DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02
May 4, 2024 at 6:39 AM Post #916 of 1,368
OK, if there's one thing going for the DX260 it's definitely it's smaller size and weight. The M15S and R6 Pro II are taller and heavier than the DX260.

What kind of music do you listen to and what iems do you like?
The DAP size being slightly smaller than the DX300 size is also a deciding factor in my choice.
I listen to all genres of music, one day it could be metal, like Judas Priest's great new album, for example, but another day it could be a vocal from Allison Russell, Samara Joy, Gregory Porter... jazz... just to give you an idea I listen to and like many musical genres….
I think I listen to everything except electronic music, Hip Hop and Jpop.

I think that's why I also have a list of IEMs that are very different from each other when we talk about sound signature and 3 Open Backs that I also consider very different.

That said, the song I'm going to listen to is chosen first. From this choice, I see which IEM has the best characteristics for that musical genre. Then, I choose the dongle or DAP that will have the best synergy with that IEM.
So, I'm looking for a “more universal” DAP… a little more all rounder… so I can simply worry about choosing which IEM will be best for the music I'm going to listen to and not worry too much about synergy between IEM and dongle.
The dongles will be kept as I like them in different ways. But, the “all rounder” DAP will come to facilitate portability and to overcome the moments of not wanting too many wires connected. Since I always use the CB19 + powerbank with my dongles, as I feel an improvement in the dynamics and general sound of the dongle when powered by separate power.

In short, I would like to find a DAP that is a little smaller than the DX300 and a little more neutral in sound. I know that each DAP will have its strengths and weaknesses, but I would like to find one that has these strengths and weaknesses that are not so evident. A DAP that was “easier” to combine with any item in the collection. A DAP that lets each Iem's strong point shine.
May 4, 2024 at 7:16 AM Post #917 of 1,368
The DAP size being slightly smaller than the DX300 size is also a deciding factor in my choice.
I listen to all genres of music, one day it could be metal, like Judas Priest's great new album, for example, but another day it could be a vocal from Allison Russell, Samara Joy, Gregory Porter... jazz... just to give you an idea I listen to and like many musical genres….
I think I listen to everything except electronic music, Hip Hop and Jpop.

I think that's why I also have a list of IEMs that are very different from each other when we talk about sound signature and 3 Open Backs that I also consider very different.

That said, the song I'm going to listen to is chosen first. From this choice, I see which IEM has the best characteristics for that musical genre. Then, I choose the dongle or DAP that will have the best synergy with that IEM.
So, I'm looking for a “more universal” DAP… a little more all rounder… so I can simply worry about choosing which IEM will be best for the music I'm going to listen to and not worry too much about synergy between IEM and dongle.
The dongles will be kept as I like them in different ways. But, the “all rounder” DAP will come to facilitate portability and to overcome the moments of not wanting too many wires connected. Since I always use the CB19 + powerbank with my dongles, as I feel an improvement in the dynamics and general sound of the dongle when powered by separate power.

In short, I would like to find a DAP that is a little smaller than the DX300 and a little more neutral in sound. I know that each DAP will have its strengths and weaknesses, but I would like to find one that has these strengths and weaknesses that are not so evident. A DAP that was “easier” to combine with any item in the collection. A DAP that lets each Iem's strong point shine.
Any of the daps you're considering will be as or more neutral sounding that the DX300, with the exception of the M15S being perceived as sounding similar or warmer due to its more extended and powerful bass.

Of the 3 I think would most people will be the most content with the M15S, even if I really love the R6 Pro II's superb layering.

Honestly if you're happy with dongles all 3 are good enough. The M15S and R6 Pro II just have the capability of elevating your iems/headphone's listening experience, the same cannot be said for the DX260 which just does everything fine.

That's why I don't think the DX260 is quite good enough in this market anymore.

Regarding power on the Hiby R6 Pro II, I do feel like it's just enough up to headphones like the Hifiman Ananda. Any more power hungry than that and it won't be enough.
May 4, 2024 at 7:22 AM Post #918 of 1,368
The DAP size being slightly smaller than the DX300 size is also a deciding factor in my choice.
I listen to all genres of music, one day it could be metal, like Judas Priest's great new album, for example, but another day it could be a vocal from Allison Russell, Samara Joy, Gregory Porter... jazz... just to give you an idea I listen to and like many musical genres….
I think I listen to everything except electronic music, Hip Hop and Jpop.

I think that's why I also have a list of IEMs that are very different from each other when we talk about sound signature and 3 Open Backs that I also consider very different.

That said, the song I'm going to listen to is chosen first. From this choice, I see which IEM has the best characteristics for that musical genre. Then, I choose the dongle or DAP that will have the best synergy with that IEM.
So, I'm looking for a “more universal” DAP… a little more all rounder… so I can simply worry about choosing which IEM will be best for the music I'm going to listen to and not worry too much about synergy between IEM and dongle.
The dongles will be kept as I like them in different ways. But, the “all rounder” DAP will come to facilitate portability and to overcome the moments of not wanting too many wires connected. Since I always use the CB19 + powerbank with my dongles, as I feel an improvement in the dynamics and general sound of the dongle when powered by separate power.

In short, I would like to find a DAP that is a little smaller than the DX300 and a little more neutral in sound. I know that each DAP will have its strengths and weaknesses, but I would like to find one that has these strengths and weaknesses that are not so evident. A DAP that was “easier” to combine with any item in the collection. A DAP that lets each Iem's strong point shine.
If you want a real neutral masterclass with a bit of AK colouring- smooth, sweet but extremely detailed mids and trebles and a very spacious soundstage, the AK flagships will give it to you in spades. AK sp1000/2000 are still top dogs. Everything from mid tier ive had and listened to, like dx300 with different amps, AK Kann Max, Fiio m15s, Shanling M8, even dx320 (which is awesome) sounded lackluster in comparison. There was some kind of veil and dulness to the sound which disappears with AK sp series. Its like listening to the music live but sitting in a producer's console at the same time.
May 4, 2024 at 7:23 AM Post #919 of 1,368
The DAP size being slightly smaller than the DX300 size is also a deciding factor in my choice.
I listen to all genres of music, one day it could be metal, like Judas Priest's great new album, for example, but another day it could be a vocal from Allison Russell, Samara Joy, Gregory Porter... jazz... just to give you an idea I listen to and like many musical genres….
I think I listen to everything except electronic music, Hip Hop and Jpop.

I think that's why I also have a list of IEMs that are very different from each other when we talk about sound signature and 3 Open Backs that I also consider very different.

That said, the song I'm going to listen to is chosen first. From this choice, I see which IEM has the best characteristics for that musical genre. Then, I choose the dongle or DAP that will have the best synergy with that IEM.
So, I'm looking for a “more universal” DAP… a little more all rounder… so I can simply worry about choosing which IEM will be best for the music I'm going to listen to and not worry too much about synergy between IEM and dongle.
The dongles will be kept as I like them in different ways. But, the “all rounder” DAP will come to facilitate portability and to overcome the moments of not wanting too many wires connected. Since I always use the CB19 + powerbank with my dongles, as I feel an improvement in the dynamics and general sound of the dongle when powered by separate power.

In short, I would like to find a DAP that is a little smaller than the DX300 and a little more neutral in sound. I know that each DAP will have its strengths and weaknesses, but I would like to find one that has these strengths and weaknesses that are not so evident. A DAP that was “easier” to combine with any item in the collection. A DAP that lets each Iem's strong point shine.
You just made your choice actually :wink:
May 4, 2024 at 7:33 AM Post #920 of 1,368
I am now pretty sure it's the gapless function that is causing the issue.
Turn gapless off and there is no snipping off the end of the last track.
The problem then is live albums and albums where tracks run into each other don't play as they should
I have emailed Paul at ibasso direct a while ago and he said it was being looked into and there had been an issue with the gapless which he had hoped the last filmware update had addressed
I am hoping a further update will sort the issue once and for all.
Thanks! I'll disable gapless and listen to another album to see if it snips the last few seconds off the last track. Not having gapless enabled is a minor quibble, but it's more annoying to have the album end suddenly, so I guess I can live without it for the time being.
May 4, 2024 at 7:37 AM Post #921 of 1,368
Honestly if you're happy with dongles all 3 are good enough. The M15S and R6 Pro II just have the capability of elevating your iems/headphone's listening experience, the same cannot be said for the DX260 which just does everything fine.

That's why I don't think the DX260 is quite good enough in this market anymore.
Price, size, neutrality, detail. That all speaks for the DX260 at the moment.

If you want to paint something, most people begin with a white sheet of paper, some want something different and they take a sepia or other colored paper to begin with... and that's totally fine because your choice is non negotiable.

Audiofilobrpt wants something neutral, smaller, not overly expensive (like the AK costing easily double the price of the DX260).

Sure we all have to make compromises because the ultimate DAP never will exist, does it?

In the end, from a price/performance point of view, the DX260 is neither outdated, nor is it a sub-par choice. And for just below 1k, it's probably close to a no-brainer IMHO.
May 4, 2024 at 7:42 AM Post #922 of 1,368
I lately switched my main iems to the Sennheiser ie900 and started even thinking of selling my AK sp1000 because the amount of detail and clarity, but never harshness or aggression, can be sometimes distracting. I can hear almost too much hah. I like the ie900 with the Elite a lot because of slight veil on the sound (but somehow the trebles on the Elite can sound slightly sharper) so i can just have a less demanding listen. With the sp1000 every tiny nuance is served into my ears. But its never too bright, never into my face and all extremely refined and very spacious.
I think for a more fun listening, with the ie900 the Elite is everything i need.
May 4, 2024 at 8:01 AM Post #923 of 1,368
If you want a real neutral masterclass with a bit of AK colouring- smooth, sweet but extremely detailed mids and trebles and a very spacious soundstage, the AK flagships will give it to you in spades. AK sp1000/2000 are still top dogs. Everything from mid tier ive had and listened to, like dx300 with different amps, AK Kann Max, Fiio m15s, Shanling M8, even dx320 (which is awesome) sounded lackluster in comparison. There was some kind of veil and dulness to the sound which disappears with AK sp series. Its like listening to the music live but sitting in a producer's console at the same time.
I suggest you give the Hiby R6 Pro II a try, you just described what I loved about it.

Really wish I had the SP 1000/2000 to compare with it.

Price, size, neutrality, detail. That all speaks for the DX260 at the moment.

If you want to paint something, most people begin with a white sheet of paper, some want something different and they take a sepia or other colored paper to begin with... and that's totally fine because your choice is non negotiable.

Audiofilobrpt wants something neutral, smaller, not overly expensive (like the AK costing easily double the price of the DX260).

Sure we all have to make compromises because the ultimate DAP never will exist, does it?

In the end, from a price/performance point of view, the DX260 is neither outdated, nor is it a sub-par choice. And for just below 1k, it's probably close to a no-brainer IMHO.
I'm still finalising my comparative reviews on 3 but here's the gist of it.

M15S most extended. DX260 less extended but still more than R6 Pro II. M15S powerful subbass, DX260 more neutral, better detail in really bass heavy tracks. R6 Pro II layering not as present in subbass due to lack of extension but the best layered past that.

M15S natural, lifelike. DX260 softer presentation, lifelike. R6 Pro II forward, dryer, female vocal can be grainy, and rarely, brittle.

R6 Pro II most refined and refined, M15S a little softer and rolled off in the highest registers, DX260 neutral extended but soft.

Softer DX260 - M15S - R6 Pro II Crisp
DX260 has a blunted feel to it. R6 Pro II the most clear and crisp.

M15S Great depth, great width, good imaging and layering
R6 Pro II Great depth, good width, best imaging and layering
DX260 good depth, good width, good layering but imaging is a bit muddled.

M15S best overall. R6 Pro II comparable but let down by less extended bass. DX260 not playing on the same level as the other two, soft, blunted and lacks authority almost like it lacks power.

My biggest gripe with the DX260 would be that it lacks emotion and character compared to the other two. You have powerful Imax like bass on the M15S, outstanding layering and treble on the R6 Pro II, and what, a half hearted but technically correct version of the song on the DX260?

The other two make me want to pick them up and listen to them, the DX260 doesn't have anything that calls me back to it.
Last edited:
May 4, 2024 at 8:11 AM Post #924 of 1,368
You just made your choice actually :wink:
In your opinion, in all this immense text of mine that describes what I want to find in a DAP is the answer which would be the DX260??
You now sound like those Coaches who say: “The answer to your life’s dilemma is already in your mind.” 😂
Is it really the DX260?? 😂 😂
I still haven't figured out the confusion in my mind. Help-me!!
May 4, 2024 at 8:12 AM Post #925 of 1,368
Thanks! I'll disable gapless and listen to another album to see if it snips the last few seconds off the last track. Not having gapless enabled is a minor quibble, but it's more annoying to have the album end suddenly, so I guess I can live without it for the time being.
Agree it's a minor thing however it should be sorted out as it does impact what otherwise is a superb listening experience
May 4, 2024 at 8:16 AM Post #926 of 1,368
If you want a real neutral masterclass with a bit of AK colouring- smooth, sweet but extremely detailed mids and trebles and a very spacious soundstage, the AK flagships will give it to you in spades. AK sp1000/2000 are still top dogs. Everything from mid tier ive had and listened to, like dx300 with different amps, AK Kann Max, Fiio m15s, Shanling M8, even dx320 (which is awesome) sounded lackluster in comparison. There was some kind of veil and dulness to the sound which disappears with AK sp series. Its like listening to the music live but sitting in a producer's console at the same time.
Thank you Rigatio!! In your opinion, could a cheaper A&K deliver a good percentage of what the SP1000 or SP2000 deliver? Given so much product that I already have and for the use I will give the DAP, I don't want to pay so much... I know that many people talk about the A&K operating system. I will listen to my personal library, but I also need TIDAL streaming which I use to discover new albums and artists to add to the CD collection later and convert to FLAC for the microSD.
May 4, 2024 at 8:17 AM Post #927 of 1,368
I suggest you give the Hiby R6 Pro II a try, you just described what I loved about it.

Really wish I had the SP 1000/2000 to compare with it.

I'm still finalising my comparative reviews on 3 but here's the gist of it.

M15S most extended. DX260 less extended but still more than R6 Pro II. M15S powerful subbass, DX260 more neutral, better detail in really bass heavy tracks. R6 Pro II layering not as present in subbass due to lack of extension but the best layered past that.

M15S natural, lifelike. DX260 softer presentation, lifelike. R6 Pro II forward, dryer, female vocal can be grainy, and rarely, brittle.

R6 Pro II most refined and refined, M15S a little softer and rolled off in the highest registers, DX260 neutral extended but soft.

Softer DX260 - M15S - R6 Pro II Crisp
DX260 has a blunted feel to it. R6 Pro II the most clear and crisp.

M15S Great depth, great width, good imaging and layering
R6 Pro II Great depth, good width, best imaging and layering
DX260 good depth, good width, good layering but imaging is a bit muddled.

M15S best overall. R6 Pro II comparable but let down by less extended bass. DX260 not playing on the same level as the other two, soft, blunted and lacks authority almost like it lacks power.
From your comparisons of R6 Pro II with the M15s, i would guess that the sp1000 would be like a fusion of both but elevated in quality. When i compared the M15s to the sp1000 using u12t, the M15s had bit weaker bass punch, extension and texturing, veiled and softer dynamics and clarity across the whole spectrum and sounded bit "grayish".
People sometimes describe R6 II Pro trebles as bit sharp, so the sp1000 is probably step ahead in treble naturalness.
Ive had Shanling H7 which utilises the same dac as the Hiby and the H7 was indeed sharper on top than the sp1000. AK has this insanely detailed top end but its never sharp and raw. Sp1000/2000 have the most realistic and refined treble rendition ive ever heard in any portable.

M15S Great depth, great width, good imaging and layering
R6 Pro II Great depth, good width, best imaging and layering
DX260 good depth, good width, good layering but imaging is a bit muddled."

Well the sp1000 had better widht and depth than the M15s, so in this department, teoretically, the sp1000 would have an upper hand over the Hiby too.

Its all guessing as ive never heard the R6 Pro II but i highly doubt it will beat any of the AK sp series flagship.
May 4, 2024 at 8:22 AM Post #928 of 1,368
Price, size, neutrality, detail. That all speaks for the DX260 at the moment.

If you want to paint something, most people begin with a white sheet of paper, some want something different and they take a sepia or other colored paper to begin with... and that's totally fine because your choice is non negotiable.

Audiofilobrpt wants something neutral, smaller, not overly expensive (like the AK costing easily double the price of the DX260).

Sure we all have to make compromises because the ultimate DAP never will exist, does it?

In the end, from a price/performance point of view, the DX260 is neither outdated, nor is it a sub-par choice. And for just below 1k, it's probably close to a no-brainer IMHO.
That's what I feel!! It seems that among the 3 that are most under discussion here, the DX260 seems to fit a little more into the description I made. The R6proII and the M15s seem to have some particular characteristic that could move them away from neutrality a little. The DX260 seems to do the entire spectrum well in a relatively linear way. But now I want to put another one in the game: The M23. Does the M23's AKM take it to the hotter side? Or could the M23 join the fray to find the most neutral possible?
May 4, 2024 at 8:23 AM Post #929 of 1,368
Thank you Rigatio!! In your opinion, could a cheaper A&K deliver a good percentage of what the SP1000 or SP2000 deliver? Given so much product that I already have and for the use I will give the DAP, I don't want to pay so much... I know that many people talk about the A&K operating system. I will listen to my personal library, but I also need TIDAL streaming which I use to discover new albums and artists to add to the CD collection later and convert to FLAC for the microSD.

From your comparisons of R6 Pro II with the M15s, i would guess that the sp1000 would be like a fusion of both but elevated in quality. When i compared the M15s to the sp1000 using u12t, the M15s had bit weaker bass punch, extension and texturing, veiled and softer dynamics and clarity across the whole spectrum and sounded bit "grayish".
People sometimes describe R6 II Pro trebles as bit sharp, so the sp1000 is probably step ahead in treble naturalness.
Ive had Shanling H7 which utilises the same dac as the Hiby and the H7 was indeed sharper on top than the sp1000. AK has this insanely detailed top end but its never sharp and raw. Sp1000/2000 have the most realistic and refined treble rendition ive ever heard in any portable.

M15S Great depth, great width, good imaging and layering
R6 Pro II Great depth, good width, best imaging and layering
DX260 good depth, good width, good layering but imaging is a bit muddled."

Well the sp1000 had better widht and depth than the M15s, so in this department, teoretically, the sp1000 would have an upper hand over the Hiby too.

Its all guessing as ive never heard the R6 Pro II but i highly doubt it will beat any of the AK sp series flagship.
Yeah we're both just taking a piss in the dark lol.

I have way better gear than what I used to have when I tried the SP1000 so even with the M15S/R6 Pro II, my old impressions of the SP1000 won't reach the heights I'm at now.

Been trying a few flagships again and I'm wondering if they have regressed since the SP1000/LPG/N8 days. I recently tried the N8ii and even in its best sounding mode it wasn't far off the M15S.
May 4, 2024 at 8:26 AM Post #930 of 1,368
That's what I feel!! It seems that among the 3 that are most under discussion here, the DX260 seems to fit a little more into the description I made. The R6proII and the M15s seem to have some particular characteristic that could move them away from neutrality a little. The DX260 seems to do the entire spectrum well in a relatively linear way. But now I want to put another one in the game: The M23. Does the M23's AKM take it to the hotter side? Or could the M23 join the fray to find the most neutral possible?
Nah, if its anything like the K9 AKM it'll be soft and neutral-slightly warm. The R6 Pro II is the outlier here as far as AKM 4499EX implementations go being crisp, clear and neutral.

The DX260 is Neutral-reference and soft.

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