Making a Cup Holder foam insert for portable devices in car
Dec 6, 2011 at 9:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Headphoneus Supremus
Nov 22, 2011
I am currently in the process of prototyping my cut out method and feel for a foam insert for my car, so it can hold my phone, iPod, and ZO2 nice and firm while I drive )Phone, Music Player and my Portable Amp). I have the measurements for the ZO2, as I do not have mine yet, and plan to make it still have access to  the side controls when it is in place. I currently have made a cut out from 2.5 cm thick foam (don't know what type, will post pictures of the prototypes later) for my phone and for the ZO2. I will be making a cut out of my iPod soon just to get the measurements right and position each section how I want them to fit in the cup holder. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me going forward.
Using 2.5cm thick foam, I plan on layering two or three pieces to occupy the entirety of 1 cup holder in my center console. 
What I have not figured out yet:
- What type of binding agent to use to connect the layers of foam together
- If the devices sit too tight in the foam, I fear that the insert may get pulled out when I go to use the device and pull it from the insert, I need some type of weighting mechanism that wont involve permanent changes to the cup holder itself.
- What order and orientation I want the devices in. I think I want to position the devices so the are somewhat facing me so I can see if the indicator light on my phone is going off and to be able to make a quick motion to my iPod to check/change the song. 
- Has anyone done this before or is interested in me making an instruction set for how I did it for you to do yourself?
The purpose of this mini-project is to keep my investments/devices from hitting each other/falling from not having a place to be put in my car. Since I do not have my ZO2 yet, I have taken a picture provided by a forum member here and printed it to scale as best I could.
All advice and questions are welcomed. Just figured I would let people here know about this as I personally think the idea should not be too hard to implement and would suit a good purpose.  
Dec 6, 2011 at 6:26 PM Post #2 of 11
contact cement is your friend. 
Maybe make a wood or cast silicone rubber base (that would sit in the bottom of the cup holder) to get the weight? 
How/why do you use all those devices in the car? Most people use a dock connector to the car stereo, and so wouldn't have the amp + zo in the mix. 
Dec 6, 2011 at 7:33 PM Post #3 of 11
Cell phone since I hate having it in my pocket and usually throw it into my cup holder i will now be using for the other stuff. My iPod when using line can go upside down into the holder, which is fine, as its meant to only hold it, not to function to change the song or anything, that's what friends are for. My ZO2 is meant to amplify the signal and process it with the SmartVektor Technology. The ability to quickly change the bass level boost will be great for changing it to the proper setting for different songs my friend may play/my iPod may go to in random mode. The whole setup is for for easy access at stoplights or waiting for people, and for safety of the devices from the movements of the car.
My problem is that through prototyping the sizes, i put the cut out for my phone into the cupholder and couldnt just squeeze the foam and let it expand to fit. it caused movement in the size. after cutting off the excess foam so it went in perfectly, it worked just fine. Im trying to come up with other materials I could make this insert with if I cannot get it to fit just right and the devices dont sit well
Dec 7, 2011 at 12:01 AM Post #4 of 11

Prototyping somewhat done. Got a base layer of foam which is almost cut perfectly (slightly large, will be getting it closer tomorrow), and my phone and iPod each have a slot for them that works perfectly even without a lot of foam (they fall down after a few minutes). next step is making more layers and combining/recreating the slots for my devices in the cupholder size foam. 
Taking a look at it, I think it may make sense to just make a half cup holder insert that would hold my iPod and ZO2 while allowing whatever room is left for my phone. 
I'm starting to think that the properties of foam may not be the greatest in terms of making something for a space I cannot get accurate measurements. I need to find a different medium to do this project
Dec 13, 2011 at 11:22 PM Post #5 of 11
Project is almost done, just want to come up with some substance to put on the top part so it doesnt just look like foam. I was thinking putting some paint over it if i could so it looks just a bit better. Otherwise it is complete and awaiting my ZO2 for final touches on that part of it.


This is what I tried for the bottom staying in the cupholder. Will report back with how well it works when I give it a test tomorrow. They are command it adhesives so that I can remove them if needed, and it will keep the foam from lifting up when I use it.

Dec 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM Post #6 of 11
thin velour with a non-foam disolving contact cement. 
Dec 14, 2011 at 12:49 PM Post #7 of 11

I'm just going to take the glue i have been using so far, and take a black microcloth normally used for cleaning the screen of portable devices and glue it to the top and cut lines so the devices slide right into it. I an just thinking of maybe using a transparent piece of plastic to make an outline of the size and holes so i can upholster the cloth with cotton or something like that and get the little amount of extra height I am needing to finish off the project. 
thin velour with a non-foam disolving contact cement. 

Also, the command double sided adhesive works like a charm, and should be easily removable and replaceable. 

Jan 24, 2012 at 11:21 PM Post #8 of 11
I would use velcro to hold the pieces in the cupholder without damaging the cupholders themselves, if there is any drawback it would be the adhesive on the velcro that should come off easily with some rubbing alcohol. This should hold no matter how much you pull to get a phone out, etc... I love the idea of using the cupholder in this way, and will take similar idea and make use of it for my zo, amp, and Ipod and phone. Thank goodness I do not have TV to add!
Mar 15, 2012 at 9:31 AM Post #9 of 11
The build on my part was successful. I had about a 2 foot by 2 foot piece of foam and had enough after a few trials to figure out the best technique to use for my type of foam to get the most accurate cut. I have stopped using the insert however, as I do not use my ZO2 in my car, mainly because I don't want to mess with the levels between when i do and do not use it, and if i dont change them, i fear i will blow out my speakers in my car once again. 
The ZO2 is a wonderful little device, but i forgot that I should change my levels down, and the bass on all the speakers that arent my subwoofer was a bit much to handle. Replaced all the mid-range sized speakers in my car.
I would use velcro to hold the pieces in the cupholder without damaging the cupholders themselves, if there is any drawback it would be the adhesive on the velcro that should come off easily with some rubbing alcohol. This should hold no matter how much you pull to get a phone out, etc... I love the idea of using the cupholder in this way, and will take similar idea and make use of it for my zo, amp, and Ipod and phone. Thank goodness I do not have TV to add!

Mar 15, 2012 at 11:10 AM Post #10 of 11
What kind of level were you listening at? 
Mar 15, 2012 at 11:59 AM Post #11 of 11
Lick It - Kaskade & Skrillex (not ICE version) with iPod 7G -> LOD -> ZO2 (Orange/Red)(High Gain Mode) -> Car audio system.
Didnt realize even at bass at +3dB it would be such a powerful combination as to blow out 4 Mid speakers.
What kind of level were you listening at? 


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