Audeze LCD-4
Oct 27, 2015 at 9:25 PM Post #1,186 of 12,048
I have just got off the phone with a friend who buys a large quantity of Audeze headphones in the US. He sent me some new pics of the Macassar Ebony wood cup fines, he said that this finish will only be available to US residents, he no what 2 pairs and Audeze are concerned about the fragility of the drivers. There have been a few that have failed in external field testing. So it would seem a limited US release in case of major driver issues would be the most sensible way for them to go.

Higher Res Pics of the Macassar Ebony wood cup finish for those that are interested.

PM me if you want the original higher res files


Are you sure that's the Ebony? That looks like the Cocobolo.
Oct 27, 2015 at 10:59 PM Post #1,187 of 12,048
We have no idea who your friend is or how he gets the information. Let us correct some of the incorrect information. LCD4 will be available in multiple wood options. The one in the picture is actually cocobola or king wood and not macassar ebony. (Macassar ebony does not have the red shades). King wood and Cocobola has some red shades in them.
We initially planned to use just cocobola wood for all LCD4. We purchased the wood and then later found out that cocobola wood has some export restrictions when shipping outside the US. When we went back to look at other options we found an amazing source for 30 year old air-dried macassar ebony. So for non-US customers we decided to use Macassar ebony. But making the rings from wood takes time, the wood has to be dried and stabilized before we can cut and make the rings. Also the diaphragm for LCD4 takes about a week to make. This is the reason for gradually releasing the headphones. 
We have been field testing various versions of LCD4 since January. Our first beta tester was Brent Burge, the oscar nominated sound engineer for Hobbit, Lord of the Rings etc. who came to Los Angeles in January for the Oscar ceremony. We even made a video with him and posted it on our youtube channel. Since then, we have had several musicians, studios and composers field test them. Most headphones we make takes several years to develop and test. It just doesn't happen in a few months.
  I have just got off the phone with a friend who buys a large quantity of Audeze headphones in the US. He sent me some new pics of the Macassar Ebony wood cup fines, he said that this finish will only be available to US residents, he no what 2 pairs and Audeze are concerned about the fragility of the drivers. There have been a few that have failed in external field testing. So it would seem a limited US release in case of major driver issues would be the most sensible way for them to go.
Higher Res Pics of the Macassar Ebony wood cup finish for those that are interested.
PM me if you want the original higher res files

Audeze Stay updated on Audeze at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 28, 2015 at 12:31 AM Post #1,188 of 12,048
Thank you for your response, that clears that up, IU am in Australia and we do not have confirmed ship dates yet. What about customer like myself who want to take advantage of the buying options on the King Amplifier and the LCD-4 package via your crowdfunding campaign?
Oct 28, 2015 at 12:35 PM Post #1,192 of 12,048
Yeah, the silence is a bit deafening on the impressions (even after RMAF and the NYC store demos). There were all sorts of reports for the HE1000 as soon as it was demonstrated for public consumption in NYC for the first time. 
Oct 28, 2015 at 1:00 PM Post #1,193 of 12,048
Yeah, the silence is a bit deafening on the impressions (even after RMAF and the NYC store demos). There were all sorts of reports for the HE1000 as soon as it was demonstrated for public consumption in NYC for the first time. 
Well a lot of the people that just bought the HE1000 thought it was priced too high so I'm sure there are considerably less LCD-4's out there so far
Oct 28, 2015 at 2:47 PM Post #1,195 of 12,048
A funny update on the HD800S, not quite the science behind its development versus the LCD-4, or any other LCD for that matter....
Oct 28, 2015 at 2:52 PM Post #1,197 of 12,048
A funny update on the HD800S, not quite the science behind its development versus the LCD-4, or any other LCD for that matter....

OMG !!!!    ^ Hilarious 

Oct 28, 2015 at 3:07 PM Post #1,198 of 12,048
This is just a small teaser, but it's also sort of a TL;DR of my impressions. You can see my gear chain in my signature.
This is only my opinion; I am biased, like everyone else, and I haven't heard everything in the world.
To my ear, the LCD-4 is like the LCD-3F except it's much faster, it's much more resolving, it's much smoother, it's much more refined, it's much more linear, it doesn't have any rolloff on the bass, and the treble is vastly better than previous LCDs or other headphones I own. Audeze house sound remains intact. '
The LCD-4 sounds less like music is coming out of transducers than simply appearing out of thin air, and this effect is especially noticeable when you go from the LCD-4 to other headphones (including the LCD-3F and even to some extent the HD800). All of the detail is there and more, yet it's presented very naturally. It's a stark contrast from the treble-emphasized/peaky headphones that we typically think of as the most "detailed," and it takes a bit of listening to adapt to its presentation (this is not one of those headphones that I could take a quick listen to at a show and expect to go "wow").
Soundstage width and imaging are natural, not excessive; depth is above average, and height is readily perceivable (particularly with drums -- in good recordings, I can hear exactly where the drums and cymbals are in the kit in all 3 dimensions without difficulty). Distortion is lower than I've ever heard in another headphone. Listening fatigue is nonexistent -- this is easily the least fatiguing headphone I've ever experienced, without any loss of detail.
Comfort is slightly better than previous LCDs due to the new headband, but it's still an LCD.
There's one issue that I've confirmed with Audeze is not a QC problem, but rather seems to be a characteristic of the headphone: if you turn up the volume quite loud on tracks with high energy in the low end, you may experience mechanical vibration that causes buzzing. I've heard this on every planar magnetic headphone I've tried once I get the volume high enough or take the headphones off, but it occurs at lower volumes on the LCD-4 (perhaps because it's so sensitive?). In my listening, there's only one song where I've had this issue come up in a significant way, and that was at volumes that are above safe listening levels -- but not much above. This may be of relevance to you if you're a basshead and listen very loud. I suspect for most listeners this will be a non-issue.
The LCD-4 excels at all genres, but it is especially magical with acoustic guitar and tracks with well-recorded percussion. Cymbals sound divine. As I told one questioner, though, be mindful of the type of music you listen to when considering the LCD-4. If I only listened to EDM, for example (the genre I was asked about), I would not find the upgrade from the LCD-X to the LCD-4 worth the large price difference. Sure, the LCD-4 is more technically capable, but computer generated music, by-and-large, doesn't make the most of these capabilities, and the specific tuning of the LCD-X in particular is well-suited to that genre (yielding perhaps a slightly more energetic experience). I find that the LCD-4 is best with real, recorded instruments. That said, if you listen to other genres in addition to EDM, the LCD-4 is no slouch and will present all of them with finesse. 
Again, this is only my opinion; I am biased, like everyone else, and I haven't heard everything in the world. Take these as initial impressions only, and only as experienced through one set of ears. If you're serious about an LCD-4, I would strongly recommend taking advantage of Audeze's new 30-day return policy, as these headphones really need (and deserve) a longer audition than you could experience at a show, and preferably one on your own upstream gear.
Oct 28, 2015 at 3:44 PM Post #1,199 of 12,048
Wild cat and shembot, Superstars of the day.

An honest and eloquent review. thanks Shembot. But if that's a snippet, I better order the hard back edition. 8^p Can't wait for further relaxed views.

Just need to get some second hand HD 800s and some black plasticote spray.... ..

Have a good one gents..
Oct 28, 2015 at 3:46 PM Post #1,200 of 12,048
  This is just a small teaser, but it's also sort of a TL;DR of my impressions. You can see my gear chain in my signature.
This is only my opinion; I am biased, like everyone else, and I haven't heard everything in the world.

Great preview! Can't wait for my LCD-4 to come in. What source and Amp are you using?

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