  1. bossnass15

    Vote: Do you have sibilance issues with your westone 3?

    Starting of a poll to generally determine if this is a universal problem and what percentage of westone 3 owners actually have sibilance issues to an otherwise great IEM. Vote only if you're a westone 3 owner (or ex) to keep this poll as accurate as it can be.
  2. Wolvebain

    Suggested IEM for rockboxed Sansa Clip+

    Hi all.   Please suggest some IEM to be used with a rockboxed Sansa Clip+.  Would be using it to listen to the follow music: Guitar Instrumental [Buckethead, Satriani, etc] Classic Rock [Led Zepp, Cream, etc] Prog-Rock [Dream Theater, Tool, etc ] Rap-Core [RATM] Some R&B & Rap [Public...
  3. teohouse88

    Best IEM for EDM music under 200-250 $

    I would open this thread helping me and other people listen to EDM music. It's very important the great bass without losing too much details in mids and trebles, the soundstage has to be good. Which are the best IEM to listen to EDM music at around 200-250$?   I was looking into about ...
  4. Azaril000

    Suitable replacement/upgrade for my JVC FXZ-200

    Greetings folks!   I absolutely love my FXZ-200's, but the wires are starting to fail (frequent right ear cut outs) and it is slightly damaged. Ive had them for a good while (around 1-2 years). Alas it's time to move on with a new set.   To give a indication to what i listen to, its mainly...
  5. BassLoverDK

    In Ear headphones

    Hello everyone! I am currently looking for some in-ear headphones with some good bass to play some dubstep or trap. My budget is around 200€ and 275$ and they'll have to be available in Denmark (Europe). And of course they'll also have to play other genres pretty smooth too:) Thanks in advance!:)
  6. Nocturnal310

    (PLS DELETE THIS) Bored of Westone 3 - Planning to go Custom IEM - Suggestions?

    ----- pls delete--   wrong section
  7. scottder

    Westone 3's died, what next

    I've been pleased with my Westone 3's have met a sad demise, some how one if the shells got cracked badly. Time to put that pain behind me and replace them. What should I be looking at for around the same money. I run with my Samsung Galaxy S5 and Fiio E18 DAC/amp and something with decent...
  8. jl1994

    Replacements for Shure SE535's

    Hi guys,   Been a follower of head-fi and I thought why not join the community.   Also I have a decision on a new pair of earphones that I need help with.   I recently purchased a pair of Shure SE535 as I had wanted a pair since they were  released years back and I needed a replacement...
  9. MohawkUS

    Limitations of IEMs, or are these just really bad?

    It took six years but my AKG K81 has finally given out. Rather than replacing them with another small headphone I decided to try a pair of in-ears. Prior to these my only experience with in-ears has been a $15 pair of Sonys that I owned well before I got into audio and all I remember from them...
  10. p0wderh0und23

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Westone’s new 3 – The first true three-way earphone made for music lovers The Westone 3 is the first true universal fit three-way earphone designed for personal listening. Its balanced armature drivers and three-way crossover network deliver powerful lows, lush midrange, and crystal-clear...
  11. havokex

    Should I upgrade my westone 3?

    I've been using my westone 3 for a long while now. I really love how it fits and sounds. I've used a TF10 before that and I really hated the fit and the sound for some reason. Thing is, the cable on my westone 3 looks like it MIGHT give way sometime soon. I've been looking around for an upgrade...
  12. nimbostruck14

    Portable amp/dac suggestions

    Hey there I am in the looks for a new portable amp/dac. I need suggestions from you guys that will fit the criteria below   Note: I will be using the amp/dac for my vmoda m100 and westone 3 IEM's (for now)   - no more than $100 - balanced sound - bass boost option - sturdy - small...
  13. PXSS

    UE900 vs Westone 3 Dilemma!

    I recently bought a pair of UE900 for $200 brand new but reading all the hype around the westone 3 sale *currently at $160*, it really makes me wonder if I made the right choice. I would buy a pair of W3s compare and keep the one I like the most but I went on a spending spree for the holidays...
  14. h8uthemost

    Westone 3 or Creative Aurvana 3

    Both are on sale. I've read the aurvana 3's are pretty good, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to spend the extra hundred on the Westone's. Neither have detachable cables, which is a bit of a downer. But if both have cables that are going to last then that's what matters. So which one you...
  15. bigdan89

    iems under 300 ideas ?

    As the title suggest im looking for some iems with a maxium of $300 on the high side  that work well with rock metal and a little of everything else .
  16. Yaksha25

    Can't remove tips

    I just purchased and received a brand new set of Westone 3s. I tried the default tips right out of the box and decided they weren't the correct size so I'm now trying to remove the tips so I can change them out. Thing is they are stuck on like I've never experienced with any iem before. I swear...
  17. Sonichaos

    Westone comparisons: 3 vs um3x vs 4

    I've been looking at these three headphones in particular and I have a few questions about how they compare.   For starters, I currently do not own any portable headphones. Also, the cans I do own (AKG K240s) do not isolate at all. Where I am now, I would much rather listen to music than my...
  18. Fitz zer0

    How much would a portable amp/usb dac improve soundquality on samsung GS3?

    Hi all, I recently got my first pair of good headphones (westone 3's) and have really been enjoying the sound so far. Having never really had headphones capable of high quality sound, I've never had the need to buy amps/dacs, nor have i had the opportunity to listen to any dac/amp combo. I know...
  19. pokepim

    High-end earphones for basshead :)

    Hey I'm looking for Good earphones that would have great bass and are good overall, with bass being priority for them.  I currentyl have Ultrasone pro 900 headphones, so I'm looking for earphones that are similar. Also preferably, if they won't come out every time i would shake my head...
  20. virgopunk

    BSG 18v CMOY with AD8620ARZ via BrownDog Adapter

    Hi all, just wanted to report on my recent mod to the standard BioScienceGeek's CMOY. I recently received the 18v version and was using with my Westone 3s (I know, common view is that the W3s don't need amping - I disagree but that's another discussion). However, having tried a few op amps in...
  21. Eugguy

    IEM's with huge soundstage and bass?

    What IEMs will offer huge soundstage and bass? I like the deep rumbling sound the ie80s can offer. I listen to a lot of house/edm. I also love softer female vocals such as Norah Jones, Sia... I own and have tried a number of popular IEMs such as: 1. Sennheiser IE8- I owned. Loved it. I liked...
  22. Asmodeuss1990

    Just received my Westone W2's

    They're pretty freaking awesome... however I'm slightly disappointed. I didn't read too hard into the part of the review where bass is pretty much very low. Me being a lover of bassy IEMs I found myself a bit bummed because I NEED to feel that rumble in my ears. Why? Well, I'm a massive fan of...
  23. SKilleT

    Westone 3 vs Westone 4

    Hi, I the Westone 3 was on sale on Amazon for 177$ so I bought them and got them and they sound okay. Much brighter than the shure 215. However I do t know if the base in it is bad or I am just used to the bass of the shure 215s bass. It just in some songs it's so good and in some the shure...
  24. nimbostruck14

    Westone 3 vs tdk BA-200 vs Vsonic GR07

    I am in the situation of buying an IEM and have narrowed it down to 3. These include the westone 3, tdk BA-200, and the Vsonic GR07. I completely torn on all 3. So I am asking for someone who has listened to one or more of these and can give me a comparison between them. So far I'm leaning...
  25. mervinteo

    UM3X vs Weston 3

    Seems like no one had post any reviews on the UM3X and I am hoping someone would give their opinion on the New UM3X against the Weston 3. So far, I have heard the UM3X and it sounds great. Very good clarity, good soundstage and sounds wide in most of the frequency. I like it better than the...