Metal and rock friendly headphones ($350-600)
Aug 19, 2014 at 9:14 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 18, 2014
Hi everyone, 
Recently I have being doing research into headphones that are good for metal and rock genres. What I have found is that the production of metal music is often poorer than that of other genres and thus high end headphones seem to expose these flaws, making the music sound worse. Metal music in particular seems to favor higher frequencies, like the upper mid range and treble. Listening to my metal collection with the PSB M4U1s caused me ear discomfort at even moderate listening levels due to its very strident delivery and revealing clarity . I found that headphones that are darker sounding, with an emphasis on bass and mid range are preferable to someone who listens to predominately metal and rock genres. I understand that many people on this forum prefer headphones that are the antithesis to this, like the Sennheiser HD series as they sound better with genres that have better recorded music. 
The headphones that I currently own are:
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50
  • Logitech UE 6000
  • PSB M4U1
Can anyone on here recommend me a closed/open back, over ear headphone in in the 3-600 Australian dollar price range that fits this criteria:
  1. Decent bass to balance out the often bright and accentuated higher frequencies of most metal recordings, to make listening more tolerable.
  2. Good mid-range
  3. Good resolution and instrument separation
Headphones that I'm currently investigating are:
  1. Phillips Fidelio X1
  2. Grado's (the most commonly recommended for the genres that I listen to)
  3. Ultrasone's (information on these headphones would be much appreciated)
  4. Shure SRH 1840 (open)
  5. Shure SRH 1540 (closed)
  6. Focal's maybe (any information on these would be appreciated)
  7. Sennheiser HD-25
Unfortunately in the city I live in (Brisbane,Australia) there aren't many stores that I know of, that  let you audition these types of headphones. So I have to base my purchase decision almost solely on reviews and advice form internet forums.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long-winded post
Aug 19, 2014 at 12:05 PM Post #2 of 4
found that headphones that are darker sounding, with an emphasis on bass and mid range are preferable to someone who listens to predominately metal and rock genres. I understand that many people on this forum prefer headphones that are the antithesis to this, like the Sennheiser HD series as they sound better with genres that have better recorded music.

I would expect the HD650 to be a little bit darker than the M50, although I have never compared them directly. You might ask in the HD650 thread:

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