Are you a console or PC gamer?
Jan 30, 2017 at 1:01 PM Post #361 of 973
My point is consoles shouldn't really exist in the first place, since they are useless compared to PCs. If they didn't, there would be no licensing issues. 
My username is actually something quite random I came up with - there is a spell called "Starfire" in World of Warcraft :D
Jan 30, 2017 at 1:09 PM Post #362 of 973
  My point is consoles shouldn't really exist in the first place, since they are useless compared to PCs. If they didn't, there would be no licensing issues. 
My username is actually something quite random I came up with - there is a spell called "Starfire" in World of Warcraft :D

Hmm, that's a good point. Even as someone who has used consoles for decades, I can imagine how much more interesting it would be if everything was released on PC, with all the options you could want.
Do PC games have anything like the Wii with motion sensor controls?
ahaha. In case you don't know the character I mentioned:
Jan 30, 2017 at 8:39 PM Post #363 of 973
Do PC games have anything like the Wii with motion sensor controls?

So this is a yes now but up to recently, a maybe? With the PC you get a much larger range of devices you can plug in to use as a controller for motion controls ect. Until VR became much more viable with thinks like HTC's Vive and the Occulous Rift most of your peripherals have been designed for desk use not living room or large space use. That's honestly why consoles begin with at all. We wanted to bring the fun of gaming and the possibility of a computer to the living room to show everyone and get it out of the small office they were usually stuck in, lets face it even now not many of us have living room computers unless it's setup as a home theater computer. So to say consoles were pointless I don't think is fair. We have seen innovation in the way the we interact with out media like the example you had with the Wii motion controls or even things like playstation eye which led to things like Microsofts Kinect. We have seen experiments in video games also with having moved the power of gaming to the living room making games appear more and more like movies the way tomb raider does or literally the way that Fox Hunt was by Capcom. While the room and the power to do more is there on the hardware side of things on PC. There has always been a reason to have the console. Though with things like steam machines and things like steam link and Nvidia shield. Their need and time is coming to an end in my opinion. 
Jan 30, 2017 at 9:20 PM Post #365 of 973
  My point is consoles shouldn't really exist in the first place, since they are useless compared to PCs. If they didn't, there would be no licensing issues. 
My username is actually something quite random I came up with - there is a spell called "Starfire" in World of Warcraft :D

Yeah, in a perfect world consoles would never exist.  Linux would also be mainstream and fully supported, primary even, and games now would be using Vulkan and OpenAL with hardware accelerated sound once again being standard like in the Windows XP days.
  That's honestly why consoles begin with at all. We wanted to bring the fun of gaming and the possibility of a computer to the living room to show everyone and get it out of the small office they were usually stuck in, lets face it even now not many of us have living room computers unless it's setup as a home theater computer. So to say consoles were pointless I don't think is fair. We have seen innovation in the way the we interact with out media like the example you had with the Wii motion controls or even things like playstation eye which led to things like Microsofts Kinect. We have seen experiments in video games also with having moved the power of gaming to the living room making games appear more and more like movies the way tomb raider does or literally the way that Fox Hunt was by Capcom. While the room and the power to do more is there on the hardware side of things on PC. There has always been a reason to have the console. Though with things like steam machines and things like steam link and Nvidia shield. Their need and time is coming to an end in my opinion. 

And you already mentioned it, living room PCs.  Consoles did nothing unique to bring gaming to the living room.  Small form factor PCs have been a thing since before consoles.
I do give credit to PlayStation Eye.  Things like that but much better exist on PC (TrackIR and now or soon eye tracking monitors), but I think Eye was the first.  As for the Wii controller, it's kind of like a mouse actually, but even more freedom of movement of course.
Games becoming movies like Tomb Raider (which is also on PC) is often a huge design flaw, since they're forgetting their origins and failing to take advantage of the video game medium.  All of their gameplay is just designed to funnel you into the next cutscene, they are basically static cutscenes and always the same upon every playthrough.  No interactivity, no unique experiences.
Better examples of "cinematics" being used well in the context of video gaming can be found in BioWare games, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, and The Witcher 3, these games actually being interactive while being cinematic.  Interaction is a massive advantage that cinema doesn't have, and also a core distinction that divides the mediums, and Naughty Dog games and Tomb Raider fail to incorporate this.  It can take on many forms, such as letting you choose your dialogue responses directly (BioWare games, Telltale games), or making your seemingly automatically chosen dialogue actually the result of something you did in the past (Deus Ex), or countless others.
But this doesn't really have anything to do with consoles.  Nothing about consoles forced those changes, good and bad, to happen.  It was an inevitable style that can be traced back to both console and PC games of the past.  
Music Alchemist hit the nail on the head really; in this day and age, consoles aren't entirely pointless due to licensing, them having a small amount of unique exclusives (mostly originating from Japan/Japanese designers).  
But, as starefirepro and I have said, their inception was unneeded in the first place and ultimately a mistake that continues to limit gaming.  The weak hardware of consoles has been a huge setback; imagine the progress games would have made if consoles never existed?  Almost all in-game objects being physics based and casting dynamic shadows, all lighting being dynamic.  Physics would be entirely GPU bound as some PC exclusive games have shown, thus affecting and improving games more.  AI would be more advanced, especially large scale simulation AI.  
All classics would no longer be hard/impossible to acquire (an issue that plagues consoles), and their great (and often better executed) ideas would still live on in modern games (too often they do not).  Sound effects design wouldn't have suffered the big backwards leap that it did.  Games wouldn't have had to be cut down in size, content, and interactivity so massively, like so many were.  Display technology and audio processor technology would've advanced more as well.  Input technologies would've advanced more too, like analog mechanical keyboards which could've been standard by now rather than prototype only.  And I could go on...
Jan 31, 2017 at 2:31 AM Post #366 of 973
Yeah, in a perfect world consoles would never exist.  Linux would also be mainstream and fully supported, primary even, and games now would be using Vulkan and OpenAL with hardware accelerated sound once again being standard like in the Windows XP days.

In a perfect world Windows would never exist either.
Also, Dan Cases releases another batch of their A4-SFX case tomorrow. A4-SFX is the smallest PC case ever created so if any of you guys want to build a really tiny PC, now is the chance (no, I'm not affiliated with them, I just like tiny PCs)
Jan 31, 2017 at 11:50 AM Post #367 of 973
That case is very pretty, I like the finish.  Good design and airflow too.  Should be great for a living room build/HTPC on that note.
Feb 6, 2017 at 12:54 PM Post #369 of 973
  PC gaming is good but lots of hackers compared to console gaming

It's not really a problem particularly in newer, popular multiplayer games.  People are too scared to get VAC banned or Origin banned.  You'll still see them from time to time but it's nothing like CoD 4 back in the day... or just "back in the day" in general.  Plus, there are far too many other benefits that can't be ignored.
Feb 11, 2017 at 9:10 PM Post #370 of 973
I installed Linux Mint on an external HDD (can't use an internal one due to size constraints) to check whether Linux gaming got any easier since the last time I tried it. As it turns out, it's not as bad as I remembered. Installing Steam no longer requires fiddling in the terminal, games run as fast as they do on Windows, no unmet dependencies bullschiit, all in all pretty easy thing to do. Installing Nvidia drivers is still a pain but aside from that Linux gaming is pretty doable now.
Feb 11, 2017 at 9:14 PM Post #371 of 973
  I installed Linux Mint on an external HDD (can't use an internal one due to size constraints) to check whether Linux gaming got any easier since the last time I tried it. As it turns out, it's not as bad as I remembered. Installing Steam no longer requires fiddling in the terminal, games run as fast as they do on Windows, no unmet dependencies bullschiit, all in all pretty easy thing to do. Installing Nvidia drivers is still a pain but aside from that Linux gaming is pretty doable now.

Linux Gaming has come quite a long way. My desktop only runs Linux. I had a moment of relapse last year when I played Overwatch, but Overwatch is already showing promising signs in wine. Now I just stick to the No Tux, no bux mentality.
Edit: Forgot to mention. We got Deus Ex Mankind Divided (Although awful) and we have the new Hitman coming this month
Feb 11, 2017 at 9:27 PM Post #372 of 973
Linux Gaming has come quite a long way. My desktop only runs Linux. I had a moment of relapse last year when I played Overwatch, but Overwatch is already showing promising signs in wine. Now I just stick to the No Tux, no bux mentality.
Edit: Forgot to mention. We got Deus Ex Mankind Divided (Although awful) and we have the new Hitman coming this month

I'd love to play Overwatch on PC one day, lack of Linux version (or Wine version) is the only thing stopping me right now.
Feb 11, 2017 at 9:38 PM Post #373 of 973
Well if you compile the wine-overwatch patches, you can run it on low. More than a fair share of bugs, but without a native version, it's a matter of waiting for it to be fully implemented in Wine with the majority of bugs fixed.
Feb 11, 2017 at 9:45 PM Post #374 of 973
  Well if you compile the wine-overwatch patches, you can run it on low. More than a fair share of bugs, but without a native version, it's a matter of waiting for it to be fully implemented in Wine with the majority of bugs fixed.

If I can make it run at 60fps stable then it might be worth the hassle.

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