Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W1 and W2 (The new W2-131 Version is Available, Related Info on Post #1)
Mar 26, 2021 at 1:30 PM Post #1,501 of 5,321
I still don't get the fuss around MQA. I can listen to MQA tracks through my DX300 and still couldn't care less...
Mar 26, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #1,502 of 5,321
Looks nice, trough I would like more protection all over, just similar with the S1 case. Let's see how the final product will look like.
Thank you for sharing. Definitely now the W2 is getting better overall as a product with a protective case coming soon.
I found that my S1 leather case fits the W2 perfectly. Can be ordered for $25 from Musicteck.
Mar 26, 2021 at 2:01 PM Post #1,503 of 5,321
I have Audio Technica ATH-SR9s which are neutral-sounding, easy to drive and fairly revealing headphones, and Shure Aonic 4s which are well-balanced IEMs with good imaging and soundstaging abilities.

Also, what's with those EQ presets on the W2? They're really quite crude. The Bass one especially is awful! It just smoothers music with copious amounts of ill defined bass.
Very strange what you write - i can not imagine that this is your experience with it - there is something strange WRONG. Either your dongle has a manufacturing problem or there is something else bizarre going on.
I use the W2 with an Oriolus Traillii and that is a heck of a IEM, meaning every lack of something or short coming of this DAC would be merciless exposed, and to be honest, to me the W2 sounds like the best possible fit one can imagine. The bass is deep, absolutely precise and all the way up it is just a pleasure to listen to it.
That is, as to what I read here - basically EVERYBODY's judgement too - you are the first and only person that I know who seems to really have an issue with this DAC, hence I can only assume that there is something else going on. I can't speculate about it - so I leave it there as is, but surely and repeat, absolutely surely this is not a hyped up product or any hype train going on for sure.
But if you don't like this DAC you are right to change it - i think you will quickly find a buyer - there are many desperately trying to get one... as is sold out at the moment it seems.
Mar 26, 2021 at 2:06 PM Post #1,505 of 5,321
I agree the EQ presets are terrible. That’s the most disappointing aspect of the device. Fortunately I like the stock tuning.
NORMAL is the best EQ preset, to me no other ones needed - no need to artificially modify any EQ setting - or otherwise - do it on the source where you can increase 20Hz up down or 125Hz - that is much more useful than fiddling around with this little dongle i think ...
Mar 26, 2021 at 2:15 PM Post #1,506 of 5,321
NORMAL is the best EQ preset, to me no other ones needed - no need to artificially modify any EQ setting - or otherwise - do it on the source where you can increase 20Hz up down or 125Hz - that is much more useful than fiddling around with this little dongle i think ...
Yes, indeed, doing it precisely on the source is much preferred -- unfortunately I am using Qobuz on an iPhone and no way to EQ on the phone unless I want to pay for Roon (and stay at home at all times so that I can use it).
Mar 26, 2021 at 2:27 PM Post #1,508 of 5,321
Well tune is tuning but how ClieOS say that W1 and W2 are the same ? its first of all really wrong (no need to explain that) but also strange statement altogether with not much meaning.

I am not really sure what you are talking here. Where did I say W1 and W2 are the same?

Also, referring to the 'tune' function - my previous statement is referring to the (*lack of) technical detail of what 'tune' really does? Is it some kind of DSP effect? PEQ? GEQ? Filters? some combination of EQ and filter? Is it hardware based? is it software based? No real explanation was given by L&P, only what we are supposed to use it for.
Mar 26, 2021 at 3:01 PM Post #1,511 of 5,321
Here's another frequency graph but from DIY Audio Heaven:


A little different, no?

But to revise my earlier statement about the SR9s being "neutral sounding", I confirm that (after extensive burn-in) SR9s are just a little brighter in treble than your average headphone but that just aids clarity and transparency.

Anyway, my complaint against the W2 wasn't about brightness but about its thin, antiseptic quality which the SR9s fully expose.
Peace, I am just confirming that there is synergy to be had.

btw. It helps to add the link to the site where the graph was taken from. Here is the text above that graph on DYI Audio heaven :wink:
The overall sound signature of the ATH-SR9 is complex. It has weird sounding mids and is a bit ‘light’ in the bass. The mids are ‘sharp/bright’ and there is a very coarse/grainy and piercing treble up top. Popular recordings sound nasty. It is hard to believe this headphone costs € 500.- (in the US: $450.- ).
Mar 26, 2021 at 3:21 PM Post #1,513 of 5,321
I just got the W1, and the audio kept on cutting out. Thankfully, it was a driver issue and rolling back the driver(which Windows automatically updated) fixed the issues for me. So far so good, better than the HUD100 I've been using. I've been using them with the IER-M7 via balanced out or hooked to an Asgard 3 to drive the HD800. I figured that since max volume output(SE) is around 2Vrm and the output is clean enough, I could probably use it to replace the internal DAC of the Asgard 3. Anyhow, I'll report back if any one's interested.
Mar 26, 2021 at 3:23 PM Post #1,514 of 5,321
I am not really sure what you are talking here. Where did I say W1 and W2 are the same?

Also, referring to the 'tune' function - my previous statement is referring to the (*lack of) technical detail of what 'tune' really does? Is it some kind of DSP effect? PEQ? GEQ? Filters? some combination of EQ and filter? Is it hardware based? is it software based? No real explanation was given by L&P, only what we are supposed to use it for.
Well my first point was a joke - I too have still not yet understood what this "tune" is for - and I can't hear much difference or at least not decide which one is "better" (whatever that means). The W1 to W2 is the same is actually not your comment but you replied to a comment of somebody who stated that, sorry for that mishap.
Anyway W1 and W2 are absolutely NOT THE SAME even though their size is identical. But this is so clear that W1 is a single DAC and W2 is a dual DAC - so that I would assume the whole world knows that buy now. They also sound differently (slightly though).
Mar 26, 2021 at 3:27 PM Post #1,515 of 5,321
My case! Actually a convenient slot beside my DAP to store the W2 when not in use. Great find on AliExpress, storage on the top for 2 IEMs.


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