Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread
Dec 1, 2019 at 8:20 AM Post #62 of 5,659
Hey folks!

Just got back from the Portable Audio Party in Indonesia, and a party it was! I was delighted to see a turn-out not unlike a CanJam right in my home town, and I was equally - if not more - delighted by the familiar faces I got to see there as well. Joseph Mou was exhibiting MMR’s line of IEMs (their Balmung was my favourite of the entire show, by the way) and, of course, I got to see my dear friend @Eric Chong with his latest endeavour at Eletech. Below are very brief impressions of the cables I got to try at Mr. Chong’s art gallery, as well as a pic or two to accompany them:

(Apologies for the strong filters, by the way. Show lighting is rarely not crap. :D)

First and foremost, ergonomically, the cables felt great. To be completely honest, I was a tad concerned after seeing photos of a couple of them on Jude’s CanJam Shanghai preview video, because they looked like they’d kink quite easily. Thankfully, after handling them in person, they did feel quite supple and smooth. Now, are they the smoothest feeling cables I’ve ever used? Outside of the Illiad, probably not. The Fortitude, Prudence and Plato had a slightly tackier feel to them. It’d be ideal if they could somehow make them feel silkier without compromising the thinness and lightness of the insulation. The Illiad, though, is a class above in my opinion. It’s easily one of the most softest, most supple cables I’ve ever handled with a gorgeous, velvet-y touch, and a sublimely attractive, diamond-chain-like aesthetic to it. The Y-split and connectors I thought struck the perfect balance of size, sturdiness and weight, and the Illiad’s had - as Eric and @mvvRAZ said - a reflective quality to it that I can’t wait to explore in photography later on. :wink:

Off to sound! Across the board, I felt there was a similar house sound to the Eletech cables, apart from the Fortitude. The Prudence, Plato and Illiad all had a laid-backed-ness to the treble that came across natural and transparent without being dulled, rolled-off or slow. They had a silky, relaxed and organic tone to them, but what they also had was a tactile, physical texture. So, the treble remained present, airy, authoritative and clean - i.e. there wasn’t any warm gunk muddying up the image - but it was quite strongly refined and evened-out as well. Personally, having grown kinda tired by the typical boost-the-highs-so-it-sounds-like-there’s-more-detail sig most upgrade cables tend to resort to, I think this more tactful, refined presentation is a breath of fresh air. And, it’s a tuning that’s been extremely well-thought-out and well-executed too.

Now, onto the individual cables:

Fortitude: The Fortitude I thought added a nice contrast between the lows, high-mids and highs for an almost w-shaped response. What it brought was forwardness, punchiness and immediacy, but also - underneath - a very nice sense of control as well. Instruments, while dynamic, popped in and decayed rather cleanly. Combined with the impressive amount of air the copper cable was able to maintain, the resulting image never buckled under the energy; punchy, yet authoritative and tidy too. Spatially, the stage was certainly on the intimate side. But, as I shared with Eric, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as the elements within it are neatly organised, which the Fortitude's were. So, despite its size, the stage had not a single bit of congestion, and that intimacy ended up working in its favour; boosting that sense of impact and fun by putting instruments closer to the listener. This is a cable that pairs perfectly with in-ears that are more neutral-natural or relaxed dynamically - say, the Custom Art FIBAE 7, JH Audio Layla or Alclair Electro - if you wanna bring a bit more presence and bite into the mix.

Prudence: The Prudence is a great change of pace from the Fortitude, as it’s probably the most relaxed-sounding cable of the bunch. Impressively, though, the Prudence didn’t have that warm, sluggish and hazy tone. Rather, it had wonderful cleanliness, clarity and air. It had a pristine, serene and calming presence that came across graceful, effortless and light-on-its-feet. If it makes any sense, it sounded like a ballet recital, or a drummer doing butterflies on cymbals and hi-hats. It simply gave instruments this light, feathery-touch, but without becoming lethargic or sterile. Again, the cable had that tactile sort of texture I’d described earlier, that kept instrument sounding solid and corporeal. The midrange I thought was very nicely balanced with good body to the low-mids. And, the top-end was really rounded, rich and analog-sounding whilst - again - maintaining that sense of air. It’s almost like a baby Illiad in tone, really, and I’d surmise that it pairs most ideally with in-ears that are inherently dynamic or powerful-sounding, like 64 Audio’s A6t, Lime Ears’ Aether R and Empire Ears’ Valkyrie.

Plato: The Plato was the one I was most curious about, as Eric had said that it was his favourite to pair with VE’s ELYSIUM; one of my personal favourites for quite some time now. And, upon hitting Play, I had most certainly agreed. The Plato had cleanliness, transparency and neutrality written all over it, until it reached the upper-mids, which were vibrant, musical and gorgeously-textured. It had a great bite to it. But, at the same time, it didn't sound saturated (or overblown), tinny or shouty, which I thought was an impressive achievement. It also brought lots of openness and air to the stage for those upper-mids to properly ring. Texture-wise, the Plato came across nearly on-par with the Illiad to me, but the latter did have the edge in background blackness and resolution. Nevertheless, I found the Plato unique in how it was able to fuse the Fortitude’s immediacy and zing with the Prudence’s openness and headroom, and it’s certainly a cable to consider if you have Vision Ears’ ELYSIUM and you wanna further enliven, enrich and texture its sound.

Illiad: Eletech’s flagship immediately struck me as their most open, spacious and resolving. The background was noticeably cleaner and more defined, allowing instruments to stand more convincingly on their own two feet. In terms of stereo separation and holography, I’ve only heard better out of the likes of Han Sound Audio’s Venom or PW Audio’s 1950s. Separation and layering were at their cleanest too, which resulted in micro-details and textures coming through with great clarity. But, unlike what most may assume, the Illiad did not have a crisp, ultra-clean tone. Rather, it had a thick, organic and relaxed timbre. Again, it wasn’t warm or fat-sounding by any means. It simply sounded effortless, transparent and free, almost as if its performance didn’t need it to lift a finger. So, all in all, I found the Illiad gorgeously silky, graceful and organic in tone, but with openness, air and technique on par with the best of them. Like the Prudence, it’s a perfect match for in-ears that are rather lively and brazen on their own. And, it’s extra ideal for flagships that can tolerate zero bottlenecks when it comes to technical performance. I imagine it’d pair beautifully with 64 Audio’s A18t or tia Fourté.

Again, it was an absolute pleasure catching up with Eric and Joseph, and listening to their wonderful new projects. I look forward to hearing more of ‘em soon. And, I can’t wait to see what you guys think of Eletech’s debut cables once they start shipping. Cheers! :D

Thanks Deezel, that was a really nice overview. I've just put in my order for a Iliad and looking forward to hearing it with my VE8s :). It was either an Elysium or an Iliad, and went for the cable as loving the VE8.
Dec 1, 2019 at 4:55 PM Post #65 of 5,659
As a customer and through my reviewing I have worked several times with Eric Chong and always enjoyed my interactions with him. So when Eric recently decided to take a chance and co-found his own company, I stayed in touch with him to see what he would come up with. Because I know other people here on Head-fi are very curious about his new company too, Eric's a popular guy, I decided it would be okay for me to start this thread (something I usually don't do). The information below is quoted from the Eletech press release. And just to be clear, I am not affiliated with Eletech in any way.

Premium Singapore Cable Atelier “Eletech”Debuts In Shanghai Canjam
Eletech Headquarters, Singapore, November 11, 2019 – Eletech, a contemporary designer & atelier for boutique audiophile cables makes their debut with an alluring set of 4 products. Eletech cables sports an incredible sense and feel of the Renaissance era especially from product naming to product design. Every single product has been painstakingly designed to bring about a wholesome melodious experience for the customers and enthusiasts.


Element Technology (Eletech) is an innovative driven cable artisan headquartered in Singapore. Co-Founded by Eric Chong, a prominent figure within the cable segment of Head-Fi industry alongside materials specialist Wang, an incredible talent in the arts of materials engineering whom have been experimenting with cable crafts for decades. Eletech is the platform wherein the pair explores unconventional approaches to developing the zenith of cables though the perfect synergy of musicality, technology, design and innovation.

Eric Chong has been deeply involved with the IEM cable industry segment for the better parts of 5 years while being an industry veteran for the past decade. He has collated various forms of limitations that cable manufacturers have encountered that has steered themselves away from a breakthrough of current bottleneck. Eletech therefore adopted a community-driven approach that is reinforced by a global mindset and talents to their R&D ensuring that the products and innovation shall always stay at the forefront of the industry while maintain excellent transparency. Eletech has also forged various vital connections with IEM & DAP manufacturers, constantly collecting feedback as to ensure that our products are in perfect synergy with the industry key leader's products.

Eletech Cables combines multiple approaches to cable crafts such as "Materials", "Geometry", "Purity", "Conductivity", "Braid works" among others which coalescent to form a plethora of exemplary products with a tinge of creativity flair. Eletech augmented by Eric's famed customer experience oriented approach as well as Wang's expertise in materials has brought on a team of like minded individuals whom pours their heart into the creation of every single piece of product.

Every single piece of product is meticulously crafted and has gone through stringent quality control tests to ensure it meets the standards and hallmark of a "Eletech Cable", ultimately ensures that every piece of work that our customers receives are the worthy of being the crème de la crème.

Product Series & Line Up
Eletech unveils 3 essential series of products that’s of stark contrast; They explores the multitude aspects of the Renaissance and imbued its very essence within the products DNA. The series are namely - “Virtues” , “School Of Athens” and “Parnassus”.

Eletech showcases its technological excellence and creativity flair with the "Virtues" series - derived from the Cardinal Virtues (Raphael) found on the south wall of the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican. The virtue of 'Fortitude' allows one to overcome all odds and stand firm in our will while the virtue of 'Prudence' allows one an accurate judgment of situation and upholds morality standards.

'Fortitude' is designed with a completely fresh philosophy and offers excellent ergonomics, a perfect tinge of warmth with undeniable vocals solvency. It's unique geometry combined with a Type 4-Litz set up enables the Copper to offer excellent staging precision unlike most coppers. Augmented by a Kevlar core, the "Fortitude" is resilient while ensuring the structural stability of extremely high strand counts.

- 26 AWG
- Flawless OCC Copper
- Extreme high strand counts
- Hybrid Type-4 Litz Geometry ; Kevlar Resilient Core
- Cryogenically Treated
- Eletech Customised connectors and Y-split
- Individually Enamelled strands
- FlexiMax Insulation™ (patent pending)

‘Prudence’ is designed with a completely fresh philosophy and offers excellent ergonomics, an energetic performance without sacrificing details and accuracy. It's unique geometry combined with a Type 4-Litz set up enables the Silver Plated Copper to smooths treble extensions while having a visceral bass response. Augmented by a Kevlar core, the "Fortitude" is resilient while ensuring the structural stability of extremely high strand counts.

- 26 AWG
- Flawless OCC Silver Plated Copper
- Extreme high strand counts
- Hybrid Type-4 Litz Geometry ; Kevlar Resilient Core
- Cryogenically Treated
- Eletech Customised connectors and Y-split
- Individually Enamelled strands
- FlexiMax Insulation™ (patent pending)

Eletech features their quest for the extremities of a pure material and maximizes the efficiency and performance from a unique materials processing method through the "School Of Athens" series - derived from the "The School Of Athens" (Raphael) found on the wall of the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican depicting philosophy. It's widely recognized as the perfect masterpiece and embodiment of the spirit of Renaissance. 'Plato' is one of the shining talented philosopher whom is illustrated within "The School Of Athens".

'Plato" is realization of Eletech’s quest for the ultimate purity and extremities of a single material - Silver. Utilizing an unique Eletech maximus efficiency strand geometry with "Plato" catalyst in monocrystal bespoke Silver, the efficiency, speed, accuracy and resolution is unsurpassed within its class. "Plato" is a reference grade silver that is capable of materializing every details from every nooks and cranny of the soundscape.

- 24 AWG
- Flawless Monocrystal Bespoke Silver
- Maximus efficiency strand geometry ; Kevlar infused
- Cryogenically Treated
- Eletech Bespoke Solder
- Eletech Customised connectors and Y-split
- FlexiMax Insulation™ (patent pending)

Eletech traverse uncharted territories of cables and materials realm with the "Parnassus" series - derived from the "The Parnassus" (Raphael) found on the second wall of the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican depicting poetry and literature. "Iliad" is one of the defining literature of the greatest poet of the world - 'Homer' whom is illustrated within "The Parnassus".

'Iliad" is the euphonious fusion of triple stellar materials which are able to stand in its own right. It's forged from the catalyst of high grade pure monocrystal silver with industry new palladium plated silver while adding a meticulously calculated amount of gold-silver alloy to add a spark to its spirit and soul. Further tempered by an Eletech solder mixture, "Iliad's" sonar qualities are calculated, every step of the way. Augmented by an incredible Type-4 Litz hybrid geometry and a Kevlar core, the "Iliad" is an incredibly soulful acoustic piece that elevates acoustical performance to the apex.

- 24 AWG
- Flawless Monocrystal Silver + Palladium Plated Silver + Gold-Silver Alloy
- Hybrid Type-4 Litz Geometry ; Kevlar Resilient Core
- Cryogenically Treated
- Eletech Bespoke Solder
- Eletech Customised connectors and Y-split
- Individually Enamelled strands
- FlexiMax Insulation™ (patent pending)

Bespoke Designer Parts & Connectors
Pentaconn is one of the most innovative manufacturer and offers the highest precision machined processes for audiophile Hi-Fi parts and crafts within the industry at the moment. They are also the official designer and manufacture for the all-new 4.4mm balanced plug. Renowned for their ingenious designs and extreme high quality of craftsmanship, Eletech has been partnered with Pentaconn to create an exclusive set of bespoke designer parts for all Eletech’s cables.

Connector Housing
Every Eletech cable with the configuration of 2Pin / MMCX is sported with a bespoke designed Eletech shell housing that’s made of Pentaconn specialty ‘Aluminum Alloy’ which features a seamless structural integrity and rejects magnetic EMF radiation. It’s specific chromed texture and shaping has been refined multiple times to achieve perfect ergonomics. Eletech’s logo is engraved using Pentaconn Japan’s high precision apparatus to achieve an extremely deluxe finish.

Y-Split & Termination Housing
Eletech bespoke designed Y-Split and Termination housing features a ultra precision cuts of Seven balanced triangle with fastidious attention to detail. Triangles are the most structurally stable and strong geometry and wherein it represents strength and balance. Eletech first generation Y-Splits and Termination housing design have imbued the geometric triangle within. The parts are made of Pentaconn specialty ‘Aluminum Alloy’ which features a seamless structural integrity and rejects magnetic EMF radiation. Both parts are weighted to calculate not only for its tensile strength but the ergonomics and aesthetics as well. Eletech’s logo is engraved using Pentaconn Japan’s high precision apparatus to achieve an extremely deluxe finish.

Eletech Deluxe Leather Cases
All products within the series ‘School Of Athens’ & ‘Parnassus’ will come with a specially designed and portable hand crafted leather carrying case.Individually handcrafted and hand burnished to create a truly unique finish. Each carrying case will develop patina user marks with use and shall exhibit your very own individuality.


Eletech Headquarters (SG):
Eric Chong, Co-Founder and Marketing Director
E-mail : eric@elementechnology.com

Eletech Website:
Can't wait to hear my new Fusions with your awesome cables. Hope. To be one of lucky ones participating your Black Friday / Cyber Monday event!
Dec 1, 2019 at 5:35 PM Post #66 of 5,659
Thanks @Deezel177 for awesome impressions as usual. Super intrigued by the Plato myself and based on the descriptions it would seem to be a great pairing with the Legend X. Glad to see some new, exciting and innovative cables rolling onto the market with Eric's creativity in tow!

Dec 1, 2019 at 5:57 PM Post #67 of 5,659
Thank you for your kind words buddy :) Indeed, we feel that Y-Split communicates a design language and brand principles which is why we spent much sleepless nights developing these parts :) Good luck for the raffle !! :D

Thank You Eric!!! I really appreciate the efforts placed in the design work for the Y-splitter. I can understand the amount of designwork involved and the number of revisions it had to go through to meet the uniqueness it is as of now. I would love to experience the cable personally and enjoy it further! :slight_smile:
Dec 2, 2019 at 2:59 AM Post #68 of 5,659
@Deezel177 ~ My man! Thanks for sharing your detailed first impressions over. Really appreciate it! :) I think the community have been waiting for that! That was incredibly quick and detailed writing and Im psyched to hear nice feedbacks from ya !! It was great catching up and look forward to hanging out again!!

PS - In case y'all didn't know - Deezel's a mini celebrity in Indonesia with a flock of fans *Grin*.

Thanks Deezel, that was a really nice overview. I've just put in my order for a Iliad and looking forward to hearing it with my VE8s :). It was either an Elysium or an Iliad, and went for the cable as loving the VE8.

Thanks Buddy~!! You wont be disappointed :) We'll aim for the magic parcel to arrive at your doorsteps before X'mas! :D

Thanks @Deezel177 for awesome impressions as usual. Super intrigued by the Plato myself and based on the descriptions it would seem to be a great pairing with the Legend X. Glad to see some new, exciting and innovative cables rolling onto the market with Eric's creativity in tow!


Oh bro, i think that could be a fantastic synergy but can't say for sure yet. I'll let you know when i hook up the LX with the "Plato" for an afternoon :D

- Eric
Eletech Cables Stay updated on Eletech Cables at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/eletechsg https://twitter.com/EletechJP https://instagram.com/eletechsg/ https://elementechnology.com/ eric@elementechnology.com
Dec 2, 2019 at 9:11 AM Post #69 of 5,659
PS - In case y'all didn't know - Deezel's a mini celebrity in Indonesia with a flock of fans *Grin*.
I can just imagine the scene...

Dec 2, 2019 at 11:01 PM Post #71 of 5,659
I can just imagine the scene...

Hahaha!! That would be rad!! - Im would kill to see that happening some day :wink: This time it was more tamed ..


I bet I won't...it will be one hell of a Christmas present, thanks Eric :)

That reminds me ... Let me see if i can get it in Christmas wrapping! :D

Eletech Cables Stay updated on Eletech Cables at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/eletechsg https://twitter.com/EletechJP https://instagram.com/eletechsg/ https://elementechnology.com/ eric@elementechnology.com
Dec 4, 2019 at 3:49 AM Post #73 of 5,659
Saw Eletech's latest post on the Prudence, anyone else tried it and maybe can compare it to any other cables around the same price range?

Also... Less than 3 days to the giveaway:hugging::hugging:
So hypeddddddd I want a second Iliad :D

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