Brave New (Old) Amp for HD-600
Jun 26, 2005 at 9:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 32


Orthodynamic Supremus
Sep 12, 2004
I believe in clarity for Head-Fi thread titles. Well, ya gotta admit it's better than "Help me" with sixteen exclamation marks.

All I wanted to report was that the folks who say "Get an old receiver or integrated amp from the late '70s/early '80s" (in lieu of a multihundred-dollar dedicated headphone amp) may have a point, at least if we're discussing the infamous amp sensitivity of the Sennheiser HD-600.

My 600s sounded perfectly okay out of my best 1/4" headphone jacks (my old Hafler DH-110 preamp and my JE-530 MiniDisc deck), but they really seemed to bloom when fed by my latest eBay plunge back into vintage audio, Radio Shack's (!) Realistic STA-2200 receiver with digital tuner (not the first but a very early one) and MOSFET output stages.

If I hadn't read about such transformations here on Head-Fi I wouldn't have believed it. I compare the difference between headphone outputs on my other gear and the STA-2200 to the difference to my speakers between a decent 60w/ch home-theater receiver and a serious 200w/ch power amp with power supply capacitors the size of beer cans. Much more lively.

Getting the old Shacker for $32 + shipping was a plus. Highly recommended if you can find one, but I'll bet there's some gold to be found among the old Kenwoods and Technics and Pioneers and Sansuis too.

Seems that the Sennheisers, like any reactive load, need an amp with high current capability, and a big old receiver with its 30-pound power supply certainly fills the bill.

Anyone out there using vintage amps for modern 'phones?


Jun 26, 2005 at 9:40 PM Post #2 of 32
Assuming you are talking about old amps :p :
30 pound Sansui Au-317 Integrated Ampiflier -> AKG K271s

Jun 26, 2005 at 10:03 PM Post #3 of 32
I use a modern HK receiver to power up the 650s... I guess I'm not part of the cool vintage crowd then...
Jun 27, 2005 at 4:27 AM Post #5 of 32

Originally Posted by Joey_V
I use a modern HK receiver to power up the 650s... I guess I'm not part of the cool vintage crowd then...

BZZZAATT! No, sorry, you've been disqualified from the Vintage Round. You lose your turn and have to go to the back of the line, where everything's all modern and reliable.


Originally Posted by hawky
Assuming you are talking about old amps..

Oh yeah. The STA-2200 is from 1980.


Originally Posted by Nandro
Are you just using the regular headphone jack on the STA or is it some sort of mod to turn it into an amp?

Nothing fancy. Just the regular headphone jack.
Jun 27, 2005 at 12:22 PM Post #6 of 32
Are there any models higher or lower than the one you have worth getting? I noticed a few on ebay at cheap prices if they are worth it I will consider getting one. I need something better than my Karma t\as a source.
Jun 27, 2005 at 1:26 PM Post #7 of 32
Be surprised but not embarassed by your findings with the Rat Shack receiver. I use a mid 80's vintage STA-2280 with my HD-650's with great success. With headphones, it outperforms my highly regarded Fisher 500C and X-100-C amps. I bought the STA-2280 for its highly regarded tuner section, but was blown away by the headphone performance. It has 2 aux inputs and 2 tape monitors, so I can hook up all kinds of crap to it at once.
Also check out Sansui, Yamaha, Luxman and the like from the 70's and early 80's.
Jun 27, 2005 at 1:47 PM Post #8 of 32

Originally Posted by wualta
BZZZAATT! No, sorry, you've been disqualified from the Vintage Round. You lose your turn and have to go the back of the line, where everything's modern and reliable.

lol... go back to where everything is reliable...shouldnt it be that way?
Jun 27, 2005 at 3:03 PM Post #9 of 32
Vintage hi-fi is an excellent way to drive headphones, at very reasonable prices. My vintage Marantz has never had a problem driving any headphone, even 600 ohm models.

- augustwest
Jun 27, 2005 at 3:09 PM Post #10 of 32
I will have to pick one of these up and give it a shot. I just got a pair of the HD600's for $179 and love the sound. Its much different than the SR-60's and in a good way although it appears very hard to drive. Even my RA-1 clone has a hard time driving them as well as they need to be. Some songs I can have my Karma and the amp maxed and its not excessivly loud. Which of those brands would be the best bang for the buck? I am in the process of moving and funds are tight, but I need my tunes!
Jun 27, 2005 at 3:11 PM Post #11 of 32

Originally Posted by Nandro
Are there any models higher or lower than the one you have worth getting?

Not that I'm aware of. The STA-2200 was the only MOSFET amp or receiver Radio Shack ever sold, and it has a few pitfalls that you might want to know about-- the switchgear was notoriously iffy, for example, and the tuner wasn't always critically aligned at the factory.

There are lots of old integrated amps and receivers to choose from on eBay, but you'll likely pay more for Marantz and Sansui and Kenwood and Yarmahar and Luxman stuff. It's fun to have a cheapie that actually works (mostly) and makes headphones sing. Also gives you a benchmark for when the time comes to choose modern expensive gear.


Originally Posted by South_Korean
lol... go back to where everything is reliable...shouldnt it be that way?

Oh, probably, if you don't want to have any fun at all. I was poking gentle fun at the macho vintage-gear collectors who poohpooh modern stuff as being strictly for wimps who don't own screwdrivers and wouldn't know which end to use anyway. The "vintners" do have a point in their favor: lots of old stuff can be very good and in some ways superior. The one thing it's not likely to be is super reliable. You play the odds.

Jun 27, 2005 at 4:31 PM Post #14 of 32
Jun 27, 2005 at 5:38 PM Post #15 of 32
Thanks for the tip. I am trying to find some helpfull sites to learn more about them. I like the idea of using older equiptment for better prices.

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