Jan 9, 2018 at 4:44 PM Post #9,676 of 26,000
First thing I spotted was 'grain-less conductor', which would suggest that they are claiming that the strands of wire are single crystals.
Rolls Royce patented single crystal technology for the rotor blades in jet engines, and those blades are mega expensive to manufacture.
I get the bad feeling that Stealth are possibly using some 'innappropriate' wording, so I won't bother reading further.

More than that, it looks like their copy writing team had a competition to see who could come up with the most ludicrous pseudo scientific jargon, oops sorry, didn't mean to say that, I really meant 'innappropriate' wording. I wouldn't want it to be thought that I was criticising a manufacturer.

Well it made me smile so at least it served a purpose.
Jan 9, 2018 at 4:57 PM Post #9,677 of 26,000
More than that, it looks like their copy writing team had a competition to see who could come up with the most ludicrous pseudo scientific jargon, oops sorry, didn't mean to say that, I really meant 'innappropriate' wording. I wouldn't want it to be thought that I was criticising a manufacturer.

Well it made me smile so at least it served a purpose.
If RGS9200m bought some of those cables, I hope that he is happy with them.
Jan 10, 2018 at 12:49 AM Post #9,680 of 26,000
The Indras show up in the used market for about $1600 - $2000. (The Sakras for quite a bit more unfortunately.) Many of those available are about 10 to 14 years old, but to my ears the old ones don't degrade at all.
Cables depreciate like crazy, so if you know a particular cable you want, you can get a real bargain, especially with old ones.
I even tried some more expensive interconnect cables like the Nordost Valhalla and didn't like them at all, just too fatiguing.

If you buy a used high-priced cable at a good price, you can usually sell it pretty quick for what you paid for it (or even more sometimes).

Cable discussions for interconnects and power cords are relatively rare on headfi and other headphone sites, but on sites like Audiogon and Audio Asylum (in the Cable Asylum), cables have been discussed intensely for as long as these sites have been around (about 20 years).

If you have a Chord Dave, a couple of thousand on a cable that you can keep for life and never wears out is a cost that can be put in perspective. Many here have several headphones that each cost about this. So instead of one more headphone, try a really good cable that can improve all the others.
That's how I look at it.

And these cables are not the flavor of the month, they have been around and have been popular for almost 15 years now. But like I said, the old used ones are fine. You don't need the new shiny versions (the V10 currently for the Indras). The old ones are classics. If you find a used Sakra, that's even better. But these both sound really special.

Here's short excerpt from a 2004 6moons review of the Indra, of course for what it's worth and YMMV, but all I can say is that in lots of back-and-forth testing with other well known cables, the Stealths just did some things none of the others could, especially in the liquidity of the highs and the clarity of the bass. (To my ears, it's mainly a tonality and texture thing that the Stealths do right, rather than the soundstage thing mentioned here, but I do get that tension-easing thing he talks about.)

From 6moons back in May, 2004...

Inserting one lone 1m pair between my Zanden DAC and Orthospectrum buffer, the Indra differences were neither subtle, tonal balance-oriented or merely different-but-so-bloody-what. In one fell swoop, the Indra changed the entire gestalt of the presentation in such a way as to be patently audible even to my wife in the upstairs area. Forget bass, midrange, treble. The instant change was two-fold. For one, three-dimensional space exploded, particularly in the depth domain. With the Gallo Reference III space meisters sans pareil, this was so obvious as to be silly: Huge space, cubits of air. Far more importantly though, insertion of the cable also removed electronic tension and effort. When you make a fist and press hard, the musculature constricts. Though your hand doesn't look edgier, it feels that way even to an onlooker. I'm using the word 'edgy' not in the tonal domain of treble forwardness. I'm not using it in the domain of image outlines either. I'm using it to describe a very tangible feel in which the music now propagated unfettered, through the air and into the listening room. It no longer felt as though being pressed through electronic piping in little bits and pieces of data.

[ link: ]

This is a page from the Stealth site with beta testers impressions, again FWIW.

This is from someone on Audio Asylum back in 2005 that jives with what I hear:

I have a 2ch system which include EMM digital, Audionote preamp, actively biamped with45 SETs. I have had the NBS Black label speaker cables and ics for two years. Over the last 6-9 months they have been slowly replaced with Stealth Indra ics and Prana Cosmos ics. I first tried the Indra after hearinag a demo. IMS, the Indras are extremely detailed and relaxed at the same time giving an effortless air to my system.

I have no relationship with any of this, I'm not selling anything, I'm just a fan of the cables.
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Jan 10, 2018 at 1:40 AM Post #9,681 of 26,000
Hi rgs9200m. I Agree with you 100 times and 1 more but headf-fi, regular users. They really dont invest on IC or PC or even care about it. Myself I have top of line from Allnic Audio IC and SC and Audio sensibility Signature PC and You can here the difference good to great cable. And I didnt paid full retail price either.
The Indras show up in the used market for about $1600 - $2000. The Sakras for several hundred more. Many of those available are about 10 to 14 years old, but to my ears the old ones don't degrade at all.
Cables depreciate like crazy, so if you know a particular cable you want, you can get a real bargain, especially with old ones.
I even tried some more expensive interconnect cables like the Nordost Valhalla and didn't like them at all, just too fatiguing.

If you buy a used high-priced cable at a good price, you can usually sell it pretty quick for what you paid for it (or even more sometimes).

Cable discussions for interconnects and power cords are relatively rare on headfi and other headphone sites, but on sites like Audiogon and Audio Asylum, cables have been discussed intensely for as long as these sites have been around (about 20 years).

If you have a Chord Dave, a couple of thousand on a cable that you can keep for life and never wears out is a cost that can be put in perspective. Many here have several headphones that each cost about this. So instead of one more headphone, try a really good cable that can improve all the others.
That's how I look at it.

And these cables are not the flavor of the month, they have been around and have been popular for almost 15 years now. But like I said, the old used ones are fine. You don't need the new shiny versions (the V10 currently for the Indras). The old ones are classics. If you find a used Sakra, that's even better. But these both sound really special.

Here's short excerpt from a 2004 6moons review of the Indra, of course for what it's worth and YMMV, but all I can say is that in lots of back-and-forth testing with other well known cables, the Stealths just did some things none of the others could, especially in the liquidity of the highs and the clarity of the bass. (To my ears, it's mainly a tonality and texture thing that the Stealths do right, rather than the soundstage thing mentioned here, but I do get that tension-easing thing he talks about.)

From 6moons back in May, 2004...

Inserting one lone 1m pair between my Zanden DAC and Orthospectrum buffer, the Indra differences were neither subtle, tonal balance-oriented or merely different-but-so-bloody-what. In one fell swoop, the Indra changed the entire gestalt of the presentation in such a way as to be patently audible even to my wife in the upstairs area. Forget bass, midrange, treble. The instant change was two-fold. For one, three-dimensional space exploded, particularly in the depth domain. With the Gallo Reference III space meisters sans pareil, this was so obvious as to be silly: Huge space, cubits of air. Far more importantly though, insertion of the cable also removed electronic tension and effort. When you make a fist and press hard, the musculature constricts. Though your hand doesn't look edgier, it feels that way even to an onlooker. I'm using the word 'edgy' not in the tonal domain of treble forwardness. I'm not using it in the domain of image outlines either. I'm using it to describe a very tangible feel in which the music now propagated unfettered, through the air and into the listening room. It no longer felt as though being pressed through electronic piping in little bits and pieces of data.

[ link: ]

This is a page from the Stealth site with beta testers impressions, again FWIW.
Jan 10, 2018 at 2:29 AM Post #9,682 of 26,000
Hi guys I am having issues with my DAVE I think. So Sad.
It is giving white noise in the form of a constant volume hiss which does not change with source. A volume change does not produce any change in volume of hiss. And its present in both the headphone out and the speaker taps. Any ideas what it may be?
Its connected to a PS P10 which I had turned off temporarily because of a thunderstorm. Have changed cables as well.
Any ideas what it may be due to?
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Jan 10, 2018 at 2:55 AM Post #9,683 of 26,000
Have you tried disconnecting all digital inputs so that it has no input and then try listening again?

What changed between no noise and then noise? Anything or did you just turn it off because of the thunderstorm and then turn it on again after?

Did you pull all your kit power plugs from the wall as well as turning off with the thunderstorm?
Jan 10, 2018 at 2:55 AM Post #9,684 of 26,000
The hiss is within one channel only (closer to the USB on both XLR as well as RCA). It is also there in the headphone output.
I just turned the PS P10 off from the remote. Did not disconnect it. The thunderstorm was minimal, (more a storm). I did not do anything additional whilst turning it on. No other electronics in the house have been affected.
It is connected to an antipodes DX Gen3 via Lightspeed 10G as well as audeophilleo1 (from PC).
Yes the hiss is still present when the USB cable / audeophilleo is not connected and the only cables connected are the XLR speaker taps which feed into a Vitus amp.
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Jan 10, 2018 at 3:28 AM Post #9,685 of 26,000
The hiss is within one channel only (closer to the USB on both XLR as well as RCA). It is also there in the headphone output.
I just turned the PS P10 off from the remote. Did not disconnect it. The thunderstorm was minimal, (more a storm). I did not do anything additional whilst turning it on. No other electronics in the house have been affected.
It is connected to an antipodes DX Gen3 via Lightspeed 10G as well as audeophilleo1 (from PC).
Yes the hiss is still present when the USB cable / audeophilleo is not connected and the only cables connected are the XLR speaker taps which feed into a Vitus amp.

I have a P10. For future reference, using the remote to turn it off only puts it into standby mode. It is still switched on and the full mains voltage is connected to it's input transformer and circuits. There is therefore no isolation in the case of lightning strike. Anyway, I'm guessing you have tried plugging the Dave direct into the wall to bypass the P10?

On the face of it there does seem to be an issue with your Dave. Time now to telephone your dealer?
Jan 10, 2018 at 3:46 AM Post #9,687 of 26,000
Oh really, I turn it off using the Power button on the remote - everything connected turns off.
Yes I have bypassed P10 as well with same hiss in the channel.
Yea I think there may be an issue as well. So sad.

Regarding the P10, using the P10 remote will only turn power off to each of the P10 sockets by using internal relays in the P10. The P10 itself is still powered up and can be damaged by a power spike on the incoming mains. You can tell the P10 is still powered up because there is still a slight hum from the P10 internal transformer. The only way to fully power down the P10 is to use the switch at the back and even that might not prevent damage due to lightning and you would need to pull the P10 mains plug from the wall to be fully safe.
Jan 10, 2018 at 4:14 AM Post #9,688 of 26,000
Regarding the P10, using the P10 remote will only turn power off to each of the P10 sockets by using internal relays in the P10. The P10 itself is still powered up and can be damaged by a power spike on the incoming mains. You can tell the P10 is still powered up because there is still a slight hum from the P10 internal transformer. The only way to fully power down the P10 is to use the switch at the back and even that might not prevent damage due to lightning and you would need to pull the P10 mains plug from the wall to be fully safe.

Thanks for the info! I did not realize.
Jan 10, 2018 at 5:31 AM Post #9,689 of 26,000
What mode is recommended for the Dave on foobar? Between Asio, Wasapi event and Wasapi push?
Jan 10, 2018 at 6:16 AM Post #9,690 of 26,000
I was watching the nvidia CES presentation and saw their VOLTA and I was wondering has chord predicted when do they think they can get the required technology to reach their ideal 1 million TAP limit?

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