IEM for metal music and hard rock - ultimate solution
Apr 17, 2024 at 6:59 PM Post #2,086 of 2,102
So after 139 pages, what's the consensus here, people? We love bass in metal because how that drives the music or the amplified electric guitars that bite? Liking the former rules out bright gear, liking the latter rules out bassy and V-shaped sets, IMO, solving this conundrum.
Apr 18, 2024 at 4:10 PM Post #2,088 of 2,102
So after 139 pages, what's the consensus here, people? We love bass in metal because how that drives the music or the amplified electric guitars that bite? Liking the former rules out bright gear, liking the latter rules out bassy and V-shaped sets, IMO, solving this conundrum.
Octavius already said will miss something. A slight v can be nice, but a typical v-shaped is not perfect for metal. If you like it like that it's o.k....i think there are so many kinds of metal (I think 73 subgenres on rateyourmusic), so many different ears and preferences that it's pretty hard to say that one iem or one signature is the perfect one for metal, but maybe there is one best for you (at least till the next month :wink:)
Apr 18, 2024 at 5:38 PM Post #2,090 of 2,102
Damn, I forgot the vocals (not my focus in any genre), you're right!
It is a compromise.
A rich lower midrange helps with male vocals but then complex and fast music sounds bloated.
Apr 18, 2024 at 5:38 PM Post #2,091 of 2,102
Octavius already said will miss something. A slight v can be nice, but a typical v-shaped is not perfect for metal. If you like it like that it's o.k....i think there are so many kinds of metal (I think 73 subgenres on rateyourmusic), so many different ears and preferences that it's pretty hard to say that one iem or one signature is the perfect one for metal, but maybe there is one best for you (at least till the next month :wink:)

Agreed. That's why it's a bit of a reductionist idea to have IEMs specifically for metal, as long as metal isn't defined. I was trying to cut the Gordian knot above from my POV, in which vocals don't really matter.
Apr 19, 2024 at 10:46 PM Post #2,092 of 2,102
Has anyone tried Thieaudio Hype 4? Curious to how they perform with metal. Looking at them, Symphosium Nightjar Meteor and Moondrop Variations and haven’t been able to make a decision.
Apr 25, 2024 at 6:16 PM Post #2,093 of 2,102
I own the Hidizs MP145 since 2 months and I have to say that's a very good iem for metal and not expensive (~170 Euro). It's a big one so not for small ears. You can leave it stock, also very nice with a big soundstage, detailed (planar), quick punchy bass and minimum planar timbre (compared to Shuoer S12), not fatiguing. Doesn't need a lot of power but it's a planar so better with a (mobile)dac like Qudelix, IBasso DC04 pro or something like that.

For the price it's a steal imo and one of the better iems I own, best price/performance-wise.First it sounded a little soft and I used more eq (always play around with EQ with every iem and headphone) , but was getting better over time and doesn't really need it anymore.
(If you want you can use hshelf 40 Hz -2.5db Q 0.71 for faster metal).
Akros made a long review about it on YouTube when you are interested...
Is mp145 a worthy sidegrade to s12? I do find s12 too sharp but apart from being smoother in the treble is hidizs better in any other way? What exactly is planar timbre? Mp145 is a tad bit more expensive and ill have to keep the s12 cable so im not sure if i should get it. S12 fit is also pretty bad.
Apr 27, 2024 at 11:09 AM Post #2,094 of 2,102
Is mp145 a worthy sidegrade to s12? I do find s12 too sharp but apart from being smoother in the treble is hidizs better in any other way? What exactly is planar timbre? Mp145 is a tad bit more expensive and ill have to keep the s12 cable so im not sure if i should get it. S12 fit is also pretty bad.
Yes it is. Hard to say if it is better than S12, for my preference I like the Hidizs more. Some prefer the S12. Sidegrade is the better word. Hidizs: Bigger soundstage and smoother, so not as sharp but still pretty detailed. I can only use the s12 with eq, the Hidizs needs no eq imo. It is tuneable with the 3 filters and different eartips you get. (I use the balanced filter and the vocal tips) Hidizs is much bigger than S12 but I have no comfort problems with them but this could be a problem. Planar timbre: o.k., there are some in depth comparisons on headfi and about that topic and i'm not a technical expert. My experience with planars that I have heard is that they sound(ed)a little thin and dry to my ears. Less body and "soul". Maybe it's just the tuning of some of them. I hope that helps...
May 5, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #2,095 of 2,102
Following up on my post on the headphones/metal thread...I own the Audeze iSine 20 (my only IEM - I also have an FH3 which I haven't used in a long time) and I absolutely love it with the Reveal plugin but using it with analog sources where I cannot EQ it sounds horrific (no amount of tone control through Loki can fix the way it screws the sound with vinyl). And since I need a solution that doesn't leak sound and I can use without complicated EQ I've been looking into some closed back headphones and some IEMs. I don't know which part of the iSine messes it so bad for vinyl, I guess maybe the combination of the very recessed lower treble/upper mids and the emphasis around 1K.

Anyways, my shortlist includes the Monarch mk3, the IE600 and maybe the planars such as the Timeless AE and S12. Playing around with auto-EQing the iSine to match those IEMs, I didn't really like any of them but if I had to choose I'd say I preferred the Senns' tonality followed by the Monarch and didn't really like the planars but I'm not really sure I can trust this way of judging the tonality (also since the iSine 20 is open back and these are closed). I searched this thread for the IEMs mentioned above but as with anything there are conflicting reports.

Any suggestions?? I really like the slightly thinner/drier but clean sound of the Sundaras (+ small bass shelf) with snappy snares and tight controlled bass for hard hitting kicks and (to a lesser degree) I also enjoy the meatier, non-fatiguing sound I get from my LCD-2C and the iSine 20 (using Reveal to bring them to life of course). So I guess I'm just looking for: stock tuning that doesn't require EQ so it can be used with both digital and analog sources (I can of course do micro-corrections or a add low shelf with Loki), tight bass, good dynamics and definitely not dark sounding (I need clean and sparkly hi-hats and cymbals). Sorry if I just described a unicorn IEM lol but I'm new to IEMs and I'm trying to convey what my ears enjoy with the full sized pairs I own!

Oh and I listen to a wide variety of metal and some rock with favourite bands including Wintersun, Ensiferum, Parkway Drive, Ghost, Sleep Token, Cradle of Filth, Rotting Christ, the Black Dahlia Murder, Soen, Steven Wilson, Heilung etc. Thanks!
May 5, 2024 at 7:12 PM Post #2,096 of 2,102
Following up on my post on the headphones/metal thread...I own the Audeze iSine 20 (my only IEM - I also have an FH3 which I haven't used in a long time) and I absolutely love it with the Reveal plugin but using it with analog sources where I cannot EQ it sounds horrific (no amount of tone control through Loki can fix the way it screws the sound with vinyl). And since I need a solution that doesn't leak sound and I can use without complicated EQ I've been looking into some closed back headphones and some IEMs. I don't know which part of the iSine messes it so bad for vinyl, I guess maybe the combination of the very recessed lower treble/upper mids and the emphasis around 1K.

Anyways, my shortlist includes the Monarch mk3, the IE600 and maybe the planars such as the Timeless AE and S12. Playing around with auto-EQing the iSine to match those IEMs, I didn't really like any of them but if I had to choose I'd say I preferred the Senns' tonality followed by the Monarch and didn't really like the planars but I'm not really sure I can trust this way of judging the tonality (also since the iSine 20 is open back and these are closed). I searched this thread for the IEMs mentioned above but as with anything there are conflicting reports.

Any suggestions?? I really like the slightly thinner/drier but clean sound of the Sundaras (+ small bass shelf) with snappy snares and tight controlled bass for hard hitting kicks and (to a lesser degree) I also enjoy the meatier, non-fatiguing sound I get from my LCD-2C and the iSine 20 (using Reveal to bring them to life of course). So I guess I'm just looking for: stock tuning that doesn't require EQ so it can be used with both digital and analog sources (I can of course do micro-corrections or a add low shelf with Loki), tight bass, good dynamics and definitely not dark sounding (I need clean and sparkly hi-hats and cymbals). Sorry if I just described a unicorn IEM lol but I'm new to IEMs and I'm trying to convey what my ears enjoy with the full sized pairs I own!

Oh and I listen to a wide variety of metal and some rock with favourite bands including Wintersun, Ensiferum, Parkway Drive, Ghost, Sleep Token, Cradle of Filth, Rotting Christ, the Black Dahlia Murder, Soen, Steven Wilson, Heilung etc. Thanks!
Not much to contribute but recently I went on a buyer spree after year (purely outta curiosity) and bought a Dunu Falcon Ultra and Tanchjim Origin, both were surprisingly good for single DD setup. They handled metal very well, Dunu is a tinge more warm while Origin was slightly a bit enegetic . Also bought a hybrid Zigaat Doscinco, even that was very good with metal. They sure pack a punch and very smooth with the upper frequencies. There are so many good options to choose from these days. You could also look into these ones as well. Unfortunately I got spoiled with my ciem so none of these hit the right spot. Isolation makes a world of difference.
May 5, 2024 at 9:01 PM Post #2,097 of 2,102
I want to pitch in and say that I just recently bought the new I/O Audio Volare IEMs and I love them. They come with a ton of different ear tips that can alter sound to your choosing. My current ear tips convey a slight U-shaped tuning. Works great for all sorts of metal
May 5, 2024 at 10:44 PM Post #2,098 of 2,102
Seguindo minha postagem sobre fones de ouvido/metal...Eu possuo o Audeze iSine 20 (meu único IEM - também tenho um FH3 que não uso há muito tempo) e adoro-o com o plugin Reveal mas usá-lo com fontes analógicas onde não consigo equalizar parece horrível (nenhum controle de tom através do Loki pode consertar a maneira como ele estraga o som com o vinil). E como preciso de uma solução que não vaze som e que possa usar sem equalização complicada, estive procurando alguns fones de ouvido fechados e alguns IEMs. Não sei qual parte do iSine atrapalha tanto o vinil, acho que talvez a combinação dos agudos/médios superiores muito recuados e a ênfase em torno de 1K.

De qualquer forma, minha lista inclui o Monarch mk3 , o IE600 e talvez os planares como o Timeless AE e o S12. Brincando com a equalização automática do iSine para combinar com esses IEMs, eu realmente não gostei de nenhum deles, mas se tivesse que escolher, diria que preferia a tonalidade do Senns seguida pela Monarch e não gostei muito dos planares mas não tenho certeza se posso confiar nessa forma de julgar a tonalidade (também porque o iSine 20 está aberto e estes estão fechados). Pesquisei neste tópico os IEMs mencionados acima, mas como acontece com qualquer coisa, há relatórios conflitantes.

Alguma sugestão?? Eu realmente gosto do som um pouco mais fino/seco, mas limpo dos Sundaras (+ pequena prateleira de graves) com caixas rápidas e graves bem controlados para chutes fortes e (em menor grau) também gosto do som mais carnudo e não cansativo que recebo do meu LCD-2C e do iSine 20 (usando o Reveal para dar vida a eles, é claro). Então, acho que estou apenas procurando: ajuste padrão que não exija EQ para que possa ser usado com fontes digitais e analógicas (é claro que posso fazer microcorreções ou adicionar uma prateleira baixa com Loki), graves firmes, boa dinâmica e definitivamente não soa sombrio (preciso de chimbais e pratos limpos e brilhantes). Desculpe se acabei de descrever um IEM de unicórnio haha, mas sou novo em IEMs e estou tentando transmitir o que meus ouvidos gostam com os pares de tamanho normal que possuo!

Ah, e eu ouço uma grande variedade de metal e um pouco de rock com bandas favoritas, incluindo Wintersun, Ensiferum, Parkway Drive, Ghost, Sleep Token, Cradle of Filth, Rotting Christ, the Black Dahlia Murder, Soen, Steven Wilson, Heilung etc. !
Symphonium Crimson
May 6, 2024 at 6:27 PM Post #2,099 of 2,102
Not much to contribute but recently I went on a buyer spree after year (purely outta curiosity) and bought a Dunu Falcon Ultra and Tanchjim Origin, both were surprisingly good for single DD setup. They handled metal very well, Dunu is a tinge more warm while Origin was slightly a bit enegetic . Also bought a hybrid Zigaat Doscinco, even that was very good with metal. They sure pack a punch and very smooth with the upper frequencies. There are so many good options to choose from these days. You could also look into these ones as well. Unfortunately I got spoiled with my ciem so none of these hit the right spot. Isolation makes a world of difference.
Thanks so much for the input and I'll definitely check these out - will also try them through auto EQ. The idea of ciems is pretty intriguing right now to be honest. There is this company here in Greece called Soundz customs that do custom IEMs and although there isn't much info online, there are some glowing reviews on Head-Fi but I have no clue whether they are good with metal. Do you think getting a custom IEM is something worth pursuing? Are there apparent advantages with going that route instead of getting a (for example) universal model like the monarch?
Symphonium Crimson
Thanks for the suggestion, my budget is around 1K though and that's stretching it a bit! But they sure look very interesting !

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