grunt and weight in the bass region. Going past the bass line, T3 definitely sounds even more spacious than T2 and there’s more air around the instruments. Unfortunately, the upper midrange is even more pronounced this time and vocals tend to sizzle at you most of the time as sibilance is quite common. Now, join that with lean bass and midbass and we get the overall sound signature that is even brighter this time. For me, that gets tiring very quickly and I’m forced to use EQ to help me tame those sizzling sss, hhh… buy reducing some higher midrange and highs level ( -3 dB at 7-10 kHz). While at it, I also added some more bass (~ 2 dB below 250 Hz) to make things just a touch more pleasurable.

I can imagine this type of sound signature working fine with warm and dark sounding sources (DAC/AMP). In that case, the source and T3 could balance each other out. That’s purely theoretical thought, as I didn’t have such a DAC/AMP at hand to confirm the theory. Talking about sources, T3 is not hard to drive. It can work quite fine even with a good smartphone but will sound a bit fuller and more energetic with a decent DAC like Sonata HD, Dragonfly Black or Fever DAC.

Tin Audio T3 04.jpg


I was a fan of T2s. Those were on the analytical side of things too, but cheaper and definitely not as bright sounding. Now, T3 did improve on some things like imaging, spatial organization, and overall clarity. But going this bright, sharp, and analytical is not something I can enjoy or easily recommend to others.

. . .

Visit my website for more reviews:

Video review:

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Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Pros: Build.
Cool box.
Sound is better than T2 Pro
Cons: NO CASE.
Not the sound everyone will want, still lacks depth.
Too many choices at this price.
TinHiFi T3: What the T2 Pro should have been…$69.

Linsoul Audio:


I will state this right up front. The T3 is what the T2 Pro should have been. While the T2 was pretty good, but nothing special; the T2 Pro was better. I will note that right away. But the T3 bests the T2 Pro in every way in my opinion. There…I said it.

Word to Chi-Fi operators: INCLUDE A CASE!!! PLEASE!!!


Tin Audio/TinHiFi:

Driver unit: 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA
Frequency response: 10–40,000 Hz
Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
Impedance: 16 ohms
Plug: ⅛ in (3.5 mm) carbon
Cable: 4.1 ft (1.25 m) 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver
Interface: MMCX

In the Box:

IEM (in foam insert, top of box cut with window. Gives you that “look at me,” feeling)
OFC Silver-plated/copper cable, wound intro a square. Really cool, actually. Pliable.
Two sets of white foam tips.
Four sets of silicon-three red w/ S/M/L. One blue in M/
Instruction sheet.


Gear used/compared:

All prices in USD, unless noted otherwise

MEE Audio M6 Pro G2 ($49)

KZ BA10 ($81)

Meze Neo11 ($59)

Thebit Opus #2

Shanling M5s

Shanling M3s

Aune M1s

MacBook Pro/iFi Pro iDSD

Burson Fun


Songs used:

Too bloody many to list all, but you want songs, so there you go:

Coldplay-All I Can think About Is You
Coldplay-A Message
Coldplay-White Shadows
Dona Onete-Sonos de Adolescente
Los Lonely Boys- Heaven (en Espanol)
twenty one pilots-Trees
twenty one pilots-Car Radio
twenty one pilots-Heathens
Damian Marley-Everybody Wants To Be Somebody
Damian Marley-So A Child May Follow
Damian Marley-The Struggle Discontinues
Ziggy Marley-Lighthouse
Ziggy Marely-See Dem Fake Leaders
Mark Knopfler-Laughs And Jokes And Drinks And Smokes
Santana w/ Mana- Corazon Espinado

The new twenty one pilots album, Trench


Opening exactly the same as the two previous iterations of the T-series, one opens the blue cardboard much like a book. Pretty cool, actually. But this time, there is a cutout on top so one may view the detached IEM’s nestled softly in a foam insert. With the soft gray color of the T3, you could almost imagine there is a sleeping tike inside…almost.

Under the foam insert lies the cable, neatly tucked into a blanket, err bag, as well as the six sets of tips. That’s it. No case. PuLEEZ include a case!!! This aspect still seems to be hit or miss, and I’d prefer a HIT. OK, enough about that.



It’s a light gray IEM, shaped like a bolt with a handle. Oh, and a cable. There seems to be a push with some IEM makers pushing for the bullet-shape lately and it could very well have started with Tin (this latest round). I don’t mind this shape at all, as it is comfortable and easy to use. Except I do have a hard time keeping the cable over ear. To utilize this as a bud, simply switch sides with the cable. Then wear it down. I prefer it up, and twist the MMCX cable inwards, like pushing the frame of a pair of glasses against your head. Don’t expect to do the Rumba, though. I do like the cable, but wish there was some shrink plastic on it, or a weight like some have. Meh, that’s OK.

Finish is top notch (as all iterations have been), with a good mix of polished and burnished surfaces. All those pieces fit together as one would expect. Near-perfectly. I won’t mention some much higher priced IEM’s, which do not have the same build quality of the TinHiFi. Nicely done.

The cable itself is soft and supple. Tangle free as well. Wound perfectly, there is a chrome jack with faux silver carbon face plating. Overall, the T3 looks the part, and I do like the look, feel and fit. With a bit of a lip on the nozzle, one need not worry about the tip coming off as well. A welcome feature and one we see more and more. Plus, the nozzle is not overly large, so long sessions can be had. No complaints.


Sound intro:

When one receives an item, first and foremost you check to make sure all is good. You then test the sound and try as you might not to, first impressions can be had. I fall for it as well. Here, I was coming off some more expensive IEM’s, so I tried extra hard not to make a judgement. We are human after all and it can be hard. So, I had my saltine cracker (see wine testing) UM Mentor V3’s to cleanse my palette then listened. I immediately recognized that the T3 was better than the T2 and T2 Pro. To me in pretty much every way. That is how I came up with the title. After two minutes, I had it. And I stick by it.

There is a dearth of options at the $50-75usd price, so of course TinHiFi muddies it more with the T3. Squeezing into this overly crowded house can be tough. You almost need a pass or a protector bigger than the bouncer at the door. The history and acclaim of the T-iterations was enough to muscle in the door and take their rightly place at the bar. There are some very good models at this point such as the KZ AS10, Shozy Hibiki iterations and the CCA C10. Tough competition and all have their following. All of the above have differing approaches from the single dynamic driver of the Hibiki to the multi-balance armatures of the others. The T3 is a true hybrid, though with a single 10mm DD and a single Knowles BA. So, you can quickly see how companies approach this tight mid-fi market.


More sound…

So, listed above I mention that the T3 is better than the two previous iterations. To me it is. Better control of the bass, more defined midrange, and a treble that while is a bit sibilant, is not too grating for me. Vocals can bite a bit, but not enough to encumber you with too many problems. I did find the sound a wee bit troublesome, but not enough to warrant me throwing the IEM to the floor. TinHiFi is headed in the right direction, generally. But not fast enough for me. I do wish they would jump up several levels and produce a wonderful mid-fi IEM. THIS would be something to behold. And my bet is that it would be good.



TinHiFi T3 ($69) v BQEYZ BQ3 ($69):

Lifted from the BQ3 review: As I have previously stated, the T3 is what the T2 Pro should have been. And the T2 Pro is what the T2 should have been. Of the three, I like the T3 the best. It has the most rounded sound of the three. The T2 was clear and concise but left any semblance of a bass sound at the station. The T2 Pro helped alleviate this somewhat, but not completely and in my mind at the expense of that clarity. The T3 melds the best, with a solid bass (not as much quantity as the BQ3 or C16), that gives a hint of rumble. And that is running through the Burson Fun with the warmer V6 Vivid OpAmp. So, it is still a little light.

But there is good sound and good clarity again. Mids sound a bit held back. I hate to use the word veiled, because that would inadequately describe the signature. Held back is a good analogy. For the price it presents good value and would be a competent alternative to the BQ3. Just do not expect the level of bass presence that the BQ3 has.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v KZ BA10 ($81)/KZ AS10 ($70):

Clarity rules here. But at the cost of bass. Compared to the T3 it is essentially non-existent. Not there, nope. The best thing the BA10 has going is that the sound is pretty clear. I included it here, to show how far Chi-Fi has come in just two short years. For less money now, you can get a better overall IEM in my opinion.

I included both, for the BA10 was supposed to replace the AS10 as the “flagship.” Well to me, the AS10 is a better match to my sound takes, and better suited against the T3. With bass that is untamed and unwieldly there is no hesitance there. None. Deep reach, but not controlled. There is a lack of sibilance up top, though. That is why I prefer it to the BA10. Vocals can be somewhat lost in the mid mix, but this is one of the few mid-priced Chi-Fi entries in which I can raise the volume without bother. Another positive.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v Meze Neo11 ($59):

I really like the Neo11. It is an outstanding value at the sub-$75 price point, and the “flaw” against it that might hinder a purchase was the microphonics of the cable. Other than that, it is quite good. Bass on par with the T3, better vocals, and a delicious reach up top in the treble range. Quite tasty.

That said, in many ways the T3 matches the Neo11. With slightly more bass, you feel more with the T3. Vocals are not on par, and the mids slightly muddled compared to the Neo11. Up top, there is no strain either. Fit is a bit worse on the T3 due to its shape. The cable is better, though. Gorgeous at which to look, and no microphonics at all. So, in this regard, I’d almost consider the T3/Neo11 a wash. Both are more than worth a look.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v TinHiFi T2 Pro ($59):

This is a tough one. I really liked the T2 Pro as an upgrade to the T2 (which I liked as well). Going back to back, I get a bit better spatial awareness from the T2P. Almost holographic-like in nature, the mids are slightly more forward. There is also a bit more up top, which bothers me a bit. It’s not bad at lower volumes but raise the volume and it can a bit tedious after a while. Female vocals tend to suffer the most. This is less of a problem on the T3. That said, I still can’t turn either up to levels at which I would like to jam out. So, the T3 is a step forward in my mind.



So, this is the third iteration of the venerable T-series. And I can say that with each they tend to get better. The T2 was marveled as an affordable well-built Chi-fi with good sound. The T2 Pro added a bit of clarity and a bit more bass. This iteration, the T3 expands upon that further. Better control than the other two, with quicker bass decay, which to me aids in a solid succinct sound, which goes a bit away from the Chi-Fi norm…that too much sparkly top end. And I for one am glad.

Is this the best at the sub-$75 IEM price? Well, that is up to you to decide, for in my ears, and my ears alone it is a definite step forward for TinHiFi and I appreciate that tinkering. Now, if they would add a bit more bass, it could possibly be called the top five at this range (not that it isn’t in my mind), but again that is for you to decide.

Thanks again to Lillian and Linsoul for continued faith in this feeble old mind and ears. I do appreciate it.



500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Exception technical ability with so much detail, keeping the signature very musical.. and hey: Knowles driver rules!
Built like a tank and very lightweight
Comfortable and can be worn either over-ear or normal mainstream fitting
Great packaging with good variety of tips
Superb cable
Cons: Highs are just perfect for me, but i can understand many people could not like brilliance
Some of you could find the bass a little bit on the "soft" side
Some added warmth would have helped vocal performance
Some sibilance here and there
Hello everyone and welcome back!
After a very hard-studying period i'm back with something that i'm really proud reviewing.
I'm speaking about the new Tin Audio T3, the new flagship from Tin Hifi brand, that was gently sent to me by Sherry.
STOP LOSING TIME, let's get into the review!

For more reviews go check my website: Audio Monkeys

Tin audio T3 showcase.png

Wanna precise that my impressions are subjective and that listening experience can change depending on source, tips and so on.
DISCLAIMER: i do not own the t2s or t2 pros, so i cannot compare them directly.

Test were made on:
- Galaxy S7 Edge Smartphone
- Presonus AudioBOX iONE connected to my PC with no Enhancements actived
- AGPTEK M30B/Benjie S8 DAP
I even connect my Fiio A3 when i need it if i hear some earphones need a little more power.

Technical specs:
Drivers: 1 DD + 1 BA (finally a Knowles BA in here)
Sensitivity: 95±3dB
Impedance: 16ohm ± 15
Frequency Response: 7 Hz - 40000 Hz
Cable lenght: 1.25m±3cm Detachable 5N 8core (MMCX connector)
Plug Type: 3.5mm L-type

Very appreciated package by Tin Audio. Inside the carton package we find a very elegant box which shows the 2 earpieces: the T3.
Box contains a good variety of tips: 3 pairs of Sony Hybrid-like GEL tips, 2 pairs of foam tips (M and L size, the L one is already mounted on the T3), 3 pairs of generic spinfit-like tips (the kind of tips that are usually shipped with trn and kz products alongside with their representative stock tips).
An instruction manual is included and shows technical informations of the IEMs.
To be honest, a carry case would have been appreciated considering the price, but that's not strictly necessary, i have plenty of 'em.

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One word: wow!
Cable is a 5N 8core cable that feels really amazing in the hands. I do not like MMCX connectors usually but these feel solid. Cable ends with a golden plated 3.5mm jack.
Cable has no microphonic effect while listening to music.
A great chin slider is featured on the cable: this is really something i love, i know i'm a kind of maniac but what can i say? I'm a perfectionist in certain things!


Again, wow! The T3s are amazingly built with high quality metal. They're lightweight and everything is at its place. The nozzle grill is also something serious and it shows the accuracy of assemblying. The MMCX pins on the shells are well made and feel durable.. so much different compared to some IEMs that have plastic everywhere around the MMCX connector.
There are 2 vents actually: one before the nozzle starts extending up, and one in the backside of the IEMs.
We can finally have a Knowles driver while listening to music, and i have some good words to spend about this.

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Comfort-wise, they are not difficult to wear.
They can be worn over-ear or just worn with the cable falling straight down just like a standard mainstream in ear headphone.
They're very comfortable and lightweight to me, but you know.. comfort is really subjective.
In any case, they're not something very difficult to wear like some KZs like the ZS6, ZS7, which require a certain kind of patience because of the sharp edges.
Isolation is not the best, but that's justified by the little vent in the backside: they're not completely closed so noise surrounding you will probably need some more volume in the IEMs to enjoy music completely.

Let's get into it.
Now the critical factor that decides if something has to be tried or not: how do they sound?
I mainly listen to EDM subgenres, Dupstep, Future Bass, Euphoric Hardstyle, Bass House, Midtempo and downtempo, darkwave, drum'n bass, but i even listen to many vocal tracks, moreover female ones.
I always search for IEMs that have a little bit of emphasis in the lower region, and can sacrifice mids with some recession if they still sound clear and natural. I love vivid and sparkling highs if they're not at a headache level.
V-shape signature is usually my favourite one but in the last period i'm appreciating a more balanced presentation with less recessed mids, more of a U shape.

Lows: many people in the past complained about the T2 not having a proper low-end. I skipped the T2s because of it, even if some modders always said covering the pressure vent would make them kind of bass cannons.
As soon as i received the T3, I felt immediately bass was shy compared to my other IEMs that were more bass-oriented.
The T3 has a very balanced bass presentation which not exceeds the limits in a balanced signature.
Bass is well textured with medium decay, sub-bass is there when you need and provides excellent extension even if with a lot less rumble compared to my ZS7.
I wouldn't call the bass "shy" anymore: I would call it present, balanced and just right.
If it was a little bit more authoritative, I would have liked it even more than how I actually do.

Mids: Not recessed imho, well balanced with great detail and precision while playing instruments. Vocals are not what i like most though, i usually prefer a warmer timbre for added intimacy and immersive vocal experience. The T3s show anyway so much precision even in vocal tracks without coloring it just like i'm used to.
These are the kind of IEMs that you want if you're searching for something that really lets you listen how the artist wanted a track to sound.

Highs: here we are. Highs are definitely bright, with strong detail retrieval and exceptional performance. The Knowles driver really rules!
The only downside i could find was a bit of sibilance: sibilance is there when female aggressive sss come in, and that could be fatiguing for many of you out there.
Air and sparkle are really a Pro of the T3 and to me, they just compensate what i do not like about the sibilance "con".

Soundstage is deep, with good height and width.
instrument separation is exceptional: a friend made me listen to a Hans Zimmer concert flac and I was astonished listening how the T3s could separate each kind of instrument and sound in the track.
Imaging is great and I have nothing to complain about.
These are technically exceptional and as soon as you go up with track quality and source they even get better. I'm sure you won't carry out all they can offer just putting them some compressed music through a smartphone. Trying them with my audio card + some flac files really carried out some of their technical capabilities while my smartphone + mp3 files just made them sound ok.
They will not forgive bad recordings as well.

Now some comparisons:
vs KZ ZS7

ZS7 is one of my favourite IEMs and i couldn't avoid including this in the comparisons.
The ZS7 are warmer. Highs in the ZS7 are way less fatiguing with a warmer timbre. Mids are more recessed one the ZS7.
Highs are more detailed on the T3, showing more air and sparkle compared to the ZS7.
Sub-bass and bass are more emphasized on the ZS7, with the ZS7 having a much more extended and emphasized sub-bass response (and i like it a lot).
Instrument separation is better on the T3, while i would say imaging is on par imho.
Soundstage is bigger on the ZS7, moreover if we speak about width and hight which are clearly an advantage of the ZS7, while the T3 has more depth.
Comfort-wise, ZS7's sharp edges do not allow them to shine speaking about comfort: T3s are more comfortable and lightweight.
T3s cable is way better than the KZ's stock one. Build is good in both cases while T3 shows a little bit more precision in the assembly.

vs CCA C10
I had to include the CCA C10 as they are my favourite daily drivers.
CCA C10 is way warmer. Low end is more emphasized on the C10.
T3 has a bit more forward and linear mids while the C10 has a very very bit recessed and warm midrange.
C10 showed sibilance in very rare cases while the T3 tends to be a little more sibilant due to the boosted higs.
Highs are way more detailed on the T3 but a bit more fatiguing for long listening sessions.
Soundstage is wider on the CCA C10, but it's less deep compared to the T3's one. Height is quite on par with a little advantage for the T3s.
Imaging and instrument separation are better on the T3 with no doubts.
Comfort-wise, they're both greath with the C10 being bigger with a different shape but absolutely comfortable, so i cannot choose between them.
T3's cable is better, while CCA C10's one is identical to the one featured in other KZ's products (CCA is a KZ's sister company, so that's obvious they share the same cables).

Tin Audio seriously changed my mind: before these T3s i thought i would absolutely get bored listening to something with a more balanced low-end. I couldn't be more wrong.
The T3 are exceptional, very analytic but musical at the same time. A little sibilance is not what brings them down but i understand someone could not approve my point of view, even if that can be tamed down with some tip rolling.
Their build quality, comfort and sound just make them a real must have in the Chi-fi world.. absolutely!
These are the kind of products that really deserve good words.
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Soham Sengupta

100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Good build quality, nice set of accessories, good overall sound quality
Cons: Sibilance in vocals, cymbals and other high-pitched instruments, build quality of the mmcx housing
Full Review here:

If you haven’t heard of Tin Audio, then you must be new to the audio game. Although Tin Audio is relatively new to the audiophile scene when it was launched in 2010, it is already loved and appraised by many audiophiles due to one of their hit IEMs which is their T2 and T2 Pro. But that has been succeeded by the Tin Audio T3 which we will reviewing today.

I’ve had the Tin Audio T3 for about 2 weeks now and have listened to them for a total time of at least 60 hours and have burned them continuously for 50 hours. I’ve used them mostly daily during this time period to listen to all genres of songs (rock, EDM, pop, movie soundtracks, Western classics, etc.).

Don’t want to read the full review? Here’s your TL:DR :

The Tin Audio T3 is a great neutral sounding pair of IEMs for a reasonable amount of money but it has its flaws which might be a deal breaker for quite a few people.

But wait! Before you dive into the review, I have a quick disclaimer for you: I have bought the Tin Audio T3 from Massdrop with my own money and I have not been incentivised or pressurized by Massdrop or any other person to write this review for them. All the words used in this review are my own and this review is written in the most unbiased way that I could have done.

Now, on to the main review.

Unboxing the Tin Audio T3

For a $69 pair of earbuds, the unboxing experience rivals that of even much more expensive IEMs than themselves. The T3 comes in a large book-like case which is similar to the ones provided with the T1 and the T2 except that T3 comes in a much larger case than the latter two IEMs.


The packaging of the Tin Audio T3
Upon opening the case, you will be greeted by the manual and beneath them will be the IEMs themselves placed in a white foam padding with a velour-like material on top of it.


The box of the Tin Audio T3
Upon removing the partition, you will get to see the MMCX cable and the extra ear tips that Tin Audio has provided with the T3. The tips include 3 pairs of large-bore tips, 3 pairs of small-bore tips and 2 pairs of foam tips (which are of decent quality). But the only thing which the T3 lacks is a carrying case. Sure, you can use the book-like case to carry it around but it is quite big and bulky and to be honest, it is not practical to use that case for daily use.

So, to summarize, when you receive the T3 you’ll get:
  • The IEMs themselves.
  • 8 pairs of ear tips (3 pairs of large-bore tips, 3 pairs of small-bore tips and 2 pairs of foam tips)
  • 8-core MMCX cable

All the accessories that comes with the Tin Audio T3
So as far as accessories goes, the T3 includes all the necessary accessories to get you going.

Build Quality

For a $69 pair of IEMs, they are built really nicely which far supersedes their price. But the cable that Tin Audio has used is a different story (we will discuss about it soon). They used CNC-machined aluminium for the shell of the IEMs which feels nice in the hand but is still light. The IEMs use MMCX connectors for the detachable cables which is nice, although the lock is so tight that it becomes very difficult to remove the cables without fingernails. Also, I have noticed that with the small wide-bore tip, there is a noticeable amount of driver flex in the IEM. So that is also something to keep in mind.


The Tin Audio T3 themselves
Now coming to the cable, Tin Audio has used an 8-core 5N OCC cable. Actually, the cable is not bad but the issue lies at the MMCX barrel that Tin Audio has used here. The edge of the barrel is really sharp and not polished so when the cable is hooked over the ears, the pressure of the edge falls on the cable and that may lead to the wires inside the cable to get damaged. In fact, the right channel of my cable has already started to fail (it happened within one day of use). So, in case you get the T3, I would suggest you to take care of your IEMs or keep an extra cable handy.


The cable used in the Tin Audio T3
But except for that issue, the cable is perfectly fine and for the price, the overall build quality of both the IEMs and the cables is simply excellent.


If you look closely at the right connector, you can see that there is a kink there. This has happened due to the MMCX housing
Ergonomics and Fit

Now this a place where your mileage may vary a lot. The T3 uses an over-the-ear fit like most other IEMs out there. Now my ear canals are small so I used the small tips included in the box. But the wide-bore tip introduced driver flex in the IEMs, so I switched to the narrow-bore small tips which created a nice seal with the Tin Audio T3. So fit-wise it was just fine.

Driver flex is an issue where you will hear a sound like crushing paper whenever you put the IEMs inside your ears.

As far as ergonomics go, it is quite comfortable and light. I have worn them continuously for 3 hours without feeling the need to remove them from my ears. So, ergonomics is also great in these IEMs and there is honestly nothing to complain about in here.


The fit of the IEMs in my ear is just right – neither too shallow, nor too deep
Noise Isolation

Now coming to noise isolation, since the seal was quite good on these IEMs, basically most of the ambient noise was cut out. Only the horns of the vehicles and the rumbling of my bus (I usually test noise isolation inside public transportation as it gives a very nice idea of what to expect. So, although it won’t be able to cancel out high frequency and/or loud noises like the metro or an airplane (at low volumes at least), you can except a decent amount of noise isolation with the Tin Audio T3. But enough about this, let’s start with the main factor which is the make-or-break property of any audio gear, i.e., its sound.

Sound Quality

Now, on to the most subjective part of the review: sound quality. Also, I won’t be posting any graphs in this review (or any review for that matter), as I don’t believe in graphs as much as I believe in my ears!

This time, I’ll be listening to the earbuds via 3 sources:

  • PC -> Fiio Q1 (Mark-1) -> T3
  • Asus Zenfone 5Z -> Fiio Q1 (Mk.1) -> T3
  • Hiby R3 -> T3
I will also list the soundtracks that I’ve used for each section of my sound test. (Note:All my tracks are either 44 kHz / 24-bits – 192 kHz / 24-bit FLAC or DSD64/DSD128.)


Tin Audio IEMs have made their name due to their neutral sound signature and this one is no different. These babies have a moderate amount of bass which is actually plenty to satisfy most audiophiles (Although bass-heads might want to look at something else). Their sub-bass is tight and punchy while not being overly boosted like most other earphones at this price. The bass rumble is also not very heavily textured and the sub-bass is present where it is needed.

The bass in these IEMs is enough to satisfy most audiophiles but these IEMs are suited towards people who have a preference towards vocals.

The mid-bass of these IEMs is also good. It has a certain thickness and impact to it and is well textured without bleeding into the low-mids.

So overall, for a pair of IEMs targeted for audio purist at this price, I would say that the bass response is just great.

  • Axel Thesleff – “Reincarnation”
  • Martin Garrix – “Animals”
  • Alessia Cara – “Here”
  • Zara Larsson – So Good (album)
  • Jordan Comolli – “Alone”
  • Marshmello – “Alone”
  • Axel Thesleff – “Done”
  • J Balvin, Willy William – “Mi Gente”

The mids should have been their strongest suit in its armoury. The mids are slightly boosted and the vocals sound a tad bit forward than the other frequencies. But unfortunately, it has an issue which is all too familiar with us audiophiles and it is something which we despise – sibilance. This issue is much more prevalent with female vocals and it really takes the fun away from the song.

Sibilance is the issue where there is a harsh hissing noise whenever a vocalist pronounces a word which ends with an ‘s’ which generally tends to loss of detail.

But to be fair, the sibilance is not present in all tracks. They are mostly present in pop songs. In other tracks, they are plenty detailed and vocals sound natural on them. But on high volumes, the female vocals tend to sound overly harsh and sometimes even tinny which I do not like. But male vocals have a nice texture in these tin cans (pun intended) and sound really nice here. But even after looking at the price, I can’t say that I liked the mids in these IEMs, knowing that there is such an issue in these IEMs which even cheaper IEMs like its own T1 doesn’t have. So overall, I was not very impressed with the mids here.

Tracks used:
  • Adele – 25 (album)
  • Charlie Puth – Nine Track Mind (album)
  • Ed Sheeran – X / Divide (album)
  • Amber Rubarth – Sessions from the 17th Ward (album)
  • John Newman – “Love Me Again”
  • Elvis Presley – “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You”
  • Sigrid – “Everybody Knows”

Now onto treble. Let’s start with those cymbals and hi-hats. They actually have a nice energy to them and sound detailed but they sometimes sound overly harsh and sibilant in quite a few tracks. But its rendition of guitar is really very good for its price. They sound clear and detailed, the guitar decays with a certain smoothness which I really like here and has very nice separation as well from the other instruments in any given soundtrack.

Now coming to pianos, their rendition is also good and is quite detailed and have really nice extension in them. Now, bells sound controlled and energetic in these IEMs without a hint of boominess in them. So, apart from the cymbals, its treble is great and I don’t think that you will find much problem with it.

Tracks used:
  • Led Zeppelin – IV (album)
  • Ed Sheeran – X / Divide (album)
  • Amber Rubarth – Sessions from the 17th Ward (album)
  • Pink Floyd – Dark of The Moon (album)
  • John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, and Paco De Lucía – Friday Night In San Francisco(album)
  • Ludovico Einaudi – Islands: Essential Einaudi (album)
  • Axel Thesleff – Reincarnation
  • George Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue
Soundstage, Positioning and Separation

(a) Soundstage and Positioning

Now, there are 2 ways to accurately measure a earbuds’ soundstage and positioning. First, is to use well-recorded binaural tracks (see track list below for more info). The second method (which I personally prefer more) is gaming. I have used two games specifically for this purpose. One is the well-known CS:GO and the other is Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (the latter is a much more immersive experience).

Now, soundstage. Now this is somewhat due to the choice of tips that I have used but the soundstage is somewhat narrow and lacks a slight bit of airiness (as the tip bore is narrow, due to which it increases the bass as well). Vocals sound intimate and orchestras sound as if they are playing in front of you. But this can be somewhat fixed by changing to a wide-bore tip like the SpinFit CP100.

Now coming to its positioning, I felt that it is on point. To test it out, I opened up CS: GO and I could easily pinpoint the source of the gunshot. In Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, I could feel the voices whispering in my ears. So overall, I am pretty much satisfied with its soundstage and positioning.

(b) Separation

The separation on these earbuds is, to be honest, excellent for its price. In quite a few busy tracks, I felt that it held itself quite well against some more pricey IEMs. Its rendition of orchestral music is very good and it is able to hold its detail in those tracks. So, I was really impressed with the separation of instruments it provides at this price point.

Tracks used:
  • Amber Rubarth – Sessions from the 17th Ward (album)
  • Yosi Horikawa – Vapor (album)
  • Led Zeppelin – IV (album)
  • John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, and Paco De Lucía – Friday Night In San Francisco(album)
  • Beethoven – Symphony No.5 (album)

You should be able to easily drive them out of a smartphone and it will be able to deliver its full potential even with a smartphone. They have an impedance rating of 16Ω and a sensitivity of 95 dB +/- 3dB so you shouldn’t face any difficulty while driving them out of your smartphones.

Technical Specifications
  • Brand: Tin Audio
  • Model: T3
  • Type: In-Ear Monitors
  • Driver: Dynamic Driver + Balanced Armature (Hybrid)
  • Impedance: 16 Ω
  • Headphone sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB (1 kHz/1 Vrms)
  • Frequency range: 10–40000 Hz
  • Plug: 3.5 mm
  • Interface: MMCX
  • Cable: 1m 5N 8-core OFC plated silver
  • Weight: 33 g (including cable)/4g (for each earpiece)

In conclusion, you are getting a well-built pair of IEMs which looks great and sounds great. It comes with quite a few accessories (but I would have liked a case to be included with it) to get you started and to top it all off, you are getting all of that at a good price of $69. But its cable build issues and the sibilance are something which is to be kept in mind as it really detracts from the overall excellent sound produced by the Tin Audio T3 for its price. So, although it has a few quirks with itself, if you can overlook those, you will still have a pair of IEMs which has a solid sound signature at a solid price.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Balanced tuning, great clarity, fast transient response, great imaging, great condiction, great price value
Cons: timbre is on the thin side, bass lack weight, vocal lack body


SOUND: 8.5/10
VALUE: 9/10


TINHIFI, formely know as TINAUDIO, is a chinese earphones company that take audio community by storm with there second offering : the Tinaudio T2.
Lot of budget audiophile still consider the T2 as the best choice you can make in sub-50$ price range, and i’m one of them to think so.

Having push the bar very high with the T2, this company is very dedicated to there fan base and listen to them while tuning the next model wich is the T2 PRO.

With the TinHifi T3, they make a drastic change in term of drivers, using a 10mm dynamic plus a Knowles BA instead of dual dynamics driver found in T2 and T2PRO. The construction, while being similar, have been upgraded too.

Priced around 60$, T3 is the cheapest earphones using high end Knowles balanced armature unlike lower quality one we find in KZ and other chinese companies in this price range. This alone make it extremely interesting, but the fact its well tuned with its dynamic driver and have a high quality construction make it even more special.

Let’s see why in this review.

Disclaimer : I was curious to try the T3 but do not want to have affiliation with a seller so I contact directly TinHifi and they send me this review sample free of charge and free of any type of collusion or promoting pression. As always : 100% no BS review.


  • Driver(s): 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA

  • Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB

  • Impedance: 16 ohm

  • Frequency response: 10Hz~40kHz

  • Cable: 1.25m; detachable MMCX connectors

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UNBOXING is an elegant experience with Tinaudio. The package, the beautifull blue box and how the product is presented isvery appealing to they eyes. In term of accessories, you have a generous amount of silicone eartips including a pair of memory foams eartips too, a superb 8 cores silver plated MMCX cable and the earphones. No protective case, wich for me isn’t an issue but would have certainly benifit people that do not have a collection of protective case like me.

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CONSTRUCTION of the TinAudio T2 was already impressive, but people was encountering problem with the silver plated 4 cores cable that was included with it, this time Tin Hifi solve this problem by including a very high quality 8 cores with better construction that do not oxidize after 2 weeks like the old one, this is already a big step but this isn’t all, the housing material too have been upgraded with higher quality of polished alloy and more attention to details that give it a more pristine look. As well, the housing is a little bigger than T2 and the nozzle screen mesh is made of special micro pore material compared to the standard metal mesh of T2.


DESIGN is extremely similar to T2, with the difference being the left and right earphones are inversly connected. Why? Because its meant to be wear over ear and this is the more comfortable and secure fit we can get this way. I find the T3 very comfortable and a step above T2 due to little longer housing that permit a deeper insertion. ISOLATION is above average and have good passive noise cancelation due to metal housing but will leak some sound as it have a venting hole in the back, but its very minimal.


FIRST IMPRESSIONS was mostly positive due to my fear of upper mids sibilance, its the very first thing I note : there barely no harshness in this region. After this first contentment, I begin a more severe critical listening and was surprise by how Liquid was overall sound compared to brighter and more textured timbre of the Tinaudio T2. To me the overall sound was an intimate, transparent mid centric approach with upper treble emphasis that make the highs ultra sparkly and brilliant.

SOUNDSTAGE is rather intimate but still airy and very deep. Wideness is average but spaciality is spot on.

LOWER END is quite light, and I would say even roll off, with slight mid bass emphasis that is still far from being agressive or fowards. Sub bass have smooth timbre, transparent and well controled, it do not rumble and do not bloat anything. Its neither for basshead or bassist, and will sound underwhelming for anybody that like thick or weighty bass presentation.

MID BASS is clear and tigh, timbre is slightly richer than lower bass but still not very textured. Attack and decay is fast, not really weighty but have a good sharpness to make it enough dynamic and lively. It do not bleed on lower mid range and sound especially good with ultra clean pop or IDM.

MID RANGE is the star of the T3 show, level of clarity is of high definition, sharp and liquid, with fowards presence. It is not thick and full bodied type of mid, more a clean one with polished timbre free of grain but still detailed, especially in upper region, but with some special tricks to tame any harshness or sibilance. Imaging in this region is very accurate and lively.

TREBLE is something very special with the T3, its particularly emphasize and offer extremely sparkling highs in a effortless way that do not make whole sound unbalanced or artificial even if it make upper highs very revealing. Level of micro details became richer in this region, wich can shadow lower treble a little. Percussion and high pitch sound are crisp with lot of brilliance, but the decay do not became splashy due to a very controled upper range. This particular approach to resolution give a sens of organic layering, where transparency meet sizzling sharpnes of micro details. This will sure please treble head, and i’m not very worry about treble sensitive people, because there no distortion or bad transient repsonse.


MID BASS : 8/10

MID RANGE : 8.5/10

TREBLE : 8.5/10

TIMBRE : 7.5/10

ATTACK : 9/10





SOUNDSTAGE of VS3 is wider and more around your head, while T3 is more intimate and have deeper clearer spaciality.

BASS is sub emphased fo VS3 and mix a little with the smooth mid bass while T3 is more controled, have more punch and mid bass energy, overall faster presentation but less rich timbre and less sub rumble.

MIDS are more fowards with the T3, clearer as well, with better separation and fast attack-decay, they have thin timbre tough wich stole some body. VS3 is brighter but little more recessed, imaging is less accurate but timbre is richer and thicker.

TREBLE of T3 give more sparkly and crisp highs compared to VS3 that have emphased in mid treble and can make sound cymbals splashy, attack-decay being more controled with T3, it give an overall cleaner and more detailed presentation with better control. Still, the VS3 sounding less liquid feel more balanced, just less capable with very crownded music.



Physically these 2 are very similar, but in term of inner driver, the T2 have dual dynamics and T3 is a dynamic with balanced armature hybrid, wich explain why they do not sound the same at all.

Amping is mandatory but benifit both iem, as well, I feel T3 are a little harder to drive than T2.

SOUNDSTAGE is wider and more around your head with the T2, while the T3 have more deepnest due to a sharper clarity.

BASS is thicker and more impactfull with the T2, as well, timbre is more textured. The T3 sound a little more punchy with less lower end emphasis than T2, the bass is faster and tigher but less weighty.

MID RANGE of the T2 have more grandeur than T3, the vocal sound wider and more detailed with a richer timbre as well as more upper mids emphasis. T3 vocal sound intimate and more centered and will have better separation when multiple instrument play togheter, but in a liquid way with softed timbre that make it sound thinner. T2 sound more mid centric even if bass is more muscular, it have less transparency but a more uniquely appealing richness to mid range. T3 will never have upper mids sibilance but the few time it happen with the T2 do not make it very problematic to my ears (that despise sibilance).

TREBLE is sharper and more dynamic with the T3, wich give it a faster transient response and attack and more highs sparkle compared to more crunchy and crips T2 highs. You have more details in upper treble with T3 while the lower and mid treble of T2 extract more texture in instruments. For example, the piano will sound more accurate with T2 while classical guitar and percussion will have more natural decay and brilliance with T3.

Tin HIFI T3 is like a more polished, sharpened and balanced T2, it sure have better clarity and attack-decay but to the cost of a colder sound presentation. Vocal sound richer and more immersive with the T2, while imaging and clarity is better with T3. In some sens the T3 is a more versatile sounding earphones, but the thicker timbre and fuller sounding mid range of T2 win me over with its more musical soul.


The TINHIFI T3 merit big applause for its mature tuning as well as incredible construction and cable. In this price range, it would be hard to find a faster sounding iem with this level of clarity and details, as well, its near neutral balanced sound make it a very versatile earphones.

Unlike the more mid centric and bassier T2, T3 offer a sharper and slightly colder sound that will please as much the critical listener than the treble sensitive. Without being what I would call a fun earphones, it sure is a serious audiophile one at an incredibly low price.

If you search for an affordable earphones with great construction, extreme clarity and fast transient response that benifit all style of music, I really think the TinHIFI T3 is a very capable contender that offer excellent price value.

For more reviews, give a look at my NO BS BLOG


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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Neutral and natural presentation
Excellent clarity and resolution
Great detail retrieval
Lively and entertaining sound
Good packaging and accessories
Superb cable
Cons: No case provided
Some may find the treble too energetic (see text)
Tin Hifi (formerly Tin Audio) is the company whose reputation was established when they introduced the T2 model a couple of years ago. This dual dynamic driver earphone (10mm + 6mm) bucked the trend of affordable IEMs with V-shaped signatures, instead presenting a neutral and well-balanced sound, and was (and is) very successful. The T3 follows this philosophy. After releasing the T2Pro, which displayed a much more prominent upper register, Tin Hifi have produced their first hybrid model, the T3, which features a 10mm “coaxial dual vibration” dynamic driver paired with a balanced armature from Knowles. This new design addresses the criticisms levelled at the T2 Pro but at the same time incorporates some of the qualities which made the original T2 so popular.

The T3 comes luxuriously packaged in a similar way to the T2, but the box is slightly larger and has a different finish. There is a white outer sleeve with two windows showing the IEMs. Removing this reveals a blue box resembling a book in faux leather and fabric with a large rectangular window displaying the earpieces. Included in the package are three sets of wide-bore silicone tips, three sets of narrow-bore silicon tips and two sets of white foam tips, one of which is pre-fitted to the earpieces. The supplied cable has an MMCX interface and is of very high quality, being a 5N OFC braided type with an 8-core gold and silver interlaced pattern. The straight 3.5mm plug has a carbon fibre finish and there is a clear spherical bobble which acts as a chin slider. The Y-split is furnished with a chunky metal block bearing the Tin Hifi logo. A carrying case is not supplied.

The earpieces themselves are beautifully constructed from CNC machined aluminium and have a similar cylindrical shape to that of the T2, but have a raised bezel on the rear surface. The barrels themselves have a two-tone appearance with a brushed metal and contrasting matt finish. There is a small pinhole vent at the bottom of the nozzle and another similar vent on the top centre of the rear bezel. The presentation and build quality is certainly very impressive.

The earphones were left burning in for 72 hours before testing and included tracks of white and pink noise, glide tones and other audio conditioning tracks. The principal equipment used was a Hifi Walker H2 DAP and Fiio A5 amplifier, via line-out. I have never got on with foam tips so fitted my go-to JVC Spiral Dots. Their wide bore and domed profile ensured a good seal. Rotating the MMCX connectors enabled a snug, secure and comfortable fit.

I was immediately struck by the cleanliness and transparency of the T3s. The resolution and detail provided by the Knowles BA was certainly impressive and showed great refinement. Transient attack was fast and impactful and although the overall balance was neutral, there was plenty of life and vitality to the sound. Sensitivity was very good, with acceptable volume achieved with various sources, including three different DAPs and a smartphone. In more detail:


The bass displayed a very linear profile with good extension. From sub-bass to the midrange there was no undue emphasis, resulting in a very natural presentation with great clarity and resolution. Sub-bass depth was excellent and displayed good texture. Leon Boellman’s spectacular “Suite Gothique”, performed by Gerard Brooks at St Ouen, Rouen was a perfect example. The powerful pedal notes formed a perfect foundation for this grand French organ piece with the reverberation of the cathedral acoustic beautifully rendered. The bass synths in Labi Siffre’s “Something inside so Strong” delivered the same power with great transient attack and superb depth and impact, and at the same time allowing his soulful vocals to soar over the top in emotional fashion. There was no mid-bass lift which therefore resulted in a very pure and clean atmosphere in this part of the spectrum.


The midrange continued this theme of linearity, and, allied to the excellent separation, layering and detail on show here, it allowed the music to really breathe. It was as though the whole soundstage had been washed clean by clear water and a cool breeze. Instruments had natural and authentic timbre. Al Stewart’s “Midas Shadow” from his seminal album “Year of the Cat” was full of detail and all the different aspects of Alan Parsons’s wonderful production could be appreciated. The electric piano solo in the instrumental break was beautifully reproduced and the delicate light touch of Al Stewart’s vocals contrasted well with the instrumental accompaniment. In fact, I enjoyed this track so much that I listened to the whole album when originally just intending to use this one track as an example! Andreas Vollenweider is a master of the electric harp. His productions are complex and full of detail and the T3 really excelled here. In “Pace Verde” each string of the harp was clear and well-defined. The multi-instrumental accompaniment with ethnic percussion had clarity and life and the rhythmic qualities of the performance were excitingly presented.


After many found the treble of the T2 Pro over-bright, Tin Hifi substituted a Knowles BA for the 6mm treble driver in the older model, and it is clear that this was a very good decision. After any initial harshness and sibilance had disappeared during an extended burn-in period, the treble became fluid, open and expressive. Displaying superb detail rivalling the CCA C16 and yet retaining a lively immediate sound reminiscent of the KZ ZS7, the T3 walked a perfect line between neutrality and entertainment. The Knowles driver showed its class with a clean, airy delivery and a refined quality not found in inexpensive proprietary BAs. The intricate percussive elements in David Wahler’s “Kyoto Mist” from the album “Antiquus” had terrific impact and life. Detail, delicacy and timbre were all on offer and the track was full of verve and energy. Mark Dwane’s “Siren’s Song” from his “Archives 2” CD has numerous electronic effects spread all over the soundstage. These were reproduced cleanly and clearly with subtle details not noticed before becoming apparent. The excellent clarity really allowed the female vocals to stand out from the accompaniment. Isao Tomita’s interpretation of Grieg’s “Solveig’s Song” was superb. Dramatic string arpeggios swept the music along in superb fashion with a real sense of power and foreboding, producing a real spine-tingling result.

Although not the largest soundstage I have heard, the detail, layering and separation mentioned above gave the impression of a more expansive image. Instrumental positioning in classical music was very good, the imaging in Liadov’s “Enchanted Lake” conducted by Charles Gerhardt being particularly notable. Bass trombones and horns floated at an attractive distance with excellent timbre. Closing your eyes, you could imagine yourself in the concert hall with the orchestra spread out before you. The recorded ambience on this piece came over very well, with a believable hall acoustic and the stereo imaging was very precise in this track. In Chris Spheeris’s “Andalu” from his wonderful “Desires of the Heart”, the sense of space was palpable, with height, width and depth all clearly delineated, the guitar and piano seeming to float above the arrangement of bass, drums and percussion.


Tin Hifi’s first hybrid model is an unqualified success. It has an accurate, neutral character whilst still having a lively, entertaining presentation normally found in IEMs with a V-shaped sound profile. Detail, separation and layering are all first-class, and the sound has a lovely open quality, excelling in each part of the audio spectrum. Beautifully presented, and with excellent build quality (including a superb cable) there is little or nothing to criticise. especially at the price, which, for this level of performance, is very reasonable. With its dual-driver configuration, it produces a sound quality exceeding that produced by some more complex and expensive multi-driver models, which is quite an achievement. The Knowles BA certainly shows its class here, underlining the importance of using quality drive units. If you are looking for an IEM capable of reproducing music accurately and entertainingly irrespective of genre, then look no further.



Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Overall build quality
Comfortable design
Neutral and detailed sound
Cons: Low isolation
Cable is fixed for over-ear
Not an upgrade over the T2
REVIEW - Tin Audio (Hifi) T3

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  • Driver(s): 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA
  • Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
  • Impedance: 16 ohm
  • Frequency response: 10Hz~40kHz
  • Cable: 1.25m; detachable MMCX connectors

Price: U$ 69. $59 on Ebay.

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I previously had the first T2 model (not Pro) and the T1 later on. While the drivers' setups on the T2 and T2 Pro were identical with a so reported very slight tuning, the T1 made a total contrast to the detail oriented T2. Should mention that I wasn't much interested in the T3, but got to try it out of curiosity.

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The box is presented very similarly to the T2 but just larger and a touch more fancy. The ear tips selection is also wider with 2 types of silicone sets in 3 sizes and 2 pairs of memory foam tips. A carrying case is still missing, though.

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While the internal drivers have been changed from a dual dynamic setup to a more popular hybrid of 1 dynamic + 1 single balanced armature, the T3 retains a very close design and same good build quality of the T2. The earpieces are all metal that seem sturdy and are lightweight to wear with a straight in-ear shape. The finish is very smooth and do not show any sharp edge. The MMCX sockets are labeled by red and blue rings.

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Like the T2 and similar shaped earphones the fit very straightforward, though with the included cable it obligates the user to wear them over-ear due the fixed cable guides. Anyway, they are compact enough with a narrower shape towards the nozzle making them very unobtrusive. Isolation is on the low side and wind noise might be an issue.

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The cable looks more 'premium' with the mixed silver and gold strands and it's also thicker compared to the tight and compact one included with the T2 despite having both a 8-wire configuration. The MMCX plugs have been update too over the usual MMCX standard type found on low priced earphones, and now adopt a tighter connection with a splited plug (similar to that found on the DMG from BGVP). It is less recommended to be detached with frequency. They also added a plastic tube to act as ear guides, and personally do not like the addition as this limits wearing the T3 over-ear, despite having a more secure fit. The cable has much more rubbery touch too over the T2 cable that was very smooth.

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The sound presentation continues the very neutral and uncolored presentation that the T2 is popular for but in different fashion, maybe with the different driver hybrid setup. Instead of the 6mm working as tweeter there's now a BA unit that should be working for the mid and high frequencies, leaving the lows to a similar 10mm dynamic.

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Bass is very slightly north of neutral at most with very soft impact and light weight. It lacks body and texture but is fast and accurate. The sub bass is as much as present as the mid-bass with very minimal rumble when called for and not particularly rolled off despite the low quantities. It is inoffensive but shows good speed and resolution for the price.

Following the very neutral sound, the midrange is very well balanced with a little faint touch of richness, probably thanks to the BA unit. It is clean, smooth and very articulated. While weight is not lacking in the lower mids, when getting towards the upper mid part it is a bit more energetic and full. In spite of that it is not prone to sibilance at usual moderate volumes, and works rather well with female vocals with a sweeter texture.

While the highs are also energetic on the lower area they are well controlled and show a capable level of detail, more than the price could suggest. The whole treble is rarely sharp and will not sound aggressive, though there is a slight early roll-off and less extension at the top, which won't be very surprising for a single balanced armature.
Soundstage is average at best but it sounds very coherent, more than could be expected for a typical hybrid set.
After having reviewed the E5000, which I like very much, you unleash the T3 review. It was a blind purchase on my side, but I cannot get a good seal with them (tried many tips) and the sound is ok, without being special at all. Not impressed to say the least. The Final E1000 sound flatter, with less bass impact, but at USD 30.-, it is a better IEM to commute with. Thanks for this review.
Actually the T3 review was up earlier than the E5000, just that this one got the front page.
Didn't find any issues with the T3 with seal or fit. Can still find them a bit better than the T2


New Head-Fier
Pros: - Transparent sound
- Close to Neutral tonality
- Solid build, cable and tips
- Clear treble
- Resolution and Sound stage
Cons: - Slightly sibilant (track dependent)
- Rolled off sub bass
Review by Mhark Jhoshua Q. Torres
Thank you Linsoul Audio for letting us give our honest take towards the Tin Audio T3 pro. Given that the review unit is from Linsoul audio and is free of charge, it doesn’t affect the honesty and integrity of this review.

Linsoul Audio Online Stores:

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The Company


Tin audio is a chi-fi contender that appeared last Q1 of 2018, their first IEM was Tin Audio T1 (based on what I’ve read) and it was followed by the T2 and T2 Pro which became a lot more popular in comparison to the T1. Their IEMs are known for being bass anemic, since they are tuning their products into a neutral sound signature despite the use of all DD. “Tin Audio is committed to deliver an uncommonly refined tuning.” this is what they said in their Facebook page and based on what I’ve heard from the T2 pro and now the T3, the statement is legit!

The Tin Audio T3






The T3 is made out of metal just like the T2 and T2 Pro that makes the overall feel to be premium and reliable, it’s still astonishing for me to have this well built IEM under the 70 USD price tag. Just like the T2 Pro, the nozzle is still a bit short, the filter is fine, and there are two vents per side one facing the ears and one at the face plate. The T3 pro has slight changes at the face plate whereas there is more styling on the T3 as compared to the flat and simple T2 Pro, the cable is far superior too in terms of aesthetics.
  • Driver unit: 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA
  • Frequency response: 10–40,000 Hz
  • Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
  • Impedance: 16 ohms
  • Plug: ⅛ in (3.5 mm) carbon
  • Cable: 4.1 ft (1.25 m) 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver
  • Interface: MMCX






The packaging of the T3 is now bigger, The styling of the box is better too with transparent part to show off the IEM itself. The blue box contains everything from manual to tips, there is still no carrying case just like with the T2 Pro, I hope that they include even a small pouch in their future IEMs. The gray foam tips is the one you’ll get OOTB but it is huge for my ears to fit, good thing that Tin audio included 8 pairs of extra tips for tip rolling. Lastly I was really amazed, I can confidently say that the cable included must be one if not the best under 150 USD.

Fit and Comfort


The T3 is made out of metal and there are few sharp edges unlike other IEMs that has CIEM-ish build therefore the fit of the T3 is sub par in comparison to other IEMs in this price tier (eg. TFZ lineup and Shozy Hibiki). The isolation of T3 is very dependent with the tips used with proper tips, the isolation is pretty good, the nozzle is short too hence the insertion is shallow.

I love IEMs and earbuds with midcentric to flat sound signature as I really love listening to vocals rather than instruments. My genre ranges from heavy rock, alternative rock, pop rock, acoustic, pop, jazz and folk. Majority of my test tracks are in 16 bit – 44 khz and 24 bit – 48 khz FLAC file and here is the list of my commom test tracks.

  1. Reese Lansangan – For the Fickle (background, female vocals and upper mids)
  2. Foo Fighters – Bridge Burning (Imaging, Layering, Coherence, Sub bass and Mid bass, Mids, Treble)
  3. LANY – Thick And Thin (Mid Bass, Mids)
  4. Ed Sheeran – Dive (Mid bass, Lower Mids)
  5. Norah Jones – Don’t Know Why (Upper Mids and Instruments)
  6. Paramore – Hard Times (Imaging, Layering, Coherence, Sub bass and Mid bass, Mids, Treble)
  7. Radiohead – Life in a Glasshouse (Imaging Layering, Bass, Instruments, Lower mids, Treble)
  8. Passenger – Coins in a Fountain (Mid bass, Layering, Imaging, Instruments, Lower mids, Treble)
  9. Tori Kelly – Hollow (Background, Upper mids)
  10. Ariana Grande – Raindrops (Background, Upper mids)
Slight roll off on the sub bass region but still enjoyable (at least for someone like me who isn’t a basshead) since the quality, texture and speed is properly done to fill the lack of extension. The sub bass is presented linearly, neither forward nor recessed. The intro of Bridge Burning by Foo Fighters is very audible. Mid bass is still tight, rounded and agile just like the T2 Pros but this time it has a bit more quantity resulting to better punch on bass notes, I’d say that the bass of the T3 is not bass anemic anymore, quality and texture remains excellent but take note that the bass quantity and positioning is still not for bass-heads, it is still linear and no elevation to be called warm or bassy.



Tin Audio is molding its house sound, transparent, lean and clean mids that packs a lot of details. The lower mids of the T3 is very resolving though the body is just sufficient for the male vocals not to sound hollow or dry, stringed instruments are really nice sounding with the T3, but for those who love their velvety mids you won’t enjoy the transparency of the T3. Upper mids is definitely sweet, despite its neutral positioning the female timbre sounds stellar for the price. I tried Reese Lansangan, Clara Benin, Sara Bareilles and UDD and it is simply one of the best sounding upper mids under 150 USD, though I’d say that it is unforgiving since playing bad recorded tracks will result to slight sibilant. Playing every tracks of the album Capacities by UDD, there is no emphasis on “S” like what I’ve observed with other indie OPM singles. Details and texture is great and the timbre is close to natural, hands down to T3.


Not the peaky and aggressive treble you’ve hated with the T2 and the T2 Pro, the treble of T3 is definitely more controlled and relaxed without losing the great definition and extension of the T2 and T2 Pro. The decay is pretty fast delivering pacey tracks such as Asphyxia by Cö shu Nie excellently as it doesn’t sound congested at all. The positioning is still more or less at the middle ground as it never overpowers the mids and bass. Extension is better as compared to the sub bass, lastly the treble is still airy enough to give a natural sense of height and depth though it is not as airy as the T2 Pro anymore maybe due to the single BA instead of a DD (tweeter).

Sound Stage and Resolution

The sound stage of the T3 is still commendable for the price range it belongs, listening to live tracks is very enjoyable since the height, depth and width are all above decent. The sound stage isn’t something “monstrous” but it expands naturally whenever it is needed, also transitioning from my Moonbuds Bunting to the T3 is not as painful as with other IEMs, the boxy feeling is not as bad as compared to the KZ AS06 or TFZ Galaxy T2. None of the three major frequencies sounded smooth nor muddy in the T3, from sub bass to treble the texture and details are nicely rendered and is very audible. Separation is definitely better than the T2 Pro, and layering also improved but still not groundbreaking.

Synergy and Sound Signature

T3’s sound signature is more neutral than the T2 Pro, the bass is linear and clinical and just enough to give a taste of thump in your tracks. The mids and treble is placed close to neutral as well. The upper mids is a bit sibilant with some tracks but most of the times I don’t hear the emphasis on ‘S.

Shanling M3s


The M3s is known to be intimate sounding DAP with balanced sound signature and stellar mids, despite the characteristics of M3s, the T3 doesn’t sound too intimate at all in fact it is wider than TFZ Galaxy T2 and KZ AS06 even when I’m using them with Cayin N5iis. Bass is nicely delivered with no noticeable bumps, good details retrieval and enough body to give life to EDM tracks. Mids of this set is simply stellar, each of my favorite artists shined very well with the T3 and M3s. Lastly the Treble is defined and packs a lot of details, the extension is not the best but still enjoyable. I’d say that this pair is definitely great for those who loves quiet and neutral-mid centric sounding set.

Smartphone (Huawei Mate 10)

The Huawei Mate 10 has a sound signature of neutral-bright, sound quality is not on par with the N5iis, noise floor is a bit high. The bass lost its extension and texture, the mid bass became smoother and less impactful. The lower mids became thinner and smooth reducing the texture of the mids, the upper mids still sounds sweet. Lastly the treble is well extended while the presentation is less airy and detailed. The T3 can be easily powered by smartphones but the potential will not be maximized, the bass quantity will be reduced but the overall sound quality is still great.

TFZ Galaxy T2 and KZ AS06

If we are talking about the quality and texture, the sub bass and mid bass goes to the T3, but the quantity and placement is more of basshead level for the AS06 and Galaxy T2, both are kinda smooth and warm with better extension compared to the T3. The mids simply goes to the T3, better quality, transparency and details it is also has the most neutral positioning among the three, both AS06 and T2 Galaxy sounds recessed, veiled and smooth in comparison to the T3. Lastly, the treble though the AS06 is smoother I’d say that the treble of T3 has better sparkle, definition and extension on the other hand the T2 Galaxy’s treble is quite splashy. Sound stage goes to the T3 and same goes to layering, imaging and resolution. The only con of the T3 is the bass quantity. it is not really for the bass-heads.



The bug fixes from T2 pro are well executed, I want to commend tin audio for listening and following the feedback from consumers and reviewers. Sub bass is textured and decays quick but falls short with extension, mid bass is punchy, resolving and agile with linear positioning. Mids is just stellar with lean, sweet and transparent presentation, tho it sounds sibilant with badly recorded tracks. Treble has good sparkle, definition and extension and is definitely controlled compared to their previous models. Technical performance is superb too as it renders nice details from bass to treble, sound stage is above average and lastly, imaging and layering is improved too. PS: the build quality (especially the cable) is definitely worth acknowledging.

Johnny Mac

New Head-Fier
Pros: Improved cable, softer stock foam tips, clarity and imaging
Cons: design language getting boring, still no storage case

Leaving nothing to chance and striking while the iron is hot, Tin HIFI is back with a great measure of public buildup to further recreate and refine what was an already great package of sound and price to performance ratio with their T2 and T2 Pro IEMs. The ensuing outcome of Tin HIFI’s efforts is their newest audiophile offering, the Tin HIFI T3, which I was glad to receive ahead of the launch date to get in-depth and see if it’s worth the jump from its predecessors.

The Tin HIFI T3 diverges from the T2 and T2 Pro right off the bat with its driver configuration which now features a single Knowles Balanced Armature and single PU+PEK 10mm Dynamic hybrid driver. It however opted to retain the same design language from its younger siblings and still uses a CNC-machined all metal build. The Tin HIFI T3 is spec’d out with a 10 to 40000 Hz Frequency Response, 16 Ohm Impedance and a 95dB Sensitivity. Priced at $69 with a launch priced of $60, you can check out the launch price from the Massdrop Tin HIFI T3 drop. Are current T2 and T2 Pro owners missing out big in terms of changes on the T3 and would it once again be a heavy favorite at the sub $70 price range just like its siblings? Let’s find out.

Packaging and Build Quality

Packaged in a relatively bigger glossy white box housing a now glittered and jagged surface blue flap box, the Tin HIFI T3 suggests that it has much more overall mass to it than the T2 and T2 Pro. Opening the glittery blue box reveals a white velvet cutout with the ever metallic looking T3 embedded on it and a now gray full foam ear tips being pre-installed rather than the previous bright sky blue full foam ear tips that came with the T2 and T2 Pro. Underneath this velvet clad cutout is a plethora of ear tip options: a complimentary medium gray full foams, a set of pseudo-sony hybrids(S, M, L) as well as a set (S, M, L) of Spinfit look-alike ear tips.
The Tin HIFI T3 still looks a lot like the T2 and T2 Pro with only a subtle change on the faceplate design which now rocks a raised round metal outline. The overall look, feel and weight of the T3 shell is basically the same with the T2 and the T2 Pro.


The single most distinct aesthetic change that sets the T3 asides from its kin is the included 1.25m 5N 8core oxygen free copper (OFC) Silver-Plated Wire which is now a herring bone braid with a metal Tin HIFI logo branded y-split and a glass bead for a chin slider (there was none on the T2 and T2 Pro, I was asking for this). The MMCX connectors are now all metal with white R and L markings although the blue and red markings were still retained on the IEMs themselves, the transparent MMCX connectors in my opinion were more aesthetically pleasing however if this change is for a more solid build, I’d take it but if not, let’s hope it makes a comeback on the T3 Pro if there would be one. There is also a very discrete memory wire to aid for over ear usage which out of the box I struggled to get a fit but thanks to the rotating MMCX, I was able to find an excellent angle to have the memory wire sit snug on my ear lobe curvatures. No microphonic noise was observed as well on this new neat looking cable, storage was also great since it has a nice tension to its braid while still resisting tangles.

Maturity within the Tin HIFI team was evident on the Tin HIFI T3 with the T3 now showing an accurate and well balanced sound. The 1st thing that stood out for me was how resolving and clean its background was. I used its pre-installed gray full foam ear tips since it now has a softer feel to it than the sky blue foams that came with the T2 and T2 Pro allowing for a more comfortable listening session while still giving great seal and isolation. The Tin HIFI T3 was driven by the Xduoo x3ii and the Sony CAS-1 desktop setup off an MSI GF 62 8RE laptop via Foobar2000 v1.4 for the whole realview, this also underwent the “recommended” 50-hour burn-in process.

Enhanced, Improved and Enriched. The very frequency which took a beating on the T2 and T2 Pro was how its bass was “mediocre” compared to the stellar midrange and upper frequency performance is now taken care of. The lows now go down deep and Linkin Park’s “Leave Out All the Rest” in 16/44 FLAC allowed for a smooth transitioning sub bass entry exhibiting a mild decay which can easily be discerned and felt throughout the track. The bass drops had great body and control progressing towards a clean lower midrange.


Calling on Micheal Learns to Rock rocking out “Sleeping Child” in 16/44 FLAC delivered another strong performing lower midrange providing clarity of the harmonic tones. The male vocals were lush and full, energetic and inviting, a sure-fire guarantee you’d be singing along save that we can’t sing as well as Jascha. The upper midrange performance was non-fatiguing and timbre was accurate across the harmonics.


Run-DMC came to join the Tin HIFI T3 party repping with their “Dumb Girl” in 16/44 FLAC. The highs are delivered clean with great definition and clarity. This set of IEMs gives an enjoyable treble bite and sparkle. Harsh and peaky highs are absent. Sibilant? You must be on to something, even a full run of Depeche Mode was amusing on this set.

Soundstage and Imaging

With a focus on depth and height, the Tin HIFI T3 showcases a rather intimate soundstage but one with pinpoint accurate imaging. The T2 and T2 Pro had a wider soundstage but the darker background sets the T3 apart from its siblings.

Listening to feedbacks and insights are critical and with the availability of platforms to have our voices heard, there’s a great chance these little quirks from us would be taken into account when audio companies develop their upcoming products. Not to say that Tin HIFI had the public feedback as top priority with the developments and changes the T3 came with, it’s safe to say that they at least listened. A cleaner balanced sound and this time not neglecting the low-end performance coupled with a much improved stock cable and a myriad of ear tip choices and still coming close to the $60 price the T2 Pro had on launch makes the Tin HIFI T3 an easy recommendation. Please include a pouch or storage case next time though.
cant have a proper fitting with this thing... any suggestions?
it a very good candidate for the trash can!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Build and cable - Clarity and detail - Imaging quality
Cons: Unforgiving of track flaws - If you are sensitive to treble, stick with the T2

TinHiFi, formerly and probably still better known as TinAudio, is a relatively new company and one that has built quite the reputation within a very short period of time.

Back in 2017 they released a dual-dynamic earphone under the name T2. This was at a time when budget hybrids were at their peak and having a dual-dynamic setup wasn't the attention grabbing feature it used to be. As such, while it was well received it sorta flew under the radar. The right people ended up picking up the T2 which got the hype train rolling, and it became a common recommendation in the forums for it's near-neutral signature. It's premium build quality didn't hurt either.

TinHiFi followed up the T2 with the single dynamic T1 that I personally quite enjoyed. It sounded similar to the T2, but with a warmer sound and some additional “oomph” in the bass. Then the T2 Pro was announced. Expectations were very high for that one and... it was okay. While the bass remained more or less the same as the T2, the treble saw a large spike in emphasis that improved clarity and sound stage but at the expense of the balance and neutral tonality that made the original T2 so desirable. Still, with the T1, T2, and T2 Pro, TinHiFi's lineup had three earphones each with their own distinct signatures.

Today we're checking out their newest release, the T3. Based on how it is tuned, I suspect TinHiFi wasn't entirely pleased with the T2 Pro's reception, decided to mulligan their previous try, and give it another go. The T3 swaps out the 6mm tweeter for a genuine Knowles armature making it their first go at a hybrid, and what a hybrid it is.

Let's take a closer look, shall we?


A big thanks to Lillian with Linsoul for arranging a sample of the T3 for the purposes of review. I was originally hoping to have this out and done in time for their Massdrop reveal campaign, but that didn't pan out since it arrived two days prior to the launch of the campaign. So here we are, fashionably late to the party. The thoughts within this review are my own based on my time listening to and using the T3. They do not represent TinHiFi, Linsoul, Massdrop, or any other entity. It currently retails for 69.99 USD. You can check out it via the following links:


The T3 was used with the Radsone Earstudio ES100 paired over LDAC with my LG G6. It was also powered by my TEAC HA-501 on low damping with a HiFi E.T. MA8 or ZiShan DSD providing source material. The Shanling M0 was also used occasionally, with its warmer signature matching up nicely with the T3. While it is less sensitive than most earphones at only 95dB, I found the T3 really quite easy to drive and did not feel the need for a dedicated amp.

Personal Preferences:

I listen primarily to various EDM sub-genres (liquid drum and bass, breakbeat, drumstep, etc.), hip hop, and classic rock. My preferences for earphone tuning are quite relaxed and as such their is no one signature I look for. The HiFiMAN RE800 Silver, Brainwavz B400, and Massdrop x MeeAudio Planamic are examples of earphones with wildly varied signatures that are enjoyable for different reasons. I generally listen at very low volumes, so keep this in mind when perusing my thoughts on how an earphone sounds.

  • Drivers: 10mm dynamic + Knowles balanced armature
  • Frequency response: 10 – 40,000 Hz
  • Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
  • Impedance: 16 ohms
  • Cable: 4.1 ft (1.25 m) 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver with MMCX
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Packaging and Accessories:

The T2 and T2 Pro have some of the nicest packaging in the industry (in my humble opinion). With the T3, TinHiFi kept a similar feel but evolved the overall design into something a little more interesting. The white exterior box is now larger with the TinHiFi logo in thin black lines accenting the front. The most immediately noticeable change, outside of the size increase, are the two viewing windows showing off the ear pieces. A really cool touch is that the viewing windows are incorporated into the logo. This is a slick little bit of attention to detail that you just don't see very often.

Sliding out the interior box, you might notice that the book-like design used for the T2 remains and while still blue, the shade is takes on a lighter, more sky blue aesthetic. They also added a metallic sheen to the material that looks pretty awesome. Dead centre of the lid is a fairly spacious viewing window, necessary to allow you to check out the ear pieces when completely packaged. It looks like it was hand cut and wrapped, so fit and finish could be a little better. Regardless, it's a nice touch and I appreciate it. Opening the lid the ear pieces are securely held in place within a foam insert. The insert is coated in a very smooth, almost fuzzy fabric that just adds to an experience which so far has been much more premium than the low price tag would suggest. Under the insert is the manual and all accessories. In all you get:
  • T3 earphones
  • 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver cable with MMCX
  • Green single flange silicone tips (s/m/l)
  • Sony hybrid-style single flange tips (s/m/l)
  • Foam tips (s/m)
  • Velcro cable tie
  • Manual
Overall the unboxing experience is fantastic. The included green tips are the same generic set included with a million other earphones and the Sony hybrid-style tips don't fit the nozzle particularly well, but the presentation and especially that cable make up for it. TinHiFi, if you're reading this, please keep making unique packages like this. While most people couldn't care less about this aspect of a product, those who do will appreciate how special it makes such an inexpensive product feel.

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Build, Comfort, and Isolation:

The T3 sticks with all-metal shells as can be found throughout TinHiFi's lineup. While similar in shape to the T2 and T2 Pro, the T3 have seen some subtle but significant differences made to the design. First, TinHiFi mirrored the shape so that what was the left ear piece on the T2 is now the right ear piece on the T3. In addition, they removed the slanted portion of the protrusion that houses the MMCX ports, squaring it off. Thanks to the new cable, the T3 is intended to be worn with the cable running up and around your ear. As a result of this and the changes to the housing design, I found the fit more natural and comfortable than the already fine T2. Squaring off the protrusion means the housing is better supported in the ear and doesn't shift around as much during movement. There is also some tapering around the front edge that was reduced on the T3, though I doubt that had much effect if any on the fit.

Overall the build quality is essentially perfect. The machined parts are neat and uniform without any flaws. Everything fits together tightly without anything sitting off kilter. There are no visibly uneven seams which have been worked into the design and are mostly hidden anyway. The blue and red plastic rings surrounding the MMCX ports that denote channel are clearly visible and integrated well into the design. Like everything else in TinHiFi's lineup, the T3 looks and feels much more expensive than it is.

The cable does too. The gold and silver, two-toned silver plated cable that comes with the T3 demolishes what you get with similarly priced competition. At this price you generally see more traditional black rubber sheathed cables, or stiffer, thinner braided or twisted cables. Heck, the T3's cable still shines next to those included with much more expensive products like the Campfire Audio Atlas and RHA CL2 planar. Not only is the braiding extremely clean and uniform from top to bottom, but the heat shrink ear guides are uniform in shape and length. The hardware for the plugs and y-split are crafted from perfectly machined metal, while the straight jack is a mix of metal and what looks to be silver carbon fibre. A chin cinch is present, made from a big bead, similar to what we saw on the Penon BS1, Kinera Seed, and Kinera Idun. Once slid up in place, it doesn't budge and keeps the cable secure. The best part about this cable, outside of the build and stunning looks (though white and gold is certainly not a universally liked color scheme), is the flexibility. It acts much like a piece of thin rope. Tangling isn't an issue. Neither are kinks or bends since there is virtually zero memory. Microphonics are negligible too, though the shrink wrap for the ear guides can sometimes produce a crinkling noise.

Isolation is on par with the T2 and T2 Pro and as such is merely adequate. Outside noise bleeds in forcing you to compensate with a bump in volume. Using the included foam tips certainly helps, but I still wouldn't want these to be my primary earphones when riding the transit or in noisy areas like a coffee shop.

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Tips: I personally didn't find the T3 particularly picky with tips so they were selected based on comfort. The stock green tips worked fairly well and provided a reliable enough seal. The Sony-hybrid style tips were wonderful to use, but they are a bit too small for the nozzle and work themselves off after a short time. If you enjoy picking tips out of your ears, these are the ones for you. I rotated between Spintfit CP100 and KZ Starlines, both of which stayed attached to the T3 and provided a comfortable fit.

The T2 struck gold with a near neutral, uncolored sound that was flat out competent in nearly every regard. With the exception of bass extension, there wasn't really anything that needed to be changed. My discussions with TinHiFi prior to the T2 Pro's release had me excited for a follow up that addressed this one shortcoming. Instead, we got an even more technically proficient, but overly bright, dual-dynamic that was nice in small bursts, and at low volumes. The T3 revisits the T2 Pro's signature, but this time TinHiFi did it right.

Since all I really wanted out of the T3 was an improved low end, the first things I ran through it were Kavinski's “Solli” and Massive Attack's “Teardrop”. “Solli” opens with a building bass note that you feel first, hear later while “Teardrop” opens with that distinctive heart-beat like thump. The T2 and T2 Pro's sharp roll off did neither of these tracks justice so when I could immediately feel a low rumble building with the T3, I knew TinHiFi nailed the low end this time around. The T3 isn't really any bassier than it's T2 brethren, it just provides greater extension and more sub-bass extension. The bass is deliciously textured too, as noticed when putting it through it's paces via The Prodigy's “Thunder”. That first grungy drop at 36 seconds sounds raw and crunchy and just as low-fi as it should. Flipping over to something more downtempo, the opening bass guitar on Porcupine Tree's “A Slave Called Shiver” lacks some body and weight, though the drums make up for it with a snappy attack. Overall a pretty solid performance from the T3's low end.

The mid-range is really quite nice too. Paul Williams on Daft Punk's “Touch” is so warm and clear with all emotion intact. When he says “A painter in my mind” (1:58), the way the tone builds on 'A' has a certain gruffness to it that is picked up flawlessly, something other earphones suck the dynamics and nuance out of. Switching gears to Aesop Rock's “Shere Khan”, Aes and Ann Colville trade vocal passages back and forth. Aesop's lyrical prowess and distinct, relenting delivery is produced well and mixes in perfectly with the surrounding instrumentals while Ann and her playful, sing-songy performance contrasts with the rest of the track, something I assume was intended. This song also highlights one of the T3's main traits; it is unforgiving. If a track has sibilance, the T3 does nothing to mask it. However, it also does nothing to add to it either. You want to be running well recorded, well-mastered stuff through the T3.

Treble is where the T2 and T3 part ways, and the T3 takes the T2 Pro under it's wing to show it how an adult reproduces high frequencies. The Knowles driver TinHiFi recruited is a good one. Yes, the T3's upper treble is elevated and yes it gives the T3 a brighter tonality. If you don't like brighter earphones or are offended by how high frequencies assault your ear drums, stick with the T2 and most definitely avoid the T2 Pro. For everyone else, the T3's treble is tight and well-controlled with a realistic decay. This is evident when listening to King Crimson's live rendition of “Indiscipline” where the cymbals crash with just the right amount of energy. We'll be returning to this track in the next paragraph to discuss the drumming some more. Flipping over to some rapid electronic, Savant's “Deperado” is a whirlwind of a track with tons of layers and lots of high pitched effects. With the T2 Pro, this track is hard to get through with everything sounding too aggressive and overly vibrant. The T3 tones it all down and with superior clarity lets you enjoy the smattering of laser-like effects that fill the track. It's certainly a lot of fun.

The T3's sound stage and imaging are pretty flipping impressive in my experience. While not as flat out large sounding as the T2 Pro, the T3's staging is still much larger than your average earphone. Going back to King Crimson's “Indiscipline”, throughout the track, people cheer and clap, whistle, and yell out to the band. With the T3, it sounds like you're just a couple rows from the front of the stage listening to these people surrounding you. The drumming in particular sounds spectacular through the T3. For the first 55 seconds there is some simple guitar strumming playing while the drummer, Bill Bruford, rapidly peppers his kit in the foreground. The T3 gives it this dynamic swirling effect as Bill goes back and forth around the kit. There is a very strong impression of movement and depth that other earphones can't pull off with the same level of competence. All this is helped along by some fantastic layering and separation the keeps all the elements of the track separate. If you like to pick apart tracks layer-by-layer, the T3 is a nice companion. Since I don't listen to massive orchestral pieces on the regular I can't say how it'll perform with that, but King Crimson can get pretty crazy when they go full improv. The T3 breezes through that. Dense metal tracks are no problem either.


Select Comparisons (volumes matched using Dayton iMM-6):

T2/T2 Pro: The T3 is brighter than the T2 but not as bright as the T2 Pro. The T2 has the most forward weighty mid-range while the T2 Pro and T3 are both a little more lean and crisp. Unfortunately the T2 Pro suffers from sibilance that isn't present on the other two. Bass on the T3 is similar in emphasis to the T2 and T2 Pro, but has much better extension and sub-bass presence. Where the T2 twins taper off, the T3 keeps going. The T2 has the most average sound stage and the T2 Pro the largest. The T3 falls somewhere in between, besting both in terms of imaging, layering, and separation qualities. Due to the improved bass response, I found the T3 to offer the most balanced signature, though it will still be too bright for some. It also seems to be the best of the three on a technical level, though the T2's more relaxed presentation will be more welcoming to many. In my opinion, the T3 completely negates the need for the T2 Pro, offering a similar experience but improved in nearly every way. TinHiFi could clean up their lineup by offering only the T1 (neutral-warm), T2 (neutral-ish), and T3 (neutral-bright). It would make sense to drop the T2 Pro since it no longer offers up an experience you can't find elsewhere within the TinHiFi portfolio.

Brainwavz KOEL: The KOEL is a near-neutral single armature earphone with a glorious mid-range that certainly makes for an interesting comparison with the T3. The T3 is a fair bit brighter with most of the extra emphasis over the KOEL laying in the brilliance region. The KOEL's midrange is meatier and more forward with a smoother overall presentation. T3 is slightly more detailed and less forgiving of sibilant tracks. Where the KOEL will smooth out and remove sibilance, the T3 plays the track as it is. It doesn't add sibilance where there is none, but it also doesn't do anything to mask it. Bass on the T3 offers more extension and visceral feedback, while the KOEL is faster and more nimble. Sound stage goes to the T3 thanks to that airy treble and leaner mid-range. KOEL images at a similar level, while the T3 does a better job of layering tracks and separating instruments. If you prefer a more neutral, uncolored sound, the KOEL would be the better choice. If you prefer extreme detail and clarity and enjoy a brighter sound, go for the T3.

Final Thoughts:

Budget friendly hybrids are a dime a dozen nowadays. Good budget friendly hybrids are too. Excellent ones? Eh, not so much. The T3 is one of the few truly excellent budget hybrids on the market right now thanks to it's premium build, overachieving cable, and coherent, detailed, expertly tuned sound signature that continues the trend of above average products coming out of TinHiFi. Add to that some really cool packaging and the T3 is a complete no brainer. Unless you're treble sensitive. You might want to stick with the regular T2 since it's the more tame of the two, just be prepared to give up some clarity and sound stage in the process.

The T3 comes highly recommended. This is TinHiFi at their best.

Thanks for reading!

- B9Scrambler

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Some Test Tunes:

Aesop Rock - Skelethon (Album)
Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (Album)
Elton John - Yellow Golden Brick Road (Album)
King Crimson - Lark's Tongues in Aspic (Album)
King Crimson - Starless and Bible Black (Track)
Supertramp - Crime of the Century (Album)
Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians (Album)
Infected Mushroom - Legend of the Black Shawarma (Album)
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach (Album)
Massive Attack - Mezzanine (Album)
Fleetwood Mac - Rumors (Album)
Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels (Album)
The Prodigy - The Day is My Enemy (Album)
Tobacco - screw*d Up Friends (Album)
Felt - Felt 2 (A Tribute to Lisa Bone) (Album)


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Quote: "fantastic layering and separation that keeps all the elements of the track separate. If you like to pick apart tracks layer-by-layer, the T3 is a nice companion".

Looks like the T3 is a must have!

Any thoughts on the T3 vs KC2 or K2?

Soundstage depth?

Sort of in a state of wonderment regarding Budget-Fi sound quality in early 2019.


New Head-Fier
Pros: stage
natural sound
voice reproduction
Cons: sibilants can be a KO criterion without equalizer
The TIN AUDIO T2 Pro was not the hoped-for upgrade to the T2, although it was more detailed and transparent in its spatial representation and offered more treble expansion, but it also produced strong peaks that impaired listening pleasure.
Now Tin AUDIO/HIFI starts a new attempt to silence the critics and what should I say, if you like they have shot the right bird this time, even if the T3 is not perfect and has its aches and pains. The T2 and the T3 both have their advantages and meet at eye level. But the T2 is still the budget star for me, because it stays below the 50 €.

Also here you get the full score again.
The metal case is solid, felt indestructible and comfortable to wear.

Optically small things have changed. The case is now almost mirror-inverted to its predecessors. Thus you don't have to swap the sides anymore if you want to carry the T3 comfortably over your ears, which was still the case with the two predecessors. Apart from that, one is more or less forced to wear the T3 in this way, as the supplied cable has earhooks and cannot be carried straight down.

The cable is another big step forward to what you got before. This one was more filigree and also with 8 cores, but the new cable is much thicker, more robust and better processed.

The rest remains the same even though the packaging has become bigger and now foamtips are offered in 2 different sizes.

Isolation and comfort still remain first class.

Now that we have 3 different models to compare, I'll make another comparison between the three brothers in my blog and focus more on the T3 alone.

Basically the bass hasn't changed, which also results in numerous frequency analyses in the network. It's very clean, to the point and especially linear from sub-bass up to 200 Hz and beyond. It is very harmonic and natural in playback as well. Amazingly, it is a bit fuller than its predecessors, which is hardly due to the construction, but rather to the general interaction with the other frequency ranges, so that it is a subjective perception.

From the bass it goes cleanly into the midrange without covering it up. Here the T3 reveals its potential and they are among other things the highlight concerning the sound. The dynamic driver, which was previously responsible for the mids and highs, has given way to a BA driver and you can see that. The mids are very clear with a lot of details and above all a bigger stage than before. Voices are positioned exactly right and have an almost perfect weighting in the sound.
Compared to the T2 I see them in front because of the slightly better balance and separation.

The treble is a winner at the same time, but also a little spoil to make it perfect.
Compared to the T2 Pro, it's a good step back, as it offers the larger extension, but also reached very high peaks.
The T3 rolls faster, which robs it of something like that, but due to the exaggerated lightness of the T2 Pro this was already in the direction of unnaturalness.

The heights of the T3 are much rounder and still offer enough expansion, airiness and lightness. There's really a lot going on here regarding the details and micro details that pop up all over the head and open the stage wonderfully upwards. Compared to their predecessors, the highs were tamed and perfected at the same time. However, there is a sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger drop of defense.
This is the increase between 8 and 10 kHz. This ensures that especially in high pitched voices, especially in women, the sibilants come out strongly. For some songs, this can really become a no-go and make listening fun. Fortunately, this is not the rule and you even get used to it. Due to the excellent performance of the other areas, this is a bit more to get over but still not fade out, which, due to the probable use of an equalizer, leads to the deduction in the B note (suitability for everyday use).

It's amazing what's possible for such a price these days. In Germany you can get rid of the T3 for over 100 €.
The stage and the 3D image is one of the highlights of the T3, but also the balance between bass, midrange and treble is fantastic. The T3 is also more dynamic than its predecessors.
Unfortunately, the partly strong emphasis on the sibilants misses the step to perfection in this price segment. Here a reduction in the mentioned range by approx. 3 dB can help to take this step! So the T3 reaches the level of the T2, which I still hold on to, be it because of nostalgia, its dry, natural way or the grandiose voice reproduction. The T3 brings it all with it and sometimes makes it even better (stage), but sometimes gets a little hot in the highs. This leads to a deduction of points in the handling, so that the T3 lands just behind the T2.


More reviews:


Reviewer at Twister6
Pros: Great sound quality with excellent performance to price ratio
Excellent build quality
Brilliant cable for the package
Cons: Sadly no carry case
Some minor sibilance for treble sensitive
My background- I am a professional musician, producer and audio engineer with experience in the performing, recording and pro-audio industry. I test products on a technical and musical level and try to write reviews as simple as possible from a music fan's perspective.

Disclaimer- This unit was sent to me for a review. I am not affiliated with Tin Audio in any way and write this review with my best unbiased opinion regardless of how the review turns out.

Genre preferences-
I majorly listen to rock, acoustic, pop and metal genres and occasionally checkout EDM music which is doing the rounds on the radio and charts.

Reference Songs list-

1. Foo Fighters- The Pretender, Best of You & Everlong
2. Imagine Dragons- Radioactive & It’s Time
3. Coldplay- Paradise, Up in Flames & Everglow
4. Ed Sheeran- Thinking out loud, Bloodstream & Galway Girl
5. Gavin James- Always & Hearts on Fire
6. John Mayer- Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, Stop this Train & Say
7. Switchfoot- Meant to live & Dare You to Move
8. Linkin Park- Papercut, One Step Closer & Somewhere I belong
9. Maroon 5- She will be loved, Payphone & Lost Stars
10. I Am Giant- Transmission
11. Karnivool- Simple Boy & Goliath
12. Dead Letter Circus- Real You
13. Porcupine Tree- Halo, .3 and Blackest Eyes


1. Transducers: 10mm dynamic + Knowles armature
2. Frequency Range: 10Hz - 40kHz
3. Sensitivity: 95±3dB
4. Impedance: 16Ω
5. Cable: 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver
6. Connectors: MMCX
7. Jack: 3.5mm

You can place an order for the Tin Audio T3 at Linsoul with the link below,

Included in the box-
1. IEM
2. Cable
3. Ear tips- 2 pairs of foam & 3 pairs of silicone (S, M, L)
4. Manual

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Cable 2.jpg

Build Quality- T3 have an all metal housing which is cylindrical in shape. They have MMCX sockets which are color coded (Blue- Left & Red- Right) and are well integrated into the design.

The biggest bling factor in the package is the cable. It is a 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver cable and looks expensive enough to demand the cost of the whole package. It is soft and flexible and comes with pre-formed ear hooks. All in all, the build quality is excellent for the price.

Cable 1.jpg

Fit and Comfort- T3 fits well and are comfortable to wear. They provide decent isolation but not as much as the semi-custom IEMs available today. You can choose between silicone and foam ear tips.


I don’t own the previous T2 so I can’t compare its bass with the T3 but I feel that T3’s bass is present in decent amounts, enough for me to enjoy bass in rock tracks. The bass is well textured and sub-bass goes low to 20Hz. Mid bass and upper bass sounds clear and has good definition. Porcupine Tree’s Halo is a rock track carried by Colin Edwin’s fantastic bass playing. The bass guitar sounds natural and has good definition in track. Similarly, Porcupine Tree’s track .3 sounds great too. I love how clear the bass is in that track. In Karnivool’s track Goliath, the focus is more on mid and upper bass than sub-bass. Moving to modern pop music, Selena Gomez’s track Back to You’s bass has good snap and sounds well defined in the track which is full of keyboards and samples. All in all, I don’t miss boosted bass of other IEMs while listening to T3 at all.

Mids- One word can sum up the mids and that is ‘clarity’. Mids are on the thinner side which helps in clarity and separation and have a nice and easy tonality. Lower mids have a small dip which reduces the build-up around 500Hz and helps in clearing out the mud region. Upper mids have good snap and sound crisp with good attack. Piano in songs like Coldplay’s Everglow sounds more crisp than warm, and acoustic and electric guitars have good a crispy presence too. Vocals are also a lot of fun to listen to. They have great clarity and presence, and do not get honky or irritating anywhere. Drums sound punchy too with kick and snare in songs like Our Lady Peace’s ‘Do you like it’ sounding particular good with good smack and attack.

Treble- Treble also has good clarity and sounds airy and open though a bit grainy sometimes. The sibilant region of 7-10kHz is a bit conditional. FYI, I am quite sensitive to this region but I hear sibilance in tracks that are either sibilant or tending sibilant only. Not all of them. But it isn’t so pronounced that I would want to pull my earphones out immediately or have a long-time problem with it. Besides that, the treble has a nice character and adds on to the high mids giving instruments some nice sheen. Cymbals, upper registers of string instruments and horn sections have good timbre and tonality and are quite enjoyable.

Soundstage, Imaging and Separation-
The soundstage, because of nice treble, sounds airy and clean, and doesn’t sound claustrophobic at all. Imagining is done very well with all instruments placed correctly and spread out well with good separation. T3 is an open sounding IEM and I particularly like it for that.

Conclusion- Tin Audio T3 is a very good package at $59. I was leaving for a road trip when I got them. I just took the T3 along and was immediately uplifted by it’s well tuned sound signature as soon as I plugged them in. It is certainly the best sounding earphone I have in this price range and it can give some more expensive IEMs a run for their money too. Sadly, they do not come with a carry case but for its sound quality, tonality, great build quality and the awesome cable it comes with, I can happily recommend this to anyone without a doubt. I’m sure it’s going to be a widely successful product and I can already see that with the number of orders that have been placed on Massdrop.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Good bass response
Balanced bass and mids
Great cable (if you can use it)
Cons: Treble can be peaky and sibilant
Design isn't the most comfortable


Tin Audio has been one of the rising stars in Chinese earphones the past 2 years with the release of their Tin Audio T2 and T2 Pro in-ear monitor headphones. The T2 and T2 Pro were previously reviewed by me and received high marks due to their clean, neutral sound signature, and budget price.

Tin Hifi is back at it again with their T3 model and this one replaces one of the dynamic drivers with a single BA and is a hybrid model instead of the dual dynamics of the previous generations. In this new scheme, the dynamic controls the bass region, while the BA handles the upper mids and treble.

The T3 is available now at Massdrop exclusively but will be available on Amazon via LSR-Direct, Ali Express and other stores, including who provided me this exclusive preview sample unit prior to market.

Accessories & Build

The T3 comes in a similar but larger blue faux-leather box with a window cutout to show off the hardware. Inside, you’ll find the T3 with a slightly different housing and a very premium yellow/silver cable that has quality mmcx and 3.5mm connectors. This cable has heat shrunk bends to it so the T3 is meant to be worn over-ears. In addition, three types of tips are included in various sizes in this set. The default tip is a silver memory foam one, which is a bit large for my liking.

I never found the T2 and T2 Pro that comfortable to as an over-ear style earphone, but with the T3 barrel being slightly longer, it does help a little bit with fit. While the new cable is gorgeous to look at, and feels great, the hooked cable along with mmcx connectors, which allow the cable to move around freely, makes it hard to get a good fit wearing up. I switched it out with a cable I have that does not have memory wire and it can now freely move to wear it needs to go quickly without re-adjustments. For this review, I mainly used Comply foam tips.

This review of the Tin T3 was heavily auditioned on the Pioneer XDP-300R Digital Audio Player using a 2.5mm balanced cable from ****. In addition to this primary setup, I also tried it with the Hidizs AP80, and Monolith THX-AAA Balanced DAC/Amp and iPad Mini.

For music, I listened to some random playlists and various artists including: Norah Jones, Fleetwood Mac, U137, Cigarettes after Sex, Kenny Chesney, Coldplay, Massive Attack, Cocteau Twins, Alvvays, and others.

Generally, I find the T3 similar to the T2 and T2 Pro where they are all diffuse-field neutrally-tuned but with upper end energy that makes them a little bright. Some people may hate this and find it harsh and sibilant, while others, like me, are perfectly fine with this type of tuning. Let’s try to go over it with some comparisons thrown in-between.

The bass region, measured, remains very similar. And that’s kind of true. The T3 has very clean, linear-ish low end, but it does feel weightier and more extended than the T2 and T2 Pro. In Massive Attack’s “Unfinished Symphony,” the opening few seconds has a much more rumble and punch to it then it ever sounded and felt like on the previous models. Perhaps its due to some slight tuning differences, though the vent holes are pretty much the same size and location as before, but I don’t know if the driver has changed within.

Another explanation is that the mids and treble have been more balanced than before, which would help bring the bass higher up in the mix. The mids are more coherent this time around and thanks to the new BA driver, the details are quite good with improved soundstage that’s similar to the T2 Pro. Male vocals like Kenny Chesney in his popular song, “You and Tequila”, sounds excellent. Likewise, I found Chris Martin’s voice in various Coldplay songs to sound accurate and pleasing.

Certain female vocals, though, can sound slightly off. Alvvays’ Molly Rankin sounds just a little too high and strained, for example, in their song “Dream Tonight.” The T3 treble can be a little hot. The lower treble has been toned down with the new driver and there is no longer as large of a peak in this region, but there is still some elevated peak starting at around 8-10KHz that can cause some sibilance and some harsh graininess in some tracks. In my measurements, a lot of the upper treble is basically missing or rolled off as well. This was an area where the T2 Pro improved upon, adding more extension in the treble, but it also created much higher peaks in the rest of the region causing some to find it very high pitched and unnatural.

The T3 luckily lowers most of the frequency response closer to neutral in general, and with a weightier bass, really balances out better than the T2 and T2 Pro. The treble peak around 8-10KHz can be a deal breaker for some, but I found that EQing this area down just 3-4dB and increasing the 1-2KHz area up 1-2dB can really improve the overall tonality and timbre. It removed sibilance from songs from Norah Jones and other female vocals with emphasized “S” and made some unnatural sounding high pitched instruments sound more normal again.

Wrap-Up & Conclusions

The Tin T3 is an actual improvement over the previous T2 and T2 Pro and is probably the most balanced of the three. I still recommend it only if you like a brighter sound signature or are willing to EQ it but I find this IEM to have good detail, soundstage, and energy at the price point and with the improved bass, I think many will enjoy it over the T2 and T2 Pro.

If you already own one of the other two, the decision is probably a little harder. I’d recommend it over the T2 Pro if you found the Pro too bright. If you have the T2 already, it’s a toss-up. The T3 has some improved details, bass and soundstage over the T2.

In short, it fixes a lot of the user complaints about the previous two models but does open up a new one with the large treble peak that shifted over the previous models to an area that may cause some sibilance. EQ can manage this and make it a very well balanced IEM for the $69 offering price.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: sound, design, package, accessories set, wearing comfort
Cons: none for this price, it's non the ultimately best IEMs ever, but one of the best in its segment
1-Main Pic.jpg

Tin Audio were never overambitious and never tried to seize the unseizable. They have found their way - to build relatively cheap IEM models with neutral sound signature - and follow it. After having released two successful models - T2 and T2Pro they decided to try to build hybrid IEMs and released T3.

I received TinAudio T3 as a free sample in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. IEMs are available from AliExpress for $70.

Usually at the beginning of my reviews I speak about some technical peculiarities of the models, but in this case, there is not much room for that. The dynamic transducer is rather good, as well as Knowles armature, metal body, and oxygen-free copper cable - there is nothing to make audiophile surprised. However, the hardest thing is to “mix” those parts correctly to get a good sound. TinAudio succeeds in it because you can hear their signature sound in every model they release. It is also appealing that the price of their IEMs is not very high - just 60-70 USD per unit, and you can clearly consider it to be a budget solution.


  • Transducers: 10mm dynamic + Knowles armature
  • Frequency Range: 10Hz - 40kHz
  • Sensitivity: 95±3dB
  • Impedance: 16Ω
  • Cable: 1.25m, OFC with MMCX connectors
  • Jack: 3.5mm

Packaging and accessories
The box of T3 became more complex in comparison to previous models. It sports outer white slipcover with a perforation that leads to the inner box. As usual, the inner box is made in the book style, but now it has a transparent window that shows the IEMs. This makes good packaging even better.

What’s in the box:
  • IEMs
  • cable
  • ear tips: 2 pairs of foam ear tips and 2 sets (3 pairs/set) of silicone ear tips
  • manual

Such presentation works really well and the IEMs can be a good gift. They look much more expensive than they actually cost.

Design and usability
Another good point of this model is its appearance. IEMs cylindrical bodies of classic style are made of metal and there are MMCX connectors in the back part of the bodies. The shape of IEMs has been redesigned in comparison to the previous models. The general appearance became much better and effective, but, this doesn’t spoil the usual severity that has become TinAudio’s style.

Due to traditional shape, the IEMs fit well to most ears, providing good comfort and decent isolation. At last the company acknowledged that putting connectors in front is not such a good idea and moved it to the back part of IEM bodies, as it is done by many other manufacturers designing IEMs for over ear wearing. You, nevertheless, can easily wear T3 “cable down”, and in such case, it will be a good idea to switch earpieces around and to get the cable without ear hooks.


The stock cable is very good - soft, flexible and perfect in everyday use. It also looks appealing - a braided variant that may cost quite much if sold separately. MMCX connectors, which are made of metal, have a fine fixation. Jack is made of metal as well and sports carbon insertion.
The Y-Splitter is made of metal and the slider is represented in the form of a cute transparent bead.

Overall the look of T3 can be called “expensive”, the build quality is very good and you can easily see how affordable became IEMs, looking the same as flagships of 5-7 years ago.

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I used the following equipment for testing purposes
  • Yulong DA9 and Resonessence Labs Concero HP as DAC and AMP
  • Apple MacBook Pro Retina 2016 as source
  • Fidelia as the player
  • Lotoo Paw Gold Touch, theBit OPUS#2, Astell&Kern A&ultima SP1000 and others as portable players
  • High-resolution recordings in lossless formats (Dr. Chesky The Ultimate Headphone Demonstration Disc etc.)

Before listening the IEMs have been burnt in for 48 hours with changes during the first couple of hours only.

This time TinAudio have made a slightly different signature in comparison to their usual neutral one, making T3 sound more lively and it is the exact reason that allowed new IEMs to make a good step forward. The model is more emotional and became more recognizable while keeping non-colored sound and good resolution for its price. Making my reviews I always take into account the price range so I will not repeat it further on.

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The lows are almost not accentuated and this will not appeal to enhanced bass lovers. Still, they are solid and springy and have good depth. In combination with resolution and good layering of more expensive models, it makes lows sound balanced and natural. The IEMs cope well with timbres of this register.

The mids in comparison to the previous model have become less accentuated in terms of micro-details but slightly focused on macro-details. They have good weight, are emotional and sound on a whole new level. In combination with TinAudio signature neutral sound, this allows IEMs to sound more mature. Detail retrieval is still on a very good level, however, and the involvement into music is good. The soundstage is average in terms of depth and width, the positioning and layering are good.

Treble is the thing that has been revised here as well, apparently due to the correct choice of armature driver. Of course it cannot boast layering or tonal richness of expensive multi-driver models, as well as their length, however, the treble has resolution and natural timbre. Also, I think that TinAudio engineers have chosen the correct amount of treble and it sounds rather balanced.

7-Full View.jpg

There are many competitors in this price range, and I have chosen some of them:

Ostry KC09 This model offers a darker overall signature with slightly less resolution and more accentuated bass.

iBasso IT01 This model is more aggressively tuned, lows and highs are more accentuated. That’s why despite almost the same level of detail retrieval and resolution, TinAudio's model sounds more neutral.

Whizzer A15 Pro Those are good dynamic IEMs with slightly more natural lows (yet without the same depth). In other parts of frequency range TinAudio sound more detailed but less full.

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Of course, the sensitivity of 95±3dB is rather low. Although part of modern smartphones will surely cope with it, such use case is not recommended. The technical ability of T3 is rather high and they require a portable player to truly shine. Actually, even the players of the entry-middle segment will do.

TinAudio T3 is not genre-specific. The only condition for you is to like the neutral, non-colored sound. They are also moderately sensitive to the quality of recording, approximately 7 of 10.

9-Again with A&K.jpg

Some tracks as an example

Kovacs — Mama & Papa Unusual contrast of lyricism and epicism with distinctive vocals will bring pleasure for any music lover. This track shows the technical abilities of T3.

Dead Can Dance — The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove Despite minimalism the track sounds full and T3 shows it well, with rich drums, vocals, and percussion.

ZAZ — Eblouie par la nuit Another way to show IEM technical abilities - a very emotional track that allows T3 to shine.

Upon the whole, TinAudio has continued their traditions and this will appeal to their brand fans. Again they have produced neutral and detailed sound in the convenient body. T3 is a good improvement in sound signature that, luckily, haven’t made the price go up.
Great review! You know, while reading this, I couldn't help but hear your voice in my head like in your videos.
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Excellent review! The Tin T3 are probably going to be my favourite IEM once I get my hands on them!
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Unfortunately I literally just bought the T2's, so I'll likely stick with them till they break. Great review, I should have waited 2 more weeks!