Need a good MP3 player for use on-the-move and commuting under 100 pounds
Feb 19, 2012 at 4:36 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 30, 2011
Hello everyone!
I need a new MP3 player since my old Philips player just died. Although it wasn't very good in SQ, I would like to get something better.
As the title says i would like it to be under 100 pounds (~135 $ i think). 
I saw a lot of positive reviews about the Sansa clip+, but i would like one with a pretty big screen. Not huge, mind you, but good in the price limit. This is because i would also like to watch some videos while i'm commuting (~4 hours betwenn the university and my home, pretty boring), not HQ, but good enough so the time will pass.
If you don't mind posting some good online retailers i would be very gratefull, other than bestbuy and amazon i don't really know any others that are good. But they have to ship in Europe.
I mostly listen to rock music, and an EQ i don't think is a necessity, but it would be pretty good to have.
Feb 19, 2012 at 4:48 PM Post #3 of 16
Well there are a few i'd recommend for you:
Meizu Mini Player 4 gigs Decent screen, not big, decent storage, but not great.
Sony NWZ-S616F - Bigger screen, 4 gigs
Samsung T10 - 4 gigs, decent screen
SanDisk Sansa Fuze - Wider screen, 4 gigs
Creative Zen - Best out of these for movies, smooth, 4 gigs
Creative Zen V Plus - phone like screen, 4 gigs
Feb 20, 2012 at 2:11 AM Post #5 of 16
there's teh fuze and clip+ which is a budget favorite here. expandable storage if i remember correctly
anyway..i came as i thought we were going back into teh stone ages.... a portable setup that weighs less than 100 in changes your thinking and makes u think ur the only people on earth o_o 

Feb 20, 2012 at 3:34 AM Post #6 of 16

there's teh fuze and clip+ which is a budget favorite here. expandable storage if i remember correctly
anyway..i came as i thought we were going back into teh stone ages.... a portable setup that weighs less than 100 in changes your thinking and makes u think ur the only people on earth o_o 

Say wutttttt?? I don't understand what do you mean in the bolded part.
Anyway the Sansa Fuze (without +) seems to be my best option, does anyone know where can i get it? At an online retailer I mean (must ship in Europe).
Feb 20, 2012 at 9:47 AM Post #12 of 16

I still don't understand what was your point... OFC i need something that weighs less than 50kg...

I would hope you would want to go substantially under 50kgs. You can get a Philips GoGear Muse for under $100 from Amazon here at 8GB, or just over $100 for 16GB. I have heard mixed feelings about the reliability, but that they sound good, and the new Muse is a beautiful player if you ask me. I almost bought one for that reason alone.
Feb 20, 2012 at 10:44 AM Post #13 of 16

Oh now i get it... This english language...
About the Cowon C2, i dunno what to say about the screen... It seems pretty fragile.

The screen is OK.
It is resistive and not as responsive as the capacitive screen of the iPhone or even the Cowon J3.
But it is not fragile and with good care it will last long enough!
Feb 20, 2012 at 10:44 AM Post #14 of 16

I would hope you would want to go substantially under 50kgs. You can get a Philips GoGear Muse for under $100 from Amazon here at 8GB, or just over $100 for 16GB. I have heard mixed feelings about the reliability, but that they sound good, and the new Muse is a beautiful player if you ask me. I almost bought one for that reason alone.

I really couldn't care less about how it looks... I would even buy a hifiman DAP if I had the money...
Also i don't think philips players are that good. I had an old philips, but i am looking for an upgrade, not something similar.
Feb 25, 2012 at 12:33 AM Post #15 of 16
Coming from a Sansa c250v1 (retired, now used as a headphone burn-in tool) and (soon-to-be-former) Zune 80gb user:
Go grab the Fuze - not the Fuze+, as it is a COMPLETELY different model; take note of the appended + on it. Put that baby on MSC mode, install RockBox on it, add a 32gb microSDHC card and drag-and-drop your favorite songs to it.

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