NEED HELP: Replacement Earpads for Plantronics Backbeat Pro (1st Gen)
Feb 28, 2017 at 6:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 18, 2010
Hey everyone, got those great sleeper Bluetooth headphones, the mighty Backbeat Pros. Matched them last year against contenders from B&O (H8), AKG, Sony, etc. all 4 - 5 times their price, and the Backbeats blew them all away overall. Had never even heard of them before doing that.

Sadly, the headphones are still going strong but one earpad has split. Plantronics in their infinite wisdom does NOT offer any replacements, (nor replacement batteries). And so far I haven't found any third parties who do, either.

Can someone please help? I'd be happy to pay one of our mighty custom earpad dudes on head-fi who could fashion me new pads, or, get them from a third-party manufacturer if someone can find me one. And, a replacement battery would be cool too.

Thanks so much. Really, really bummed about this. I use them every day.

P.S. Yes, I would simply sew them, but they're vinyl and would simply fall apart if I tried.
Feb 28, 2017 at 10:25 AM Post #2 of 12
Vesperaudio sells hand-crafted, customizable earpads for numerous headphones including the BackBeat Pros, yay.
Here's their site:
And they have a head-fi account as well:
As for the battery, I'm not sure, I haven't heard/seen anyone replacing them 
Feb 28, 2017 at 12:58 PM Post #6 of 12
I would have to agree 
. For $60 more I can already purchase a BackBeat Pro 2 with the money I have for the BackBeat Pro 1.
Alternatively, there are some listings on the original pads on ebay, they go for around $20+ but honestly if I would pay that much for the same pads, I'll probably purchase the Vesperaudio ones, at least it's customized and uses good material.
I have a question though, what's your ear height? Because mine's at at 2.6in and I'm worried it might be too small or uncomfortable. My ear isn't protruding as well.
That's the only thing bothering me at the moment before purchasing the BackBeats. If I don't purchase it, I'll probably go with the Sennheiser HD 598cs.
Feb 28, 2017 at 1:15 PM Post #7 of 12
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I was thinking; for the money, just buy a new one.  Also in my town is a shoe repair guy (remember those?).  Maybe he can just repair it somehow.  He's a miracle worker with shoes and backpacks.
Seriously?  eBay has 'em?  I'm on my way right now! Thanks again!  (Can't believe I didn't think of that; maybe they have batteries too).  
I don't know my ear height, but I can say that both my head and my ears tend to definitely run on the large side.  I'm wearing some cheap cans I use for my PC and Xbox (because of oversaturation in games) and they're definitely too small, even at the largest setting.  The Audio Technica M50 is also just barely large enough to cover my ears.  But the Backbeats fit great, and stay comfortable all day long.  I just LOVE those headphones.  
Sure, there are cans that sound better: I have some AKG K712 and B&O H6, but as for sheer convenience nothing beats the Backbeats, so I tend to use those most of the time. They blow my old top of the line Sony Bluetooth cans as well: in sound, battery time, charge time, range (awesome), features, ease of accessing the features while they're on your head, and responsiveness to EQing.  I can't recommend them enough.  
My friends have the new 'Backbeat Pro 2' version, and he loves it too.  I have no idea what the difference is between 1 and 2, though.  I'd be thrilled with another pair of 1st Gen if it came down to it.
Feb 28, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #8 of 12
Ugh.  I checked some sellers on eBay.  The positive reviews are, well, positive.  But there are plenty of negative reviews too, and they're all the worst kind: didn't fit, cheaply made, didn't arrive, etc.  Bleh.  Maybe better to just pay the price for the good ones if I can't get them repaired.
Feb 28, 2017 at 2:19 PM Post #9 of 12
Haha I remember those guys, they do a mean stitch when it comes down to it.
I can't thank you enough for the assurance! I bought the Plantronics BackBeat Pro immediately after reading your post (since there's only 15pcs left) and I think $120 was a good price for it. This will be my first real headphones so I don't know what to expect which in itself is very exciting. Best part is that I haven't heard any good wired headphones so I won't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
I agree so much on the wire as well! I have a few OCD tendencies and one of them is constantly hitting and feeling that wire. Also, I'll be using these headphones where I could usually hear dogs from different houses, crickets, pedestal fan, my brother using his phone so I really think I would benefit from the ANC. Some people might deem it trivial but wires are a big nuance for me and I would trade in better sound quality for a good sounding wire-free headphones any day of the week.
I've done quite a bit of research on the Pro 2 but couldn't really see a massive difference (judging by the reviews that is). Usually the most common thing I see/hear about those reviews are just its difference in weight, earpad and overall look (that it isn't bulky anymore). Sound quality wise, some of them claim they sound better but to degrees I don't know, they were really vague. I think I remember a toned down bass as well compared to the Pro 1.
Yeah I was very skeptical on eBay as well. I agree, I would do the same thing and purchase the Vesperaudios if mine were to break at some point. Just looking at those perfectly placed leather, it gives me goosebumps.
Mar 1, 2017 at 11:31 AM Post #10 of 12
$120 is an awesome price, so I hope you really enjoy them.  On their own, I would say they are excellent sounding headphones, and very durably made (except the pads, ha ha!)  I've dropped mine numerous times (sadly), but they keep working fine.  But as Bluetooth headphones, there's nothing better.  Soundwise, the B&O H8 sounded better, but what to expect at 5 times the price?!  And the H8 were extremely delicate.  I imagine one drop, and they're toast.  Plus, the H8 constantly dropped the Bluetooth signal, even with the phone in my pocket, a meter away!  I went online and found out that it's a common problem.  The Backbeats never drop the signal, even when I go outside or in another room 50ft. away.  The AKG Bluetooth's also sounded better (the best of them all, IMO, but I love AKGs), but the features on that model were nonexistent.  Sound + features + durability + EQing + price = Backbeats hands down, no competition.
The only glitch is the headphone sensor thing: the feature that supposedly turns them off when you take them off your head, then turns them back on when you put them on your head.  It tends to work the opposite, actually.  My friend has the Pro 2, and it works the opposite for him too.  So I turned them off fairly quickly after I bought them.  It's all good to me, because the large center button on the left earcup pauses/restarts the music, allowing you to just do it manually.
It also has a great feature where, even if connected to a Bluetooth device, if you put them down for a while they will go into standby mode to protect the battery.  All you do when you put them back on, is hit the center button on the right earcup.  Then it will instantly reconnect, and you can push the left button to restart your tunes.  Nice!  That way you don't have to turn them on/off with the switch if you're using them all day, but have to take them off to do things.
Finally, that you can't replace the battery worries me.  But so far, no issues.  I charge them once a week, usually, and I use them every day and all day on weekends if I'm home.  Not bad!  I use them with noise cancellation on, as it sounds better than with them off, amazingly, (as most cans it's the opposite).  And the noise cancellation works extremely well.  So well, that when I pause the music, I often just leave the headphones on as I live in a small apartment so I can concentrate better on what I'm doing.
And don't forget, that you can attach a wire too (comes with it) if you need to.  Though I have the same problems you do.  I have some awesome headphones for the gym, but they're wired.  The cable tends to stick to me when I exercise, of course, and is such an extreme hassle.  But they play loud music at the gym, and my headphones are the best in the world for noise isolation.  Haven't found anything that can replace them.  :frowning2:
Well, it is bulky; but I wonder if "less bulky" means "less durable."  That would not be good.  Mine are built like a tank, which is good.  As for the bass, they are really sensitive to EQ settings on your player.  I use Poweramp with Android, which has a 10-band EQ that is really excellent.  I drop the #2 slider way down and the headphones sound perfect.
Vesper wrote me today, and yes, those pads sound heavenly.  But I have to do some kind of DIY gluing the pads to the base ring of the old pads.  Sounds easy, I know, but I am simply hopeless at these things.  Not really excited about that.  Again, when I'm desperate I'll go to my shoe repair dude and see what he can do, if anything.  For now, Scotch Tape sounds pretty good, ha ha ha!
Mar 2, 2017 at 10:54 AM Post #11 of 12
Bad news, I cancelled my order
. I simply couldn't do it, this is fairly large money for me to spend on headphones and I wanted it to be perfect. I couldn't risk me getting uncomfortable. The Parrot Zik that I wore barely held my ear inside and it's 2cm taller than the Plantronics after I asked their dimensions. After some serious meditation (lol, but yeah it was pretty intense), I've came into an agreement with myself that I would rather have wires with comfortable headphones that entirely goes around my ears than wireless headphones that would most likely fit 3/4 of my ear and the rest of the padding to rest on my ear lobe.
But I do plan to purchase the Plantronics after 2-3 months because I would still be needing bt headphones for other things as well such as leisure time, doing chores and vacations just not my daily driver I guess. Thank you again for your very well detailed input on every aspect of the Plantronics BackBeat Pro!
About gluing, yeah, I feel the exact same way! I have this uneasy feeling that I probably did something wrong and that would haunt me every time I'm using it. I found another company that creates earpads but sadly they don't have the Plantronics but I talked to them and they seem interested in making them in the future. I'll be sure to give you a message if ever you still haven't fully replaced the earpads.
Mar 2, 2017 at 2:08 PM Post #12 of 12
Well, I get that you need headphones that fit.  That's important.  The Backbeats fit me great, but for example, not as "perfect" as my AKGs.  But it's good enough that I can wear them literally all day with little need for a break.  
However, as to what you said, I would definitely second the convenience.  I originally bought them as a nice "second" to my usual pair, the H6 and K712.  I used those at home mostly, and my ER-4 at the gym.  All great cans, obviously.  But in time, I started using my cheap Panasonics when commuting, because I didn't want to have to pay Etymotic $125 plus shipping charges every time a cable got crimped or snapped on my ER-4.  And I needed something "convenient" at home, when I did chores (exactly!), etc., or when having a few beers in the summer on my balcony, that didn't mean I was carrying my phone in my pocket with a wire attached to it.  Or, sitting in one place with an amp attached to it (K712).  
Very, very quickly I'm a bit ashamed to say, my Panasonics and my Backbeats became the headphones I listen to 99.9% of the time, I must say.  Do they sound better than my other 3 headphones?  No way.  But they sound great!  And convenience simply has won out over sound.  And after several pair of Panasonics biting the dust while commuting (exgirlfriend sat on one when we were kissing in the park, for example... nice, huh?), I don't regret my decision on retiring my Etymotics except at the gym.
All this to say, you won't be sorry when you finally grab a pair.  And earlobes or not, you may find yourself listening to them more often than you expected. :wink:

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