Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Mar 12, 2016 at 2:25 AM Post #5,296 of 12,089
Feels like wanna buy used from Amazon and try it. Can be returned if it not suits me. Good service.

Amazon is a good service, within reason. They're known to ban accounts for too many returns (when losing them more money than they're making off you, which doesn't look good for $1k+ headphones) and sellers of used items may not offer refunds at all.
Mar 12, 2016 at 2:34 AM Post #5,297 of 12,089
Amazon is a good service, within reason. They're known to ban accounts for too many returns (when losing them more money than they're making off you, which doesn't look good for $1k+ headphones) and sellers of used items may not offer refunds at all.

My prime account is good enough. A lot of success history. I dont feel hesitate about that. But still i will never buy and return like changing clothes. Only 1 return history for now. And lots and lots of success history :)
Mar 12, 2016 at 2:43 AM Post #5,298 of 12,089
Not 100% prefer head fi for sale since most of them want it to be paypal gift. Scam can happen. Not gonna take risk. And selling it back is not that easy compared to return. Note that, i will buy used, so no burn in time
Mar 12, 2016 at 6:58 AM Post #5,299 of 12,089
Yes if you can get free flac files. But those who subscribe Tidal HIFI are really Rich person. I only subscribe premium Spotify student package for 4.99 per month. 320kbps is really good enough. Extra money to pay Tidal Hifi is really not worth it IMO

Guys, is it worth it to buy th900 for now? My x00 will arrive this May. I can just sell it if i love th900 more.

I scare that th900 expensive is because of the material used.

Note that, i love bass but appreciate both mids and highs also. And I hate sibilant highs. I also love a bigger soundstage since im used to X2.

Any recommendations?

Tidal - £20/month.
TH900 - £900.
Mar 12, 2016 at 10:03 AM Post #5,300 of 12,089
  You would need to try them both because no one knows how sensitive actually you are to the treble.
TH900 is brighter, more extended, airy,  detailed, resolution, sparkle. But more prone therefore to treble sensitivity than the THx00.
In terms of your question on bass, having had them both side by side, I would say thx00 is more mid bass/punch emphasized, while th900 digs deeper, more sub bass instead.
TH900 doesn't "punch" as much and the thx00 has more of that. TH900 stays very clean in the bass.
TH900 really goes down loow and extends very way high, it can play to the extremes of the audio spectrum from low lows to high highs, yet it stays clean and clear and crisp. I think this describes them well.
The treble extension is a very defining characteristic of TH900... which again, is why you must hear them both yourself to see if you really appreciate that, or if it bothers you.

@twiceboss, I completely agree with TWerk's comments. You need to try them both. I saw a couple of TH900 for sale on the classified recently and the prices are reasonable. If you don't like either the TH900 or X00 you should be able to sell them easily. Or, you may want to keep them both. 
Mar 12, 2016 at 10:55 AM Post #5,301 of 12,089
It's surreal every time I get an update from massdrop I feel like someone's pulling my chain.
I have some idea on what they sound like I own the ah-d2000 vocals sound really nice you can hear small details like the saliva on the tongue. My ah-d2000 sound similar to my mod t50rp the t50p has better separation though.
Mar 12, 2016 at 11:13 AM Post #5,302 of 12,089
  It's surreal every time I get an update from massdrop I feel like someone's pulling my chain.
I have some idea on what they sound like I own the ah-d2000 vocals sound really nice you can hear small details like the saliva on the tongue. My ah-d2000 sound similar to my mod t50rp the t50p has better separation though.

Yeah, these updates are just teasing you, aren't they? :)
I also have a pretty clear idea how they will sound. (From reviews and previous headphones I owned.) But you don't know until you try, do you? :)

For people who time to time say don't understand why someone joins a drop instead of hunting for a used one, I can say:
Used ones are usually more expensive than a new one from the drop. At least 10-20% more expensive. Also rarely available.
Having a brand new pair of headphones is a different feeling. Opening the box first time ever. No sweaty hands were tapping around.
And also not everyone is in a rush. I have other headphones, I can easily wait 2 months for TH-X00s.
But still wanna try them.
 I rather pay $400 for a new one with some waiting time than $500 for a used pair arriving in a week.
But this is just my approach.

Mar 12, 2016 at 3:16 PM Post #5,306 of 12,089
I don't think that thx00has crazy bass as well. Compared to denon.

You are right. The bass is really good but not D7100 like.

Mar 12, 2016 at 8:50 PM Post #5,308 of 12,089
  Quite different. I don't know how to express differences in treble that well, but overall just more clean and linear and extended all the way with the th900. The th900 is very airy and it's sparkly. I also have my pro900 slightly modified to help with its treble.
If you're overall concerned about treble, I'd probably recommend thx00. I think you should look to th900 if you want more emphasized/improved treble from the x00's, Who knows, some people seem to find the x00's have too much treble and if you're one of them, th900 is certainly not for you. If you want a dark presentation, neither are really a great choice.

I'm still confused about the difference in treble between TH900 and TH-X00. Some people say the TH900 is unlistenable compared to the TH-X00 when it comes to the treble and mids.
My first time hearing the TH900 was out of an Auralic stack and to my ears the mids sounded silghtly recessed and treble a little bit bright. The bass was excellent though and extending as low as headphones can go. I think an individuals DAC can make a big difference in how they perceive the treble of a headphone.
The TH-X00 made my Alpha Dogs sound undeniably too dark and rolled off in the highs. Going back from Alpha Dogs to TH-X00 and the TH-X00 midrange sounds not as fleshed out as the Alpha Dogs and the treble very bright. It takes your ears time to adjust when switching between headphones, that is something I learned that day.
After extensive listening though, I found the TH-X00 w/ Alpha pads to be a better and more open sounding headphone than the Alpha Dog. The Alpha Dog I think actually has deeper bass than the TH-X00, but it lacks punch or thump. The TH-X00 has much better punch in the bass and probably better impulse response too but I don't think it goes quite as low as the sealed and bass-ported Dogs do.
I'm definitely going to upgrade to the Alpha Primes if that ever becomes available again. The TH-X00 exposed the weakness of the Alpha Dogs which is the lack of detail in the highs and the slower response in dynamics compared to the TH-X00.
Mar 12, 2016 at 8:58 PM Post #5,310 of 12,089
  I'm not sure what you're confused about with regards to treble differences based on the above?

My question is, how does the TH900 have better treble if it sounds brighter? Is there better texture? Less splash? Is it the overall tonal balance that makes it sound more detailed? The TH-X00 is already a bright headphone as it is. I just don't see how it would sound better if most people think the TH900 is brighter than the TH-X00.
I could definitely see how the bass of the TH900 would be better, especially with the 1.5 Tesla rating compared to the 1 Tesla of the TH600 driver.

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