Denon D2000 VS Denon D1100
Feb 2, 2012 at 12:27 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 28, 2011
Hello everyone,
I have some Denon D2000 atm..... I do like the sound of them but I want some money to put towards my HIFI setup (new subwoofer)....
I was thinking about selling the D2000 and buying some D1100? the question is are these a MAJOR step down in quality from the D2000? Anyone tried both?
I like the Denon D2000 but I find the treble a bit sharp / harsh and irritating at times.... The soundstage is very nice as is the midrange and bass....  wouldnt mind a bit more bass as long as it is of similar quality and not a boomy mess compared to the D2000?
Rolled off treble would actually be a plus for me because I dont like sharp treble at all...
Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea? Or am I likely to be dissapointed with the D1100 comming from D2000? Or are they very similar sounding except the D1100 have more bass and less treble?
Feb 2, 2012 at 2:45 PM Post #2 of 15
I have the original D1001, which some say are better then the D1100 and some say are worse.  That being said, I have not heard the new D1100.  I just bought the D2000 and love them compared to the D1001.  I haven't done a direct comparison yet since I need to fix the 3.5 plug on my D1001, but I can't imagine going back to the D1001 now.  Everything is better; some things only slightly and others greatly.  Ex. Comfort and sound stage are much better to me. 
I will try to fix the plug this weekend and do a better comparison. 
Feb 2, 2012 at 3:21 PM Post #3 of 15
Mmm thinking about it I really like the sound of the D2000....
All that is required is to EQ out the slightly peircing treble and you have some headphones with stunning bass, midrange and soundstage as well as being extremely comfortable....
The treble is a bit piercing but it can be EQ'd to a reasonable level and still maintain a good amount of detail... I think the bass and midrange is spot on and I think any more bass / less controlled bass would ruin the sound... Apparently the D1100 have a lot more bass and it is not so well controlled
Feb 2, 2012 at 4:07 PM Post #4 of 15
If you are going to make that jump why not go down to the Creative Aurvana Live!  They have the same drivers as the D1100, but cost around 1/3 that of the D1100.  The Creative Aurvana Live is a great headphones for the price and if you have to downgrade this may be the way to go.
The Creative Aurvana Live sound much thinner, less bassy, and have a smaller soundstage than the D2000.  That should be no surprise considering the cost difference.
Here are the charts:
Denon D1100 ( what a bass monster, not for me that is for sure )
Creative Aurvana Live: ( flatter than the D1100 and much better square wave response )
Hope this helps.
Feb 2, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #5 of 15
I agree with DKaz, D2k is a pretty nice step up from the D1001 and I'd imagine also from the D1100.  
Have to admit I find it weird that the OP finds the D2k's treble can be sharp and harsh...definitely don't ever check out the Ultrasone Pro900s if that's the case!  

Feb 2, 2012 at 9:36 PM Post #6 of 15
The biggest difference you'd notice going from the D2000 to the D1100 is the loss in resolution.  Everything on the D1100 is much woolier.  The highs are dramatically reduced, which can be a plus if you find the D2000 harsh or sibilant at times.  The D1100 does isolate much better than the D2000, but the D1100 has a slightly smaller soundstage.  Comfort is top notch on both, but the D1100 is significantly lighter--though the plastic frame can be a bit creaky. 
The Creative Aurvana Live mentioned above is a good option.  To my ears, it has a much closer sound signature to the D2000.  It's not quite as comfortable, and it doesn't have as large of a soundstage, but it also doesn't have the D2000's treble peaks or occasional sibilance.  At $70 or so, it's also half the price of the D1100.  I'd put the CAL on at least the same level as the D1100, if not a touch higher in most respects, so it's really a bargain IMO.  If you can deal with the quasi-supra-aural design, it might be your best bet.
Feb 2, 2012 at 9:45 PM Post #7 of 15
The D1000 (same as D1001 and CAL!) is better than the D1100 IMO. More balanced, more involving, and more realistic. I've owned both and still have my D1000. I'd imagine the D2000 is much better in that regard.
Feb 2, 2012 at 9:50 PM Post #8 of 15

If you are going to make that jump why not go down to the Creative Aurvana Live!  They have the same drivers as the D1100, but cost around 1/3 that of the D1100.  The Creative Aurvana Live is a great headphones for the price and if you have to downgrade this may be the way to go.
The Creative Aurvana Live sound much thinner, less bassy, and have a smaller soundstage than the D2000.  That should be no surprise considering the cost difference.
Here are the charts:
Denon D1100 ( what a bass monster, not for me that is for sure )
Creative Aurvana Live: ( flatter than the D1100 and much better square wave response )
Hope this helps.

This is the second time I've seen that tonight from a separate head-fier . No, they do not have the same drivers lol. The CAL! have the same drivers as the D1001. The D1100 sounds completely different. Sorry, just had to correct you there. 

Feb 3, 2012 at 1:14 AM Post #9 of 15
I have both. The D1100 sounds artificial, cold, with a very strange treble that is very metallic and just not right sounding. It just doesn't sound very nice to me. The D2000 is a major step in a different directly. They don't even compare. It would be an absolute disappointment. I consider the D1100 a $40 headphone with a brand name. The D2000 is worth it's cost. If you're trying to scrounge up money for a hifi setup, you're going to need a lot more than what a headphone will fetch. Real hifi speakers cost serious bank. Keep your headphones. You'll only regret selling them as you find yourself not liking the D1100. I would rather suggest you get the panasonic HTF600 if you want to sell and get something that is inexpensive and will give you a similar, but lesser, sound.
Very best,
Feb 3, 2012 at 3:56 AM Post #10 of 15

I have both. The D1100 sounds artificial, cold, with a very strange treble that is very metallic and just not right sounding. It just doesn't sound very nice to me. The D2000 is a major step in a different directly. They don't even compare. It would be an absolute disappointment. I consider the D1100 a $40 headphone with a brand name. The D2000 is worth it's cost. If you're trying to scrounge up money for a hifi setup, you're going to need a lot more than what a headphone will fetch. Real hifi speakers cost serious bank. Keep your headphones. You'll only regret selling them as you find yourself not liking the D1100. I would rather suggest you get the panasonic HTF600 if you want to sell and get something that is inexpensive and will give you a similar, but lesser, sound.
Very best,

Ahaha, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought D1100 sounded poor for the money. xD Glad D2000 is completely different, that may me sway into buying D5000 one day. :p
You seem to have very similar ears to me though (well agreeing/hearing things the same), would love to hear what you'd think of Q40 headphones, which cost 115~$120 or so lowest. I think these are really sweet sounding for that price if one is looking for a boosted bass response.
Feb 3, 2012 at 4:18 AM Post #11 of 15

Ahaha, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought D1100 sounded poor for the money. xD Glad D2000 is completely different, that may me sway into buying D5000 one day. :p
You seem to have very similar ears to me though (well agreeing/hearing things the same), would love to hear what you'd think of Q40 headphones, which cost 115~$120 or so lowest. I think these are really sweet sounding for that price if one is looking for a boosted bass response.

Hrm, I'd love to try the Q40's. I had some M-Audio gear in the past and liked each unit (mostly monitors). Are they truly closed, or are they kind of semi-open? Found a used one for $95. Hrm.
Very best,
Feb 3, 2012 at 4:34 AM Post #12 of 15

Hrm, I'd love to try the Q40's. I had some M-Audio gear in the past and liked each unit (mostly monitors). Are they truly closed, or are they kind of semi-open? Found a used one for $95. Hrm.
Very best,

I'll quote my post from another thread with pics from inside, it appears they are semi-closed but quite lightly so, they leak quite little and isolation isn't superb but let's say noticably better than HTF600 at least.

I recommend doing this simple mod (stuff some paper or whatever you got underneath pads) to make the cups deeper (tames the slight peak around 8~10kHz, improves bass & soundstage a little). I'd dare say this might be among the best (boosted) quality bass response in sub-$200 and the mids and highs are good too, neutral, detailed and very clear.

Feb 3, 2012 at 4:11 PM Post #14 of 15

I actually preferred the D1001 over the D2000. Sure the D2000 were technically better, but the D1k1 were more natural sounding and had the sweet mids that I missed on the D2000.

Yea I think I also might do that based on frequency response graph only, looks like nearly the optimal frequency balance for me, only a bit more bass would be wanted but I guess the soundstage isn't particularly impressive on it though.
Feb 6, 2012 at 11:20 AM Post #15 of 15

I have both. The D1100 sounds artificial, cold, with a very strange treble that is very metallic and just not right sounding. It just doesn't sound very nice to me. The D2000 is a major step in a different directly. They don't even compare. It would be an absolute disappointment. I consider the D1100 a $40 headphone with a brand name. The D2000 is worth it's cost. If you're trying to scrounge up money for a hifi setup, you're going to need a lot more than what a headphone will fetch. Real hifi speakers cost serious bank. Keep your headphones. You'll only regret selling them as you find yourself not liking the D1100. I would rather suggest you get the panasonic HTF600 if you want to sell and get something that is inexpensive and will give you a similar, but lesser, sound.
Very best,

I already bought some nice hifi speakers and would like a sub as well.... oh well I guess I could put the sub on hold for now and try some HD650's.... I am worried they will sound a bit boring compared to the D2000.... It is a shame really because in a lot of ways i REALLY like the Denon D2000 but the sharp sounding treble just makes them fatiguing after an hour or so of listening or even less.... I like the sort of holographic imaging, the bass (recording dependant) and the midrange.. They are also extremely comfortable... I suppose the sibilance is recording dependant but still it is annoying...

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