Full Sized, Metal/rock, Isolating, easy drivability, large soundstage and good imaging for movies ~$250
Oct 26, 2012 at 6:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


We intend to hurt him...quite a bit. very_evil_smiley.gif
Feb 2, 2012
Title says it all.
I have been pondering over this for a few days, its for a friend, I suspect and AT or Beyer is the solution, and I am not familiar enough with those brands.
  1. Circumaural - comfortable
  2. Atleast decent isolation (leakage not an issue) pretty much drowning out background noise will suffice
  3. Large soundstage and accurate imaging for movies (which is a bit of a challenge because of the isolation requirement)
  4. Genres: Metal/Rock and the odd dubstep
  5. Easy drivability, my friend has an E7, and thats really it.
  6. Budget $500 incl amp
Here is what I have thought of:
  1. Beyer DT880 Premium 250ohm (again, issues with drivability, the 80ohm version ain't exactly efficient)
  2. AKG K242HD - can be powered decently off of the E7, but does need its own amp, the issue is isolation - its not so good.
  3. Grado - great for metal/rock - lacking in soundstage and isolation
  4. Hifiman HE-400, Cost and isolation.
I Also looked at a bunch of others, but they didn't match the Sound signature requirements. The odds are I missed a fair few, so enlighten me.
Thanks :)
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:22 PM Post #2 of 9
I think K242 will be better for slower paced music, DT880 is nice but it's not easy to drive too, the Grado yes lacking in soundstage and isolation, i still think HE400 will be the best choice
Oct 29, 2012 at 7:44 AM Post #3 of 9
I think K242 will be better for slower paced music, DT880 is nice but it's not easy to drive too, the Grado yes lacking in soundstage and isolation, i still think HE400 will be the best choice

Having personal Experience with the K242hd, it suits fast music well. A crap ton better then my denons.
As for the DT880, he is considering just shelling out, and I think this is probably still the best option, with a good amp.
Or the HE-400.. That is the one I would get.
Oct 31, 2012 at 12:12 AM Post #4 of 9
Ok so were ditching isolation as a requirement, if it can drown out the background then its all good. 
So for metal, rock and the odd dubstep, and movies what you suggest?
I still think its between the Beyer DT-880, HE-400 and possibly HD600.
Any opninions?
Oct 31, 2012 at 4:23 AM Post #5 of 9
DT880 doesn't go well with metal and rock, at least in my opinion. I own the the DT880, I listen mostly to metal, and it's treble spike around 9khz makes most metal and rock very sibilant and screechy. Problem with metal is that it's not the most well-produced genre. Most rock/metal recordings suffer from the loudness war and the DT880's treble is just merciless in this regard. 
I haven't heard your other options but all I can say is I sold my Grado SR225i and am using the Sennheiser HD590 for metal now. On the go I use the HD25-1 II. If I need isolation, I use my HM5/FA-003. 
Oct 31, 2012 at 4:54 AM Post #6 of 9
DT880 doesn't go well with metal and rock, at least in my opinion. I own the the DT880, I listen mostly to metal, and it's treble spike around 9khz makes most metal and rock very sibilant and screechy. Problem with metal is that it's not the most well-produced genre. Most rock/metal recordings suffer from the loudness war and the DT880's treble is just merciless in this regard. 
I haven't heard your other options but all I can say is I sold my Grado SR225i and am using the Sennheiser HD590 for metal now. On the go I use the HD25-1 II. If I need isolation, I use my HM5/FA-003. 

Thanks for that. Very helpful. 
Oct 31, 2012 at 5:19 AM Post #7 of 9
Soundmagic HP100 closed
HP200 open

Both will work great with those genres, both also improve with amping

Check out the JDS Labs C421 for an amp
Oct 31, 2012 at 6:13 AM Post #9 of 9
Thanks, thats interesting,
To change direction, The beyer is off of the list, upon further reading Negakinu was right. And it seems my friend is more into the power associated with a guitar riff versus the scream of a gibson. 
We have sort of focussed on the HE-400 for now. We want to avoid the Amp rolling associated with the HD600 and HD650. 

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