hd25-1 impressions thread
Feb 22, 2014 at 11:35 AM Post #2,296 of 3,348
I always get the impression from the steel cable it may contribute to that aggressive sound HD25 owners mention.

I've tried a few $400 cables, such as Tralucents pure silver, silver / gold. it will take some convincing from the HD25 sonics to go that far. 

I think something around $50-$60 will suffice. :)

It will remain aggressive even after any recable.  If you want to tame it, Akasa Paxmate Plus acoustic foam in the cup depths will do that and make HD25 sound a lot more like the Amperior as well.
A cable will just improve tone quality and bass quality for the most part.  If crosstalk on the cable is lower than the stock one, you will notice the soundstage size increase a pinch.  If you go with a hand-made cable, I recommend that you get one with a Viablue plug, or at least a Switchcraft one.  The small difference a cable makes is made even smaller yet by low-end plugs in my experience.
Feb 25, 2014 at 5:21 PM Post #2,297 of 3,348
I received my HD25 this morning, after putting them on and pressing play I quickly discovered their previous owner had both left/right channels connected incorrectly (out of phase) which made them sound rather horrible. Where vocals should be center channel they were both coming from the left and right channels and an awful echo noise in the center channel. (I wonder how long they'd been listening like this for) And worse if they actually thought that's how they're meant to sound.

After flipping the connections around both sides out come this wonderful sound and I've been dancing all morning.  I just have a queston, the cups seem to free slide rather easily, is this normal? The right side is almost "to loose" but once wearing them it doesn't effect them. Is there anyway you can tighten the cups so they don't slide as easily? 

Anyway, I have been listening to them from my Studio V 2nd Edition and really really admire them! 
Feb 25, 2014 at 9:58 PM Post #2,298 of 3,348
You could add painter's tape along the headband where the cups slide so there's more grip and friction.
Feb 25, 2014 at 10:12 PM Post #2,299 of 3,348
  You could add painter's tape along the headband where the cups slide so there's more grip and friction.

I actually found this really well done tutorial and used a similar method to fix them. I did the left side while I was at it. :)


Now I just need some new pads, the sound does not appear effected from the slightly missing foam padding. 

I will replace them though regardless eventually.
Mar 3, 2014 at 7:08 AM Post #2,300 of 3,348
I've had my HD25-1 ii about 6 days now, I've replaced the pads and they're basically like new. I just wanted to report in and say how much I am enjoying this portable. It's the best 'portable headphone' I have heard, I have so much fun listening to it. I run the HD25 from my 2nd Edition Studio V and these little Sennhiesers can sing sing sing.

They have far exceeded my expectations. They're versatile, engaging and more or less just a true living legend they've been made out to be. If only there were more headphones like HD25! I am enjoying this about 100 times more than I ever did the DT1350, it was apparent when first putting them on their potential.

Highly highly recommend to anyone looking for a portable headphone!  These won't be going anywhere in a hurry.


Mar 4, 2014 at 6:55 AM Post #2,302 of 3,348
  Wait till you amp them.
That's all I'll say...

They seem to drive fairly well from Studio V, there's a sweet spot at about 23/31. I'm yet to try any real amping though.

I hear from a friend JDS C421 works well, I have that amp on hand actually.

Big fan, big fan of HD25. 

Mar 4, 2014 at 9:10 AM Post #2,303 of 3,348
They seem to drive fairly well from Studio V, there's a sweet spot at about 23/31. I'm yet to try any real amping though.

I hear from a friend JDS C421 works well, I have that amp on hand actually.

Big fan, big fan of HD25. 


The Graham Slee Voyager is a very good amp to match the HD25's to.
As is the FiiO E17 & the iBasso PB2 Pelican. :wink:
  Wait till you amp them.
That's all I'll say...

Mar 4, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #2,304 of 3,348
I'm looking to pick up some HD25 headphones, but I'm confused with all the different versions/models there seems to be. I was hoping you guys could please help? Which is considered to be the best version available to buy (in the UK) today? Also what are the differences?
Mar 4, 2014 at 7:56 PM Post #2,305 of 3,348
After researching and finding the differences between each version, I think I will personally be going for the Sennheiser HD 25-C II. The reason being that the longer coiled cable appeals to me. Are cables easy to pick up for HD25s? If so, any recommendations for improvements? (Sorry if it has been mentioned - I've not managed to read most the thread yet)

Here's the difference between all the versions:


70 Ω (HD 25-1 II)
70 Ω (HD 25-C II)
600 Ω (HD 25-13 II)
70 Ω (HD 25-II)

cable length:
HD 25-1 II: 1,5 m
HD 25-C II: 3 m (1 m)
HD 25-13 II: 3 m
HD 25-II: 2 m
SPL: 120 dB

Frequency response: 16 – 22,000 Hz (- 3 dB)


impedance: 60 Ω
SPL: 100 dB ± 2 dB
Frequency response: 30 – 16,000 Hz (- 3 dB)
Mar 4, 2014 at 8:23 PM Post #2,306 of 3,348
There are an assortment of cables on eBay for HD25, some custom, and stock available.

I would worry not about changing the cable anytime you like as it's very user friendly. 

Here's some cable examples: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p4738.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XHD25+cables&_nkw=HD25+cables&_sacat=0&_from=R40

You can purchase all sorts of skins for the cables (sheathing), different colour pads etc, they're quite the flexible headphone!
Mar 5, 2014 at 3:44 PM Post #2,308 of 3,348
Some cables are marketed for HD25 and the HD580/600/650. Are they all interchangeable?

Yes, but if the cable is too thick you need to turn the HD25 cups upside-down and turn it into a dual-entry can.
Mar 6, 2014 at 3:01 AM Post #2,309 of 3,348
Some cables are marketed for HD25 and the HD580/600/650. Are they all interchangeable?

Totally, but cables for those others usually aren't suited for having the left channel leads going through the headband, so you have to remove the cups and place them back on upside down so you can attach a cable in this manner.
Mar 6, 2014 at 6:05 AM Post #2,310 of 3,348
If you're willing to flip the cups, you can also go with a heavier cable, then you can with one that travels through the headband.  I "settled" on 4 strand SPC so I didn't have to have upside down Adidas logos.  I know, I know.... its pure vanity reasons...
That's why I've been tempted to get a set of Amperiors at a great price these days, and do a cup flip and try my HD650 cable on them.  The logo on those don't look odd upside down.

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