New Astell&Kern CA1000T impressions thread.
May 4, 2023 at 5:14 PM Post #76 of 123
Anybody tried an Abyss Diana TC with this? I'm wondering if there's enough power.
Nope, but I would be interested in your opinion on the pairing / synergy between HE1000SE and the CA1000T
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May 4, 2023 at 8:26 PM Post #77 of 123
Nope, but I would be interested in your opinion on the pairing / synergy between HE1000SE and the CA1000T
I actually like it more than I thought I would. I had a Wells audio Dragon level 2 that I thought was phenomenal but this isn't a huge drop off. Amazing for such a little device.
May 11, 2023 at 9:44 AM Post #78 of 123
Not sure. I had asked and was told it is possible it could come to the CA1000T at some point, but there is no definite plan or ETA at the moment.
Any change in this area? :)
May 11, 2023 at 9:47 AM Post #79 of 123
I actually like it more than I thought I would. I had a Wells audio Dragon level 2 that I thought was phenomenal but this isn't a huge drop off. Amazing for such a little device.
I am actually quite suprised how well the CA1000t pairs with both my Focal Stellia (+Meze PCUHD Silver Cable) and my Hifiman HE1000SE (+Meze PCUHD Copper Cable) ... Different characters but both have an amazing synergy with the CA1000T
May 11, 2023 at 10:22 AM Post #81 of 123
Quick update from my post on pages 3/4. I was having issues with the 1.06 update. My music was so muffled when streaming from the unit that it was unusable. I reset the unit a couple times to no avail. When the 1.10 update came out, I installed it and the unit is fixed! We're back to normal and the unit is working and sounding great again 👍🏼
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Jun 28, 2023 at 4:10 PM Post #83 of 123
Jun 28, 2023 at 4:12 PM Post #84 of 123
Looks like many sells this quickly after purchase - what is most disappointed with?
It's a beautiful sounding brick. I thought about trading mine for a a more portable DAP but I love the CA1000T. It definitely pairs well with all my IEMs. I just power it on and let it play music all day while I work.
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Jun 28, 2023 at 4:17 PM Post #85 of 123
Looks like many sells this quickly after purchase - what is most disappointed with?
I had issues for a week or so with muffled sound, but a software update fixed that. The UI can be a bit slow sometimes, but I have no other complaints! I used to own a Pontus II and Soloist 3XGT, and my CA1000T replaced them. The Pontus/Soloist has an edge in sound quality, but not by a lot, and this is FAR more versatile. I don't think I'll ever sell mine. I owned 2 of these at one point, so you might have seen my listing before.
Jun 28, 2023 at 9:29 PM Post #86 of 123
I think most of the listings are for the ca1000 and not this version.
Jul 8, 2023 at 6:43 AM Post #89 of 123
Need your help, I can't decide what the best sound will be in case if I love treble.
- a&k acro ca1000t
- a&k sp2000
- fiio m17
- ibasso dx320
I listen always from the iem, right now Unique Melody mest mk2, in future hope to get Noble Viking Ragnar.
I don't care about portable or desktop, only the clear and bright sound on treble.
Jul 9, 2023 at 5:12 PM Post #90 of 123
Not sure. I had asked and was told it is possible it could come to the CA1000T at some point, but there is no definite plan or ETA at the moment.


Perhaps we could ask that again? this missing the new Crimson UI is the reason preventing me from buying this product, which otherwise fits my needs perfectly.

Could you check if there is any update on this, and perhaps a timeline for this to trickle down tot his product?


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