Apr 3, 2024 at 8:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7
Sep 20, 2016
Were you thrilled by our previous post and eagerly clicked through to our website, only to discover you couldn't complete the purchase?


Surprise, it was an April Fool's joke! (We hope the name of the series & the price gave it away!) The prospect of individually crafting such a complex cable was our playful nod to the complexities and divine skill of Hephaestus himself. In reality, creating cables at Effect Audio involves years of meticulous research and development.

Crafting these luxurious cables like the Fusion 1, which in fact does feature 40 bundles in a bespoke triple layer system (Tri-Strata Layering Mix) and combining materials like our flagship Gold-plated Silver material, Pure Silver Litz alongside a strategic blend of nearly half a dozen Copper variations, requires deep expertise and precision. This underscores the dedication to delivering unparalleled sound quality and innovation in each cable we produce.

Drop by CanJam SG this weekend to try some of our cables such as the Eros S, Fusion 1 & Chiron Nova! For our international fans, reach out to your local dealer to experience these cables in your home country!
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Apr 3, 2024 at 11:06 AM Post #2 of 7
I will forever have a 4 million dollar cable screen shot in my cart 🤭
Apr 3, 2024 at 11:57 AM Post #3 of 7
I will forever have a 4 million dollar cable screen shot in my cart 🤭
Screenshot will be a nice laugh when the market eventually gets there apparently lolol
Apr 3, 2024 at 1:02 PM Post #4 of 7
Screenshot will be a nice laugh when the market eventually gets there apparently lolol
Then I can tell my grandchrildren that the HEPHAESTUS Was my first 4 million $ cable
Apr 4, 2024 at 5:25 PM Post #6 of 7
You can’t just bundle different wire materials together and expect amazing sound. There’s far more R&D and testing needed to ensure there’s no unwanted distortions and phase cancellations that are detrimental to the final sound of the IEMs
Apr 5, 2024 at 12:36 AM Post #7 of 7
You can’t just bundle different wire materials together and expect amazing sound. There’s far more R&D and testing needed to ensure there’s no unwanted distortions and phase cancellations that are detrimental to the final sound of the IEMs
I just read a nice long article/effort from a website that measured a LOT of high end interconnects for impedance vs frequency, inductance, capacitance, impulse response... The whole deal. But when it came to subjective evaluations (allegedly blind of cost but c'mon... they knew the brand and model name they're not that objective because they participate in the hobby) and none of their impressions matched the objective characteristics of the cable's measurements 🤣.

They did however come to the conclusion that no... spending 2K+ on interconnects over a properly built $40 cable is NOT worth it (unless you have an end game system in place and REALLY want to dabble in cables). Even the flat measuring to 10Mhz cables they didn't square with rolled off (before 20Khz or well before microwave frequencies) or high impedance to FR response curve cables (rapidly increasing impedance to frequency ratios)

In conclusion. I give up. I'll buy what looks good and is in my budget🤣

PS: Nordost's cheapest interconnects measure the best. Kimber's Tonic ($150) is OK but the Hero ($600 unfortunately) is nearly FLAT out to 10Mhz (but they're unshielded). Mogami measures flat (but they subjectively didn't like them). Chord C-line is not great. Van den Hul's purple interconnects buy used if you can otherwise "the wave" and "the tide" are very good value for money (under $200, pick your color preference orange or green)
PSS: Van den Hul's entry Phono RCA with ground strap is also excellently built and value for money.

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