CLOSED to NEW - See AudioTiers in my Signature: US Head-Fi Tour: VISION EARS ELYSIUM vs. VE8 vs. ERLKöNIG TOTL CIEM Tour - Starting November 2019
Oct 22, 2019 at 2:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 775


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 30, 2011
Anthem, AZ


How many US Head-Fiers have been drooling over the VE8 reviews over the last couple years, topping EU Head-Fiers lists consistently - but have no way to hear them? I have attended Head-Fi events such as RMAF CANJAM many times with no luck. This is the reason that I started offering tours a few years back - so we in the US can hear these jewels when we have no other way to hear them.

Well guess what, VISON EARS has done it again and again with more product that is topping the lists - this time it is the ELYSIUM. The ELYSIUM is VISION EARS very first hybrid driver model, and from what I hear have hit this one out of the park as well. It combines three driver technologies - dynamic, BA, and electrostatic - together in one package offering the best of each. But there is a twist, while most hybrids drive the lows with the dynamic driver VE decided to switch and use the dynamic driver for the mids and the BA for the lows. Based on what I hear about the VE8 lows, VE knows how to do bass right with a BA so no worries there, but this is offering a focus on the mids that seems to be missing on the other competing hybrid models that often come away with a V-shaped signature as the dynamic and electrostatic drivers steal the show from the mids. From the sparce feedback I am reading so far, this was a great choice.

So for this tour, we can compare a classic - VE8 - that is not getting any ear time in the US but sounds like it deserves more attention to a new hybrid champion in the making. Is one better than the other, or do we just have to buy both? Join the tour and find out for yourself. :)

BONUS ROUND: After hearing the ELYSIUM and VE8, I was so impressed that I had to hear the VE flagship, the ERLKöNIG. So it is being added as a bonus round for those that dare. :)

  • ELYSIUM: PRICE: 2900,- €
    • Tech: Four driver three-way hybrid system with a BA, dynamic, and 2 electrostatic driver
    • Drivers: 1BA for bass – 1 dynamic for mids – 2 electrostatic for highs
    • Sensitivity: 105 dB SPL at 1 mW
    • Impedance: 16.4 Ohms at 1 kHz
  • VE8: PRICE: 2.350,- €
    • Tech: Three-way-system with eight BA drivers
    • Drivers: 2 BAs for bass – 2 BAs for mids – 4 BAs for highs
    • Sensitivity: 120dB SPL at 1 mW
    • Impedance: 22 Ohms at 1 kHz
  • ERLKöNIG: Price 4200,- €
    • Tech: Five-way system with 13 BA drivers
    • Drivers: four bass, four mids, four highs, and one super tweeter
    • Sensitivity; TBD
    • Impedance: TBD
Tour Kit Pictures

Tour Kit:

ELYSIUM Unboxing Video:



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Oct 22, 2019 at 2:19 PM Post #2 of 775
Tour Participation Rules and Responsibilities
The participant list is organized logistically to minimize shipping costs starting from the West and moving toward the East Coast. The tour will begin with the first in the list for a 7-day audition. Thereafter participants will be responsible to deliver or ship the demo kit to the next participant in the list.

Participant Qualifications
To be eligible for this and all other tours for a year, each participant needs to provide five types of contact information to verify identity, contact info, and shipping address:
  1. State-Issued Photo ID: We need a picture of your driver's license or other qualified ID with photo and that reflects your home/shipping address. Alternative address verification options are available if your ID does not match your current address, just ask for or propose an alternative.
  2. Phone Bill: We need to verify your phone number and address with a photo of a current phone bill showing your name, phone number, and address which matches your ID.
  3. Email Address: We will be managing the tours through email which requires an email that you can respond to within 24 hours.
  4. Employment Verification or Equivalent: We need simplified employment verification such as employer name, address, and phone - or an alternative if not employed as a backup to verify identity. This info will remain private and will not be used except for emergencies.
  5. Social Media Profile: We need a link to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram profile or equivalent alternative as additional ID verification.
This information must be emailed to before your name will be added to the participant list. Those with less than two years of Head-Fi membership and under 300 posts may be subject to additional verification. This verification process makes you eligible for all other tours as well as seen in our announcement thread.

Already Verified: If you have already provided this information to join one of my other tours, you are good for one year prequalifying for my other tours. However, if it has been on file for over a year, you will need to resubmit to remain current.

Qualification Exemptions (thru @BulldogXTRM): If you wish to join the tour, but cannot provide this information - you can contact Mike Brunner (@BulldogXTRM ) at with options for equivalent verification options that work for you to receive an exception. Please cc to keep me in the loop as we work through this exception process. Our goal is to keep you on the tour so we will work with you to make it happen, but we need a way to verify the shipping address and phone number.

Information Security: All personal information will be safeguarded by @Barra and will be deleted by request after the tour or by withdrawing from the tour. The information is stored on my personal computer is will not be shared with anyone other than Mike Brunner and myself. This information will be used to confirm your shipping address during the tour before shipping as mentioned in the responsibility section below. Retained information is good for a year to join additional tours hosted by @Barra.

Individual Responsibilities
Participants must understand and agree to these responsibilities listed below as well as take them seriously. Those that do not follow through with the agreed-upon responsibilities can be blacklisted from all future tours. Please do not sign up for the tour if you feel there is any reason that you cannot live up to this commitment.
  • Communicate: Those in the tour will be expected to be reasonably available to communicate in tour proceedings. Phone, PMs, and email should be responded to within 24 hours maximum. Failure to do so may negate your eligibility and potentially blacklist you from future tours.
  • Protect: Participants are responsible for the value of the kit while in their care and will be expected to reimburse the manufacturer for any losses due to participant negligence. The kits should be handled with care and protected from theft. Each participant is responsible for the kit from signed receipt to signed receipt. While the manufacturer accepts responsibility in the case of shipper losses if you ship signature required, participants are still responsible for managing the shipper loss process to its conclusion until the proceedings are concluded. Providing tracking information and following the rules is critical in determining where your responsibility stops.
  • Impressions/Review (Optional): While optional, to keep things interesting on the tour, any impressions or insight that you can post in the thread would be greatly appreciated. Full reviews are even more appreciated.
  • Participation Rules: Each participant is expected to follow the rules listed below:
    • 1) At Receipt of Tour Kit: We immediately need to know that the tour kit was received in good condition to release the last participant from responsibility.
      • Confirm Receipt within 24 Hours: Please post confirmation of tour kit receipt and its condition on the tour thread within 24 hours so each party knows that the transfer is complete and so we can track the progress of the tour.
      • PM Next 2 Participants: Please PM @Barra and the next two participants in the participant's list (POST 3) and confirm readiness and to request their address. Please request their full name, mailing address, and phone number for the shipper. I will confirm their address is verified before shipping. The second person provides a backup in case the next participant is unavailable. Priority goes to the tour order as long as they reply within 24 to 48 hours.
      • Address Verification: Please wait to ship until I verify the shipping address by responding to the provided address that we are verified and good to go.
      • Be Ready to Ship on Day 8: It is also your responsibility to ensure that you have shipped the kit to the next participant on the 8th day, so please be diligent in contacting and communicating with the next participants. Please never send a kit to a participant that has not responded even if you have their address from a prior tour.
    • 2) Dealing with Logistics Issues: Most problems should be handled directly between participants as shown below, but I am available if needed more complex issues:
      • Communication Issues: If your PM to the next two participants does not receive a response within 24 to 48 hours, please reach out to the next two in the participant list to keep moving through your options. Please keep moving down the list every 24 hours thereafter to ensure you have a response and are able to ship on day 8. If you are at risk for going past day 8, please contact me for assistance.
      • Switching Participant Order: You are free to swap places in the tour order yourselves to accommodate schedules. However, you must communicate and get permission from all those affected to ensure it is not creating an issue for someone else and post the switches to the thread for transparency. An alternative for anyone is to have me move you to the bottom of the list if the timing is bad.
      • Dropping out of the Tour: If your availability to participate changes, please post a drop request in the tour thread for visibility before your turn to avoid any confusion.
      • Complex Issues: If needed, you can always reach me directly at my email me at to resolve any issues.
      • Kit Problems: For lost or broken tour kit items, please reach out to me at to resolve any issues.
    • 3) Ship on Day 8:
      • Verified Recipient: It is your responsibility to verify the recipient's readiness and their address with me before shipping. If you sense any issues, please contact me before shipping.
      • Verified Address: It is important to make sure that you only mail to the verified address unless the two of you get an exception from me first.
      • Signature Required: You must ship signature required (or insured) to avoid the responsibility of shipper mishaps. The manufacturer will assume responsibility if you follow the rules.
      • Shipper Confirmation #: You must provide the recipient and me with the confirmation number by PM or email within 24 hours of shipping. This will allow us to follow the progress and for the recipient to plan the receipt of the package since a signature is required.
    • 4) Responsibility Ends on Receipt Post: Your responsibility ends when the recipient posts their receipt of the tour kit in good condition on the tour thread. It is important to make sure the recipient makes that post to pass on the responsibility. If the kit is lost by the shipper, we still need your participation as the shipper's customer to manage the package search though you are not responsible for the value assuming you shipped "signature required".
Tour Signup
This is an open tour which we expect to support all requests to participate. To make this possible, we are requiring complete contact info upfront. So, to sign up for this tour you will need to do two things:
  1. Post: Please post your name, city, and state only – no personal address in the public forum – and then declare that you agree to follow the terms of the tour.
    Example Signup Post: From Barra: I live in Anthem, AZ and would like to participate in the tour. I agree to follow the terms of the tour.
  2. Email: Please email your complete contact info as detailed below to my personal email -
    • Head-Fi Name: Please remember to include your Head-Fi alias so that I can match your email to your Head-Fi identity.
    • Subject Line Format: (HeadFi Name) - (Your Name) - (Tour Name)
    • Contact Verification Info:
      • State-Issued Photo ID: We need a picture of your driver's license or other qualified ID with photo and that reflects your home/shipping address. Alternative address verification options are available if ID does not match current address, just ask or propose.
      • Phone Bill: We need to verify your phone number and address with a photo of a current phone bill showing your name, phone number, and address which matches your ID.
      • Email Address: We will be managing the tours through email which requires an email that you can respond to within 24 hours.
      • Employment Verification or Equivalent: We need simplified employment verification such as employer name, address, and phone or alternative if not employed as a backup to verify identity. This info will remain private and will not be used except for emergencies.
      • Social Media Profile: We need a link to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram profile or equivalent alternative as additional ID verification.

Request the signup form through email at or just provide the data within the email.

That’s it. We reserve the right to turn down the application if we find a cause but hope to accommodate all those US Head-Fi’ers that are interested. If you follow these instructions, you are in.

Signups begin now for the logistically friendly portion and will remain open first come first serve after starting the tour welcoming latecomers. However, we reserve the right to end signups at any time so please don’t hesitate or you may lose out. The tour will start when we have enough participants to create a reasonable list. Have fun!
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Oct 22, 2019 at 2:21 PM Post #3 of 775
Tour Participant List
We hope to gather our list over the next few weeks to build logistics into our tour order. The tour will begin on the West Coast and move toward the East logistically. We may start before we close our participation requests allowing latecomers to join in the process as it makes sense, but latecomer logistics will be first come first serve so likely to make postage more expensive. The good news is that we will do our best to accommodate all US Head-Fiers that wish to participate.

NEW>>>VISION EARS Library Tour - ELY, VE8, EVE
This is a new limited tour for library items for those that missed the original.
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. @kadinh - Amarillo, TX
  3. @HiFiHawaii808 - Honolulu, HI
  4. @Ike1985 - Elizabethtown, KY
  5. @deepoison - Bothell, WA
  6. @Barra - Anthem, AZ

US Head-Fi Tour - VISION EARS Tour Kit (CLOSED - See Library Tour):

West Coast Tour (Kit 1):

  1. @koven – Santa Clara, CA
  2. @dewy22 – San Francisco, CA
  3. @San Man – Honolulu, HI
  4. @FangJoker – Las Vegas, NV
  5. @fiascogarcia – Fort Collins, CO
  6. @Tybot – Albuquerque, NM
  7. @lotech – Frisco, TX
  8. @aaf evo – Houston, TX
  9. @BulldogXTRM – Gonzales, LA
  10. @Ricky64 - Lafayette, CO
  11. @hamhamhamsta -Irvine, CA
  12. @Cscol - San Juan Capistrano, CA
  13. @CANiSLAYu - Concord, CA
  14. @wardo783 - West Hills, CA
  15. @Tekk83 - Chicago, IL
  16. @circafreedom - Denver, CO
  17. @Likeimthere - Sugar Land, TX
  18. @Spidermanxd - Bothell, WA
  19. @Mrcojocaru - Renton, WA
  20. @SLC1966 - Sandy, UT
  21. @Precogvision - Emerald Hills, CA
  22. @antdroid - Lynnwood, WA
  23. @eTHE2 - Diamond Bar, CA
  24. @recon56 – San Diego, CA
  25. @fogsound - Los Angeles, CA
  26. @wormsdriver - McAllen, Texas
  27. @Hddad70 - Merced, CA
  28. @csglinux - Los Angeles, CA
  29. @AudioKeyK - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
  30. @tawmizzzz - Somerville, MA
  31. @bhschap - Orange, CA (Application in Process)
  32. @Towa - Nashville, TN
  33. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  34. @Wildcatsare1 - Nicholasville, KY
  35. @uthood - Dallas, TX
  36. @Wildcatsare1 - Lexington, KY (HOLD)
  37. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
East Coast Tour (Kit 2): (ELY missing filter, short on tips) (Closed)
  1. @SilverEars – Boston, MA
  2. @rantng – Brooklyn, NY
  3. @toaster22 – NYC
  4. @kubig123 – NYC
  5. @Carlsan – Trenton, NJ
  6. @doctorjazz – Westfield, NJ
  7. @hung031086 – Madison, WI
  8. @Ike1985 – Elizabethtown, KY
  9. @ngoshawk – Warrensburg, MO
  10. @eldss – Omaha, NE
  11. @Todd1 - Fayetteville, NC
  12. @seamon - West Lafayette, IN
  13. @riverred105 - Houston, TX
  14. @Sebastien Chiu - ?
  15. @guani360 - Kissimmee, FL
  16. @solstice15 - Rochester, NY
  17. @aaf evo – Houston, TX
  18. @Blueshound24 – Sioux Falls, SD
  19. @dbsylvia - Logansport, IN
  20. @Darkestred - Denville, NJ
  21. @Barra - Anthem, AZ >>> CA Tour
Canadian Tour: East Coast Tour (Kit 2): (ELY missing filter, short on tips) (Closed)
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. REVIEWER: @Tanjiro - Toronto, Ontario Canada
  3. @Colors - Toronto, Ontario Canada
  4. @riverground - North York, Ontario, Canada
  5. @Poulpup - Sainte-Marie (QC) Canada (vincen)
  6. @Titienne - Levis, Quebec Canada
  7. @dleblanc343 (@musicdan) - BROSSARD, QC Canada
  8. @Gasdoc - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  9. @Otto Motor - Calgary, AB, Canada (Dr. Schweinsgruber)
  10. Geoff Rait - Vancouver BC, Canada (Biodegraded)
  11. @Rockwell75 - Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
  12. @SBranson - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  13. @efejoao - Vancouver, BC (Canada)
  14. @Barra - Anthem, AZ (HOLD)
US Tour (Kit 3):
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. @BulldogXTRM – Gonzales, LA
  3. @toaster22 – NYC
  4. @rantng – Brooklyn, NY
  5. @Todd1 – Fayetteville, NC
  6. @SilverEars – Boston, MA
  7. @aaf evo – Houston, TX
  8. @hamhamhamsta – Irvine, CA
  9. @Cscol - San Juan Capistrano, CA
  10. @CANiSLAYu - Concord, CA
  11. @Tybot - Albuquerque, NM
  12. @riverred105 - Houston, TX
  13. @ngoshawk – Warrensburg, MO
  14. @guani360 - Kissimmee, FL
  15. @Sebastien Chiu - ?
  16. @lotech - Frisco, TX
  17. @solstice15 - Rochester, NY
  18. @wardo783 - West Hills, CA
  19. @Blueshound24 - Sioux Falls, SD
  20. @Tekk83 - Chicago, IL
  21. @circafreedom - Denver, CO
  22. @kubig123 - NYC
  23. @Likeimthere - Sugar Land, TX
  24. @ceeloChamp - Washington DC
  25. @Mrcojocaru - Renton, WA
  26. @SLC1966 - Sandy, UT
  27. @dbsylvia - Logansport, IN
  28. @Precogvision - Emerald Hills, CA
  29. @Darkestred - Denville, NJ
  30. @dhc0329 - Santa Clara, CA (Purchased ERL)
  31. @antdroid - Lynnwood, WA
  32. @eTHE2 - Diamond Bar, CA
  33. @recon56 – San Diego, CA
  34. @fogsound - Los Angeles, CA
  35. @wormsdriver - McAllen, Texas
  36. @Hddad70 - Merced, CA
  37. @csglinux - Los Angeles, CA
  38. @AudioKeyK - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
  39. @tawmizzzz - Somerville, MA
  40. @bhschap - Orange, CA
  41. @Towa - Nashville, TN (8/7/21)
  42. @uthood - Dallas, TX
  43. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
Canadian Tour Extension:
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. @Titienne -
  3. @riverground -
  4. @SBranson -
  5. @Tanjiro -
  6. @Gasdoc -
  7. @Rockwell75 -
CA Maybes:
  1. @Poulpup -
  2. @Colors -
  3. @dleblanc343 -
  4. @Svstem -
  5. @doboo57 -


West EVE (Kit 4)
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. @Spidermanxd - Bothell, WA (@bvng3540)
  3. @hamhamhamsta - Irvine, CA
  4. @Tybot - Albuquerque, NM
  5. @aaf evo - Houston, TX
  6. @circafreedom - Denver, CO
  7. @Blueshound24 - Sioux Falls, SD
  8. @SLC1966 - Sandy, UT
  9. @Precogvision - Emerald Hills, CA
  10. @antdroid - Lynnwood, WA
  11. @eTHE2 - Diamond Bar, CA
  12. @recon56 – San Diego, CA
  13. @fogsound - Los Angeles, CA
  14. @wormsdriver - McAllen, Texas
  15. @wardo783 - Porter Ranch, CA
  16. @Hddad70 - Merced, CA
  17. @csglinux - Los Angeles, CA
  18. @Barra - Anthem, AZ (HOLD)
East EVE (Kit 5):
  1. @Barra - Anthem, AZ
  2. @eldss - Omaha, NE
  3. @ngoshawk - Warrensburg, MO
  4. @solstice15 - Rochester, NY
  5. @toaster - NYC
  6. @kubig123 - Englewood Cliffs, NJ
  7. @guani360 - Kissimmee, FL
  8. @dbsylvia - Logansport, IN
  9. @Darkestred - Denville, NJ
  10. @AudioKeyK - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
  11. @Barra - Anthem, AZ (HOLD)
Canadian EVE Kit (West):
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Oct 22, 2019 at 2:22 PM Post #4 of 775
Reviews and Impressions

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Oct 22, 2019 at 2:23 PM Post #5 of 775
Example Participation Request

I live in Anthem, AZ and would like to participate in the tour. I agree to follow the terms of the tour. I will have emailed my required ID verification documentation to
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Oct 23, 2019 at 8:50 AM Post #6 of 775
I live in Adrian, MI and would like to participate in the tour. I agree to follow the terms of the tour. I will email my required ID verification documentation to following confirmation of the email I just sent.
Oct 23, 2019 at 2:13 PM Post #7 of 775
I live in Frisco Texas and agree to all conditions of the tour, you have all my info from previous tours.
Oct 23, 2019 at 2:15 PM Post #8 of 775
I live in Warrensburg, MO and would like to participate in the tour. I agree to follow the terms of the tour. I will have emailed my required ID verification documentation to

I have sent the necessary items to @Barra already.

Cheers and good luck!
Oct 23, 2019 at 2:16 PM Post #9 of 775
I would love to be in. Live in Trenton NJ, and agree to all conditions of the tour.
Past tour participant as well.
Oct 23, 2019 at 2:56 PM Post #13 of 775
I live in NYC.

I would like to sign up for the tour because I'm a Barra fanboy.

Oh yeah...I agree to the terms, info on file.

This is fantastic...really want to hear the VE8 and had been in touch with Johannes, but simply didn't want to spend $100 for shipping back and forth to Germany.

I'll let Johannes know I've just signed up to hear these on head-fi.
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Oct 23, 2019 at 3:05 PM Post #14 of 775
I live in Fort Collins, Colorado, and would like to participate in the tour. I agree to follow the terms of the tour. I have emailed my required ID verification documentation to

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