don't get these adapters, they sound like ass. Basically, the low end rolls off like crazy: upper bass is still there, but mid-bass is greatly diminished, and sub-bass is non-existent.
So, basically (if I understood correctly) the
Bass loses it's
B? Well, that seems like a pretty
Big loss in the sound department
People say that the 24c is intimate sounding, is it more intimate than 23 or the same? I have tried 24 and the ergonomic wasnt great and i heard the 23 is worst than 24, cant imagine how uncomfortable wearing 23.
Well, I did some serious cable rolling (due to a synergy search for a new ciem) with all the 3 Code cables over the past days/week...
Regarding ergonomics: the Code 24c is the most comfortable (thinnest and most flexible) out of the 3 for sure. And if you think that the C24 is too thick for you and ergonomics is really important to you, then you might better stay away from the C23 I guess.
Code 23...
When I sit down with the C23, while listening to music, all's fine. But when I start moving around with it (what I often use to do during the day) then it's quite noticeable present. But the sound with the C23 is also still one of the best around imo and it matches pretty well with multiple iems: full bodied with a wide soundstage, deep bass and good resolution. And yes, the 24c is indeed more intimate sounding to my ears than the 23.
The Code 23 is also excellent, and even warmer
Hmmm, I'm not totally sure if I experienced that the same way... I might have to do another A-B test for that. I thought initially that the 24c sounded a bit more compressed and warmer compared to the 23, but I might have been mistaken
Code 24...
First of all, I don't consider the ergonomics of the C24 that bad at all myself! When I walk around with it, listening to music, than it works totally fine (flexible enough and hardly any noticeable weight) for me. To my ears the C24 is even more revealing than the 23, with imo slightly better resolution. The soundstage is about the same as the 23 to my ears ,where the 24c is more intimate. The C24 is also a bit brighter and slightly less full bodied than the C23, but if you want to hear all the freakin' micro details in your music, than I would certainly pick the C24 myself. However, in case you have a bright sounding iem and you want a smooth (without losing too much on the details) aproach to that signature, than the C24c might be the more logical choice