Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Apr 30, 2024 at 4:36 PM Post #18,466 of 19,017
Hello everyone - As I zero on which way I will go with the Hugo TT2 or Hugo 2 to pair with an M-Scaler, I have a general question.

Do you feel best results would be obtained by sending original, non-upsampled, digital information vs. the use of so called hi-res files we can source from the likes of HD Tracks, Qobuz or whatever source they might be from. It would seem that in many cases the providence of these hi-res tracks could be questioned due to the vintage of the recording and the ease of use of software upsamples (whose quality might not always be great).

It is one thing to play an original tape of some kind thru a high quality ADC to create a new hi-res file. At least with this method there is an opportunity to capture information from the source that was previously missed due to the available ADC's at the time it was orignally captured. But simply upsampling without other considerations seems like the result is to simply have a hi-res file.

Enter the M-Scaler. Feed it an "original" 44.1 kHz file from a ripped CD that is "bit-perfect" and let the M-Scaler do it's thing to reconstruct the signal within the limits of it's capabilities. Based on what I have read and viewed in various presentations, it seems the goal is to not invent new information, but to more accurately represent the information that is actually there by following the Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem as closely as possible.

Since the technology to achieve infinite taps is not currently available (with zero timing/transient errors), the M-Scaler gets as far as 1,015,808 taps, with the WTA filter algorithm optimized to address the accuracy of timing reconstruction within the scope of the tap length available.

Based on this, using "original" sample rates for a given source would appear to give the best results. For M-Scaler owners, what has your experience been? I find the tech behind this very interesting and have been trying to learn as much as I can about it.

Before going for H2 consider Mojo 2. I’ve had both and a TT2 and the M2 is a gem. Fed with mscaler or pggb files it rivals even the Dave
Apr 30, 2024 at 9:59 PM Post #18,467 of 19,017
Thought of another use case I may want to experiment with for a project I am working on. Is it possible to use multiple M-Scaler outputs at the same time? For example...

  • Feed the M-Scaler PCM 24/48 KHz signal from a MacBook Pro (audio sourced from a concert BluRay - only audio no video)
  • Select upsample rate of 24/96 or 24/192
  • Send the upsampled M-Scaler output to the Hugo TT2 via BNC for monitoring
  • Send SPDIF or optical output to a Mac Studio to capture the output of the M-Scaler (the audio will later be used in DaVinci Resolve as part of a restoration project)
  • For this use case I would not go past 24/96 or 24/192 due to downstream bitrate playback limitations
Basically are all the outputs active at the same time assuming the output supports the sample rate and does not need dual BNC to transmit the signal?

Thanks -
Apr 30, 2024 at 10:04 PM Post #18,468 of 19,017
Before going for H2 consider Mojo 2. I’ve had both and a TT2 and the M2 is a gem. Fed with mscaler or pggb files it rivals even the Dave

No need to mess around with amateur upscaling shenanigans just get mscaler and do it correctly.
May 1, 2024 at 12:06 AM Post #18,469 of 19,017
Thought of another use case I may want to experiment with for a project I am working on. Is it possible to use multiple M-Scaler outputs at the same time? For example...

  • Feed the M-Scaler PCM 24/48 KHz signal from a MacBook Pro (audio sourced from a concert BluRay - only audio no video)
  • Select upsample rate of 24/96 or 24/192
  • Send the upsampled M-Scaler output to the Hugo TT2 via BNC for monitoring
  • Send SPDIF or optical output to a Mac Studio to capture the output of the M-Scaler (the audio will later be used in DaVinci Resolve as part of a restoration project)
  • For this use case I would not go past 24/96 or 24/192 due to downstream bitrate playback limitations
Basically are all the outputs active at the same time assuming the output supports the sample rate and does not need dual BNC to transmit the signal?

Thanks -
Already doing it,
16/44 Redbook audio into MScaler
Dual BNC output at 16fs to chord DAC ..
Toslink output at 4fs 176.4 to a Home Theatre amp …
Use the DAC for 2 channel stereo
Use the Theatre amp for background non critical listening rhrough surround speakers .
Not usually used but both are active simultaneously.
May 1, 2024 at 10:02 AM Post #18,470 of 19,017
May has arrived (not the DAC but the month :joy::joy::joy:). In a few days there will be the presentation of the new Q Scaler. The countdown begins!!

Rob where are you? We want the opening of the new thread!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::relaxed::L3000:
May 1, 2024 at 10:20 AM Post #18,471 of 19,017
No need to mess around with amateur upscaling shenanigans just get mscaler and do it correctly.
I do use an mscaler if you read my post. Calling pggb amateur is a bit flippant. If you want to hear what many million taps can do for your music while Rob prepares his hardware option give it a try.
May 1, 2024 at 11:18 AM Post #18,472 of 19,017
May 1, 2024 at 1:25 PM Post #18,473 of 19,017
I have not ruled this option out. If I did the Hugo 2 and M-Scaler I could do it all in one go and have a mobile option with the Hugo 2 when away from the desk - so this is a good plan. My only major concerns are
  • Cable management so it does not look like a mess
  • Can the Hugo 2 drive my ZMF Atrium Open headphones effectively. I think so based on specs but not 100% sure
Before I order I will wait to see how HiEnd Munich works out next week. I am back here across the pond in the US where is just had one of our large shows outside of Chicago (472 miles / 760 km ) and was not able to make it out there due to timing. Looking forward to any cool anouncements.
May 1, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #18,474 of 19,017
May 1, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #18,475 of 19,017
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