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Feb 17, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #24,571 of 24,687
the artful dodger 2023 disney+

this cheeky period piece meshing the art of gambling to the art of surgery, with a betting and inebriated audience, is the perfect tootable series. 4 out of 5 puffs for the seamstresses / seamster steady hands.
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Feb 17, 2024 at 4:36 PM Post #24,573 of 24,687
Can't wait for this one.

Mar 1, 2024 at 10:21 PM Post #24,576 of 24,687
Dune 2 - A good movie, but it's not really Dune that I know from the book. The first movie stuck to the story pretty well. I mean Dune 2 follows the story, like an outline - the Roman numeral main points - but the A. 1. a. detail parts... not so much. I'd say the first 75% of the movie has maybe 92% dialog and 70% of the scenes didn't come from the book - which I have read and re-read a number of times over about 50 years.

But like I said, it's a good movie. It kept moving, some of the special effects were very nice. If you saw Dune from a couple of years ago, by all means go see it.

I'll hold the spoilers.
Mar 1, 2024 at 10:42 PM Post #24,577 of 24,687
Dune 2 - A good movie, but it's not really Dune that I know from the book. The first movie stuck to the story pretty well. I mean Dune 2 follows the story, like an outline - the Roman numeral main points - but the A. 1. a. detail parts... not so much. I'd say the first 75% of the movie has maybe 92% dialog and 70% of the scenes didn't come from the book - which I have read and re-read a number of times over about 50 years.

But like I said, it's a good movie. It kept moving, some of the special effects were very nice. If you saw Dune from a couple of years ago, by all means go see it.

I'll hold the spoilers.
I was highly dissappointed with Dune part 2.

I haven't read the books so I don't know how accurate it is in that regard but I loved the original Dune movie with Kyle Mclaughlin the movie was more eye candy than anything else. Eye candy with little substance.

The movie spent so much time building up the characters but nothing really came of it. Very poor utilization of great acting talent, Stellan Skarsgard, Christopher walken, and Dave Bautista, over inflated focus on the minor character Feyd, poor storytelling in general.

Half of the movie was basically showing off the cgi scenery and could have been at least 30 mins shorter by removing unnecessary footage.
Mar 1, 2024 at 11:00 PM Post #24,578 of 24,687
I was highly dissappointed with Dune part 2.

I haven't read the books so I don't know how accurate it is in that regard but I loved the original Dune movie with Kyle Mclaughlin the movie was more eye candy than anything else. Eye candy with little substance.

The movie spent so much time building up the characters but nothing really came of it. Very poor utilization of great acting talent, Stellan Skarsgard, Christopher walken, and Dave Bautista, over inflated focus on the minor character Feyd, poor storytelling in general.

Half of the movie was basically showing off the cgi scenery and could have been at least 30 mins shorter by removing unnecessary footage.
Speaking of the Kyle Maclachlen version, I thought the Emperor should look like that, act dignified - or like the King in Branaughs Henry V. The casting of Walken to me was akin to having DeNiro play some perfect diction Shakespeare actor.

Feyd does get some time in the book, but I am sick of movies where they want to indicate a bad guy is a sociopath when they go ahead and kill people for essentially nothing - its flea bitten shorthand.

I hold with those that say that Dune cannot be filmed - between the 3 movies combined I suppose the technical side was served - but the politics and inner dialog in the book hasn't been served yet, and the plan for a Dune 3 where our hero attempts to stop the jihad he fears isn't nearly the draw that the 1st book has which is a classic action driven story with a pile of backstory.

Minor Spoilers: The indicated split w Chani is false - they tossed that in to add a faux personal battle to liven up D 3. My biggest issue was that in the first movie they did a decent job of the backwards and forwards visions - much less, and repeat visions in D 2 and they didn't show the most meaningful ones - at all, so Paul's intensity of purpose has much less of a basis.
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Mar 1, 2024 at 11:06 PM Post #24,579 of 24,687
Speaking of the Kyle Maclachlen version, I thought the Emperor should look like that, act dignified - or like the King in Branaughs Henry V. The casting of Walken to me was akin to having DeNiro play some perfect diction Shakespeare actor.

Feyd does get some time in the book, but I am sick of movies where they want to indicate a bad guy is a sociopath when they go ahead and kill people for essentially nothing - its flea bitten shorthand.

I hold with those that say that Dune cannot be filmed - between the 3 movies combined I suppose the technical side was served - but the politics and inner dialog in the book hasn't been served yet, and the plan for a Dune 3 where our hero attempts to stop the jihad he fears isn't nearly the draw that the 1st book has which is a classic action driven story with a pile of backstory.

My biggest issue was that in the first movie they did a decent job of the backwards and forwards visions - much less, and repeat visions in D 2 and they didn't show the most meaningful ones - at all.
Part 2 left the story unfinished and large opening for a Part 3 but I think that'll be the end of this version. Theres too many high profile actors that won't be involved with this project beyond this point.

This won't be the last iteration of this adaptation, I can foresee them remaking it again.

Perhaps it would have been better made as a miniseries with David Benioff and DB Weiss at the helm.
Mar 2, 2024 at 1:09 AM Post #24,580 of 24,687
American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders - 9/10

You know a documentary is good when you're glued to the TV screen for a full FOUR hours in one sitting starting at 2am!
This one takes awhile to get going at first. I would have given it a 10 if it wasn't for a big let down towards the end.
I hope more people and journalists out there take up risky research like this.
There is so much suppressed history out there that they don't want people to not look into.
Journalists are afraid to look into it and it would never be in the history books.
I personally don't believe in many conspiracy theories.
Some info in the past 6 months made me question them though.
Sometimes the "official statement" of historical events are not the full truth and you have to find it yourself.
It's out there if you try. I think they hide the whole truth.

Einstein and the Bomb - 9/10

Made me do a lot of thinking and I realize I had known nothing about Einstein at all.
Don't hate me, but I enjoy this 10x more than Oppenheimer.
It was over way too fast though and this one does feel more like a documentary rather than a regular movie.

Marcel The Shell with Shoes on - 4/10

Heard over and over from people how good this was. My reaction was just "What the heck did I just watch?".
I guess it's just not for me.

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick - 10/10

One of the most mind blowing documentaries i've seen in my life.
I suggest not watching it unless you want to question a lot of what you've been taught.
I simply told myself that none of this nonsense was true until I did my own research.
You would have to spend dozens of hours just to fact check every section of this movie.
OK, yes, some of it is probably non-sense, but what shocked me the most is how some American corporations helped fund the Nazi war machine. Not just a little.
Car companies, banks, shipping companies, oil companies etc. Even Henry Ford, GM etc.

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Mar 2, 2024 at 5:16 AM Post #24,581 of 24,687
Lastly seen this one :



Somehow had high expectations, maybe due to the fact that I quite enjoyed the first two - liked the action and simple story. But I just couldn't really get into this one, it felt like quality-wise this last opus was below the other ones, even though it's not "that" bad.
Mar 2, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #24,582 of 24,687
one of my fav stories. Just got reminded. Probably watch this today

This is very interesting about the author and how the book was released. The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel by S.E. Hinton published in 1967 by Viking Press. Hinton started writing the novel when she was 15 and wrote the bulk of it when she was 16 and a junior in high school.[1] Hinton was 18 when the book was published.
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Mar 2, 2024 at 6:05 PM Post #24,583 of 24,687
Spaceman - 8.5/10

New Netflix Sci-Fi movie with Adam Sandler in a serious role.
I probably wouldn't have watched this if it wasn't for it having the same director as Chernobyl (Johan Renck).
This one is pretty slow going through the whole movie. I didn't mind and I enjoyed it.
I imagine a lot of people would turn it off within the first hour.
It's a bit weird too.

I also watched Apollo 13 last night too. One of my all time favorites. 10/10 for that for sure.

PS another good sci-fi movie I can suggest is the Danny Boyle film "Sunshine".

In my top 3 for Sci-Fi films are Interstellar and Contact. Contact is a film that somehow improved even further after a dozen or more viewings.
How does that happen?! I wish they had a sequel or related film.
Don't laugh, but I also love Independence Day. One of my favorite films. It's one of the stupidest movies ever made, but I never get sick of it!
I can't take it seriously for a second though.
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Mar 10, 2024 at 12:09 AM Post #24,585 of 24,687
Queenpins - 7/10

This is about a group of 2 female couponers who decide to get rich off selling stolen coupons for a profit.
It's based on a true story and they made up to 40 million I think.
I actually thought the scenes with Ken played by Paul Walter Hauser were pretty funny.
Reminds me of my old retail bosses that take their job 10 times more seriously than required.

Beethoven - 7.5/10

I was having a bad day and picked this at random on Netflix. Glad I did because I laughed a lot.
Gave me some nostalgia from when I first saw this at 12. I'm now 44!
As you may know, this is about a family who adopts a Saint Bernard puppy and it grows up to be a massive dog.

Harriet - 6.5/10

Movie about Harriet Tubman. It's not bad. The first half was the best and then it went downhill a little.
I still remember the days when they read a book about her to us in library class back in the 80s.
Do they still teach students about slavery? I don't remember them teaching us a thing about that in Michigan schools in the 80s.
We had a whitewashed version of Native American history, plus they still taught students about the Holocaust.
I was fortunate to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" at an early age, which some politicians want to ban from some public schools. Crazy.

PS did you know that some corporations profit off of free prison labor? Lots of food companies. I wonder which ones.
This should be illegal. I personally hate the idea behind for profit prisons.

The Guns of Navarone - 10/10

One of my all time favorite movies. Based on a true story. Actually, no it's all made up. The guns, people and locations are all fiction.
It's pretty "gung-ho" and it's main characters are really cold blood killers who will do anything to get the job done.
Actually, it feels like a GI-JO type movie, but I view it as a popcorn flick.
I also love "Where Eagles Dare". I'm honestly so tired of war and war movies right now.
One amazing WW1 and WWII era documentary series i've found on Youtube is called "Empire of Lies".
The person who made it did he research by looking up old news articles. There is so much "hidden" history about there.

BTW when my dad was a kid he'd see this several times per day when it was in theaters in 1961.

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