In-Ear Monitor Maintenance | 64 Audio
Feb 6, 2024 at 12:27 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


Sponsor: 64 Audio
Jul 6, 2016
Vancouver, WA
We recently updated our maintenance educational resources. These cleaning steps and tricks can be helpful whether you're using our products or not.

This video is a quick and easy way to get the basics. We've also published a blog that goes into much more detail, and a downloadable pdf guide to always have on hand.


64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 6, 2024 at 8:12 PM Post #2 of 18
When I first started lurking the Head-Fi classifieds (and other sites), unkempt & crusty IEMs were selling around the web. When asked about the idea of cleaning prior to listing, one seller defended the "patina" as part of the hobby.

Watching this video certifies these facts for me:
a. Being grossed out by crusty IEMs is normal. Doesn't matter if they're mine or yours.
b. Used & clean IEMs have greater appeal when drooling in the classifieds.
c. Cleaning IEMs after a session is satisfying.
d. Currently I don't own this tool set.
Feb 6, 2024 at 10:00 PM Post #3 of 18
I'm wondering if the dessicant jar can help with cable stiffening up by the ear pieces. It's expecting bad with flat heads since allot of them have very cheap cables

Anyways nice video
Feb 7, 2024 at 2:49 AM Post #4 of 18
Also regularly keeping your ears clean goes a long way to making your IEMs easier to clean. Normally all I need is a alcohol wipe. I'm also pretty sure most people don't bother with this and have no idea that ear infections are a thing.
Feb 8, 2024 at 12:05 PM Post #8 of 18
i am not convinced for the necessity for desiccant as i believe moisture evaporates in room temperatures anyways unless of course stage performance with a lot of sweating is the case.
It's most important if you're using an air/water-tight case. pelican style cases have always been really popular for IEMs, even the screw top aluminum lid cases won't let enough moisture evaporate which is why we build in a spot for a desiccant in all of our cases, except for our little zipper case and our leather case which isn't air tight
64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 10, 2024 at 12:21 AM Post #9 of 18
I feel like daily/multi-daily brushing could absolutely cause premature wear to the shell surface(and grill security), perhaps moreso if it's wood, or something with a semi-delicate coating. Many Moondrop IEMs have had coatings that wear away very quickly, just from usage. I'm sure there's also some high likelihood, with some open-back IEMs, of damaging the internals, if you coat them in alcohol often.
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Feb 10, 2024 at 12:52 PM Post #10 of 18
Also regularly keeping your ears clean goes a long way to making your IEMs easier to clean. Normally all I need is a alcohol wipe. I'm also pretty sure most people don't bother with this and have no idea that ear infections are a thing.
I actually logged in just to second this: you wouldn't catch me dead not cleaning my ears to pristine cleanliness before even inserting an IEM into them. Every single time, no excuses - first with a wet/damp cloth, then a dry one. It becomes a habit just like washing hands, a part of regular hygiene during the day.

Also, I keep mine in a dry cabinet along with all my other camera gear and other things.

I'm not gonna tell anyone what to do with their gear, but I have 12-13 year old IEMs that work perfectly and have zero wax even under a 10x jeweller's loupe. So it is possible to preserve them (at least unless your ears somehow produce much more wax than normal).
Feb 11, 2024 at 11:14 PM Post #11 of 18
kinda have question, is it safe in long term to clean the resin shell with alcohol swipe? i keep seeing people said that its not good to clean resin shell with alcohol because it will weaken the resin?

Feb 12, 2024 at 3:30 PM Post #12 of 18
kinda have question, is it safe in long term to clean the resin shell with alcohol swipe? i keep seeing people said that its not good to clean resin shell with alcohol because it will weaken the resin?

Our 3D printed hypoallergenic shells won't be damaged by alcohol wipes. If you're cleaning something made by another manufacturer who's cautioned against it for their products we would definitely advise you to heed that advice and go with something like Audiowipes
64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 12, 2024 at 3:33 PM Post #13 of 18
I feel like daily/multi-daily brushing could absolutely cause premature wear to the shell surface(and grill security), perhaps moreso if it's wood, or something with a semi-delicate coating. Many Moondrop IEMs have had coatings that wear away very quickly, just from usage. I'm sure there's also some high likelihood, with some open-back IEMs, of damaging the internals, if you coat them in alcohol often.
To clarify, daily cleaning shouldn't harm any 64 Audio IEMs. We actually make a semi-open back IEM called Duo and we'd still recommend cleaning it with alcohol wipes. Obviously don't drown them in any liquid but a basic wipe-down won't hurt them. Alcohol is also preferred because of how quickly it evaporates. Surprisingly enough we've actually run into an issue where a customer seemed to put their CIEMs in an ultrasonic cleaner, definitely don't recommend
64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 12, 2024 at 9:36 PM Post #15 of 18
kinda have question, is it safe in long term to clean the resin shell with alcohol swipe? i keep seeing people said that its not good to clean resin shell with alcohol because it will weaken the resin?

I have used alcohol wipes to clean my earphones (both universal and custom) for years to disinfect them after use and all of them including resin and metal have not had any damages. Furthermore, it evaporates very quickly, I just need to wait about 10 seconds before storing them in my hard case.

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