Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:54 PM Post #1,321 of 2,696
I would say more like grain; a lack of refinement somewhere in the uppermids.

The HD 650, or Beyerdynamic DT 250 and DT 150, for example, are clean of that.
I see. My memories are too distant to remember that, but it does seem similar to the HD600, which are IMO not too far off from the R70x.
May 26, 2018 at 1:01 PM Post #1,322 of 2,696
I would say more like grain; a lack of refinement somewhere in the uppermids.

The HD 650, or Beyerdynamic DT 250 and DT 150, for example, are clean of that.

Could you please elaborate more about the graininess you perceive with the R70x compared to the HD 650? I'm asking since I hear it as well, but to me it only starts at the upper mids and is really centered on the 9k peak and the valleys on both sides of the treble peak is what makes it sound harsh and unresolving to me. I'm thinking of selling the R70x and trying out the legendary HD650, since I heard it has a very similar tonality but I'm hoping it has a smoother response from the upper mids and upwards.I do love the R70x for mostly everything apart that graininess and would like to know if the HD650 would be a noticeable improvement in that regard.

Cheers :)
May 26, 2018 at 1:31 PM Post #1,323 of 2,696
Could you please elaborate more about the graininess you perceive with the R70x compared to the HD 650? I'm asking since I hear it as well, but to me it only starts at the upper mids and is really centered on the 9k peak and the valleys on both sides of the treble peak is what makes it sound harsh and unresolving to me. I'm thinking of selling the R70x and trying out the legendary HD650, since I heard it has a very similar tonality but I'm hoping it has a smoother response from the upper mids and upwards.I do love the R70x for mostly everything apart that graininess and would like to know if the HD650 would be a noticeable improvement in that regard.

Cheers :)
Hi there, yes the HD 650 is a clear improvement over the R70x in every regard of the mids and the highs, either in timbre (realism of vocals and instruments) and smoothness.

With the R70x, I heard the grain the most with these type of high hats and synthetic drums, here in this couplet starting on 0:42 for example. With the HD 650 (and the Beyerdynamic DT 250 and DT 150 + DT 100 velours for example), those same high hats are delivered smoothly, yet still clear and resolving, like they should.

The HD 650 pretty much has no grain in the uppermids/highs region, however they can sound a bit more emphasized in that region (not grainy, just more emphasized in quantity) if the earpads are placed a bit further down.

The R70x had less bass emphasis and also tighter bass than the HD 650, but the HD 650 did the mids and highs clearly better.
May 26, 2018 at 2:48 PM Post #1,324 of 2,696
Hi there, yes the HD 650 is a clear improvement over the R70x in every regard of the mids and the highs, either in timbre (realism of vocals and instruments) and smoothness.

With the R70x, I heard the grain the most with these type of high hats and synthetic drums, here in this couplet starting on 0:42 for example. With the HD 650 (and the Beyerdynamic DT 250 and DT 150 + DT 100 velours for example), those same high hats are delivered smoothly, yet still clear and resolving, like they should.

The HD 650 pretty much has no grain in the uppermids/highs region, however they can sound a bit more emphasized in that region (not grainy, just more emphasized in quantity) if the earpads are placed a bit further down.

The R70x had less bass emphasis and also tighter bass than the HD 650, but the HD 650 did the mids and highs clearly better.

Thanks for the info :) I have a couple more questions if you don't mind. firstly, Could you perhaps provide a more detailed comparison of the bass between 650 and R70x? Perhaps you've heard the Sennheiser HD600 and if so, how does the bass compare to the 650 and the R70x (Both quality and quantity), which Sennheiser would be closer to the R70x in terms of Bass extension and/or quantity (The reason I'm asking is that the HD 600 has more treble presence, arguably flatter sound and if they sound similar to R70x in terms of Bass, I may consider the HD600 simply for the fear of the HD650 being too dark according to some people. And also, is the treble of the 650 and R70x around the same level in quantity? I'm asking because I've heard of the infamous Sennheiser "veil" on the 650 and a lot of people find them too dark. The measurements on innerfidelity suggest that the highs on the HD 650 are actually more where they should be (less rolled off) compared to the R70x which altogether disregarding the graininess sound a bit tame to me sometimes in the treble region, just a tad, maybe 1-2 db. I'm Sorry if I seem a bit too inquisitive, I'm quite new to Head-fi and don't really know the lengths people are willing to go to explaining stuff to newbies like me :)

Thanks again for the help!
May 26, 2018 at 7:48 PM Post #1,325 of 2,696
Thanks for the info :) I have a couple more questions if you don't mind. firstly, Could you perhaps provide a more detailed comparison of the bass between 650 and R70x? Perhaps you've heard the Sennheiser HD600 and if so, how does the bass compare to the 650 and the R70x (Both quality and quantity), which Sennheiser would be closer to the R70x in terms of Bass extension and/or quantity (The reason I'm asking is that the HD 600 has more treble presence, arguably flatter sound and if they sound similar to R70x in terms of Bass, I may consider the HD600 simply for the fear of the HD650 being too dark according to some people. And also, is the treble of the 650 and R70x around the same level in quantity? I'm asking because I've heard of the infamous Sennheiser "veil" on the 650 and a lot of people find them too dark. The measurements on innerfidelity suggest that the highs on the HD 650 are actually more where they should be (less rolled off) compared to the R70x which altogether disregarding the graininess sound a bit tame to me sometimes in the treble region, just a tad, maybe 1-2 db. I'm Sorry if I seem a bit too inquisitive, I'm quite new to Head-fi and don't really know the lengths people are willing to go to explaining stuff to newbies like me :)

Thanks again for the help!
I can't give a more detailed response to the bass between the 2, since I don't own both anymore, and the only thing I remember about the bass between those 2, is that the R70x was a bit less in quanity, and a bit tighter. Extension may have been the same, but I'm not sure on that.

I haven't heard the HD 600, but it's notorious for having an uppermids peak at 4khz, which can be received as too emphasized and fatiguing, since I find the HD 650 perfectly fine there anyway.

The HD 650 has a bit more sparkle/more clarity, and is a bit more extended as well, yet noticably and without a doubt smoother (there's 0 annoying graininess) than the R70x. Vocals, instruments etc. are also more lively on the HD 650, it's really fantastic in the mids and highs.

If you would like the same kind of bass as the R70x but with more refined mids and highs, you could look at the Beyerdynamic DT 150 and buy separate DT 100 velour pads with them (the stock pads on the DT 150 make them too bass heavy). Don't put them off because they're closed, they sound nothing like regular closed headphones.
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May 29, 2018 at 8:39 AM Post #1,326 of 2,696
I agree with the comment that the R70X has a bit of graininess (lack of smoothness) to the sound. It’s not a big problem, but is evident when comparing with smoother headphones.
Jun 27, 2018 at 9:45 AM Post #1,328 of 2,696
Just picked up the R70x's yesterday and I'm amazed at the sound quality. Female vocals sound sublime on them. They sound so natural and musical. So far I've tried them with the Hugo 2 and Dragonfly Red. Honestly, I'm amazed at the DFR and R70x pairing.
Jun 27, 2018 at 1:24 PM Post #1,329 of 2,696
I thought once about having 50x, is this much more superior?
Jun 27, 2018 at 4:47 PM Post #1,330 of 2,696
I thought once about having 50x, is this much more superior?
I had the M50x's and thought they sounded good but the R70x's is a much more mature or refined headphone. The M50x's is more forward sounding and everything sounds the same on them regardless of music genre. If I had to describe the M50x's I would say they are edgy/aggressive sounding, which works for some music. The R70x's sound more natural and musical notes aren't over emphasized. The bass is good, deep and extended. If bass is present in the music the R70x's aren't shy in giving it to you. There's no bass bloat, bloom or boom in the R70x's like I hear in the M50x's sometimes. The mids are tastefully done and has good presence without being push to the forefront and they don't sound recessed to my ears. Now, the treble....I think I'm hearing the graininess that some of the other head-fiers are hearing. I'm not sure if it's in the recording or if it's in the headphones themselves. Either way I like the treble presentation but I think the M50x's wins the clarity contest. The R70x's are a nicely balanced headphone, musically that is. They are very light. Even lighter than the M50x's. Overall, I would choose the R70x's over the M50x's every time if listening to music is a priority over mixing. They are much more musical than the M50x's. I hope this helps...
Jul 13, 2018 at 11:08 AM Post #1,331 of 2,696
I just got the R70x. I don't really have any other open headphone to compare it to, but they sure do sound great! No regrets!

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Jul 13, 2018 at 11:12 AM Post #1,332 of 2,696
i just got the R70x. i don'r really have any other open headphone to compare it to, but they sure do sound great! no regrets!
Congrats, they are a smooth sounding, yet detailed headphone with an excellent bass response. I like they quite a bit.
Jul 13, 2018 at 12:12 PM Post #1,334 of 2,696
funny enough, it's 470ohms and needs an amp, but my macbook pro without anything can drive it to a decent level. my main player is the V20, though.
It's an odd impedance for sure but they aren't difficult to drive. My LCD-4's at 200 ohms are much harder to drive in comparison. I just think the R70x's are a really musically engaging headphone.
Nov 9, 2018 at 9:37 AM Post #1,335 of 2,696
Pretty quiet here... i joined to the club today. :) Havent listened yet but they are ridiculously light and comfortable.


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