300-500$ best in-ear monitors (Universal fit) ?
Dec 25, 2010 at 1:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 32


Dec 25, 2010
Hello guys !
I'm new to this very nice looking forum and i need a little peace of your help as i'm not an expert in headphones, but first i wish you all a Merry christmass, a happy and healthy holiday !
In the search of very good in ear monitors (universal fit), i surfed the web and compared some ones with reviews like the Q-Jays, SE530.. i was ready to pay 400$ for the SE530 (I'm not quite sure :p) until i read that the Q-jays were excellent for their price, so i ordered them and received them 1 week ago. I felt very disappointed, first, i listen every kind of music but especially classical music (movies soundtracks..), Trance and Progressive house, and rock/Heavy metal (Scorpions) with electric guitar. The Q-jays were the first good quality in-ear headphones i tried, so my first feeling was good, especially when listening classical music, but with Trance, house and every kind of music requiring a very good bass power and quality to be appreciated, i very was disappointed.
So i sent them back to Amazon for refund, and i need your help.. I plan to buy in ear ones i would use for at least 3 years, especially for use with my macbook pro 2010, and apple products like ipod Nano and Iphone 4.
I am ready to pay 400-500$ if it worth it, and if i really can use their entire potential with apple products. So i'm searching for overall very good in-ear with a very good bass power and quality for 300 to 500$, i don't know if i should close my eyes and buy the new Shure SE535 without thinking, or the Westone 3, Earsonic SM3..etc? or which one could make me happy for the next years ?
Thank you in advance !
Dec 25, 2010 at 1:29 AM Post #2 of 32
Shure SE530 are meant to be quite nice. However, another possibility would be Ultimate ears Triple fi 10s? They're meant to be quite good as well 
Dec 25, 2010 at 8:48 AM Post #6 of 32
What the man said.Great piece of advice imo.
Get Ortofon e-Q5 for 249 $ and RE262 used for 160 $ then compare them, sell one if you don¨t like it. thats your 400 spent :)

Dec 25, 2010 at 1:45 PM Post #9 of 32
what I've heard e-q5 and RE262 are rated in the same level according to people. they just happen to be priced at a lower price range. that was the reasoning behind my recommendation. But ofcourse, there are people that rate Earsonics SM3, SE535 higher than the above mentioned, wheras some people say they are equal.  
Dec 25, 2010 at 2:21 PM Post #11 of 32
yes I do believe they are especially since jh5 pro is only 2 drivers vs the 3/4 you'll get with the triple or quad and from what I've read on there impressions they are almost on par with jh13 not sure how close..
Dec 26, 2010 at 8:07 PM Post #14 of 32
HI have triplefis and I highly recommend them. They need a lot of burning in, but once they reach their full potential, imo, they clearly outperform the Shure 530s. I just wrote a brief review on them in the thread titled " TF10 impressions". Btw, if you find the mids too recessed, I recommend that you get them recabled with the Westone um3x stock cable or the higher quality Null Audio cables, you'll would probably end up doing that anyway, as the stock cable is crap.
Hope this is somewhat helpful.
Dec 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM Post #15 of 32
yes, the tf10 is technically better (and cheaper) then the SE 530. But the problem is the build quality and the fit. (i have no problems with that but a lot of others)

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