Burson Soloist 3X Grand Tourer Head Amp/Pre Amp w/Sub out - 10W XLR
Sep 20, 2021 at 5:06 PM Post #16 of 2,362
This is pretty slick. I would love a class D AIO version of this. I wonder what RPM that exhaust fan settles on ?

Whoever ends up buying this, you should pair your HP with the SVS pb-16 ultra subwoofer !!:smiling_imp:
Sep 20, 2021 at 10:30 PM Post #17 of 2,362
This is pretty slick. I would love a class D AIO version of this. I wonder what RPM that exhaust fan settles on ?

Whoever ends up buying this, you should pair your HP with the SVS pb-16 ultra subwoofer !!:smiling_imp:
This is a whole new Rabbit hole that I’m afraid to fall into. I’ve got a humble Presonus Sub8 that hopefully will be enough! I don’t wanna be disturbing the neighbors anyway.
Sep 20, 2021 at 11:30 PM Post #18 of 2,362
Per Burson:

The power supply included in our Soloist 3X Grand Tourist is a standard 24V/5A power supply.

We don't have a "Super Charger" for the GT at the moment but it is on our to-do list. But even with the standards 24/5A PSU, the GT is many times better than even the Soloist 3X-P. : )
Sep 21, 2021 at 3:31 AM Post #19 of 2,362
Hey guys,
It seems that Soloist 3 GT will consume exactly as much power as their Timekeeper 3i integrated amplifier. Draining 120W from the wall for a headphone amp only unit is a whole lot, considering that most Class-A amps are draining somwhere between 10 and 70W. GT seems to work in a much deeper Class-A, outputing a higher current and tensioning the headphone drivers at all times. Hitting a much higher output power wasn't one of their goals, it's about the fully tuned-up MCPS and what it does to the sound.
A much lower channel crosstalk will be improving its soundstaging capabilites and that's why GT will be a very different animal to what they've done before.
I'm quite excited in trying it with demanding headphones as Susvara and LCD-5, will see how it stacks up with the rest of the amps like Volot and Ferrum OOR + Hypsos.
Sep 21, 2021 at 3:36 AM Post #20 of 2,362
Hey guys,
It seems that Soloist 3 GT will consume exactly as much power as their Timekeeper 3i integrated amplifier. Draining 120W from the wall for a headphone amp only unit is a whole lot, considering that most Class-A amps are draining somwhere between 10 and 70W. GT seems to work in a much deeper Class-A, outputing a higher current and tensioning the headphone drivers at all times. Hitting a much higher output power wasn't one of their goals, it's about the fully tuned-up MCPS and what it does to the sound.
A much lower channel crosstalk will be improving its soundstaging capabilites and that's why GT will be a very different animal to what they've done before.
I'm quite excited in trying it with demanding headphones as Susvara and LCD-5, will see how it stacks up with the rest of the amps like Volot and Ferrum OOR + Hypsos.
I look forward to your review mate. I probably won’t wait for the review though, and get it already, so I can take advantage of the pre-order discount with freebie, and the fact that the device is in limited production only.
Sep 21, 2021 at 6:19 AM Post #21 of 2,362
Aaaaaaannnnddd I have pre-ordered. It’s waiting time now :)

I am a fan of driving my TC and Susvara out of the OG Burson Timekeeper so it only make sense for me to get a Soloist GT.
Sep 22, 2021 at 11:16 PM Post #22 of 2,362
Per Burson:

The power supply included in our Soloist 3X Grand Tourist is a standard 24V/5A power supply.

We don't have a "Super Charger" for the GT at the moment but it is on our to-do list. But even with the standards 24/5A PSU, the GT is many times better than even the Soloist 3X-P. : )
What do they mean by a "super charger"? Doesn't the gt going to have a larger power supply than 3xp already.
Sep 22, 2021 at 11:38 PM Post #23 of 2,362
What do they mean by a "super charger"? Doesn't the gt going to have a larger power supply than 3xp already.
Super Charger is their upgraded PSU. It doesn’t have more power output than the standard 24v PSU. What it does have is several component upgrades that help improve dynamics and other sonic characteristics. Although the new GT uses a 24v PSU like previous Burson products, it uses a 5amp version as opposed to 3amp. The current Super Charger is only available in 3amp

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Sep 23, 2021 at 8:39 AM Post #25 of 2,362
I’m so curious about this amp. I am a huge fan of Burson Audio. I’ve owned a number of their products in my journey. Starting with the Conductor CV2+. Then moving on to the Conductor 3X Reference. Then more recently the Soloist 3XP. All were superb, highly resolving, and spacious sounding.

What I thought was missing from the 3XR and Soloist was some body, weight and musicality compared to the older CV2+. I do get that the evolution of sound Burson was going for in the newer products. I‘m glad they still offer you a chance to get the older house with the V6 Classic op-amps. if I do decide to get this amp I may pick up a set.

With the release of the Soloist 3X GT it may be time to move on from my Burson Timekeeper power amp. What Burson has produced in the Soloist 3X GT is amazing. Even though I have a couple of great amps already in the Formula S with Powerman and GS-X MK2 I really want this amp.
Sep 23, 2021 at 9:37 AM Post #26 of 2,362
A beefed-up Über-Super-Charger will be releasing at a later date, specifically made for the Timekeeper 3i and GT
It’s great that the new amps (e.g ferrum hypsos + oor) have special in-house PSUs being designed specifically for their devices. It’s exciting to see many developments happening with the goal to really eek out the best sq they can provide.
I’m so curious about this amp. I am a huge fan of Burson Audio. I’ve owned a number of their products in my journey. Starting with the Conductor CV2+. Then moving on to the Conductor 3X Reference. Then more recently the Soloist 3XP. All were superb, highly resolving, and spacious sounding.

What I thought was missing from the 3XR and Soloist was some body, weight and musicality compared to the older CV2+. I do get that the evolution of sound Burson was going for in the newer products. I‘m glad they still offer you a chance to get the older house with the V6 Classic op-amps. if I do decide to get this amp I may pick up a set.

With the release of the Soloist 3X GT it may be time to move on from my Burson Timekeeper power amp. What Burson has produced in the Soloist 3X GT is amazing. Even though I have a couple of great amps already in the Formula S with Powerman and GS-X MK2 I really want this amp.
Go for it 😈
Sep 23, 2021 at 10:01 AM Post #27 of 2,362
It’s great that the new amps (e.g ferrum hypsos + oor) have special in-house PSUs being designed specifically for their devices. It’s exciting to see many developments happening with the goal to really eek out the best sq they can provide.

Go for it 😈
You will have to let me know how the the Soloist 3X GT compares. I'm dying to know it this will be an upgrade to the Timekeepers sound.
Sep 27, 2021 at 10:25 PM Post #28 of 2,362
Preordered as I was told by Burson that these are looking like they’re going to be in short supply. I live in Melbourne so nothing beats peace of mind if something was to break, considering the impressive power levels this is putting out. Hoping this drives the Susvara well!
Sep 27, 2021 at 10:38 PM Post #29 of 2,362
Preordered as I was told by Burson that these are looking like they’re going to be in short supply. I live in Melbourne so nothing beats peace of mind if something was to break, considering the impressive power levels this is putting out. Hoping this drives the Susvara well!
I wish I was already an audiophile when I was still flying to Melbourne regularly for work. You’ll probably be one of the first to receive their pre-order; we look forward to your thoughts!
Sep 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM Post #30 of 2,362
I've had my Burson Soloist 3X Performance for hmm maybe 2 weeks? And I just pre-ordered the GT, lol. I LOVE my Soloist. I thought it would be my endgame, but I've come to a personal conclusion only a new and improved Soloist could dethrown it for me. So here we are. Gotta love the timing. The pre-order savings as well as the extra thrown-in features like Headphone+Sub and Crossfeed sound fun to experiment with and drew me in for sure. The overall enhancements make me think this will be my endgame for real this time, after jumps from a Schiit IEMagni to Vali 2+ to Jotunhein 2 to the Soloist with the Super Charger. A Quicksilver Tube Amp is also on its way as a Tube Compliment for the Soloist.

While every jump up has been welcomed and positive, moving to the Soloist was the most substantial jump in sound quality and musical engagement. Everything sounds more life-like. I wish I could truly compare differences between the P and the GT ahead of ordering (DAC is a Bifrost 2, headphones are HD800S/Vérité Open and Closed), but I have a hunch it will be even more engaging. Also, why am I so excited for the crossfeed feature? I don't see myself upgrading any equipment for a long time (starting now 😅).
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