HD650 properly amped good?
Oct 17, 2021 at 5:49 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


1000+ Head-Fier
May 13, 2007
I just purchased a pair of HD650 for old times sake. I’ve heard of some heavy hitters enjoying these phones properly amped. I will be running them off a Niimbus amp and will be using a Danacable Lazuli Reference Plus cable between them and Niimbus. Should I expect some good sound from this combo? I am used to my Abyss TC’s and LCD4 headphones but the HD650’s were always a favourite in the past. Any one else using these phones with higher end amps and cables?
Oct 17, 2021 at 9:02 AM Post #2 of 23
I notice that a few people have the HD650/600/6XX in their signature as part of their headphones inventory so I suppose they should be decent regardless the fact they are not $5000 a pair.
Oct 17, 2021 at 11:24 AM Post #3 of 23
Had two 650s before, and eventually sold them all. Very good tuning overall, but simply can't keep up to some more modern headphones, especially because the "plastic ringing" coming from 650. Something at similar price like Hifiman Sundara or Audeze LCD-1 is simply doing everything better for me when plug to high end rig. Perhaps because I like planar more too.
Oct 17, 2021 at 11:52 AM Post #4 of 23
Should I expect some good sound from this combo?
They will sound like a well amped 650. Not going to compete on most technical aspects like resolution stage size imaging etc against most modern flagship but if you like hd650 then getting a better source and amp will definitely improve your experience more than getting newer flagship with vastly different tuning.
Oct 18, 2021 at 8:35 PM Post #5 of 23
Bought one again for nostalgic reasons a few moons ago and couldn’t really believe that I ever liked it. Once you have educated your hearing with what’s best, one sadly realises that the HD650 had its time but can’t compete any longer.
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Oct 19, 2021 at 8:04 AM Post #6 of 23
I have the complete opposite take. HD650 with DSHA-3F puts a lot of things to shame. The technical performance scales a ton. The staging expands and is no longer 3-blob, and now the HD650 can project outside of the head. Dynamics wake up and the bass hits harder, though it doesn't extend any better. The resolution also improves a lot, and this setup puts a lot of things to shame that I didn't think it would. Just about the only thing that's not improved here is the texture/transients, it's still an HD650 and the sound is a bit grainy.

I would take this over any Focal setup, including OG Clear and Utopia, but I'd still take my 007A setup over this, cause it's smoother, less grainy, more effortless, and a bit more resolving still.

I imagine the 3F, being optimized for Focals, isn't a perfect match for the HD650 impedance-wise, and a regular DSHA-3 might be even better.
Oct 25, 2021 at 6:38 AM Post #7 of 23
I am listening to my new HD650 headphones now and they are surprisingly good. I am listening with the cable that comes with them but I am expecting a pair of adapters to connect my Lazuli Reference Plus cable to them later today. I am impressed.
Nov 2, 2021 at 6:14 PM Post #11 of 23
as @mitchb says, the 650's do scale nicely. There are limits to what they could ever do but they have more runway than a lot of people might expect.

Long Story:
I did the typical 650 + Schiit Jotunheim XLR test after Zeos went on and on about how it opens things up. Since then Ive built out a collection of headphone/iems + gear at a much higher pricepoint and find that XLR itself isn't what's necessary to get the most out of 650's, but yes...good amplification.

650's previously were relying on a fiio a3 as the only dedicated amp, and i found the sound fine. Probably 'typical' quality 650 experience. The jotunheim XLR output however very noticeably removed a veil and widened the soundstage...in a way that balanced really ought to do only for something exceptionally sensitive like iems. I presumed this is inherently a benefit only to be had via balanced, but with my speaker setup i use a PS Audio Stellar GainCell preamp, which has a very well designed 1/4" HP out. Honestly...the PS audio sounds even better with 650s (and everything) than the jotunheim...so I think ultimately yeah...its a factor of the amount, but quality as well, of amplification that 650's scale nicely with.
Nov 2, 2021 at 8:37 PM Post #12 of 23
I know the 600, 650, and 800S very well. I have a potent amp (Rag 1) that's not as fancy as some, but clearly in the top 10% of whats out there quality wise, and top 5% in terms of power. Those 3 cans simply do not max out on SS amps. My amp, Bryston BHA-1, and Violectric V281 - the same.

However on an OTL amp (only proven with one, but there dozens of others that do the same/similar - the Bottlehead Crack w/ speedball (DIY KIT for about ~$500-600) they all sound much better even magically better and its not all harmonic distortion coming from tubes. Go search some comments there are several dozen that agree. I haven't owned a tube stereo amp since the mid 90;s until last year and I never listen to Senn's without it now.
Nov 2, 2021 at 8:41 PM Post #13 of 23
I know the 600, 650, and 800S very well. I have a potent amp (Rag 1) that's not as fancy as some, but clearly in the top 10% of whats out there quality wise, and top 5% in terms of power. Those 3 cans simply do not max out on SS amps. My amp, Bryston BHA-1, and Violectric V281 - the same.

However on an OTL amp (only proven with one, but there dozens of others that do the same/similar - the Bottlehead Crack w/ speedball (DIY KIT for about ~$500-600) they all sound much better even magically better and its not all harmonic distortion coming from tubes. Go search some comments there are several dozen that agree. I haven't owned a tube stereo amp since the mid 90;s until last year and I never listen to Senn's without it now.
My HD650 is sounding quite nice with my Niimbus amp connected with a Lazuli Reference Plus cable.
Nov 2, 2021 at 9:55 PM Post #14 of 23
My HD650 is sounding quite nice with my Niimbus amp connected with a Lazuli Reference Plus cable.
I'm sure of your position. Cables for SE connections often do vary, which is annoying because there is never just one to rule them all - just changing positions in listening rooms with major woods beams, concrete or boulders nearby can throw earlier results down the drain. I went all balanced in the late 90's, so it's been some time since I looked into SE cables.

I'm sure the 650 would have sounded really good with some of my former SS amps as well: Pass X-150(2), Pass Aleph 3, Pass Aleph 5, Threshold Stasis 3, Classe CA-400, Krell KSA-100, Krell KSA-50, Bryston 3B, etc.

I believe that transducers are far more important to correct sound than amps, pre-amps, cables. IMO for non transducers the only things I'm fussy about is Class A amps and of course balanced connections. Until the BHCs I haven't owned a tube amp in 25 years. .Generally I don't like the issues tubes bring - but hearing is believing. A stock BHCs beat in a qualitative way the 3 SS and likely the gallery of amps I listed. For instance using a HE-6v2 for $599 from Adorama plugged into my Rag 1 using my $100 balanced cable form CustomCans IMO would easily beat a HD-650 on your amp. Now I prefer the 600 over the 650, so my HD-600 on my BHCs - well - its really a matter of opinion or mood since they are both excellent choices.

I think you ought to try a decent OTL amp on those 3 Senns. I only heard the 800S twice for a total of 90 min on my BHCs, and IMO it went from a very detailed somewhat difficult and not relaxing listen on SS to an arresting and addictive listen on the BHCs.
Nov 2, 2021 at 10:05 PM Post #15 of 23
Bought one again for nostalgic reasons a few moons ago and couldn’t really believe that I ever liked it. Once you have educated your hearing with what’s best, one sadly realises that the HD650 had its time but can’t compete any longer.
Try an OTL amps before you give up, or try the 600.

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