Please help, $300 - $400 open back recommendations.
Apr 10, 2013 at 3:36 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12
Apr 10, 2013
I'm new :)
Currently looking for $300 - $400 (no stretching price) open back fun. I listen to EVERYTHING. I want as wide a range music and movie headphone as I can get.
ATM I Have:
Sennheiser 598
Topping TP41 amp
HRT music streamer II dac
ATM I am looking to only try another headphone. I love clarity. Sound stage is nice as an extra. 
Have tried:
Grado 60's. - Fun, but piercing highs, and seemed to really be good for rock and not much else. Really liked that 'sitting with the band' sensation. Hurt the wear, probably wouldn't go Grado again.
AKG Q702 - Seemed very precise and revealing, although my experience at the time was tainted by not having an amp, so they sounded very 'far away' or 'thin' I guess. How much muscle do these really take to drive? Would my amp do it? I'm pretty much amp stupid at the moment. 
My current Sennheiser 598 - Really like them, they are bouncy and fun sounding. Very comfortable. While I like them, I do miss the clarity of other headphones. I want something different. I'm sure you understand.
Looking at:
HiFiMan HE-400 - Are they too heavy? I see reviews that talk about bass bass bass and not much else. I'm not a big basshead. Are they uncomfortable. To be blunt, they look uncomfortable.
Beyer DT880 (probably the 250ohm?) - Some reports of fatigue in the highs, but overwhelmingly positive reviews otherwise.
Senns HD600 - How much more clear/detailed are these than the 598? I like Sennheiser but don't want to be stuck with that 'I coulda had a falcon' style regret for not getting something different.
Other recommendations?
I live in rural south carolina, and have no local stores to try headphones at, so I'm entirely dependant on internet word of mouth and return policies from web stores (who should I buy from?) 
Apr 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM Post #2 of 12
I had the senn Hd 595, so I don´t know how different these to are, but if there are only somewhat close, I can tell you that the HE-400 is an fantastic upgrade. The only other headphone from the list that i listened to are the Q702, and although they are nice for some genres, I would considere them to be outperformed by both the HE-400 and the HD 600 (at least from what I read about the latter one).
I don´t have the HE-400 verly long, so I don´t want to comment to much on their sound ( not even proberly burnt in yet) but I listened to different types of music and like them with pretty much everything.
Also i think here is a nice review that seems to hit the spot on the improtant parts:
Apr 10, 2013 at 6:54 PM Post #3 of 12
Did you ever try the AUdio Technica AD series?
I personally have the HD598, but the AD(900) trounce them in clarity and sound stage... if that's what you are looking for. They are not bass heavy at all but for the 2 other caracteristics you won't get anything better unless you pay 1000 dollars...
Apr 11, 2013 at 12:07 AM Post #5 of 12
I have the HD 518 and the HD 600 so I can give you some information.
I know the HD 518 has more bass than the 598 but they share the same driver just different housing.
Let's just say I prefer the HD 600.
First thing I noticed was more treble, but it took a while to get used to of it because my 518 have a big treble drop at around 10khz while the HD 600 plays those treble frequency louder. Wow I noticed how much treble detail the 518 where hiding from me the 10khz frequency is important for bring out the female vocals gives it an airy sound as its the next octave. After getting used to of the treble I noticed how neutral the headphone was, it seem like what I was looking for in sound signature.
Sound Stage, it has more sound stage vocals/mids and upper mids are closer to you, while treble and bass are farther away makes things sound live. I'll say its still laid back but less laid back then my 518, but because of the contrast of forward mids and laid back treble and bass it seems to have a large sound stage. You'll notice layers of music, music that comes closer and farther away.
Imaging, things sounds like how they should sound, a violin sounds like a violin, drums sound like drums it does timber and tones very well.
Bass it has a tad less bass but, it has cleaner and deeper hitting bass.
needs a good amp that goes well with it though.
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:48 AM Post #7 of 12
Another vote here for the HE-400. I have a very wide range of genres in my library, and the HE-400 sounds great with each one. Stand out genres are of course EDM, Rap/Hip-hop, Jazz, epic soundtrack, and rock. 
Everyone raves about the bass because they simply have the best bass you can buy at this price point, or even double this price point. That's not to say the midrange or treble is lacking. Mids are very smooth and revealing, although upper mids are a little recessed but once you get used to the sound sig it won't bother you at all. Treble is very detailed, although there is a small spike which some find bothersome, but to me not at all.
About the weight, it's not a problem for me, i can wear them for hours and be just fine.
Apr 11, 2013 at 4:25 AM Post #8 of 12
Another vote here for the HE-400. I have a very wide range of genres in my library, and the HE-400 sounds great with each one. Stand out genres are of course EDM, Rap/Hip-hop, Jazz, epic soundtrack, and rock. 
Everyone raves about the bass because they simply have the best bass you can buy at this price point, or even double this price point. That's not to say the midrange or treble is lacking. Mids are very smooth and revealing, although upper mids are a little recessed but once you get used to the sound sig it won't bother you at all. Treble is very detailed, although there is a small spike which some find bothersome, but to me not at all.
About the weight, it's not a problem for me, i can wear them for hours and be just fine.

I'll add another vote for the HE-400's as well.  Although I found the treble spike bothersome, I thought it was a fantastic headphone.  I especially enjoyed it when watching movies. 
Apr 11, 2013 at 6:57 AM Post #9 of 12
Apr 11, 2013 at 1:43 PM Post #11 of 12
for me they are slightly less comfortble than the senns, but that mostly comes from the pleather pads. They are heavyer so they might fell less comfortable, but i think the headband is broad enough to distribute they weight nicely
Apr 11, 2013 at 2:48 PM Post #12 of 12
Didn't read everything, but I would just like to let you know that HE-400 is quite laid back. As for ear-piercing Grados, if you get higher model with L-Coushin , tape mod solves treble issue and makes them great headphones. I listen to pop/dance/rock/metal... lot of stuff.
Grado SR225i with tape mode, love them :) (unlistenable without tape mode... to me at least)


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