Meze 99 Classics Discussion + Impressions Thread
Apr 17, 2018 at 11:17 AM Post #3,856 of 7,712
I don't like the way the earpads put pressure on the ears. For longer duration of use, I actually find the LCD-3 more comfortable, despite the much greater weight, because the earpads go around the ears.

The Brainwavz Sheepskin Memory Foam pads definitely help in this regard. There's been lots of pad swapping in this thread and others have a preference for different pads but there are alternatives :)
Apr 17, 2018 at 12:53 PM Post #3,857 of 7,712
Slightly OT - but have ordered some 12 Classics today, for when I'm out walking. Looking forward to them! I do a little recording (nothing flash, audiobook type stuff, stories for the grandkids etc) and usually have my HD650s connected to the Focusrite interface when recording (I know, opens, whatever) - tried the 99 classics this week for the fun of it and vastly prefer them for that too! dammit. I now have to keep unplugging them from the main system.
Still got my eye on the LCD2Classics as the likely next phones at a semi-sensible price.. though I keep looking at refurb LCD-X too.. still want a decent DAP too.. omg will this ever end...
Apr 17, 2018 at 12:59 PM Post #3,858 of 7,712
Apr 17, 2018 at 1:53 PM Post #3,859 of 7,712
Slightly OT - but have ordered some 12 Classics today, for when I'm out walking. Looking forward to them! I do a little recording (nothing flash, audiobook type stuff, stories for the grandkids etc) and usually have my HD650s connected to the Focusrite interface when recording (I know, opens, whatever) - tried the 99 classics this week for the fun of it and vastly prefer them for that too! dammit. I now have to keep unplugging them from the main system.
Still got my eye on the LCD2Classics as the likely next phones at a semi-sensible price.. though I keep looking at refurb LCD-X too.. still want a decent DAP too.. omg will this ever end...
Apr 17, 2018 at 2:08 PM Post #3,860 of 7,712
I don't like the way the earpads put pressure on the ears. For longer duration of use, I actually find the LCD-3 more comfortable, despite the much greater weight, because the earpads go around the ears.
As BigTim said, Sheepskin Brainwavz Ovals. Love them on mine.
Apr 17, 2018 at 2:42 PM Post #3,861 of 7,712
Classics 12 are great too!!! Amazing value for money. For 24£ more than the soundmagic e10c they are on the law of ...increasing returns .

With the included memory foam tip I have the illusion that it sounds like an open headphone...
Apr 17, 2018 at 2:53 PM Post #3,862 of 7,712
Classics 12 are great too!!! Amazing value for money. For 24£ more than the soundmagic e10c they are on the law of ...increasing returns .

With the included memory foam tip I have the illusion that it sounds like an open headphone...
I have hiby r6 with 99c they sound great, at the begining wad too analitical but hoby burned in and noe its wonderfull!!! Got mine from indiego for 400 eur
Apr 17, 2018 at 3:29 PM Post #3,863 of 7,712
Some further impressions (based on my ears and preferences):

- Classic 99 is much better than the M50X. The M50X sounds comparatively scooped, and buzzy on the high end.

- Classic 99 is better than the R70X (which is open back, and about the same price). R70X was the best headphone I had heard under $750 until I heard the Classic 99. The Classic 99 has a bit less control of bass and slightly smaller stage, but more accurate mids and smoother highs. Detail of both is similar.

- Not surprisingly, the LCD-3 has significantly better sound quality than the Classic 99. While the signatures have similar warmth in terms of lack of timidity of bass and roll-off of highs, the LCD-3 has much better shape and control of bass, smoother overall, more detail, more realism, and bigger stage. But the comparison isn't fair at all, since the LCD-3 is more than 6X the price, open back, heavy, and requires much more power to drive (Classic 99 is among the most efficient headphones I've run across, but does sound better with a better DAC/amp - I've tried the iPhone, DF Red, Mojo, and Hugo 2).

If I needed a closed-back and my budget was say $500 or even maybe $750, I'd gladly buy the Classic 99 and consider it an excellent value. I'm actually looking for good closed-back, and my budget is more like $2K, but I may still buy the Classic 99 anyway.

i have the akg k872 and the t5p mkII for testing right now. you should give both a try. like them much better than lcd-xc. still have to try the sony z1r. from what i read, it could be my endgme closed back, as i am more into smooth, rich sound with huge out of the head projection. which the beyer and the akg deliver as i never heard bevore from a closed back, but maybe the sony miight be even better in this regard.
Apr 17, 2018 at 8:41 PM Post #3,866 of 7,712
i have the akg k872 and the t5p mkII for testing right now. you should give both a try. like them much better than lcd-xc. still have to try the sony z1r. from what i read, it could be my endgme closed back, as i am more into smooth, rich sound with huge out of the head projection. which the beyer and the akg deliver as i never heard bevore from a closed back, but maybe the sony miight be even better in this regard.

Thanks, will do. We seem to have a similar preference on sound signature.
Apr 17, 2018 at 9:08 PM Post #3,867 of 7,712
Spoke with David again today, ordered the Meze connectors for $25 shipped to him. A customer decided to cancel their ViaBlue EPC-4 Silver cable when it was 85% completed, so he's giving it to me for a slight discount, just needs to swap on Meze connectors
Apr 17, 2018 at 10:31 PM Post #3,868 of 7,712
Put the earpads under books for 2 days and the sound didn't change, but they also don't seem like they broke in at all.... I'll try using the bigger pads for a couple months to manually break them in but if that doesn't work, I might just put the PSB pads back on for the reduced mid-bass, though the comfort isn't as good.
Apr 17, 2018 at 10:59 PM Post #3,869 of 7,712
This may sound silly, but put the pads in your pants pockets (preferably tight jeans) and go about your business for a couple of days. Brute pressure alone won't break in the pads, whereas heat and mechanical motion does wonders.

Apr 18, 2018 at 1:42 AM Post #3,870 of 7,712
Anyone have some original small pads for the meze 99 classics, I will gladly take them off your hands...

I bought these after watching reviews saying how amazingly balanced they were. Little did I know the pads were changed and now I basically have V-moda m100s. I sold my V-moda m100s to get something more balanced. Dissapointing :c

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