Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:20 PM Post #7,066 of 48,579
Absolutely love this thread - definitely helped me narrow down and decide on my cans (HD598's) and mixamp purchase and am wrapped with the decision :)
Only thing that could have helped with the narrowing down would have been a rough price range beside each of the models - sorry if it's already been discussed.

I had the Titanium HD and the STX both installed in the same rig. I don't consider the THD to have enough power/amping for the DT990. I had the 600 Edition though.
The DT990 itself is a great choice for gaming, I would put it on the 1st place for immersive gaming. The T90 is the HD version. Can't recommend though unless you watch movies as well since most multiplatform games have their audio samples sized for the Xbox and its old DVD format, and all the others have to suffer for it. 

The Titanium HD do not have a headphone amp I used to have one my self, creative need to fix their info on it. To remove that line form it. WIth the Titanium HD you will need to get a external amp if you have headphones that need power that card it self cant provoid. In this case that DT990 if its 250ohm or the 600ohm you would need to get one to get the most out of those headphones with the Titanium HD.

I don't watch a lot of movies actually, it's mostly gaming and a bit of music. Also, I'll only use it on the PC
Really? Well, that'll make me reconsider things. If I have to buy an external amp it'll be way expensiver than the HD558 alone. Thank you for the info.

I have cutted it down to the DT990 cans to, but between the PRO 250 ohm and the Premium ones.
As i can read in the posts above i'm gonna need a sound card, but not sure which. I'm not sure which card i should pickup. And even not sure if i shall pick up a sound card or the Astro Mixamp:S
If it gonna be the Sound card, does it need to be the Essence ones or the Xonor, and which one? :S.
It's gonna be used for BF3 and the surround 3d positioning.
And again, thanks for the help and this great thread!! :D
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:39 PM Post #7,067 of 48,579
Well, it's a decent Receiver... From 7 or 8 years ago. No HDMI, so a playstation or Xbox would have to be hooked up to it with composite (Red Blue Green) cables and an optical cable, and your TV has to accept composite too (no digital video connection or pass through conversion like found on Denons two years ago). Also looks large in size, sometimes the size of these components ends up mattering more than you expect, so measure your cabinet and make sure it has GREAT airflow for venting the heat.
It can work, but I think the $200 price is about average for the depreciation, and you can find many other deals around the same price. Hooking up speakers and headphones to multiple inputs and outputting video is an integrated amp, if you want to do more research (receiver name comes from FM radio receiver). It will do what you hope it does, but it's not anything special by today's standards for features or price.
Basically, I'm saying I had a "chance" to buy a receiver for $200, but I had to decide on the spot. I did, and I made it work, but I later realized that I can't afford a full surround sound setup with decent speakers yet, and I would've been better off getting a stereo integrated amp for now with a great headphone amp, and saved money for a really nice receiver when I get the income and space needed for a "proper" surround sound setup that wouldn't leave me disappointed. And believe me, if you are used to nice headphones, you are going to find a lot lacking in home-theater-in-a-box and entry-level speaker systems. I actually find it surprising how fast mainstream receivers depreciate in value.

Your response is really good.  Thankfully, this unit won't be for my main home theater.  I  have one in my living room already that's majorly geared out.  This will be for my office using smaller speakers and basically only used for music and gaming.  With that said, I will be plugging in the HDMI cables from my console directly to the TV and using the optical cables going to the receiver.  I wanted the same benefit of having Dolby Headphone, but when I'm not using phones I can use speakers when I want and still get great sound.
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:56 PM Post #7,068 of 48,579
Your response is really good.  Thankfully, this unit won't be for my main home theater.  I  have one in my living room already that's majorly geared out.  This will be for my office using smaller speakers and basically only used for music and gaming.  With that said, I will be plugging in the HDMI cables from my console directly to the TV and using the optical cables going to the receiver.  I wanted the same benefit of having Dolby Headphone, but when I'm not using phones I can use speakers when I want and still get great sound.

Well hey, if you've figured it out, more power to ya!
I wish I could play games in my office.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:17 PM Post #7,069 of 48,579
So I have a pair of HD 598's that ive been using for about a year, and I have to say im a little underwhelmed with them. I kind of expected more.
My dad wanted me to get him a pair, so im thinking about giving him mine, and getting something new.
I use em for console/pc/movies all via an astro mixamp.
Any recomendations for the 200-300 price range ?
Im looking for something thats gonna OOO me more than anything. And I pretty much only play multiplayer, so something that takes that into consideration as well.
Of course im always willing to change around what im looking for if i can find an AWESOME deal 
Im actually checking out the DT-990 Premium 600ohms, but dunno if thats my best bet.
And if my astro mixamp is suffiicient to drive them 
Im always willing to listen to wiser minds 
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:34 PM Post #7,070 of 48,579
Unless you have an external amp, the DT990 (any of them) won't be powered sufficiently. You can get a small portable amp for the DT990 32ohm though, which sound 95% as good as thee 600ohm. If you play multiplayer, unless you want more bass, I doubt anything will wow you next to the HD598, though I find the Q701 to be an improvement on everything that makes the 598 good, though with less midrange.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:45 PM Post #7,071 of 48,579
Well I guess my biggest issue with the HD 598s was they kind of lack immersion.
I mean im willing to sacrafice some positional accuracy, so that when im playing something its more of a  WOW THAT SOUNDS AWESOME .
Q701s are basically the exact same price as the HD 598, so in your opinion you think thats my best bet ? 
And would be more than fine with my astro mixamp ?
(I could get a solid deal on K550s, though I notice you dont have them in here, so dunno if you know anything about them)
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #7,072 of 48,579
If you're using a mic, I personally feel the Q701 needs an amp, though without a mic they sound good off the Mixamp alone.

The DT990 is one of the most immersive I've used.
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #7,074 of 48,579
If you're using a mic, I personally feel the Q701 needs an amp, though without a mic they sound good off the Mixamp alone.
The DT990 is one of the most immersive I've used.

Just as an FYI, I have my chat audio play through my "speakers" (headphones), and my mic is plugged straight into my controller (with a $2 plug adapter). I don't know if the Mixamp let's your own Voice chat echo in your ears, but besides that I'm happy with my setup. When I want more chat volume, I turn up my amp and turn down the game sound via the options or settings menu. That way, you don't sacrifice any amp juice on the chat volume, and really you only have to set it once for each game. It's been working really well.
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:15 PM Post #7,075 of 48,579
Just as an FYI, I have my chat audio play through my "speakers" (headphones), and my mic is plugged straight into my controller (with a $2 plug adapter). I don't know if the Mixamp let's your own Voice chat echo in your ears, but besides that I'm happy with my setup. When I want more chat volume, I turn up my amp and turn down the game sound via the options or settings menu. That way, you don't sacrifice any amp juice on the chat volume, and really you only have to set it once for each game. It's been working really well.

Also curious what you think of your Q701s, and how they compared to whatever you previously had 
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:37 PM Post #7,076 of 48,579
Alright absolute last question :D
Im down to one of two setups
Q701 + E11 + Astro Mixamp
DT 990 PRO 250OHM + E11 + Astro Mixamp
Q701s come out to about 50-70$ 
Anything to help me choose greatly appreciated thanks again :D
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:44 PM Post #7,077 of 48,579
The DT990 is a lot more immersive. I feel the Q701 will be too much like the HD598 to wow you.

The E11 is worth it over the E5/E6 which are very weak amps, certainly not for these fullsize headphones.
Aug 23, 2012 at 6:33 PM Post #7,079 of 48,579
I'm totally into my pair of Tritton AX Pro's for console gaming solely for footsteps. After two years of owning them, the fake leather pads have hardened and they don't feel comfortable at all, and they've cracked really bad, but I just can't let go of how clearly I'm hearing everyone. I have the "sub" control turned down all the way, and it really helps. I've done gaming on other headsets and I just can't hear everything as clear as I can with the Pro's. As for the sound quality, it's terrible. If I were to rate it, I would give it 10/10 on competitive, even though it falls short in everything else, probably getting a 1/10 from me. If you have a chance, could you try revisiting it? I use them on my PS3, and I've set everything to the blue color except for "Sub", which is on the lowest green setting. 
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #7,080 of 48,579
The Tritton AX Pro's were a total failure for me in all aspects. For some reason they seem to be a real hit or miss affair, depending on the individual - some they work brilliantly for while others they fail miserably.
I was so pumped when they arrived and I gave them every chance and setting adjustment etc to perform, but even with the biggest placebo effect possible in me wanting/thinking they'd be good the were worse for everything than my crappy inbuilt laptop speakers.
I guess with the multiple speakers in each can the effect is slightly different for everyone with it working fine for most, brilliant for some and not good for a few. Unfortunately I was one of the few it doesn't work with.
Turned me off headphone gaming as an option for years, until, when looking for headphones for music I came across this thread and it made me to decide to revisit the option. Best thing I ever did - opened a whole new world up and finally gave me what the Trittons had promised, but with a stereo headphone and a mixamp.
To this day the Trittons sit on a shelf in the corner staring at me with an evil presence - too crap to use, too expensive to throw away and I couldn't, in good faith, sell them to anyone, knowing how bad they were.
I should probably set them up for mates to try, and if I find one who likes them pass them on to them.

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