Adam F5, Paradigm Shift A2, Vanatoo T1?
Mar 16, 2017 at 10:20 PM Post #16 of 25
Nice. I was actually going to add how somebody was looking for bright speakers and ended up with the Q300 and were still very pleased nonetheless so I think they're just a pleasant, listenable speaker on all counts. White is pretty sweet, I like it. Good job, wife.

And absolutely, forget the Rotel and whatnot. Now I would just say get something like the Yamaha SL501, or a Marantz 6005/6006, or for pretty future proof convenient all in one, a PM7005. If you like that sort of Yamaha look, the onkyo 90 and 50 series and 8020 are both known for having a fair bit of juice and good features for dirt cheap. And then, pick up a Schiit DAC or a Emotiva DC-1 or something even like a musical fidelity V90. It half depends on how much you really care about micro details in dacs to justify big price differences but I'd say for the average listener with the Q300s something like a Peachtree DACit or a MF V90 could easily suffice but of course you never know if you want anything to be future proof or have a lot of options and inputs like the DC-1.

Its kinda like you can max out on a Mimby or DC-1 and a PM6006 or a yamaha 801 or you can easily enjoy the 300s on something cheaper like a V90 and an Onkyo 8020/9050/5010 or go even as far as the all in one NAD 3020 but if you got much better speakers, there's a chance you'd have to upgrade if you went the cheaper route.

Looks like some good progress was made, haha!
Mar 23, 2017 at 9:07 PM Post #17 of 25
Hiya Milk,

Here's the update: I wound up going with Parasound's 2100 Preamp and their 275 V2 amplifier. What influenced me to go this route were the bass management options this combination offers. I can set a high pass filter for the main speakers and the sub out includes an active eq. I value the ability to easily integrate a sub into the equation at some point; I couldn't find this option with the integrated amps I was considering and the Parasound route wasn't a lot more $ than the higher end integrated amps I was considering. The Yamaha had a sub out, but it didn't include an option to set a high pass filter for the main speakers - a glaring omission.

I was a bit tentative as the Parasound gear is all b-stock, but after exchanging numerous emails with Parasound and Audio Advisor, I was comfortable enough to make a purchase. My reluctance was unfounded as the gear looks like new and sounds fantastic.

Ironically, I was worried about the Parasound gear, I should have been concerned about the Kef speakers; they sent me the wrong color, LOL. I didn't really want to send them back and upon checking Kef's site, I learned they were totally sold out of all colors. So, ultimately I got the color I wanted (black) - the Wife is adjusting well, LOL.

Anyway, it ain't pretty but it sounds pretty damned good:

This all started as upgraded pc speakers and quickly grew to something much more, LOL. Thanks again for all the advice.

Mar 25, 2017 at 11:02 PM Post #18 of 25
Unless you get into very high priced active monitors with discrete A/B amps, and well implemented active crossover, there's generally a cheaper passive speaker available that will perform just as well...and probably won't have to deal with EMI or loud pre-amp hiss.
Mar 26, 2017 at 12:29 AM Post #19 of 25
The setup looks very nice! Yeah, as long as the tweeter is at about your ear level or a bit higher and the speakers are equally distanced/"toed in" then I'd say that should make for a great setup for a long time! You can always do little things like get Isoacoustic stands to level them perfectly or at any point you can get a sub and not only would you then have as much bass as you'd need but it'll allow the speaker to operate with much less stress as it won't have to handle 80-120hz or less, especially with the Kef uni-Q drivers, since the tweeter is mounted on the woofer the sound can get a bit muddied if they really get going.
I don't have any issues with hiss on my Adams or JBLs but I do believe the Emotivas use A/B amping to whoever that may interest, but do require a pre amp like an XDA-2. I think there are a lot of great performing passives but some actives just fill certain voids. My adam F7s have a fairly decent AMT which isn't super easy to find on many passive speakers on top of being able to have them on in an instant with no external amp needed as well as they're optimally amp'ed in most cases $200 and up. If someone went passive after already having an amp its almost a no brainer at that point but for someone brand new, X300A can provide a near identical experience to Q100s and have an optimal amp, good enough DAC most normal person would need and has great EQ options so overall could cost less depending on what someone needs but I do agree if someone has an amp of decent quality it is probably best to stay in the passive market, its just there aren't a lot of cool features or great performance in super budget speaker amps and dacs whereas getting something at least like an Emotiva 100 mini should be a minimum requirement for performance, current/headroom and whatnot and would already run someone about 150-200 bucks although there will be a crowd who defends the SMSL amps and running their speakers off of a calculator and whatnot but they just don't cover enough bases to properly power a speaker (most are just nuts about wattage only).
Glad I could help a bit. Enjoy, Steve! 
Mar 26, 2017 at 9:58 AM Post #21 of 25
Hiya Furholden, I was also considering the Adam F5, if only for that fantastic tweeter that Milk gets to enjoy, LOL.  I can't comment as I've never heard either of the speakers you are considering.  The Kef's sound pretty good to me, though.
  Hi guys, i've been considering the Adam F5, comparing them with the Swan Speakers M200 Mk3.
What are your opinions on these two?

I think the hiss that fabianvalluy is referring to is common in class 'd' amplifiers - but please correct me if I'm wrong.  I've read that this phenomena is present in a lot of the active bookshelf speakers that employ class 'd' amplification, the Tannoy Reveal, for example.  Here is a pretty good sized thread discussing this issue: 
Another example:

The Parasound gear is class a/b and is dead silent - at least mine is.
Thanks again for all the help, Milk.
  I don't have any issues with hiss on my Adams or JBLs
Glad I could help a bit. Enjoy, Steve! 

Mar 26, 2017 at 1:30 PM Post #22 of 25
Thank you Desmoface for your suggestion of the Kefs. I'm honestly pretty confused at what I should be getting. I'm hoping that if I go for the Kef speakers, I won't need a subwoofer.
Mar 26, 2017 at 1:55 PM Post #23 of 25
Hi Furholden,
Glad to help - I was traveling down the same path as you and wound up with a list of contenders.  Are you looking for passive or active speakers?  There are some really good active options out there, the Adam's and Emotiva's, for example. I was originally going down that path and then it took a strange turn and here I am, LOL.
Unfortunately, there are no brick & mortar stores around me that stock any of the speakers I was looking for.  I can tell you that my search had me narrow my options down to a few contenders; Dali Zenzor 3's, B & W 685 S2's, the Adam's and Emotiva's, (for their awesome tweeters), Paradigm's Atoms and Wharfedale's Diamond 220's; oh yeah, and the Kef Q300's, LOL.  As far as a subwoofer, I guess it depends on your tastes - I spent a bit more on my amplification to get the option to add a sub at a future date - if I decide to go that route.  Now that I've got the Q300's, I don't believe that I'll be looking to add a sub anytime soon as the bass is very pleasing for what I'm listening to.  Again, your taste in music may dictate something different - According to this review, they play down to ~ 35hz which isn't bad for what they are: .  I suspect a sub would add a new dimension to the experience, though.
If your in the enviable position to be able to audition all of the speakers you are considering - please let me know what you discover as I suspect one will speak to you immediately upon listening.  If I could have, there is a strong possibility I would have gone with something different.
As I sit here typing this, listening to the Kef's, though - I can't imagine I would have liked any of the others more than the Q300's - but, I suspect I'd have said the same about any of the above if I were sitting here listening to them, LOL. 
Good luck and let us all know what you wind up with.
P.S. Looks like there are some left..they sold out quick on Kef's website.
Thank you Desmoface for your suggestion of the Kefs. I'm honestly pretty confused at what I should be getting. I'm hoping that if I go for the Kef speakers, I won't need a subwoofer.

Mar 26, 2017 at 4:19 PM Post #24 of 25
  Hi guys, i've been considering the Adam F5, comparing them with the Swan Speakers M200 Mk3.
What are your opinions on these two?

I had the Swan at one time but I compared it with the Adam A5X.  I picked the A5X.  F5 and A5X should be very close.  I even purchased the Neumann KH-120A's thinking they will be upgrades to the A5X.  I am wrong.  Just make sure you have a very good DAC paired with the Adams because that's when they will shine.  Otherwise, you'll hear what most people hear about the Adams - fatiguing highs instead of sweet highs.
By the way, you'll need a sub with the Adams.
Mar 27, 2017 at 12:03 AM Post #25 of 25

Thanks for the response! I'm currently using passive speakers (EMU) using the Creative X7 amp. They sound amazing but i wanted a bit more of a soundstage/separation.
The brands you have recommended are a bit inaccessible from where i live, Singapore. I can get a pair of new Adam F5 for $500 SGD here though, which i understand is a bit of a bargain, although i'd die to be able to try the Q300s due to it's amazing reviews everywhere. I also understand that the Adams/Emotivas feature a special variant of tweeter different from other brands which really pushes treble to amazing levels. I'm more or less fixed on trying the Adams for now. I also hope that they will be an upgrade from my passive E-MU XM7.
If the F5 turns out great, i will be going for an Adam subwoofer sometime into the future.
  I had the Swan at one time but I compared it with the Adam A5X.  I picked the A5X.  F5 and A5X should be very close.  I even purchased the Neumann KH-120A's thinking they will be upgrades to the A5X.  I am wrong.  Just make sure you have a very good DAC paired with the Adams because that's when they will shine.  Otherwise, you'll hear what most people hear about the Adams - fatiguing highs instead of sweet highs.
By the way, you'll need a sub with the Adams.

Thanks for your insight on the A5X! You're right about the F5 sounding really similar to A5X because that's what the sellers here are saying. However i don't know if the Creative X7 will be a good enough DAC for it. I'll have to keep my fingers crossed on that one!

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