Are there any portable headphones with HiFiMAN-like signature?
Oct 31, 2014 at 8:15 PM Post #16 of 21
Koss Ksc75s with kramer mod and headband mod. It sounds like a cross between HE500 and HE560, bass is a bit wooly, but the openness of the sound is absurd, and the overall FR is great. Great outdoors / travelling sound signature.
Nov 1, 2014 at 4:24 AM Post #17 of 21
I'm not really that excited about the pm 3s they are using a different driver than the one on the pm1 and pm2, for the sake of portability. I'm at a disagreement with the line "for the sake of portability", this just makes me feel that sound quality is gonna be reduced for the sake of portability.
Nov 1, 2014 at 4:46 AM Post #18 of 21
I'm not really that excited about the pm 3s they are using a different driver than the one on the pm1 and pm2, for the sake of portability. I'm at a disagreement with the line "for the sake of portability", this just makes me feel that sound quality is gonna be reduced for the sake of portability.

mmm different purposes. there r many well performing portablr headphones. cant rly say wat their sq is til their released, but im xcited to hear try em!
Dec 9, 2014 at 7:58 AM Post #19 of 21
Just received the AKG K240 MKII.
Preliminary impressions are very positive! We're certainly closer to my taste than the L2 were...
I'll update this thread when I am ready to give a verdict on the 240 MKII.
The L2 were not it for me however 

Dec 16, 2014 at 1:58 AM Post #20 of 21
I can confirm that the K240 MKII is a great headphone.
The signature is close to the HFM IMO.
I had to use the Hifiman pleather pads however. Both the stock pads insufficient for me in terms of comfort and SQ even.
With the pleathers, the 240s are a pretty even headphone.
A bit more bass impact, good midrange, relatively smooth treble.
Granted, compared to the HE-560, it is not as smooth, balanced, detailed, or airy/spacious.
For the money though, I think this is a winner and a keeper though (w/ the HFM pleathers)
You'll have to be willing to put up with its size though :)
Dec 16, 2014 at 6:49 AM Post #21 of 21
Takstar HD6000, for me this is like 80% of He500 [especially considering pop and electronic music]
Technika hpss1124, this is like poorman's HE-500 (going torwards some dynamic version of old ortho-yamaha), only it weights like 1/10 of Hifiman, and costs like 1/100 price :).
Does not have the extension on both ends, but the drop is done very softly, so it is often hard to say what is missing; but it has most real/convincing vocal presentation I've heard (albeit velvety like).
Does not handle loud volumns well (but then you feel the driver moving the HP)
One of the most(if not the most) comforable heaphones which I owned
If I could find them I would buy like 5-10 of them, just for backup...


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