Focal Clear headphones
Nov 29, 2021 at 11:56 PM Post #10,141 of 12,644
Yeah, that pretty much sounds like a loose wire. You need to remove the pad, unscrew six tiny torx screws and the shell will open. Not sure about the size of those little screws, though. Reposition the wire, put everything back together.

Just checked: it's T6.
Thanks again everyone, I fix it!!!

I come back for debriefing. the wires are actually loose, but it is not the reason of raffle, the reason is the spring inside for recovering the shell position is loose and shaking.

That is why when I bending the ear pad, the raffle just disappeared, cuz the spring is holding the shell and sturdy.
So I adjust the angle of spring to make it tighter, now is all good

Thanks again
Nov 30, 2021 at 8:16 AM Post #10,142 of 12,644
Thank you everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I decide to open it and check the wire
May I ask how to open the shell? it is from outside to loose the three little screws or from inside to remove the pad and screws?

This is how the rattle sounds like

Reminded me of this post I saw from earlier in this thread, maybe this can help you:
So I got curious and wanted to know the source of the rattle/loose screw sound coming from the left side of my Clear.
I opened up the left cup. Really easy process by the way...

The source of the rattle is coming from the clip circled in the pic below. It's moving freely when I shake it. Hope this clears (no pun intended) up the rattle issue for everyone. Nothing related to the driver at all.

Nov 30, 2021 at 5:07 PM Post #10,143 of 12,644
Reminded me of this post I saw from earlier in this thread, maybe this can help you:
Yes, exactly the same issue!!~~~ I try to put the spring back to the center position, but not working, still shaking after I assembled them back

The way I sort it out is to bend the spring up a little bit, to make it in a larger angle, so that when I put the ear cup back it will be hold on the ear cup and not loose.
Dec 3, 2021 at 12:45 PM Post #10,145 of 12,644
I listened to my clear mg’s after work last night, and I was still listening at 2:30am! I could not put them down, even with work in the am. Definitely worth the tiredness! I’m fully satisfied with every part of the sound. It’s more complete than anything I’ve ever heard. It’s just bang-on the harman target. It just sounds normal to me. For once everything is just perfect, no weird quirks in any frequencies, the imaging, transients, etc. And the dynamics… I get what people mean now when they talk about the “focal dynamics” not in terms of drivers but dynamism. Wow! There’s so much nuance in the timbre and impact of sounds all through the frequency spectrum, not just in the bass, all without being too impactful for me personally or sounding out of place, or unintended for the recording to sound that way. It’s like how Tyll at Innerfidelity described the first gen clears, everything just sounds confident. Unlike planars which can have sounds that spread out diffusely, and have sort of a see-through nature to a lot of instruments (which I like in its own way), these have what I’m really after for my main setup, which is that dynamic driver wall of sound that hits like bricks in every frequency when tuned well, while still having layered imaging with instruments that are full and opaque but untouched by other instruments, perfectly floating in their own occupied space. And when the recording intends for see-through sounds with gobs of reverb for example, you get that still, though perhaps not to the extent of certain planars or other driver types. It’s like a perfect 2-channel setup in a treated room, particularly like my nearfield yamaha hs8s, just so much more nuanced and refined, and balanced without the room treatment issue in the equation. The stage is smaller than a lot of other open-backs but I actually love the balance between intimacy and laid-back imaging. It’s just sooo dynamic and everything that I think should be a little forward in the mix like vocals and hard hitting snares, toms, 808 bass etc. it’s all right there with impact in just the right spot, and the smaller more distant sounds stray farther than I expected. I was pleasantly surprised to hear sounds like hi hats and reverberated guitars in the distance “coming” from around 5 to 10 inches away from my face in depth while vocals were just in front of my face as opposed to inside my head which I find too forward. It’s forward but just at the right amount for my preference. There’s also a nice gradient to imaging as opposed to your typical three blobs left, centre, and right, with sounds shifting left to right in a very easily distinguishable way with amazing channel matching and driver speed, so you can get these sounds zinging into different places which is beautiful for recordings that play with stereo effects. I’ve never heard a headphone so responsive to the recording. When a vocalist yells they get closer and in your face, then suddenly drift farther away when they sing soft. Sounds also tickle my ears more than other headphones I’ve tried. Guitar plucks and vocal consonants for are remarkable. I’ve never heard so much micro detail right into the mix, all while preserving the power. It can be so challenging to find a headphone that can pull off both speed and power/timbre all while sounding natural, and not leaving you craving something “colder” for more detail. No such compromise needs to be made here. Lower is possibly ever-so-slightly too smooth for me, but that’s possibly due to the amp stage of my apollo twin x interface. I have an rme adi 2 coming tomorrow so I’ll be able to write a more accurate review later. Hopefully that balances the treble a little more but I’m nit picking. There’s always some drawback with every headphone, and this is the most neutral headphone I’ve ever heard either way (in a very good, natural way!)
Dec 3, 2021 at 6:43 PM Post #10,146 of 12,644
I just picked up a pair of Focal Clear (not MG) second hand.
It is about 6 months old (have receipt) and in perfect condition.
Been playing around with them all night, I must say, I am NOT impressed!
I must be missing something.
I use a Chord Mojo to power them. Now I am not saying they are not good, because they are, but at £1000 new, I expected much more.
Built quality is second to none, but having to unplug that steam-Iron-chord size cable every time you want to put them in the case, is tedious.
Mind you cable quality is very good, but stiff and thick! I bet if push comes to shove it can handle a kilowatt or two.
I was checking them out against my trusted Sundara's, for one thing using Focal cable on Sundara, boosts deep bass and top treble to my amazement.
Mojo's output impedance is about 0.5 ohm, and Sundara has a flat impedance across the audio band, so cable should not affect the sound, But Focal cable does! in a good way.
Getting back to Clear's, they do sound good, and I can enjoy them, but while I am enjoying them, I recall that they are £1000 cans, and I feel guilty enjoying them.
It is like enjoying a £100 pizza! I know I can get very good pizza for £20 or so, so what's the story with £100 pizza?
FYI, Sundara held its own against the Clear, eventough they are different sounding, but if I was to choose (money no object) I would find it hard to choose.
Now I am talking sound quality ONLY, not build quality (Focal is better) nor frequency response! I am talking resolution, seperation of instruments, sound stage (Sundara is better). A little bit of EQ, fixes frequensy response ( eventhough I don't like to EQ).
So is it my ears?
Is it the Mojo?
What am I missing?
Sundara at less than a third of the price, shouldn't be comparable!
Dec 3, 2021 at 6:51 PM Post #10,147 of 12,644
Is it the Mojo?
What am I missing?
Sundara at less than a third of the price, shouldn't be comparable!
Could be Mojo. I also got Clear OG and was very underwhelmed, powered on a Mojo.

To my ears P9 are way better, at half the price.

Also, I find focal in general is poor under 1.5k, clear, elegia and celestee are all topped imo by cheaper stuff. Only after the stellia did I realise what focal can do.

Honestly dude, trust your ears. Im amazed by how much high end gear I try and its meh compared to much cheaper stuff. Occasionally I find high end gear I feel is worth it (abyss diana) but rarely tbh
Dec 3, 2021 at 6:56 PM Post #10,148 of 12,644
I just picked up a pair of Focal Clear (not MG) second hand.
It is about 6 months old (have receipt) and in perfect condition.
Been playing around with them all night, I must say, I am NOT impressed!
I must be missing something.
I use a Chord Mojo to power them. Now I am not saying they are not good, because they are, but at £1000 new, I expected much more.
Built quality is second to none, but having to unplug that steam-Iron-chord size cable every time you want to put them in the case, is tedious.
Mind you cable quality is very good, but stiff and thick! I bet if push comes to shove it can handle a kilowatt or two.
I was checking them out against my trusted Sundara's, for one thing using Focal cable on Sundara, boosts deep bass and top treble to my amazement.
Mojo's output impedance is about 0.5 ohm, and Sundara has a flat impedance across the audio band, so cable should not affect the sound, But Focal cable does! in a good way.
Getting back to Clear's, they do sound good, and I can enjoy them, but while I am enjoying them, I recall that they are £1000 cans, and I feel guilty enjoying them.
It is like enjoying a £100 pizza! I know I can get very good pizza for £20 or so, so what's the story with £100 pizza?
FYI, Sundara held its own against the Clear, eventough they are different sounding, but if I was to choose (money no object) I would find it hard to choose.
Now I am talking sound quality ONLY, not build quality (Focal is better) nor frequency response! I am talking resolution, seperation of instruments, sound stage (Sundara is better). A little bit of EQ, fixes frequensy response ( eventhough I don't like to EQ).
So is it my ears?
Is it the Mojo?
What am I missing?
Sundara at less than a third of the price, shouldn't be comparable!
@Kentajalli you are not alone in your opinion :wink: I've spend some time with Focal Clear MG << Chord Hugo TT2 and I haven't been much impressed either. There was always something missing no matter how I've setup TT2 + M Scaler.

The stock cable is a complete disaster and reminds me AudioQuest one for NO and NH.
Dec 3, 2021 at 7:18 PM Post #10,149 of 12,644
Could be Mojo. I also got Clear OG and was very underwhelmed, powered on a Mojo.

To my ears P9 are way better, at half the price.

Also, I find focal in general is poor under 1.5k, clear, elegia and celestee are all topped imo by cheaper stuff. Only after the stellia did I realise what focal can do.

Honestly dude, trust your ears. Im amazed by how much high end gear I try and its meh compared to much cheaper stuff. Occasionally I find high end gear I feel is worth it (abyss diana) but rarely tbh
I hear you! (pun intended)
Frankly, I got a new set of Quad Era-1 , and they lasted half an hour or less, fortunately it was possible to return those.
Yet, HD650's sounded good enough for the asking price while HD660S not so much!
It's value for money that's disturbing me, otherwise at £400, I wouldn't have grumbled .
Dec 3, 2021 at 10:14 PM Post #10,150 of 12,644
I run the Focal Clear OG off the MOJO and they are fantastic together.

I also have the Sundara, which pairs really well with the Chord Mojo......But they simply are not in the same class as the Focal Clear.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you prefer a different sound and tuning to what the Focal Clear provides.

This is why listening to other peoples opinions about headphones means absolutely nothing in the real world.

If you want value for money, and a different tuning to your Sundara I recommend giving the R70x a listen and seeing what you think.
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Dec 4, 2021 at 12:29 AM Post #10,151 of 12,644
I just picked up a pair of Focal Clear (not MG) second hand.
It is about 6 months old (have receipt) and in perfect condition.
Been playing around with them all night, I must say, I am NOT impressed!
I must be missing something.
I use a Chord Mojo to power them. Now I am not saying they are not good, because they are, but at £1000 new, I expected much more.
Built quality is second to none, but having to unplug that steam-Iron-chord size cable every time you want to put them in the case, is tedious.
Mind you cable quality is very good, but stiff and thick! I bet if push comes to shove it can handle a kilowatt or two.
I was checking them out against my trusted Sundara's, for one thing using Focal cable on Sundara, boosts deep bass and top treble to my amazement.
Mojo's output impedance is about 0.5 ohm, and Sundara has a flat impedance across the audio band, so cable should not affect the sound, But Focal cable does! in a good way.
Getting back to Clear's, they do sound good, and I can enjoy them, but while I am enjoying them, I recall that they are £1000 cans, and I feel guilty enjoying them.
It is like enjoying a £100 pizza! I know I can get very good pizza for £20 or so, so what's the story with £100 pizza?
FYI, Sundara held its own against the Clear, eventough they are different sounding, but if I was to choose (money no object) I would find it hard to choose.
Now I am talking sound quality ONLY, not build quality (Focal is better) nor frequency response! I am talking resolution, seperation of instruments, sound stage (Sundara is better). A little bit of EQ, fixes frequensy response ( eventhough I don't like to EQ).
So is it my ears?
Is it the Mojo?
What am I missing?
Sundara at less than a third of the price, shouldn't be comparable!

I'd throw a few ideas out for consideration here:

1. It sounds like you purchased a pair of used headphones and not from a known dealer. I acknowledge this is not uncommon, but you might want to consider that whomever sold to you could have used them improperly on amplifiers with miss-matched impedance, etc., that could have negative impact on the drivers - to which you might not recognize if in fact there is a driver related issue having never owned the Clears new/prior. This is speculative, but so is your assumption that just because someone told you they are 6 months old that everything is A-OK.

2. It always strikes me as odd when reading such critiques -- "my clears did not pair well with my mojo" .... perhaps your mojo did not bring your clears to potential?

3. With DAC and Amplifier synergy...the Focal Clears are light years beyond the Sundara ...across all listening domains. I'd encourage consideration that perhaps with a separete DAC and AMP, most specificly a Tube amplifier, you would potentially bring the Clears to or near their full potential.

4. Yes, it's likely your mojo limiting your experience....I can confirm that the Focal Clears on iFi, Burson, Hagerman Tuba, etc. sound phenomenal (when using dedicated DACs)... My ZMFs might not sound exponentially better than a Sundara when both are played via Mojo...I've never tried (nor will)...but certainly wouldn't attempt to compare the two.

Regarding the other comment about Stellia, maybe they are an upgrade to Clear...hard to compare closed / open backs with multi-thousand dollar cost difference...its noteworthy that both your experience and the other fellow are both with Mojos pairings....yet again...both are passing judgement on the headphones and not the all-in-one dac?

I find the Clear (OG) to be one of the best headphones around $1k USD. The only other headphones I own at this general price range that have a similar level of bang-for-buck are the ZMF Aeolus. Both phenomenal headphones.
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Dec 4, 2021 at 12:41 AM Post #10,152 of 12,644
I just picked up a pair of Focal Clear (not MG) second hand.
It is about 6 months old (have receipt) and in perfect condition.
Been playing around with them all night, I must say, I am NOT impressed!
I must be missing something.
Might be a silly question but have you installed new earpads? I just did this yesterday with my Focal Clear and some ratty old pads I had on them for too long - I switched to some brand new Elex pads from Drop, and everything just clicked. Microdetails came back, it was incredible.

Besides this, the Clear has a bit of a recessed lower midrange that you may not be used to. Give it a few days and get used to the Focal house sound.
Dec 4, 2021 at 1:45 AM Post #10,153 of 12,644
The Focal Clear, with Dekoni fenestrated sheepskin pads and Norne Audio Vykari, is one my best / “go-to” headphones: dynamic, even-toned, expressive…
Dec 4, 2021 at 4:20 AM Post #10,155 of 12,644
I have this one from Amazon in black. I believe @jonathan c has the same one in grey but of course best to await his response to confirm.

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