Chord Electronics - Hugo 2 - The Official Thread
Jan 30, 2018 at 1:43 AM Post #10,531 of 22,537
Don't we learn something new everyday. Thanks Rob for your detailed explanation and for providing your expert insights. BTW, what are some of these "not very good but highly regarded" headphones? I know maybe you don't want to name any names, but what characterisitics we should look for when testing headphones?
Jan 30, 2018 at 3:42 AM Post #10,533 of 22,537
if you use the above tricks - then everything always sounds the same. And that to me ruins the music.

This is exactly what impress me the most about Hugo 2 sound. It’s REALLY neutral. Not neutral in the usual audiophile way (i.e. neutral=lean) but neutral as colorful. With Hugo 2 I’m diggin in my entire Cd collection not just listening to details buried in the recordings I’ve never been heard till now (the most usual audiophilia nervosa cliche when upgrading) but I am hearing them for the first time in a very WIDE, fresh and colorful tonal palette. “Colorful, transparent and easy” cames to mind routinely when listening to very familiar music through the Hugo 2. I’ve never liked a precise (but lean) sound neither a relaxed (but muffled) sound. Always looking to find an elusive balance between both worlds that sounded just “neutral” making all my records sound different one from another one but never find it until now.
By the way, and being completely respectful to Rob expertise comments and knowleadge about his design about being insensitive to the use of “overengineered” external LPS, I’ve experienced a change on sound when I use an aftermarket and rather cheap but OK engineered LPS with the Hugo 2. I tried it as an experiment without really expecting any changes in sound and I was shocked about the improvement in liquidity, low level detail, 3D stage and overall “physical tactility” to the sound. When I went back to the supplied charger, or using just the Hugo 2 internal batteries, the sound were flat and tiring compared with the LPS connected.
These comments are strictly related to the use of the Hugo 2 as DAC in a stereo speaker system.

P.S.: The external LPS were connected to a PS Audio Duet AC power center using Chord Company Power Cord cables to be more precise about the setup used.
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Jan 30, 2018 at 4:40 AM Post #10,536 of 22,537
Jan 30, 2018 at 4:54 AM Post #10,537 of 22,537
I listened to the focal elear at hi-fi lounge while I had my utopia headphones on order,Paul said listen to these and I was so disappointed but I thought the utopia would blow me away,never been so disappointed in

I'm confused! You were 'so disappointed' with the Focal Elear? Knowing Paul & Wendy, I'm sure their dem Utopias were properly run-in unlike the first pair I listened to on the SCV stand at The Indulgence Show which were clearly not run-in at all. You ordered Utopias from Hi-Fi Lounge which you are currently using? When my own were delivered I stuck them on 9 days of 24/7 music, then I started to listen to them. The loan pair SCV lent me were not run-in either and I was very disappointed with their sound, if I hadn't known better I would have boxed them up and not bothered further but I ran-in the loaners and the wonderful SQ with my Hugo 2 and QP2R led me to order a pair. Focal say 48 hours for running-in, pardon moi Monsieur Focal, theese ees not correct, I crois que deux cent heures est le minimum.
Jan 30, 2018 at 5:04 AM Post #10,538 of 22,537
Hi guys, on a totally unrelated note, does anyone have any idea if blanking plugs for the the RCA outputs and/or the 3.5mm outputs, exist for the Hugo 2?

Don't know but have a look at the Russ Andrews Accessories website, they are a reliable UK supplier whom I've bought from over the years.
Jan 30, 2018 at 5:34 AM Post #10,539 of 22,537
Don't we learn something new everyday. Thanks Rob for your detailed explanation and for providing your expert insights. BTW, what are some of these "not very good but highly regarded" headphones? I know maybe you don't want to name any names, but what characterisitics we should look for when testing headphones?

I am not a headphone designer, so take my comments with the proverbial pinch of salt. But what really impressed me was the sound of the AQ Nighthawks - and these had an unusually good low frequency distortion characteristics unlike many headphones that rapidly increase distortion below 100 Hz. Now the Nighthawks are extremely rich and dark, and I am sure that some of that quality is down to the lack of low frequency distortion.

Another headphone I like very much is the Mr Speakers Aeon closed (currently my favourite headphone they are great for long flights). These are very different to the Nighthawks - more transparent and with superb imaging (focus and depth) but retain some of the qualities I like with the Nighthawks. And again - these have low distortion, which does not increase for low frequencies. The headphones that I do not consider good at all, all have increasing distortion at low frequencies - and it's those headphones when people tend to post about needing extra amps...
Jan 30, 2018 at 5:41 AM Post #10,540 of 22,537
Another headphone I like very much is the Mr Speakers Aeon closed (currently my favourite headphone they are great for long flights).

Thanks for your professional insight Rob. I got to agree that Mr SPeakers Aeon closed (currently my work hp) is exceptionally good considering the price and pair very well with Chord products.
Jan 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM Post #10,541 of 22,537
Sorry for the newbie question but from what I have read here in the thread, if one uses H2 mostly as a desktop unit (connected to the mains), the better for battery health is keep H2 always on, with H2 on Intelligent Desktop Mode.
Am I right?
Thank you in advance.
Jan 30, 2018 at 7:06 AM Post #10,542 of 22,537
switch off after use but keep plugged in all the time to maintain intelligent desktop mode indicated by the magenta light to ensure a full charge for every new use. no need to keep powered on 24/7 IMHO.
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Jan 30, 2018 at 7:15 AM Post #10,543 of 22,537
switch off after use but keep plugged in all the time to maintain intelligent desktop mode indicated by the magenta light to ensure a full charge for every new use. no need to keep powered on 24/7 IMHO.

And don’t worry when magenta light turns to white for a while after each use!
Jan 30, 2018 at 7:17 AM Post #10,544 of 22,537
oh yes forgot that bit........:rolling_eyes:

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